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Getting A Body Fat % Reading Done?


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Does anyone know of anywhere in Bangkok that will do a body fat level reading/measurement?

I don't need it done with scales but with calipres of something more accurate if possible.

I'm trying to lose fat and then once the fat is off add some muscle but I'd like to keep track of my body fat levels to make sure I'm not putting on fat again once my weight starts going up.

Also, does anyone know where they measure or calculate at what heart rate your body best burns fat at? This would be good to know I think so that cardio can be done at the most effective rate.


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I am sure any big gym or a fitness center can do what you want.

As for HR, keep it at 70-80% of the MAX for your age - that is a good fat burning zone. Try not too exceed that limit or you would get exhausted too early into your work out and won't burn as many calories as you would staying withing that limit.

And in case you didn't know the MAX for your age, it's 220 - your age so if you are 30 for example, your MAX is 190 and take 80% from there, you get 152.

This is a general guideline and each person is different so start with that and adjust to how you feel. I am 33 and can go at 160-170 BPM for over an hour, I usually get fed up with doing cardio for that long before I get exhausted.

Another thing - don't expect to start dropping fat in a first month or so, if you haven't beed in gym for a while, you will initially drop some but then if will be really slow process so don't get discouraged by that, keep on with your cardio and don't forget to adjust your diet accordingly.

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A lot of gyms only have scales which in my opinion are useless.

In fact recently I got an appraisal of my body fat at Fitness First by a so called expert who reckoned it was 28 percent using scales.

Howeve I got the Bio impedence test done a few months before and it measured 21 percent.

Bio impedence test measures fat by running electrical impulses thru your body. It is very accurate.

Calipers are good if you can find someone who knows how to use them but generally it is hard to find anyone with any expertise using them.

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