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Thai Govt Lawmakers Seek Abhisit, MP's Impeachment


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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Does anyone think of who the special individuals might be?? FLOOD VICTIMS!!!!! For something like this they want to call for impeachment of the Democratic party leader? Are they out of their freaking minds!!!!.

But its ok for the PTP to repackage aid items generously given from other countries and put a label on the package saying "given to you from the PTP and Thaksin"!!! That is ok"??

Better not to waste the governments time with tactics like this. Mr Abhisit has done more good than bad in the time he was in the PM office.

How about someone in the govt calling for a proposal to have Thaksin extradicted from the country that hes hiding in!!!! and bring him back to face justice !!

The PTP govt should be concentrating on assisting the people and businesses that have been devastated from the floods instead of wasting the Parliaments time with nonsense. The PTP truely wants to show the people that they have no intention of working together with the democratic party. This just proves that PTP is more interested in itself, rather than serving the people that elected them!!

Edited by timberboy
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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

Just to point out, The Democrats are extremely popular in the South. As far as I know the only PTP seat is a party list one.

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Just to point out, The Democrats are extremely popular in the South. As far as I know the only PTP seat is a party list one.

Party List seats are for the whole country and are not regional. The PTP didn't win a seat south of Bangkok.

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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.

Thank you. To me, you are very right.

Yes you are very right, but as usual the IQ level of many of the members of this forum is toooooooooooooo low to understand thatbiggrin.gif


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Just to point out, The Democrats are extremely popular in the South. As far as I know the only PTP seat is a party list one.

Party List seats are for the whole country and are not regional. The PTP didn't win a seat south of Bangkok.

Thanks. I didn't know about the Party list rules. :)

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Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?

Did you not read? Handed-out they way they saw fit. Afraid to Abhisit and his cohorts are corrupt, besides having a hand in the murdering of protesters?

You can prove that in a court of law or are you just full of crap?

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In reference to Bakseedaa's questioning how long I have lived inLOS,, <deleted> has that got to do with ithis topic, maybe touched a nerve there??

But in truth it's just been about 2 and a hallf years, but still long enough to see who the clowns are,

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In reference to Bakseedaa's questioning how long I have lived inLOS,, <deleted> has that got to do with ithis topic, maybe touched a nerve there??

But in truth it's just been about 2 and a hallf years, but still long enough to see who the clowns are,

So this makes you an expert

I have been living in Thailand for just under 10 years, and married to a Thai lady for 5 of these, and I admit I still know so little about the way Thai's think

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Scenario 1: Abhisit brings pressure to have releif supplies delivered to certain individuals.

Scenario 2: Yingluck brings pressure to have releif supplies delivered to certain individuals.

Most of the posters on here say that what Abhisit is doing is fine and that he is suppliying the most needy (without evidence). Those complaining about Abhisit are nasty pieces of work.

Those very same people would be cheering for impeachment/lynching in the case of scenario 2 saying she is being unfair, abusing her power, she must be only supplying her supporters, etc.

Now personally, I think (not that anyone cares) that it is just a poor attempt at getting back at the Dems for the drubbing they handed out in the recent no-confidence debate. It is not going to get the government anywhere, but were the tables to be turned the same thing could be expected from the other side. They are like kids in the sand box, and every now and then one of the kids gets a mouthful of cat crap mixed in with the sand.

Step back a bit and try and see things without getting all hot tempered. At the end of the day neither side would make good bed partners, but perhaps with the Dems you could look at yourself in the mirror in the morning without feeling too sick.

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<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Impeached for helping out in the flood? Is that the essence of this?<br />
<br /><br />The essence is taking reliefs meant for everyone to help some "special individual". To me that is very wrong.<br />
<br /><br />Thank you. To me, you are very right.<br />
<br />Yes you are very right, but as usual the IQ level of many of the members of this forum is toooooooooooooo  low to understand that<img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

O you are so rite they should have taken those bags and divided them up among the million people needing assistance.

Did it ever occur to any one that they might have been given to the most needy.

Of course not being a red shirt they only think of them selves as the needy the rest of the people don't count.To them give it all away after they have got there share and part of yours.

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

Subsidies for school books and uniforms, and a B500 old age payment would be much appreciated by he needy IMHO. Of course the school necessities subsidy has been cancelled, the funding directed to the tablet computers which may, or may not, appear at some time, but not soon.

Meanwhile, those students with parents on or close to the poverty line and relying on that assistance, no longer attend school. Presumably they will grow up to be PTP voters as they are too uneducated to know better.

Have you considered that when PM Abhisit's person and home were being attacked in Phuket and Bangkok, that not visiting Isaan was a rather sensible arrangement? And just how close to the democratic ideal is this country when politicians are afraid to campaign in opposition areas?

Brains are not a requirement to be a red shirt. Just listen and do as you are told.

Common sense is defiantly a quality that is not wanted or needed.

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

First , I would like to ask JONNYSCOT how long he has lived here in Thailand. Abhisits government could have been the very best thing to happen to this Thai Nation if it were not for the fact of trying to hold together a very broad coalition party.. Those coalition members crucified Khun Abhisit at every turn... had he and his Dem party had an absolute majority, Thailand and all its people poor and rich, would be much happier and much better off spiritually and financially ... but that was not to be and such we will never know.... what we do know however is we have a government full of Red Shirts and MPs who do not know their ass from their elbows and are only in Government for one thing.... corruption..... Thailand is on a slippery slope with no Brake .... Reap what you Sow...!

