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LOL, don't worry girlx, you just came out of a relationship & it will take you a while to appreciate the male of the species again.

It's like self induced memory loss (or something like that) basically meaning that for a while after a break up, we find it hard to see the positive in men but then, slowly, our brains wipe out all the crap & we start to be interested in them again, conveniently forgetting all their bad points & how much of a pain in the ass they can be, :D this state lasts until the next break, when the cycle repeats itself. :o

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Well.. I can’t tell you much about Boys! I prefer men- Ive only had one Thai man and I think I got lucky.


Cooks like a pro (was a chef)

Helps with the house – more then me! I’m lazy.

Great smile

Grows beautiful flowers (especially Lotus’s)

Never stops being busy- always moving, working or doing something,

Looks very cute running around in his underwear EVERYWHERE- or one of my sarongs.

Likes to make love in the day light-

When he returns from work (all though I probably use more of my money, beacuse I have more) He ALWAYS hands me ALL of his.

Jokes with the neighbors- always laughing and joking with everybody in the neighborhood.

Looks silly when he returns home with his stupid Thai haircut- but thinks he looks sexy.

Never hurts anything (due to previous monanstic life)

Makes the best coffee in the morning

Has a cool heart- Most of the time- But I can make him a bit crazy when we get lost in the car.

And after 3 years we got married last week-

Sorry if I am gushing- I’m pretty happy!


They are out there.. Nice men- Yes even Thai ones.

Edited by hellohello
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Hmm.. married for 16 years and you want me to come up with something nice :o

Just kidding. My husband is a kind, decent, honest man. There are some of those around, doesn't seem to matter if they are farang or Thai, just as there are a$$holes in every culture there are also good ones.

The one thing I must say my husband really got me with in the beginning was his willingness (nay, eagerness) to commit to a serious relationship. He said he knew I was the right one and didn't want me to get away. Whereas guys back home had always been of the "What if I commit to this one and something better comes along later?" ilk. Seems like most of them couldn't commit to a dinner date!

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Well.. I can’t tell you much about Boys! I prefer men- Ive only had one Thai man and I think I got lucky.


Cooks like a pro (was a chef)

Helps with the house – more then me! I’m lazy.

Great smile

Grows beautiful flowers (especially Lotus’s)

Never stops being busy- always moving, working or doing something,

Looks very cute running around in his underwear EVERYWHERE- or one of my sarongs.

Likes to make love in the day light-

When he returns from work (all though I probably use more of my money, beacuse I have more) He ALWAYS hands me ALL of his.

Jokes with the neighbors- always laughing and joking with everybody in the neighborhood.

Looks silly when he returns home with his stupid Thai haircut- but thinks he looks sexy.

Never hurts anything (due to  previous monanstic life)

Makes the best coffee in the morning

Has a cool heart- Most of the time- But I can make him a bit crazy when we get lost in the car.

And after 3 years we got married last week-

Sorry if I am gushing- I’m pretty happy!


They are out there.. Nice men- Yes even Thai ones.

sweet. :o

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:o I met a"boy" in Krabi named Rik he had a sense of humour, was interesting, had a great smile and the most amazing eyes. The only problem was he had a thai girlfriend (may I add he is not exactly faithfull to her) I have a boyfriend back in Australia ( I am seriously considering ending this relationship) and one of the "boys" friend was trying to sweep me off my feet (I was not interested on him not my type) so we did not have the chance to spend anytime alone. On my last night in Aonang I casually threw off hints to meet him at a bar in Aonang hoping to get him alone but didn't pull it off.

Now I am back at home in Oz wondering whether I should pack my bags and head to Krabi?

What is it with "boys" that drives women to the ends of the earth just to find answers? Is he the one, is he interested in me, funny thing is he probably has no idea whatsoever and I am wasting my time.


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  :D  I met a"boy" in Krabi named Rik he had a sense of humour, was interesting, had a great smile and the most amazing eyes.  The only problem was  he had a thai girlfriend (may I add he is not exactly faithfull to her) I have a boyfriend back in Australia ( I am seriously considering ending this relationship) and one of the "boys" friend was trying to sweep me off my feet (I was not interested on him not my type) so we did not have the chance to spend anytime alone. On my last night in Aonang I casually threw off hints to meet him at a bar in Aonang hoping to get him alone but didn't pull it off.

Now I am back at home in Oz wondering whether I should pack my bags and head to Krabi?

What is it with "boys" that drives women to the ends of the earth just to find answers? Is he the one, is he interested in me, funny thing is he probably has no idea whatsoever and I am wasting my time.


HI Doonagirl...

I have just read your little love story...it reminds me something similar that happened to me and it did not finish so well.

First time I went to Krabi...I met this really nice guy...

I was not interested on him whatsoever...we became very good friends...

Later he told me that he like me very much...blah,blah,blah...

I told him that I didn´t want to hurt his feelings and that it was better if he could go and find some other girl...

Everytime I told him so he reply that I was the one...that he had never met someone like me and blah, blah,blah......

By the end of my holidays I was madly in love with him...But I never told him so...

