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If Thai Public Schools Taught As Well As They Inforced Haircuts


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My 14 yr old boy [along with half the other boys in his class] got the 'chop' where the teacher cut an ugly swath on his head to indicate that he needs a haircut. The boy's hair was already cut closer than a 'military boot camp haircut'.....but not short enough for 'the Thai system' of raising little shaved haired robots. To make the situation worse, his school holiday will start in 2 days.

If the thais focused as much on education as they do on appearance, then Thailand would have a lot of smart kids instead of robots that are afraid to think outside of the box!!

Sorry.....my little rant of the day.

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what about cutting a swath on the teachers back?

The teacher probably doesn't have enough hormones to grow hair on his back....

And yes, it is a form of abuse/assault..but TIT

And yes, some dicipline is good for kids, but the thai system is way over the top and bordering on a military prep school. Uniforms, haircut regs, etc, but no attempt to have them think outside the box.

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i would never allow a Tahi teacher to assault my children!:realangry:

More to the point i would never allow my children to be in the position to be assaulted by Thai teachers!

The option would be to keep them at home.

Home school until 5 and then pay for them to be educated outside Thailand or go back to the UK and pay for them to be educated there.

We have a duty to give our children the best start in life possible and that does not include a Thai education.

Lots of things in Thailand are wonderful but the education system is not one of them.

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what about cutting a swath on the teachers back?

The teacher probably doesn't have enough hormones to grow hair on his back....

And yes, it is a form of abuse/assault..but TIT

And yes, some dicipline is good for kids, but the thai system is way over the top and bordering on a military prep school. Uniforms, haircut regs, etc, but no attempt to have them think outside the box.

Think outside the box ,What like half the morons who come out of the state schools in Britain?

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i like it because that way you know exactly which farangs to avoid, those with kids in public school that is(have to be a drunk that hate his kids, even if you're poor anyone can afford a semi private thai school for like 5k per month).

Also hilarious to see 15 year old katoeys in dress on their motorbikes during the weekend sporting that ugly haircut, its still not enough to make them wear an helmet though :blink:.

Edited by thaiIand
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Pity some English schools did not force some discipline, its not about a hair cut its about self esteem, So its not just Thailand, look at the UK all the education you can get up till you are 16 then you can get paid to go to Collage, and some are still leaving that cannot read or write.

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My 14 yr old boy [along with half the other boys in his class] got the 'chop' where the teacher cut an ugly swath on his head to indicate that he needs a haircut. The boy's hair was already cut closer than a 'military boot camp haircut'.....but not short enough for 'the Thai system' of raising little shaved haired robots. To make the situation worse, his school holiday will start in 2 days.

If the thais focused as much on education as they do on appearance, then Thailand would have a lot of smart kids instead of robots that are afraid to think outside of the box!!

Sorry.....my little rant of the day.

If your government had focused enough on education then you'd know how to spell 'enforce' and you'd be able to read the forum rules and presumably comprehend them well enough not to make generalisations about Thais.

Interesting how the majority of TVers grew up in the long-haired robot days of the west spouting peace and love (though you sound younger than the average on TV), and have become predictably robotic grumpy old men, as any random sample of general forum threads will show.

Sorry to hear about yr son's tonsure though, I can imagine how annoying that could be. Have a good evening.

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The Thai Teachers have the authority to cut the hair of boy children after they have been told, also they can cut girls hair, thats the Thai system if you live in Thailand you have to abide by Thai rules.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Look on the bright side,it's only 20 baht for a haircut for the nippers and 40 for the old man,while I agree that similar rules should be enforced in the UK,I could imagine the uproar it would cause due to the fact most people couldn't actually afford to do it on such a regular basis.


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Pity some English schools did not force some discipline, its not about a hair cut its about self esteem, So its not just Thailand, look at the UK all the education you can get up till you are 16 then you can get paid to go to Collage, and some are still leaving that cannot read or write.

Exactly,pity half the EuropeaNS THAT WASH UP ON THESE SHORES DID NOT HAVE A LITTLE MORE DISCIPLINE WHEN THEY WERE IN SCHOOL .Also my son has had an excelant education here at a private school ,,is polite, reads and writes in Thai and English and is a credit to his mum and i .

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Pity some English schools did not force some discipline, its not about a hair cut its about self esteem, So its not just Thailand, look at the UK all the education you can get up till you are 16 then you can get paid to go to Collage, and some are still leaving that cannot read or write.

Exactly,pity half the EuropeaNS THAT WASH UP ON THESE SHORES DID NOT HAVE A LITTLE MORE DISCIPLINE WHEN THEY WERE IN SCHOOL .Also my son has had an excelant education here at a private school ,,is polite, reads and writes in Thai and English and is a credit to his mum and i .

Good for you credit to you and your child, Maybe you child wants to learn, not like some UK children who disrupt classes and quote there rights to the teacher, what the teacher can do and not do. As said its only a hair cut, but its more than that, its about discipline and respect,

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Pity some English schools did not force some discipline, its not about a hair cut its about self esteem, So its not just Thailand, look at the UK all the education you can get up till you are 16 then you can get paid to go to Collage, and some are still leaving that cannot read or write.

rolleyes.gif Amusing spread of artwork though that may be you are correct. I blame the parents however. How and why so many allow their kids to run amok in a situation where you have so many opportunities is amazing.

