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U.S. military successfully tests hypersonic flying bomb


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U.S. military successfully tests hypersonic flying bomb

2011-11-18 18:37:06 GMT+7 (ICT)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- The United States on early Thursday morning successfully tested a hypersonic aircraft which will allow the U.S. military to strike targets anywhere in the world within an hour, the Pentagon confirmed on Friday.

The Pentagon said the Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW) glide vehicle was launched from the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai County, Hawaii at 1.30 a.m. local time on Thursday. It later hit its target, the Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll, in the Pacific Ocean.

"The objective of the test is to collect data on hypersonic boost-glide technologies and test range performance for long-range atmospheric flight," the Pentagon said in a statement. "Mission emphasis is aerodynamics; navigation, guidance, and control; and thermal protection technologies."

The Pentagon said a three-stage booster system launched the AHW glide vehicle and successfully deployed it on the desired flight trajectory. "The vehicle flew a non-ballistic glide trajectory at hypersonic speed to the planned impact location at the Reagan Test Site," it said. "Space, air, sea, and ground platforms collected vehicle performance data during all phases of flight."

The AHW program is managed by the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command and is part of the "Prompt Global Strike" program. The program will allow the U.S. military to deliver a precise weapon strike anywhere in the world in less than 60 minutes.

On August 11, the U.S. military unsuccessfully launched the Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2) from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The HTV is part of the "Prompt Global Strike" program but has a larger reach than the AHW.

Contact with the HTV-2 was lost after an Air Force Minotaur IV rocket inserted it into the desired trajectory. Separation of the vehicle was confirmed by a rocket cam and the aircraft transitioned to Mach 20 (15,200 miles or 24,500 kilometers per hour) before it failed.

The prototype HTV-2 aircraft had its first test flight on April 22, 2010, when telemetry assets also experienced a loss of signal from the aircraft. The Pentagon has invested nearly $240 million in the "Prompt Global Strike" program this year, including some $69 million for Thursday's test.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-18

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*edited out*

With overpopulation creeping onward, there are various ways in which a natural planetary balance will be somewhat enacted. Besides diseases, land losses, inclement weather, and economic woes, there is the continual threat of war. We're not much different than colonies of ants, are we? One difference, ants don't kill each other for differences in opinion.

If a war happened btwn US and China now, it would last a week and US would prevail. Twenty or more years from now, can't say what the scenario would be.

The spark would probably be Taiwan. Currently there are about 1,600 Chinese missiles aimed at Taiwan. The other spark could be Tibet, if their plans for independence gain traction and other countries stand by them - though it's more likely China will implodes when its own people get sufficiently fed up with its mean-spirited gov't. Most likely, China will be undone via internal uprisings, which is how it has happened there many times in its past history. Then Tibet could possibly break away.

Though I'm an American, I'm not proud of the missile. Two main reasons: The Pentagon always overspends, no matter what it does. 2nd reason: lower tech weapons are often more effective than high tech weapons. Just one of 1000's of examples: the scores of US marines who were killed in Beirut during Reagan's time, were killed by a truck packed with explosives. Another example: A multi-billion $ US aircraft carrier could be put out of commission by one hand grenade or a liter of epoxy glue - strategically placed on its launch rail.

Edited by maidu
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The new system and platform are absolutely necessary.

I'd recommend reading the speech by the recently retired Defense Minister of the PRC, Gen Chi Hotian, entitled "War Is Not Far From Us and Is the Midwife of the Chinese Century." (The link is below. I'd originally posted too much of the speech, so in respect to proper practices, I quote a small part of Gen Chi's notorious speech and provide the link to the Epoch Times newspaper, which is published in 17 languages globally and online.)

In his speech Gen Chi discusses using biological warfare to surprise attack and conquer the United States, without the destruction of it by nuclear weapons. The aim of the PRC is to colonize the United States and require the rest of the world to submit to colonization by the CCP-PRC. Gen Chi says: "It is indeed brutal to kill one or two hundred million Americans. But that is the only path that will secure a Chinese century, a century in which the CCP leads the world. Biological weapons are unprecedented in their ruthlessness, but if the Americans do not die then the Chinese have to die. If the Chinese people are strapped to the present land, a total societal collapse is bound to take place."

Here's the excellent link to the awful truth about China and the CCP leading it to, in the Nazi German word, "lebensraum", i.e., global "living space." http://en.epochtimes...-8-8/31055.html

Edited by Publicus
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Aside from the obvious stupidity of undertakings such as these at this point in time........

The Pentagon has invested nearly $240 million in the "Prompt Global Strike" program this year, including some $69 million for Thursday's test.

Would anyone be gullible enough to believe the program costs $240 million this year (which is almost over)

Yet the single day test costs $69 million

The $240M is surely understated.

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What an appalling waste of money, in a year when many thousands of Americans have lost their homes.

No kidding & especially when you consider the US already has enough weaponry to destroy the earth a thousand times.

Yet I guess they needed something that could destroy at X times the speed of sound?

Government gone wild.....

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The US spends $150 million/year just to maintain its aging nuclear arsenal.

A modest library could be built and stocked for $12,500. What's better, 12,000 new libraries or maintaining nuclear weapons that even Obama and his generals agree should be destroyed?

