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Annual Health Insurance Increase


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I purchased health insurance from what was Thaivisa Insurance last year. At the time they assured me that each year the cost would only increase "slightly" to account for inflation and that this plan was "governed by strict EU policies".

Just to note that i did not claim anything this year on the insurance, and also did not move up to the next age bracket (premiums increase at certain age milestones); however just got an email saying that my insurance premium next year is 17% higher!

I was expecting an inflationary increase of maybe 3-5%...but 17% is this kind of thing "normal"? When i had my previous Thai insurance (through AIA it didn't increase at all for the 3 years i had it)

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I thought group insurance was not based on your individual claims but on those of the group as a whole?

I don't understand the group thing either? Do you mean to say that if you purchase insurance through a broker, then if anyone else who also purchased from that broker makes a claim then your premium goes up too? That doesn't seem to make sense?

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I thought group insurance was not based on your individual claims but on those of the group as a whole?

I don't understand the group thing either? Do you mean to say that if you purchase insurance through a broker, then if anyone else who also purchased from that broker makes a claim then your premium goes up too? That doesn't seem to make sense?

Nothing to do with the broker. I think the Thai Visa Insurance is a group plan covering TV members who enroll.

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I think there are two different things afoot here... group policies and insurance brokers...

There are group policies, and then there are individual policies... I don't know which variety the former TV insurance was/is....

But buying a policy through a broker has nothing to do with whether the policy is group or individual. AFAIK, brokers can and do handle both kinds of policies.

I buy my Thai health insurance policy through a broker... But it's an individual policy, not a group policy at all.

By the way, at least for Thai insurance companies, their standard practice -- though they don't disclose this very well -- is to adjust/raise individual policy premiums each year if an individual policy holder has had certain levels of claims in the prior year.

So for an individual policy holder with a Thai health insurance company, your premiums can change based on:

1 -- annual cost of business/expense/claims changes, as determined by the company, which would apply equally to all policy holders.

2 -- the policy holder moving into a new age bracket with its own higher premium range, which would affect just that individual policy holder.

3 -- the policy holder having had enough claims paid in the prior year to cause the insurer to add on a premium surcharge just for that individual. I've had brokers in Thailand tell me the potential surcharges that some companies add on can range as much as 25 to 100%, depending on the prior years' claims.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You think 17% is bad - I've just been presented with an increase of 25%!

This is from April Mobilite, now called April International. It's a French company that provides an Asia Expat policy, tailored for expats in South East Asian countries. It seemed pretty good when I signed up last year--essentially $1 million coverage per year for around $1400.

But now it's shot up this ludicrous insupportable amount.

I intend to cancel and find another insurer, but really, 25% increase, how can reputable businesses try something like this on?

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You think 17% is bad - I've just been presented with an increase of 25%!

This is from April Mobilite, now called April International. It's a French company that provides an Asia Expat policy, tailored for expats in South East Asian countries. It seemed pretty good when I signed up last year--essentially $1 million coverage per year for around $1400.

But now it's shot up this ludicrous insupportable amount.

I intend to cancel and find another insurer, but really, 25% increase, how can reputable businesses try something like this on?

That's interesting as the company I was with (ACS) was also French based and geared to expats. I'm probably gonna switch to BUPA, right now they have the best option that i was able to find.

It's just crazy because at 25% increase in 10 years your premium would have gone from $1,400 to $13,038 (and that's not even considering your age increase yet). I also don't understand how companies can get away with it.

I'm guessing their game is to just try and hook you with low rates, increase the rates like crazy; then bring out a new plan with new name and slightly different options with lower rates and do it all over again with the next crop of unsuspecting punters.

Just don't listen to any agents that are spinning the "strictly governed policy" bull...

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You think 17% is bad - I've just been presented with an increase of 25%!

This is from April Mobilite, now called April International. It's a French company that provides an Asia Expat policy, tailored for expats in South East Asian countries. It seemed pretty good when I signed up last year--essentially $1 million coverage per year for around $1400.

But now it's shot up this ludicrous insupportable amount.

I intend to cancel and find another insurer, but really, 25% increase, how can reputable businesses try something like this on?

That's interesting as the company I was with (ACS) was also French based and geared to expats. I'm probably gonna switch to BUPA, right now they have the best option that i was able to find.

It's just crazy because at 25% increase in 10 years your premium would have gone from $1,400 to $13,038 (and that's not even considering your age increase yet). I also don't understand how companies can get away with it.

I'm guessing their game is to just try and hook you with low rates, increase the rates like crazy; then bring out a new plan with new name and slightly different options with lower rates and do it all over again with the next crop of unsuspecting punters.

Just don't listen to any agents that are spinning the "strictly governed policy" bull...

Yes I'm afraid this kind of statement probably isn't very trustworthy.

I am a little concerned that I have not had a reply to my email to April saying I want to cancel. One reading of the terms and conditions on the April insurance is suggesting to me the distinct possibility they will not cancel unless you give them notice two months before the renewal date.

It clearly says if you don't pay the premium they cancel the policy, but you still owe them the premium according to French law , and that they will use international debt collectors to recover it.

It is hard to see how this can be legal so I'm really hoping I've misunderstood.

I'm going to try to enlist my broker's help if I haven't heard from them soon, so I'll find out whether having a broker really is as advantageous in dealing with companies as they always claim.

Incidentally on hearing I was dissatisfied with the 25% increase from April, my broker recommended the insurance you have, ACS, but neglected to mention the crucial information, that I had to learn from this forum, that ACS had gone up a very large 17% this year!

You would think that would be a reason not to recommend it to someone who clearly wants a stable premium structure. I will clearly have to be a lot more sceptical about broker's advice in future.

Edited by partington
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