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Where To Turn For Help For Life Threat?

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Hi! I would like to ask for advice on how to handle life threat from the father of my son. any organization here in Thailand for a abuse woman and child where can i turn to? I really need your help please.

thanks in advance.

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First of all, some of these biological fathers sometimes do not joke, so take it seriously

1. Change location, place you live and school if any, preferable to anothe Province

2. Explain your situation at your Policestation. Cheapest fix is a red box, making patrol police visit you 3 times/24 hour, approx 500 baht/month. an armed policeofficer sleeping in your house 22-06 is approx 15k baht month

3. Remove tracks like facebook



Try here http://www.hotline.or.th/ Although it seems kinda unresponsive, not all in English. If you're foreign , contact your Embassy.

Hot line 02 277 8811 02 277 7669 Neither number answers

I'm sure you have to make a police report,

Don't stay where he knows where you are.

Here's another; http://www.pavena.com/ BUT Whoops- it no longer exists

Well seems like no, there is no where to turn for an abused woman. If you are an ethnic minority, or Burmese UN has programs.

Call a hospital.



you might want to consider Chicky Net, it is a social network for women in Thailand and they have a big Phuket members base.


Perhaps www.shethailand.org/ can help you. (Committed to helping women and children at risk in) THEY might have some resources or a contact.

also Life Home Project works with HIV Mothers and kids but might also have a contact


Good Karma Thailand - Thailand's Online Health Food Store

Selling health food, superfood, organic food and natural products in Thailand since 2010. Shop 24 hours, we ship everywhere within Thailand


To me your post is not clear, are you a single parent? are you with a Thai women and the child is yours? are you with a Thai women and have taken on her son? if you are with a Thai women and you truly 100% love her and truly 100% love her son then take others advice on here as it is indeed very serious, I would think money is on the ex's mind whether the child is your or his, if there is no love in the relationship and you are with her purely because you like her etc then consider leaving unless you think the life threat is worth dealing with!!! good luck!!

If the son is yours then of course you could never desert him so take it seriously and consider some of the advice on here except the strike first comment which is stupid, money will I am sure be at the heart of this so consider a payment but remember once you have paid him once he will be back again and again!!

I have a Thai gf her daughter is with us, your post has brought the possibility to mind of her ex tracking her down and there being a big problem, something I am sure not many people think about this when entering into a relationship with a Thai who has children, again good luck!!


Carry some pepper spray and a switch blade.

Self defence is easy if you have the correct tools.

self defence is for those trained in self defence, abel to remain calm and be efficient.

self defence can be mortal, especially with an emotional and desperate attacker. In addition the possibility of a child present, likely to have bonds with the attacker

would be my last advice in OPs shoes


Carry some pepper spray and a switch blade.

Self defence is easy if you have the correct tools.

This advice to anyone, especially a female is totally absurd and potentially life threatening......Good grief.!! :realangry:


Carry some pepper spray and a switch blade.

Self defence is easy if you have the correct tools.

This advice to anyone, especially a female is totally absurd and potentially life threatening......Good grief.!! :realangry:

Id rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.

Pepper spray it the best option for a female as it gives time to escape. the blade is optional.

In a country where we are considered alien, defence is the best offence.


Id rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.

Pepper spray it the best option for a female as it gives time to escape. the blade is optional.

In a country where we are considered alien, defence is the best offence.

defence by pepperspray, your joking right?

and judged by 12? a Phuket courtcase has one Judge, no jury, and a criminal case comes up in 2 years. Possibel bail while waiting

I believe in self defence, thats why I have recieved training and have a TH licenced firearm, but you are giving OP bad advice. She needs help, not spray cans


Id rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.

Pepper spray it the best option for a female as it gives time to escape. the blade is optional.

In a country where we are considered alien, defence is the best offence.

defence by pepperspray, your joking right?

and judged by 12? a Phuket courtcase has one Judge, no jury, and a criminal case comes up in 2 years. Possibel bail while waiting

I believe in self defence, thats why I have recieved training and have a TH licenced firearm, but you are giving OP bad advice. She needs help, not spray cans

A cowardly Thai man threatening the mother of his child.

I doubt he could fight his way out of a wet paper bag against a man.

all women abusers are weak and should be dealt with accordingly. running away only empowers the cowardly women beater.

Offence is always the best defence, especially if my child was involved.

Take me advice or not but the Thai will always win in the family court, especially if its the daughter. Good luck if it heads to court for custody.

Take me advice or not but the Thai will always win in the family court, especially if its the daughter. Good luck if it heads to court for custody.

In Thai court nearly always the mother gets custody. So presuming the OP is the new husband of the mother of the child, his wife and he will win, and the father loose out.

Take me advice or not but the Thai will always win in the family court, especially if its the daughter. Good luck if it heads to court for custody.

In Thai court nearly always the mother gets custody. So presuming the OP is the new husband of the mother of the child, you're wrong.

You're wrong.

Father normally gets custody of the girls and the mother gets the boys.

Its the Thai way of reducing sexual child abuse from the step parent.

Its very odd but its the case.

I have seen people go through this so do a little research before you type.

Take me advice or not but the Thai will always win in the family court, especially if its the daughter. Good luck if it heads to court for custody.

In Thai court nearly always the mother gets custody. So presuming the OP is the new husband of the mother of the child, you're wrong.

You're wrong.

Father normally gets custody of the girls and the mother gets the boys.

Its the Thai way of reducing sexual child abuse from the step parent.

Its very odd but its the case.

I have seen people go through this so do a little research before you type.

I did, hence have custody.

Addition: officially my wife has full custody, father is out of the picture. Thai courts seem to be very hesitant to give a foreigner any official role in this.


