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Does Your Wife Notice


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I am so accident prone that making a loud noise, swearing at myself and dripping blood is such a normal occurence that it barely raises an eyebrow at my home. The standing joke is that if I haven't drawn blood, I haven't been working hard enough.

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It is quite the opposite for me. If my wife hears a bang and an 'Ah crap' from me, she comes in and if, perhaps, I have the slightest graze or cut, she reacts as though I have a broken leg.

Mines the same, small graze and there are tears. laugh.png

Probably comes rushing in hoping it's serious enough to get the life insurance policy out.

Perhaps, if l had one. laugh.png

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Hmm funny this topic comes up, I decided to plop down on the bed the other day and instead misjudged and landed on the floor with a very loud thud and a few curse words. (In fairness to me I did this in the dark, no light on) Anyway, not a reaction from the other room. I let a little moan out, and still no reaction. Too busy on the iphone probably. On the other hand she gets a nose bleed and I get an sms, and several calls, plus she heads to the hospital, for a frickin nose bleed???

Thudding, followed by a moaning sound - she probably thought you needed some privacy.happy.png

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mine suggests everytime i have a minor proplem,cough,sniffles,backache,ect i ring the hospital for a appointment with the doctor,no wonder thai hospitals are crowded,if thats how they think.

My wife used to be quite insistant about hospitilisation,for minor problems,she told me later,my insurance refunds 1,000 Baht a day,for every complete 24 hour stays in Hospital.

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