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Change Of Pace: What Do You Like / Love About Thailand?


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I hope we can have just a positive thread here; there are so many negative ones. Of course, you are entitled to do what you want ... but, I would really appreciate it if the thrust of the posts are of a positive nature.

I sometimes feel that there are reasons to complain about things here in Thailand that I disagree with, but I am still of the mindset (and will always strive to hold onto it) that it's quite healthy to also express positive things I come across in this country.

One of the many things I love about Thailand and the Thais is their simplicity. Thais, by and large, seem to enjoy and even often choose (even those with the option not to) living what I will call 'simple' lives. The focus is often on inter-personal relationships, simple pleasures and not rushing through our 'short' lives. It's a refreshing change from the 'rat race' that I came from in the US, and, there is almost a transcendent maturity to be satisfied with a life lived in this way.

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My lawnmower needs a spot weld: here I get it done in the village for 20 baht. Back in the US, I'd probably buy a new one.

TV broke? Fix it for a few hundred baht instead of buying a new one.

Self-service gas? What's that?

Live in maid and gardener.....never in my wildest dreams back in the US!!

Walk into the dentist....no appointment....get teeth cleaned for 500 baht.

Go to a park and buy a coke or a plate of food for the same price as outside the park. Try that at Disneyland!

Subsidized diesel and kitchen gas.

Buying beef/pork from a butcher.

Tip as you please, if you please.

Ultra cheap veggies....or as my wife likes to say, what kind of veggies can you buy for $0.30 in a US supermarket?

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OK, so none of us can deny the cost factor here. That's certainly part of the reason I'm here starting a business. It's a place I can save for 1 year back home in the US and live comfortably for 5 here without further income while working on my goals.

I too love much of the food and the cost of it as well.

EDIT: And, although I'm married, yes, the girls are rather above average on the whole.

Edited by ThailandMan
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Good thread, all credit to the OP.

Of course I wouldnt have joined this excellent community if I didnt like Thailand but here are my top three reasons for loving Thailand.

1. Thai People. I was once in KFC in Chiang Mai and sat down with my Wife. We ordered and started eating our junk food. Two student girls were staring at us througout our meal. Where I come from we consider that rude, (Manchester btw). So I stared back, a little annoyed. One girl stood up and walked towards us, I thought, "what the bloddy hell does she want . . . money or something". She said to me "Mister, sorry for disturbing you, my friend is 19 years old today and we have bought her a cake. There two much for us to eat and we would like to invite you share some with us. We dont have much money and didnt want to throw it away, we are happy to share with you. Please both of you join and tell us where your from"

My worldview changed that day from being a Brit abroad to being more open minded. We still send letters back and forth to the girls, both are now teachers at high schools.

2. The Weather. Apart from March - April 2011, we usually get pretty good weather when we visit and I do appreciate good weather.

3. The cost of living We have seen the pound buy less than we used to, but you can still get a good feed for your money. The Shangri La Hotel in Chiang Mai do a world class buffet for less than 1000 baht per person (around £20), very nice indeed.

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1. Thai People. I was once in KFC in Chiang Mai and sat down with my Wife. We ordered and started eating our junk food. Two student girls were staring at us througout our meal. Where I come from we consider that rude, (Manchester btw). So I stared back, a little annoyed. One girl stood up and walked towards us, I thought, "what the bloddy hell does she want . . . money or something". She said to me "Mister, sorry for disturbing you, my friend is 19 years old today and we have bought her a cake. There two much for us to eat and we would like to invite you share some with us. We dont have much money and didnt want to throw it away, we are happy to share with you. Please both of you join and tell us where your from"

My worldview changed that day from being a Brit abroad to being more open minded. We still send letters back and forth to the girls, both are now teachers at high schools.


That summarizes it for me as well.

I think everyone who feels truly at home here has many of those little anecdotes that underscore what a magnificent places this is.

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Being able to get to get good, delicious, affordable food at ANY time of the day or night...and a million other little things.

What a refreshingly positive little thread this is.....

I feel like breaking into a song...

you gotta accentuate the positive....

eliminate the negative...

latch on to the affirmative and

don't mess with Mr. In-between....no, don't mess with Mr. In-between!

Excuse me, but it's lunchtime on Silom Rd. and I think I'll just pop out for some duck noodle soup and enjoy the passing parade!

Have a nice day everyone!