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What an appalling waste of money, in a year when many thousands of Americans have lost their homes.

No kidding & especially when you consider the US already has enough weaponry to destroy the earth a thousand times.

Yet I guess they needed something that could destroy at X times the speed of sound?

Government gone wild.....

With the up coming misle defence shield and this; it's mean a new era of American and European safety and dominance possibly.

Debt? Maybe they don't give a <deleted> coz they can force every Asian countries to buy their bonds for hardly any return coz if they don't they could destroy them with no come back.; that and rob up any resources they like world wide, as can b seen today.

I'd rather b under an American empire than a Chinese one! Of course if the British had kept the empire the world would of been much better more peacefull place by now


Or of course the economic house of cards could come tumbling down any month now inwich case those with strong millitaries will still come out in better shape

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*edited out*

With overpopulation creeping onward, there are various ways in which a natural planetary balance will be somewhat enacted. Besides diseases, land losses, inclement weather, and economic woes, there is the continual threat of war. We're not much different than colonies of ants, are we? One difference, ants don't kill each other for differences in opinion.

If a war happened btwn US and China now, it would last a week and US would prevail. Twenty or more years from now, can't say what the scenario would be.

The spark would probably be Taiwan. Currently there are about 1,600 Chinese missiles aimed at Taiwan. The other spark could be Tibet, if their plans for independence gain traction and other countries stand by them - though it's more likely China will implodes when its own people get sufficiently fed up with its mean-spirited gov't. Most likely, China will be undone via internal uprisings, which is how it has happened there many times in its past history. Then Tibet could possibly break away.

Though I'm an American, I'm not proud of the missile. Two main reasons: The Pentagon always overspends, no matter what it does. 2nd reason: lower tech weapons are often more effective than high tech weapons. Just one of 1000's of examples: the scores of US marines who were killed in Beirut during Reagan's time, were killed by a truck packed with explosives. Another example: A multi-billion $ US aircraft carrier could be put out of commission by one hand grenade or a liter of epoxy glue - strategically placed on its launch rail.

I doubt Taiwan and even less Tibet will be the flash point of any near future conflicts. The Spratly Islands and the billions of bbls of oil and gas in the South China Sea is a must for China.

Remember how casual the US-Vietnam war started when a few naval patrol boats was attacked? Same thing could easily happen with China and Vietnam or The Philippines. China is fast building up a blue sea navy.

Please give me just ONE single example where a major military power has NOT gone to war. Just one please. With the rate China is building up military power, they will be at war within the next 20 years. It could be in our region, Laos, Burma, South China Sea, even defending mining interest in Africa, but I don't see a major US (or Russian) involvement.

You want to be liberated? Who better to do that, than the Peoples Liberation Army?

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What an appalling waste of money, in a year when many thousands of Americans have lost their homes.

A lot of useful technology comes from military and space research. I'd rather have my tax dollars spent on this hypersonic weaponry than pay the mortgage of someone who had no business buying a house in the first place. Nor would I want my tax dollars to go help someone pay for their new 80" LCD TD that they couldn't afford.

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A series of off-topic, argumentative posts have been removed. Please re-read the OP and stay on the topic.

A large number of topics come through on the World News, I am sure there will be one that will allow you to express your opinion in the proper context.

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Sure America has enemies, mostly of its own making. one Chinese general makes a speech and you panic, its just posturing, bluster that's what generals do.

The military industrial complex has to have enemy's to justify its

theft of tax $$$.

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What an appalling waste of money, in a year when many thousands of Americans have lost their homes.

No kidding & especially when you consider the US already has enough weaponry to destroy the earth a thousand times.

Yet I guess they needed something that could destroy at X times the speed of sound?

Government gone wild.....

Well now they can destroy it quicker.

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*edited out*

With overpopulation creeping onward, there are various ways in which a natural planetary balance will be somewhat enacted. Besides diseases, land losses, inclement weather, and economic woes, there is the continual threat of war. We're not much different than colonies of ants, are we? One difference, ants don't kill each other for differences in opinion.

If a war happened btwn US and China now, it would last a week and US would prevail. Twenty or more years from now, can't say what the scenario would be.

The spark would probably be Taiwan. Currently there are about 1,600 Chinese missiles aimed at Taiwan. The other spark could be Tibet, if their plans for independence gain traction and other countries stand by them - though it's more likely China will implodes when its own people get sufficiently fed up with its mean-spirited gov't. Most likely, China will be undone via internal uprisings, which is how it has happened there many times in its past history. Then Tibet could possibly break away.

Though I'm an American, I'm not proud of the missile. Two main reasons: The Pentagon always overspends, no matter what it does. 2nd reason: lower tech weapons are often more effective than high tech weapons. Just one of 1000's of examples: the scores of US marines who were killed in Beirut during Reagan's time, were killed by a truck packed with explosives. Another example: A multi-billion $ US aircraft carrier could be put out of commission by one hand grenade or a liter of epoxy glue - strategically placed on its launch rail.

The thing is it's precisely technology like this that will always ensure there is a favorable gap between us and any nemesis we may have so little will change in 20 years in terms of lost technological advantage as the Russians found out..

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