At least in Thailand the whisky is cheap and offers some excuse for lazy parenting.

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Pity some English schools did not force some discipline, its not about a hair cut its about self esteem, So its not just Thailand, look at the UK all the education you can get up till you are 16 then you can get paid to go to Collage, and some are still leaving that cannot read or write.

Exactly,pity half the EuropeaNS THAT WASH UP ON THESE SHORES DID NOT HAVE A LITTLE MORE DISCIPLINE WHEN THEY WERE IN SCHOOL .Also my son has had an excelant education here at a private school ,,is polite, reads and writes in Thai and English and is a credit to his mum and i .

Good for you credit to you and your child, Maybe you child wants to learn, not like some UK children who disrupt classes and quote there rights to the teacher, what the teacher can do and not do. As said its only a hair cut, but its more than that, its about discipline and respect,

And both of you are an example of when the UK education system was better ? :whistling:

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Pity some English schools did not force some discipline, its not about a hair cut its about self esteem, So its not just Thailand, look at the UK all the education you can get up till you are 16 then you can get paid to go to Collage, and some are still leaving that cannot read or write.

Exactly,pity half the EuropeaNS THAT WASH UP ON THESE SHORES DID NOT HAVE A LITTLE MORE DISCIPLINE WHEN THEY WERE IN SCHOOL .Also my son has had an excelant education here at a private school ,,is polite, reads and writes in Thai and English and is a credit to his mum and i .

Good for you credit to you and your child, Maybe you child wants to learn, not like some UK children who disrupt classes and quote there rights to the teacher, what the teacher can do and not do. As said its only a hair cut, but its more than that, its about discipline and respect,

And both of you are an example of when the UK education system was better ? :whistling:

example of when condoms break :ermm:

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Pity some English schools did not force some discipline, its not about a hair cut its about self esteem, So its not just Thailand, look at the UK all the education you can get up till you are 16 then you can get paid to go to Collage, and some are still leaving that cannot read or write.

Exactly,pity half the EuropeaNS THAT WASH UP ON THESE SHORES DID NOT HAVE A LITTLE MORE DISCIPLINE WHEN THEY WERE IN SCHOOL .Also my son has had an excelant education here at a private school ,,is polite, reads and writes in Thai and English and is a credit to his mum and i .

Good for you credit to you and your child, Maybe you child wants to learn, not like some UK children who disrupt classes and quote there rights to the teacher, what the teacher can do and not do. As said its only a hair cut, but its more than that, its about discipline and respect,

Like there are not any problems in Thai schools. :D Discipline and respect does not make an education system, desirable though it may be. And you pay in the UK to go to Collage (sic).

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When I was a kid, we had to wear an uniform at school. There were rules for everything and the head master was standing at the entrance door sending home the kids who were not dressed properly We were there to study, the fact there was no competition to wear the latest designer jacket or bag was a good thing IMO.

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this is where the main core of the problems in thailand should be taught,most dont now the diff.between right and wrong,the dangers in every day life,wether its on the roads,food,disaplin,respect your elders,they just dont even respect their parents anymore,there is no self respect,how many times do you pass a crowd of students and observe what their antics are,you hear the boys talking like cats,you must think what the hell are todays generation are being taught,we have over the past month seen people get angry regarding the floods,coruption is rife hard working people dont understand its their livelyhood thats being eroded,.its going to take a long time to try and get things put right,china is going forward,india is trying to do the same,back in the eighties i new farangs that were teaching english just to stay in the country some of them were as thick as planks,so until the education is overalled nothing will change.oh my spelling needs to improve thats my valley education i am afraid its to late now you know

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this is where the main core of the problems in thailand should be taught,most dont now the diff.between right and wrong,the dangers in every day life,wether its on the roads,food,disaplin,respect your elders,they just dont even respect their parents anymore,there is no self respect,how many times do you pass a crowd of students and observe what their antics are,you hear the boys talking like cats,you must think what the hell are todays generation are being taught,we have over the past month seen people get angry regarding the floods,coruption is rife hard working people dont understand its their livelyhood thats being eroded,.its going to take a long time to try and get things put right,china is going forward,india is trying to do the same,back in the eighties i new farangs that were teaching english just to stay in the country some of them were as thick as planks,so until the education is overalled nothing will change.oh my spelling needs to improve thats my valley education i am afraid its to late now you know

Kids today - they're all the same

All call themselves - some crazy name

All those drugs - they can't be sane

All that noise - affects their brains

And it's such a crime

How they waste their time

They can't get nowwhere

They've all gone beat crazy

Beat crazy

They say the world - is in a mess

But they can talk - the way they dress

Can't get no jobs - can't get no careers....

And if the russians ever come

They’ll all be beating bongo drums

So who’ll defend - in world war iii

Where could we turn - where would they be


Edited by JurgenG
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The rules were in place waaaay before your kid even borned. Why are you sending your kid to a cheap public school, if you don't like the rules?

Take him out to a private school, simple as that……..instead of ranting that you don't like that and this. Are you trying to teach your kid to be a whiner?

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