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Old Gay Guy


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Hi Guys, I am a sixty four year old gay American and am looking for a partner (of the non bar boy variety) in his late teens/ early twenties. Is there any hope for an old fool like me? Are Thai men interested in the more mature male? I am so nervous about this I don't know what to think.

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From reviewing all of your non-deleted posts, you have a very spotty posting history here, including an apparent obsession with paedophilia and some none-too-friendly gay references and at least one suspension; your typical post is a one-liner taunting other posters in some way. I very much doubt you are as you represent yourself in the OP. I assume you're trying to start up a flame war on age differences here, but perhaps this post will avert that.


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Just levelling the playing field. If others want to reply without checking your posting history, that's fine. But I think they'll think twice if they do. Oh, and yes, I do have a bit of hostility towards trolls in my favourite TV sections, and no, I'm not in the least intimidated.


Edited by Ijustwannateach
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Also, you might give us a better indication of what you're looking for? Kathoeys, manly men, something in-between? Are you living here or are you a tourist? What area do you stay in? What's your budget (some non-monetary support or BF must be completely self-supporting)? What do you look like? Do you speak any Thai?

All of these things are pertinent to what kind of options you have and what kind of advice our readers can give you.


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I honestly never knew you were so prolific on this forum. Perhaps I would have posted else where if I had known. but hold on there isn'y anywhere else! This valid forum is being ruined by tin-pot despot!

To answer your questions, if they are really vaild:

I am looking for a reasonably well educated Thai man who loves me for me, not for my wallet. I don't stereotype and go for specific types.

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Yes, I'm such a nightmare, aren't I!!! :D:D:D:D:o

If you weren't aware I was prolific here, how did you know I was American or that my last initial is allegedly "H."? It's such a pain when someone spoils all the fun, isn't it?


Trying desperately to stay on YOUR thread topic:

Well, I'm afraid I can only offer you advice to the extent that you are willing to provide specific details. Your opening post seems to have something in mind; now you have settled on "well-educated man who cares about you."

This pretty much eliminates anyone under the age of 22- unless you think Thais who haven't been to university might be candidates for being "well-educated."

Since I don't know where you live or how much Thai you speak or what kind of person you're looking for, that's basically all the advice I can offer.

Any more fishing to do here?



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