Nice to see someone can use the brain God gave him

and is not a puppet to the Red Shirts

Well said

And the sad part is there is so many farongs jumping to the tune that Thaksin plays.

I can understand the Thai's with the lack of education and inability to plan for the future.

Take the bribe now and don't worry that it will actually cost you money later.

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I think that the people in the current should be the last people to start a an impeachment against abhisit looking at their track record during the floods.

An Abhisit sympathizer..how noble.

A Red Shirt/Red Guard sympathizer..how noble.

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If the dems tefforts were to direct the relief supplies to the more needy, then surely this is in line with "working together" but depending on the pheu thai definition of pressuring, however I suspect their definition of pressuring may be different to everyone else's

When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

Subsidies for school books and uniforms, and a B500 old age payment would be much appreciated by he needy IMHO. Of course the school necessities subsidy has been cancelled, the funding directed to the tablet computers which may, or may not, appear at some time, but not soon.

Meanwhile, those students with parents on or close to the poverty line and relying on that assistance, no longer attend school. Presumably they will grow up to be PTP voters as they are too uneducated to know better.

Have you considered that when PM Abhisit's person and home were being attacked in Phuket and Bangkok, that not visiting Isaan was a rather sensible arrangement? And just how close to the democratic ideal is this country when politicians are afraid to campaign in opposition areas?

Brains are not a requirement to be a red shirt. Just listen and do as you are told.

Common sense is defiantly a quality that is not wanted or needed.

Is there any possible way you could substantiate that, dolly ????

I doubt not, but I would be interested to hear your justification for a very general and insulting slur on about half the population.

By " defiantly " do you mean " definitely " ?

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I think that the people in the current should be the last people to start a an impeachment against abhisit looking at their track record during the floods.

Perhaps the 500 relief bags were those that had been packaged with endorsements from Thaksin and his PTP MP's. Now that is the PTP cover up that needs to be revealed and investigated. Once again, PM Yingluck has managed to white wash that story.

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Seemingly the Democrat party wanted relief items distributed in ways that were contrary to the authorities' assistance plan. For many people including the victims on the receiving end, that would be the first time they knew the authorities HAD a plan . . .

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When was the last time the dems have directed ANYTHING at the most needy? They do not even acknowledge that the most needy exist. the reason they lost power was because they spent all of those years ignoring the most needy. Had Abhisit visited Issan, and the south a few times, and offered the most needy some assistance, he may have gotten re-elected. Ignoring more than half the country, and favoring the rich, and the military is no way to win an election. If there is one thing you can count on from the (let's think within the box) conventional dems, it is that they will ignore the needy, every time. I am not saying the other party is the answer, but their power comes from not ignoring the needy.

Subsidies for school books and uniforms, and a B500 old age payment would be much appreciated by he needy IMHO. Of course the school necessities subsidy has been cancelled, the funding directed to the tablet computers which may, or may not, appear at some time, but not soon.

Meanwhile, those students with parents on or close to the poverty line and relying on that assistance, no longer attend school. Presumably they will grow up to be PTP voters as they are too uneducated to know better.

Have you considered that when PM Abhisit's person and home were being attacked in Phuket and Bangkok, that not visiting Isaan was a rather sensible arrangement? And just how close to the democratic ideal is this country when politicians are afraid to campaign in opposition areas?

Brains are not a requirement to be a red shirt. Just listen and do as you are told.

Common sense is defiantly a quality that is not wanted or needed.

Is there any possible way you could substantiate that, dolly ????

I doubt not, but I would be interested to hear your justification for a very general and insulting slur on about half the population.

By " defiantly " do you mean " definitely " ?

Half the population? Are you joking? I'm generally in sympathy with those who identify themselves as Red Shirts. None of the ones I know are violent in any way, nor did they participate in that Thaksin sponsored failed government overthrow at Ratchaphrasong. No way are they anywhere near half the population, or even a quarter of it.

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In reference to Bakseedaa's questioning how long I have lived inLOS,, &lt;deleted&gt; has that got to do with ithis topic, maybe touched a nerve there??

But in truth it's just been about 2 and a hallf years, but still long enough to see who the clowns are,

So this makes you an expert

I have been living in Thailand for just under 10 years, and married to a Thai lady for 5 of these, and I admit I still know so little about the way Thai's think

Well it seems that whether you know how Thais think, you feel you are an expert on Thai politics

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  • 4 months later...


Today, the Constitution Court dismissed the Pheu Thai Party's attempted case against Abhisit and Democrat MP Warong Dejkitvikrom.

They dismissed the accusations as groundless and said that their relief efforts were aimed at helping people.


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For those supposedly farang political experts who vigorously support one party or another, you have to be blind and deaf not to see that the entire political system is rife with corruption. The old system that you don't tell on me and I won't tell on you is alive and healthy. Why do you suppose that those caught red handed are never prosecuted? Why are those cases always swept under the carpet.

The facts are that the government parties are too busy squabbling among themselves to run the country. Thailand is indeed a rudderless ship. It's a wonder that the country does as well as it does.

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Why do you suppose that those caught red handed are never prosecuted?

In other situations that may certainly be the case, but in this one, the only thing Dr. Warong got "caught red handed" at was being helpful to the less fortunate... as he is known to do, such as on this other occasion:


Thank goodness humanitarianism has not been made illegal.

On the topic of this situation, these trumped up accusations were shown to be the tripe they always were and were justifiably and summarily tossed.


Edited by Buchholz
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