In Thailand parents always get shared custody, with one parent being the prime care taker. Only when a parent is incapable or a danger to the child does the other parent gets sole custody. Decisions are made in the best interest of the child. If the fahter makes threats against the child and this can be proven it wil be a clear cut case. Judges and police don't like it when you threathen children.

Boys tend to have more problems if the father has a new girlfriend than when the mother has a new boyfriend, for girls it is the other way around.

But this seems not to be about getting custody.


Id rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.

Pepper spray it the best option for a female as it gives time to escape. the blade is optional.

In a country where we are considered alien, defence is the best offence.

For someone who claims to have lived here for 10 years, you appear to know very very little of the true workings of thailand.:whistling:


For someone who claims to have lived here for 10 years, you appear to know very very little of the true workings of thailand.:whistling:

I live a sheltered lifestyle flanked by security guards and bullet proof vests.

You seem to be very knowledgable in everything Thailand.

Can you be our resident wikipedia?


For someone who claims to have lived here for 10 years, you appear to know very very little of the true workings of thailand.:whistling:

I live a sheltered lifestyle flanked by security guards and bullet proof vests.

You seem to be very knowledgable in everything Thailand.

Can you be our resident wikipedia?

Simply pointing out that everyone else is correcting your wrong information posts....take a look chum..:D


Is hard to take your post seriously when you can't even quote or use the forum properly.

Self defence is my method, doesn't make me right or wrong. its my preference if myself and my child were threatened.

Im not trusting of the law to protect me so i take my chances defending my right to exist and take my chances at court being with a jury or judge rather than being victimized and living in fear.


In Thailand parents always get shared custody, with one parent being the prime care taker. Only when a parent is incapable or a danger to the child does the other parent gets sole custody. Decisions are made in the best interest of the child. If the fahter makes threats against the child and this can be proven it wil be a clear cut case. Judges and police don't like it when you threathen children.

Boys tend to have more problems if the father has a new girlfriend than when the mother has a new boyfriend, for girls it is the other way around.

But this seems not to be about getting custody.

Court rules in favor of the child, and unless policereports of violence are presented, prime cartaker will usually be the one with best finances willing to provide financial stability for child. Enrolling in private school and owning property works fine

If one of the parents do not show up in court, sole custody is often granted to the parent showing up in court

Few cases go to court, as the one child lives with is considered prime caretaker


Is hard to take your post seriously when you can't even quote or use the forum properly.

Self defence is my method, doesn't make me right or wrong. its my preference if myself and my child were threatened.

Im not trusting of the law to protect me so i take my chances defending my right to exist and take my chances at court being with a jury or judge rather than being victimized and living in fear.

Yep..i'm not to good on computers..thats the only thing you got right on this thread..:thumbsup:

You are wrong about ;''judged by 12'

You are wrong about;custody of children"'

You are wrong about ;''the advise you gave to an obviously scared woman''

You are wrong about' this statement ;''In a country where we are considered alien, defence is the best offence.

So ,to reiterate.....;'For someone who claims to have lived here for 10 years, you appear to know very very little of the true workings of thailand.. :giggle:

In reality, its hard to take your posts seriously..Yes??

Another 10 years maybe you'll figure it all out correctly.


Is hard to take your post seriously when you can't even quote or use the forum properly.

Self defence is my method, doesn't make me right or wrong. its my preference if myself and my child were threatened.

Im not trusting of the law to protect me so i take my chances defending my right to exist and take my chances at court being with a jury or judge rather than being victimized and living in fear.

Yep..i'm not to good on computers..thats the only thing you got right on this thread..:thumbsup:

You are wrong about ;''judged by 12'

You are wrong about;custody of children"'

You are wrong about ;''the advise you gave to an obviously scared woman''

You are wrong about' this statement ;''In a country where we are considered alien, defence is the best offence.

So ,to reiterate.....;'For someone who claims to have lived here for 10 years, you appear to know very very little of the true workings of thailand.. :giggle:

In reality, its hard to take your posts seriously..Yes??

Another 10 years maybe you'll figure it all out correctly.

Yes. i don't know the inner workings of the legal system because i stay on the right side of it.

Being judged by the judge sounds a lot better to me than being stretchered out to the morgue and losing my baby.

I had a friend lose custody over a girl because of the fears of an abusive step father. it was bull but the.court saw it that way and.happens regularly.

My advice about self defence doesn't make me wrong, it my right to feel safe and that i would never become a victim or live my life in fear due to a coward.

Might work for some but not me so continue on your quest to discredit me but your opinion is just as valid as mine.


For someone who claims to have lived here for 10 years, you appear to know very very little of the true workings of thailand.:whistling:

I live a sheltered lifestyle flanked by security guards and bullet proof vests.

You seem to be very knowledgable in everything Thailand.

Can you be our resident wikipedia?

Wow James Bond is not fictitious after all!! :D


Id rather be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.

Pepper spray it the best option for a female as it gives time to escape. the blade is optional.

In a country where we are considered alien, defence is the best offence.

defence by pepperspray, your joking right?

and judged by 12? a Phuket courtcase has one Judge, no jury, and a criminal case comes up in 2 years. Possibel bail while waiting

I believe in self defence, thats why I have recieved training and have a TH licenced firearm, but you are giving OP bad advice. She needs help, not spray cans

A cowardly Thai man threatening the mother of his child.

I doubt he could fight his way out of a wet paper bag against a man.

all women abusers are weak and should be dealt with accordingly. running away only empowers the cowardly women beater.

Offence is always the best defence, especially if my child was involved.

Take me advice or not but the Thai will always win in the family court, especially if its the daughter. Good luck if it heads to court for custody.

Where does it say the man is Thai????????? WOW!


Strike first.

Kenny999 striking first is not always necessarily a physical attack but more a preemptive one of many forms and is definitely a good idea in these situations.

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