But I promised him that I will be back...then we will see...

For a year I only study very hard and work as much as I could to make enough money to go back to Thailand...( I made a promise...). The year past and I returned...he wasn´t as nice anymore...we spend a night together...but he was horrible to me (why? I still don´t know)...I left with my heart and my ilusions broken...

Before I left thailand I went back to Krabi to say bye bye to my friends over there...I saw him again...and he wanted me back...Too late it was...

I am not saying that this will happen to you but sometimes we feel much deeper in love than the other part...

I know is not all his fault...I wanted to believe that I was that special girl...so I created this beautiful love story which was only in my head and in my heart ( I suppose)...Ilusions can be dangerous because sometimes there are not real...

Is very easy to talk about love...but does everybody feel what they talk?...I don´t know anymore...

I am sorry to bother you with my story but I wanted to share it with you...

But also I have always believe that you should take all the trains in your life ( I hope you know what I mean)...If something goes wrong you can always get off and take the next one...however if you miss a train...is maybe too late...

As long as I keep being optimistic I will take most of the trains of my life...

I wish you the best of luck with this guy Doonagirl...


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  :D  I met a"boy" in Krabi named Rik he had a sense of humour, was interesting, had a great smile and the most amazing eyes.  The only problem was  he had a thai girlfriend (may I add he is not exactly faithfull to her) I have a boyfriend back in Australia ( I am seriously considering ending this relationship) and one of the "boys" friend was trying to sweep me off my feet (I was not interested on him not my type) so we did not have the chance to spend anytime alone. On my last night in Aonang I casually threw off hints to meet him at a bar in Aonang hoping to get him alone but didn't pull it off.

Now I am back at home in Oz wondering whether I should pack my bags and head to Krabi?

What is it with "boys" that drives women to the ends of the earth just to find answers? Is he the one, is he interested in me, funny thing is he probably has no idea whatsoever and I am wasting my time.


HI Doonagirl...

I have just read your little love story...it reminds me something similar that happened to me and it did not finish so well.

First time I went to Krabi...I met this really nice guy...

I was not interested on him whatsoever...we became very good friends...

Later he told me that he like me very much...blah,blah,blah...

I told him that I didn´t want to hurt his feelings and that it was better if he could go and find some other girl...

Everytime I told him so he reply that I was the one...that he had never met someone like me and blah, blah,blah......

By the end of my holidays I was madly in love with him...But I never told him so...

But I promised him that I will be back...then we will see...

For a year I only study very hard and work as much as I could to make enough money to go back to Thailand...( I made a promise...). The year past and I returned...he wasn´t as nice anymore...we spend a night together...but he was horrible to me (why? I still don´t know)...I left with my heart and my ilusions broken...

Before I left thailand I went back to Krabi to say bye bye to my friends over there...I saw him again...and he wanted me back...Too late it was...

I am not saying that this will happen to you but sometimes we feel much deeper in love than the other part...

I know is not all his fault...I wanted to believe that I was that special girl...so I created this beautiful love story which was only in my head and in my heart ( I suppose)...Ilusions can be dangerous because sometimes there are not real...

Is very easy to talk about love...but does everybody feel what they talk?...I don´t know anymore...

I am sorry to bother you with my story but I wanted to share it with you...

But also I have always believe that you should take all the trains in your life ( I hope you know what I mean)...If something goes wrong you can always get off and take the next one...however if you miss a train...is maybe too late...

As long as I keep being optimistic I will take most of the trains of my life...

I wish you the best of luck with this guy Doonagirl...


Thanks for your words of wisdom, I guess it has to go both ways but I am still left wondering if he feels the same way. I will stay on the train until I know its safe to get off...xoxox

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Well.. I can’t tell you much about Boys! I prefer men- Ive only had one Thai man and I think I got lucky.


Cooks like a pro (was a chef)

Helps with the house – more then me! I’m lazy.

Great smile

Grows beautiful flowers (especially Lotus’s)

Never stops being busy- always moving, working or doing something,

Looks very cute running around in his underwear EVERYWHERE- or one of my sarongs.

Likes to make love in the day light-

When he returns from work (all though I probably use more of my money, because I have more) He ALWAYS hands me ALL of his.

Jokes with the neighbours- always laughing and joking with everybody in the neighbourhood.

Looks silly when he returns home with his stupid Thai haircut- but thinks he looks sexy.

Never hurts anything (due to  previous monastic life)

Makes the best coffee in the morning

Has a cool heart- Most of the time- But I can make him a bit crazy when we get lost in the car.

And after 3 years we got married last week-

Sorry if I am gushing- I’m pretty happy!


They are out there.. Nice men- Yes even Thai ones.


Gush all you want :D

Edited by Nickerelastic
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  :o  I met a"boy" in Krabi named Rik he had a sense of humour, was interesting, had a great smile and the most amazing eyes.  The only problem was  he had a thai girlfriend (may I add he is not exactly faithfull to her) I have a boyfriend back in Australia ( I am seriously considering ending this relationship) and one of the "boys" friend was trying to sweep me off my feet (I was not interested on him not my type) so we did not have the chance to spend anytime alone. On my last night in Aonang I casually threw off hints to meet him at a bar in Aonang hoping to get him alone but didn't pull it off.

