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The Security At My Complex Are Racist And Hate Me

DJ Pat

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Two weeks ago I suspected something was up when the security guy who is stationed near to my apartment announced upon my asking that all motorbike taxis had ceased after 7pm.

Now, after having obtained taxis and bikes on an almost daily basis via the security guys radio (My complex consists of several apartment buildings with an entrance manned by security) I thought this was rather strange and I walked the 300 Metres to the entrance to find five motorbike taxis with smiling drivers.

Anyway this became a daily routine and I accepted that the security were just "f**kin with me" in order to have one over on the farang (I'm practically the only one who lives here bar an ancient German gay guy on the 8th floor) as they are poor uneducated guys with not much else for employment choice other than a motorbike taxi driver or gardener and me waltzing in and out with their native females often at all hours of the night probably made them jealous as hel_l because as you know, I only hit on pretty girls, not mingers in the vein of you-know-who.

The final straw was yesterday when during the afternoon I had to transport two (Thai) cousins, one with an annoying braced toothed GF, and lots of luggage and so proceeded to break my habit and ask security to send a bike out to obtain a taxi (20 Baht that is). "Mai mee" "Mai mee" was what was said to me despite my realtions attempts to ask him.

That was it, it was about 38 degrees in the afternoon and no way could I lug the bags all the way to the entrance (the cousins never help me, ever..think of Viz's "spoilt b*stard" character) so I stormed into the office of the complex and as I was told that the fat girl could speak english, I made sure first and it seemed passable, so I thought. She came outside and asked security why they were playing silly buggers and they replied quite honestly that they disapproved of my loud music, visiting females and taxi requests at 4am as well as having two 'young boys and a little girl' in tow on occasions.

What? they are intelligent enough to think? I effed and blinded to that fat woman saying that it was no way their business at all and that they should get over it as I am not moving any where in the near future and from now will never communicate with any security. The local gossip from other residents is bad enough (my USA educated neighbour is good to me and tells me as they ask her about me, the nosey b*ggers)

Know what the fat woman said to me after my tirade? She pointed to the girl with braces and asked me "that your girl friend?"

I finally got the taxi and didn't say another word. Just shook my head.

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Sounds to me like the security are spot on in thier behaviour.

You sound like just another whoremongering arrogant farang who thinks that Thai's should kiss his ass just because you have a few quid more than them.

Ever heard the saying "you reap what you sow" ????

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Sounds to me like the security are spot on in thier behaviour.

You sound like just another whoremongering arrogant farang who thinks that Thai's should kiss his ass just because you have a few quid more than them.

Ever heard the saying "you reap what you sow" ????

Nah matey, I'm not a whoremonger whatsoever. Far from it in fact.

And I'm only half farang too, the other half is Thai.

I'm just living my life, security are bored and want to have a bit of drama in their dull lives.

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:D As if the same Thais wouldn't expect their asses to be kissed in the same situation - give me a break :o I'm sure you are so much more morally righteous than the rest of us, Thaitripe/Thaipwriter.

DJ Pat: As you know, for the most part it's a society that is based on gossip and superficial judgements. Did they know that you were half Thai? I guess in way that would make it even worse, wouldn't it?

The funny thing is, why do many Thais suddenly become all judgemental and conscientous about "two boys and a girl" when it's perceived to be a farang, but child abuse is rampant throughout the Country?

Oh, because the media says so.

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I've seen your posts bragging about the many females you pick up from the Universities and now in this thread you seem to assume the security guards are jealous of you because of all the pretty girls you take home, how self centered?

I'm surprised you even fit inside your door with your head being that big, with the ego you own.

And you appear to be extremely shallow also which I might add isn't an attractive trait.

I'd take a very good assumption these security guards are just tired of you and your supersized ego.

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Did you ever hear that you get more flys with sugar ?

It sounds like your in deep now .

My security guards always give me the salute when entering or leavig and a big smile . It does help when I see them I give them a can of soda pop or give them the whole pack when they ask for a smoke . I woke up with a flat tire on my truck one morning and they were right there wanting to change the tire . I offered them some money and they refused .

It's probally because I treat them like people and not my servents .

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Yes, and I've had both experiences. Of course I treat them well - my father was a janitor and security guard, so I'm always good with the security guards and janitors wherever I go (which helped a lot when I was at university - the housekeepers and maintenence crew always hooked me up with extra storage :D

The issue in SEA I find, is that they can very quickly stick their nose in your personal business and make it their business. This becomes a problem to say the least when it happens to be where you live. Suddenly, my door staff starts sizing me up because of who I choose to befriend and bring to my house.

When I lived in Viet Nam for awhile, I had f*king flimsy, child-like male door security try to charge my boyfriend an entry fee so that he could come upstairs with me :o

edit - typo

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The funny thing is, why do many Thais suddenly become all judgemental and conscientous about "two boys and a girl" when it's perceived to be a farang, but child abuse is rampant throughout the Country?

Oh, because the media says so.

I didn't even think of that angle, and I've known those kids since they were in diapers, and I never thought that I would be percieved this way until recently.

But I don't give a sh*t about what they think really cos I if I did care, I'd be on their low level immedietly.

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Sounds to me like the security are spot on in thier behaviour.

You sound like just another whoremongering arrogant farang who thinks that Thai's should kiss his ass just because you have a few quid more than them.

Ever heard the saying "you reap what you sow" ????

How did you come to this conclusion genius? :o

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they are poor uneducated guys with not much else for employment choice other than a motorbike taxi driver or gardener and me waltzing in and out with their native females often at all hours of the night probably made them jealous as hel_l

Chuchok, This bit should help you conclude


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my 2 cents...

if you are single, you can go out with as many other single people as you want. that's the way buddha made us.

with that said.

I once experienced the same treatment as the OP. it occurred at an apartment complex near petchaburi soi 37. the name of the place was petchsiam apartments.

I lived at the place for about 2 years. the first year was ok. had no problems at all. then, all of a sudden, the security guards started giving me problems. and one day, my apartment was broken into. nothing was taken. but everything was turned over. I left shortly after that.

I'm not sure what caused the shift in their attitude. the only thing I could figure out was that whenever the security guards asked me where I was going in the morning, I never said I was going to work. ..my usual replies were

1) going to the gym,

2) going bowling,

3) getting something to eat,

4) visit a friend.

the place had a fat girl working in the manager's office. it was also located next to a muslim neighborhood where sermons were announced over the loudspeakers every morning.

personally, I liked the place. included cable tv, aircon, and they allowed you to get a dedicated phone line. for 3k baht a month, it was perfect for a single guy on a budget - which I am.

in all the places I've lived in over the years here in bangkok, this is the only one where I got attitude from the manager and the security guards.

...just one of those things.

move on - live and let live.

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I have never had a problem with security guards here in thailand - always have a friendly smile for them and if they ever ask where I am going - bi tinoon :o -

as for your motocy problem pat - why don't you get the phone number of one or two of them whom you trust to do the job and just ring them when you want them - I have my personal favourite in the moo barn I am living now - when I need a motocy I just ring - though I do pay an extra 3 baht compared to the locals to get to the main road - also if I want a taxi I just ring and the motocy rider goes out to the main road and selects for me a nice new taxi chekcs they will take me where I am going and brings it to my door for which I pay 20baht - problem solvered.

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