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Does It Get Any Better Than This?


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The weather I mean.

At least where I am located in Bangkok the last two days have been absolutely delightful. Clear blue skies in the morning and afternoons, partly-cloudy mid-day, many stars visible at night. Below average temperatures, low humidity, cool refreshing breezes. I guess we should enjoy while we can.

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The 1st time in 5 years of living in Northern Isaan I have had woolies on 3 days in a row at this time of year, usually January. NOT complaining though, wonderful clear sunny weather. Must be bloody cold in the Chiang Mai area?

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Great weather in Bkk. Our temp gauge got down to 14 C. last night. Bordering on the same right now :o The only down side is this cold/virus doing its thing. Great to have no a/c, no fans and wearing blanket...almost like a Tasmanian summer...mild/temperate is the word I am thinking of :D

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Just returned from the 'cement swimming pond' and I swear the water was in the teens C! brrrrr :o Other than that (and a touch of non-avarian flu;) I absolutely LOVE this weather :D

What's the humidity in Bkk currently anyone?? Can't seem to find it on any of the weather sites.

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What's the humidity in Bkk currently anyone?? Can't seem to find it on any of the weather sites.

Based on the current temperature (27.3) and the current dew point temperature (17.6) currently on display here, the current relative humidity would be ~ 57%. The closer those two figures are to each other the higher the humidity until they equal each other, then the air is saturated, and the humidity is at 100% and we are all melting like the Wicked Witch of the West!

We like it when those two numbers are far apart. :o (But no so far apart that our skin dries and cracks, like my native region in the winter!)

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