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my boyfriend and i were just stung several times by a scorpion hiding in my bed- is this dangerous? hurts like hel_l! any first aid advice? it was pale brown rather than black...


no one? can't immediately find any info on this online and my bf is having a minor panic attack over it...

my boyfriend and i were just stung several times by a scorpion hiding in my bed- is this dangerous? hurts like hel_l! any first aid advice? it was pale brown rather than black...

No I don't but, first thought where are you? :o

Go straight to hospital/ doctor. Why haven't you already? :D



can't. stuck in my village in the midst of monsoon rains, no hospital or clinic within an hour's drive anyway. we called the clinic and they said take paracetamol and do deep breathing?! guess it's not fatal then. ###### it hurts though!

my boyfriend and i were just stung several times by a scorpion hiding in my bed- is this dangerous? hurts like hel_l! any first aid advice? it was pale brown rather than black...

Most scorpian stings are like being stung by bees or wasps. Painful, but usually nothing to be overly alarmed about. Usually, an antihistimine will help. Epson salt in water can help reduce swelling. The sap of Aloe Vera can also help sooth the sting. If you have a serious allergy to stings and start swelling up, you should see a doctor.

If you have scorpians crawling around your area, chances are that some of the local neighbors have had to deal with it from time to time. Ask them what they do about such stings. They may have something for you like a salve or something.


seems okay, neither of us have died or anything. thanks for the advice, off to find some pain pills and 'ya mon'.... nighty night

oh, for future reference:

Try to draw out the venom immediately with an Extractor Pump. Clean area with soap and water or alcohol pad provided after venom is removed. Cooling the wound allows the body to more easily break down the molecular structure of the venom. Cooling also reduces pain. Use a little ice or cool running water if available. We do not recommend the use of cold compresses unless administered by a physician, due to the risk of frostbite or tissue damage from misapplication or over-application. On a warm night, a cool wet compress will help.

Keep the victim calm and still. Panic and activity speed up the venom's spread.

Seek emergency medical help immediately if the victim has a history of serious reactions to stings or if a serious reaction seems to be developing. If the scorpion was Centruroides, post-sting manifestations may include heavy sweating, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision, loss of bowel control, jerky muscular reflexes, and respiratory distress. These serious signs are cause for quick evacuation to a medical facility.


scorpian , can make people pain, swallen ..but some peopeo can get anaphylactic shock (but obviously you both dont have that sign, coz u were stunk b4)


1 use tiger balm ,ammonia or steroid cream for apply

2 if its too hurt , take pain killer as paracetamol(tylenol)

3 if it has 2nd bacterial infection, take ABO as PenV , Cloxacillin or erythromycin

scorpian ,  can  make people  pain, swallen ..but some peopeo can get anaphylactic shock (but obviously you both dont  have that sign, coz u  were stunk b4)


1 use tiger balm ,ammonia or  steroid cream for apply

2 if its too hurt , take  pain killer as  paracetamol(tylenol)

3 if it has 2nd  bacterial infection,  take ABO as PenV , Cloxacillin or  erythromycin

Tiger Balm works for me.....I was once stung by a rather large centipede and it hurt like hel_l, GF applied tiger balm .....instant relief and no more pain. :o

my boyfriend and i were just stung several times by a scorpion hiding in my bed- is this dangerous? hurts like hel_l! any first aid advice? it was pale brown rather than black...

Nasty buggers - I remember one night 8 years ago on a rather secluded part of Koh Phangan where they had turned off the generators for the night and I headed back to my bungalow with a torch. When I walked in the door, and swept the beam of the flashlight around the bungalow it feel on a large number of baby scorpions creeping around on my mosquito net. Exactly what you want to see at that stage. Went to work and used a piece of cardboard and the water scoop from the toilet to sweep all of them that I could see down the scoop and throw them out on the beach.. took about 10 minutes. Then it was time to examine the bed. Luckily no mama scorpion there that I could see, but I had severe troubles falling asleep that night, waiting for the feeling of something crawling up my leg or touching my ear... :D

Never did get bitten though. :o


Apparently the size of a scorpions pinschers indicates how much venom it packs.

The smaller the claw the nastier the bite. The most dangerous are found in N.Africa and the southern desert area of USA. A scorpion can control how much venom it injects. A defensive bite may be relatively benign.

Of interest, scorpions fluoresce under ultraviolet light. So use a blacklight if hunting them.


The scorpian stings here are painful but not dangerus, unless you have an allergy, in which case as Banbina says "but some peopol can get anaphylactic shock". I've been stunk by them about three times now, including once when one was staying in a pair of shorts that I put on. It stung me right on the top of my inner thigh, about an inch from my.......well us your imagination, it could of been a lot worse. :o

Out and about on the farm I've been bitten or stung by just about every insect that they have here, apart from the big flat centipied looking things (cant remember the name, but are supposed to be really painful). The worse I've found are "dtua dor" (sp) look like big nasty looking flying ants and make honeycomb looking nests from mud, they are very teritorial and if you happen to get close to a nest they will sting you on mass.


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