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Car wash 100 baht haircut 100 baht, Mc Donalds whippy ice cream 7 baht ( out of stock currently due to flooding) Fuel half Uk Price Car though is now cheaper to buy in the UK, scenery, cheap pizza, cheap scooters, Its cheap!!

Dont like the people much at all

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got to 13 posts! Looks like it's fizzled out, though :huh:

Until you gave it a bump it did.

Shame really, perhaps if someone mentions bar girls it will get far more posts. :ph34r:

There's a positive thing about Thailand............BAR GIRLS.

Edited by lovelaos
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Got to 13 posts! Looks like it's fizzled out, though :huh:

Until you gave it a bump it did.

Shame really, perhaps if someone mentions bar girls it will get far more posts. :ph34r:

There's a positive thing about Thailand............BAR GIRLS.


How about: it's near to Laos? :D

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Love the food and the fact that I can live a much better lifestyle here than at home, there is no way I could afford a condo in the city and a house in the country with my own gym in the garden, that just wouldn't be possible, and the fact that our only house bill is electricity, no stupid taxes etc. and if I want to build something else, no planning permission needed. The fact that where I live here has the same sense of community that used to exist in the UK but disappeared after the second world war. Everyone helps each other out here without asking for anything in return.

Clean fresh air and a perfect view of the stars at night when lying in my hammock with a cold beer.

It's never cold, even though the locals have winter coats on now I am still in shorts and T shirt, love the weather.

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I think what is often seen as negative is that there are things we see which we would like to change, maybe to our advantage also for the thias advantage but they dont see it because they ssee a the world a different way to us guests. We have seen other ways of doing things and can, therefore, judge which we think is the best, most thais have not had this experience. We are lucky to be able to have that thought process.

Yes I like the slower pace here. like the food, the thias ( if they are not driving!) they are a nice freindly people by and large, some of the beaches are stunning. Like the climate but not the floods, like the prices mostly although some seem well over the top ( vehicles and some electrical products ) but you know nowhere is tops for everything if it were it would be chocker block with people, so I take the small bit of rough with a large amount of smooth and enjoy my time here, there are a few things I do miss from back home but not enough to make me think of going back so no regrets about choosing to come and spend the rest of my life here and thanks for the thais for letting me. Please can I have a free visa for life :jap:

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Slower pace of life, simplicity, easy-going friendly locals, general politeness of people (I'm from the UK, it's a novelty to me), respect for the elderly, great service wherever you go, warm winters, great food, no "elf and safety" stupid rules, no political correctness (that I can see), walk-in health care of very high quality at a reasonable cost, high standard of education, streets much safer than my home country, low cost of living.

Edited by TingTawng
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Slower pace of life, simplicity, easy-going friendly locals, general politeness of people (I'm from the UK, it's a novelty to me), respect for the elderly, great service wherever you go, warm winters, great food, no "elf and safety" stupid rules, no political correctness (that I can see), walk-in health care of very high quality at a reasonable cost, high standard of education, streets much safer than my home country, low cost of living.

Good points ( I am from the England part pf the UK BTW) apart from education, that is sorely lacking IMHO. But you know life is good here and non of that H and S stupidness and plitical correctness.

I did not mention the girls did I, well I have the best in all Thailand, I feel like a King and can she cook egg and real chunky chips!!! No problems getting a bevy to toast the King either today.

I feel good about being here and I am happy to say that the locals seem to enjoy me being here with them as well.

I can watch cricket, football and Formula 1 on the computer, ride round the countryside on my bike, very very happy.

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I don't eat crap McD food but agree about other, particularly the people, (sigh) a beautiful country sadly cursed..

I Iike the weather and lively discussion forums!!

Car wash 100 baht haircut 100 baht, Mc Donalds whippy ice cream 7 baht ( out of stock currently due to flooding) Fuel half Uk Price Car though is now cheaper to buy in the UK, scenery, cheap pizza, cheap scooters, Its cheap!!

Dont like the people much at all

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Theyll fix anything if it breaks it doesnt get thrown away, try doing that in many farang countries.................looks like your going to need a whole new exhaust/tail pipe , here theyll weld a bit on. People will wait for hours if you get delayed and wont complain.

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Pretty much everything, few annoying lit bits but that was the same in the UK we can always find things not to our liking. I came here because I liked it and I like being treated like a superstar dont know about you! Life is good here so I wont be leaving anytime soon.

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