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Trinidad and Tobago PM says assassination plot foiled


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Trinidad and Tobago PM says assassination plot foiled

2011-11-25 22:36:47 GMT+7 (ICT)

PORT OF SPAIN (BNO NEWS) -- Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar on Thursday afternoon said authorities have thwarted an 'evil' plot by 'criminal elements' to assassinate her and members of her cabinet, but the opposition has criticized the lack of details.

Persad-Bissessar confirmed an assassination plot had been foiled by security forces during a news conference on Thursday evening, but gave no specific details. "As a result of their vigilance they have thwarted what was an evil, devious act of treason against the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago," she said.

Police Commissioner Dwayne Gibbs said 'about a dozen' people had been arrested, including police officers and service members. "In the interest of privacy of the individuals that have been picked up, I won't really talk about any particular individuals, but to confirm, yes, we have detained police officers and I believe some defense force members," he said.

Persad-Bissessar said it is 'disturbing' that security forces were involved in the alleged plot, but said she was not surprised. "For years we've been hearing about bad elements within the protective services, the law enforcement agencies," she said. "There are good human beings and bad human beings. So whether they are police officers or soldiers, whether they are reporters or journalists, there will be good human beings and not so good human beings. So nothing surprises me anymore."

But the lack of details was harshly criticized by the opposition as it comes just days before the state of emergency is due to end. The emergency was declared by Persad-Bissessar in August to counter a surge in violent crimes and is set to expire on December 5, but the opposition believes the government is seeking to extend it.

Opposition Senator Fitzgerald Hinds told state-run C TV that Persad-Bissessar's statement lacked details and the necessary information to substantiate the plot. "The prime minister's press conference today revealed nothing new to the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago," he said. "And therefore we continue to hold a view that in the absence of serious, specific information, this may be or may not be true. It may all be a figment of the prime minister's very colorful imagination. We do not know."

Basdeo Panday, who served as prime minister from November 1995 until December 2001, also questioned the announcement and said he never felt the need to publicize threats during his own term. "Why was this made public? Why couldn't it have been dealt with privately? What assistance do they want from the public?" he asked during an interview on local television.

Panday added: "When you make things public for which there is no need, one is tempted to be suspicious as to whether the press release, or whatever system they use, is genuine or not."

Persad-Bissessar, during Thursday's news conference, said there were no immediate discussions to reimpose a curfew after the discovery of the assassination plot. However, Persad-Bissessar said she would consult law enforcement agencies about whether to extend the state of emergency beyond December 5.

"The cowardly plots against me and the people's government serve only to strengthen my resolve and embolden efforts to eradicate this scourge from our society," Persad-Bissessar said. "For far too long these criminals have been allowed to flourish as the untouchables some with their sinister connections of legitimacy. The intense pressure brought to bear by our initiatives will be intensified and I will stop at nothing to return Trinidad and Tobago to the peaceful state we once enjoyed."

The prime minister of the Caribbean nation said the state of emergency is having a positive effect, as authorities claim 173 firearms and 13,183 rounds of ammunition have been seized. "One bullet, ladies and gentlemen, one life," she said. "I am told that one gun can 'take out' 20 people."

Persad-Bissessar added: "In this three month period my Government's focus has been on the protection of life and property. We have seized over 1.5 billion dollars in drugs, the largest single 'drug bust' worth over 55 million dollars. We are hurting them in their pockets."


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-11-25

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