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can any of you guys help with what we need to do to get the paperwork together etc for getting my wifes daughter over to the uk.

she's only 9 yr old & lives with her grand parents but is in full custody of my wife ( no ex involved).

can the grandmother get the paperwork etc done over in thailand or does my wife have to get it sorted.

we're both working & have no other kids yet so hopefully that would go in our favour.

also my wife has ILR visa



Applications in Thailand must be completed online; you can do this. The form must then be printed, signed and taken to the UKVAC for submission along with the supporting documents, where the child's biometrics will be taken. Her grand parents can take her to do this.

As the applicant is under 18 the form should be signed by a parent or legal guardian. So your wife should sign it and then send it to her parents along with the supporting documents. Unless the grand parents are legal guardians, in which case they can sign it.

As the child is under 11 she will not need a TB test or certificate.

Obviously you will need to submit evidence that you can adequately support and maintain the child without recourse to public funds; although once she is in the UK you will be able to claim child benefit for her and, if qualified, tax credits.

For more details of how and where to apply, fees etc. see UK Border Agency in Thailand.

You should have a good read of SET07 - Children, paying particular attention to SET7.8 What is sole responsibility?

You may find this current topic of interest.


As above all the details 7/7 has given you but I think you may find it logicically impossible to do all this from the UK. I am in the UK at the moment on holiday & I know how difficult it is running my office from here .

  • Has your wife got the Phor Khor 14 document which proves she has sole custody of the child ?
  • The father does he have any contact at all

We have an office in Thailand/UK if you require professional help feel free to contact me.

Regards Paul TVE


she has a form from her local town hall over there stating that the father has no legal rights & my wife has (translated) " is a sole person who use the parental power to custody of miss saowanee ******** identification number ********.

there is a full thai page & a full translated page.

the father hasn't seen her since she was small & has never bothered nor supported her in any way.


she has a form from her local town hall over there stating that the father has no legal rights & my wife has (translated) " is a sole person who use the parental power to custody of miss saowanee ******** identification number ********.

there is a full thai page & a full translated page.

the father hasn't seen her since she was small & has never bothered nor supported her in any way.

You will still need to demonstrate your wife has exercised sole responsibility of the child.


she has a form from her local town hall over there stating that the father has no legal rights & my wife has (translated) " is a sole person who use the parental power to custody of miss saowanee ******** identification number ********.

there is a full thai page & a full translated page.

the father hasn't seen her since she was small & has never bothered nor supported her in any way.

You will still need to demonstrate your wife has exercised sole responsibility of the child.

thanks for the reply,

in what way ? can you expand on what she/we need to do.


You need to provide evidence that she has been in regular communication with the child and her carers; making all the major decisions regarding the child's welfare, education etc. If you or your wife have been sending money for the child's support then provide evidence of this.

See the sole responsibility link I provided earlier.


sorry to pry, Just to see if your in a similar position to myself trying to bring her daughter to the U.K.

when you say 'no ex is involved', does this mean, 'he is no longer on this earth, but has gone to a far far better place' !

reason i ask is my wife has an 8 year old daughter who lives with her grandparents and we want to bring her to U.K. (This is not in Thailande, i use this forum as its about the best reference forum i can find on such topics)

In her country We need the express consent of the girls father, who is still alive to even start the process, even though the bugger has had little to do with the girl he refuses to do this (which he is leggaly entitled to do off course), we can't get around this unfortunately, or it is very difficult we would have to get a magistrates court order saying we can do this, however even if this was granted, would the U.K.. immigration authorities still look on this unfavourably not sure (nb I know we still have difficulties with the 'sole responsibility issue' but to me thats a seperate topic at the moment)

apologies If I'm piggy backing off your post, I just wondered if you were in the same position, If your wifes girls father has thrown a double 6, then your situation is different, if not I suspect it would be very similar


reason i ask is my wife has an 8 year old daughter who lives with her grandparents and we want to bring her to U.K. (This is not in Thailande, i use this forum as its about the best reference forum i can find on such topics)

I am confused.

You have asked about this twice before, once in Feb and again in July.

In both those other topics you said that the child is in Thailand!

You were given the answers you need in both topics.

Why did you say in them that she lives in Thailand and now you say that she doesn't?

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