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Electronics Units In Thailand Considering To Relocate Due To Wage Hike, Floods


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Ahhhhhhhhwwww....will they not be making 10 Gazillion Dollars profit next year but only 9,5 due to the massive raise in wages?

It's really time to relocate!

Is there a place, where minimum wages are below 150 THB?

Where we can trample on the environment a little more, for less bribe money, so the "inspectors" look the other way?

Are there swampy wetlands elsewhere, where a flood normally runs out and just vanishes into the ground, that we could build a massive concrete structure on...and complain, if we get flooded again...although we bought the place for a handful of cash, got taxes lowered and...and...and...

If there is a parallel universe, these greedy b@stards would be hanging from a tree by their b@lls.

I agree it is just pure greed on behalf of these multinational companies. They would be using slave labour or child labour if they could find a country.

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Ahhhhhhhhwwww....will they not be making 10 Gazillion Dollars profit next year but only 9,5 due to the massive raise in wages?

It's really time to relocate!

Is there a place, where minimum wages are below 150 THB?

Where we can trample on the environment a little more, for less bribe money, so the "inspectors" look the other way?

Are there swampy wetlands elsewhere, where a flood normally runs out and just vanishes into the ground, that we could build a massive concrete structure on...and complain, if we get flooded again...although we bought the place for a handful of cash, got taxes lowered and...and...and...

If there is a parallel universe, these greedy b@stards would be hanging from a tree by their b@lls.

I agree it is just pure greed on behalf of these multinational companies. They would be using slave labour or child labour if they could find a country.

Now be fair ' SOME' of those Multinational companies.

Evil people running big or many small companies have the same effect.

All companies are designed to make a return on their investment,

but not all companies, large or small, are run but the totally amoral.

And there is a definite difference between hard nosed business sense

and amoral quest for profits regardless of who gets burned.

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Ahhhhhhhhwwww....will they not be making 10 Gazillion Dollars profit next year but only 9,5 due to the massive raise in wages?

It's really time to relocate!

Is there a place, where minimum wages are below 150 THB?

Where we can trample on the environment a little more, for less bribe money, so the "inspectors" look the other way?

Are there swampy wetlands elsewhere, where a flood normally runs out and just vanishes into the ground, that we could build a massive concrete structure on...and complain, if we get flooded again...although we bought the place for a handful of cash, got taxes lowered and...and...and...

If there is a parallel universe, these greedy b@stards would be hanging from a tree by their b@lls.


To companies who want to exploit workers for 80bht per day, let them move. They'll do it anyway. It's a race to the bottom.

Thailand has to take care of it's own. There are other reasons for companies to invest in a country besides having the lowest labor costs & Thailand must work on that.

Exploitation is exploitation. People, environmental, you name it.

it's all relative, 80bhat might sound low but a fish in cambodia might be 1/4 the price it is in Thailand, you cannot compare two different economies and make a judgement, thailand is becoming expensive to live and with the increase in minimum wage and the exodus of industries it will be heading on a spiral of inflation and continued price rises, all because of greedy corrupt politics and they now want to amend the contitution lol, be prepared for many turbulent years ahead, the only good thing is if inflation rises then the currency value drops and that means it's bad for thais but may in the end make no difference to falangs

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