Now I am back at home in Oz wondering whether I should pack my bags and head to Krabi?

What is it with "boys" that drives women to the ends of the earth just to find answers? Is he the one, is he interested in me, funny thing is he probably has no idea whatsoever and I am wasting my time.


Sorry if this sounds blunt or untactful, but he probably feels that way about loads of girls who pass through, particularly if he's not exactly faithful to his Thai girlfriend, as you put it. Yes, there are good Thai men out there - I happen to have one. :D But there are so many who see women as opportunities or fun or trophies. Out of sight, out of mind seems to be the way it goes with Thai people and tourists. Of course ALL Thai people aren't like that, but surely I'm not the only woman who's been here for quite a few years who would discourage you from giving up your life in your country and spending god knows how much money to move here in the hope of getting this guy whose every bit as likely to cheat on you as on his current girlfriend.

To add to the original posting, however, about what's good about Thai guys....

I'm not the kind of girl who melts over a bouquet of flowers or anything sappy like that. So I really love that when my husband and I have an argument because of something he's said or done, when I come home the next day I'll usually find that the white clothes I've been complaining aren't white anymore have been soaked and scrubbed and are hanging out to dry; or I've got a big container of freshly made spaghetti sauce in the fridge; or all the fans in the house have been cleaned of dust. I like that when he wants to make up he thinks of something that I'd really appreciate, instead of just whipping into a store and buying me something.

I also really really love how attentive Thai men are to children. It means that if we go out, I know it won't fall entirely on me to run around after the kids. When we go to eat at his friends' houses, quite frequently it's just the guys and me. There's always someone paying attention to our kids and they always make sure that I have time to eat and drink and talk. I really respect them for that.

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Whoops....just read the thread in the general topics forum. Silly me - I thought you were talking about a Thai guy, not an English guy. So all that about Thai guys doesn't really apply. :o

Forgive my presumptuousness. I'd still think twice, though.

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I agree with you Too true. I love that about Thai men- Roses and candy- no way- But whenever a new flower blooms in our garden he picks it and gives it to me. Much better.

I also wouldn't have believed that I would marry this man 3 1/2 years ago when we met. But really he hasn’t changed much, I have! - I understand a lot more of his culture and language and I know him allot better. The jealousy and weirdness (culturally) has disappeared, but his steady character is the same. I guess what really sealed the deal is, whenever I leave, I come home to a more beautiful house and all my western friends tell me how he worked the whole time I was away- trying to surprise me- My Thai friends s

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A mutual friend introduced us. Our first few dates were translated!

It was pretty funny.

After a few dates we slept together - and that was it. I remember say coffee- in the morning- to him- and that was all we could say!

The said mutual friend (whom I suspected) turned out to be his old girlfriend. I already knew it- it was so obvious. But being Thai (style) they didn’t want to tell me for a few years. I was mad for a few days - but I got over it. Anyway it’s all fine now. We are all friends- although she lives far away now.

Things like this would of drove me crazy, back home- but I understand that’s their way. What can I say?

I do think he is pretty un coventional- He says its beacuse he lived in a WAT for 10 years. Not sure? But he has no family connection. so I dont know his family only by telephone- . ...yet.

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what's good about boys (or at least, in my "boy"):

the way he looks at me like there is nothing more beautiful on earth

the way he smells my hair

him cooking me amazing meals

the way he takes care of things in an organised and calm way

the way he takes care of me

the way he takes me .... :o:D

the way he smells after taking a shower... and before he does so :D

the fact that he's mine :D

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LOL, don't worry girlx, you just came out of a relationship & it will take you a while to appreciate the male of the species again.

It's like self induced memory loss (or something like that) basically meaning that for a while after a break up, we find it hard to see the positive in men but then, slowly, our brains wipe out all the crap & we start to be interested in them again, conveniently forgetting all their bad points & how much of a pain in the ass they can be,  :D this state lasts until the next break, when the cycle repeats itself. :o


If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.

If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour.

Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to


Slower is better.

Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly


If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as

you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends".

A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.

Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.Don't stay because you think "it will get better."

You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not


The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women.

He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?

Always have your own set of friends separate from his.

Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you,

speak up.

Never let a man know everything.

He will use it against you later.

You cannot change a man's behaviour.

Change comes from within.

Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...

even if he has more education or in a better job.

Do not make him into a quasi-god.

He is a man, nothing more nothing less.

Never let a man define who you are.

Never borrow someone else's man.

If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.

A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.

All men are NOT dogs.

You should not be the one doing all the bending... compromise is two way


You need time to heal between relationships... there is nothing cute about baggage...

Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship

You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you... a relationship

consists of two WHOLE individuals...

look for someone complimentary... not supplementary.

Dating is fun... even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.

Make him miss you sometimes... when a man always know where you are,and

you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted.

Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man.

Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you


Keep him in your radar but get to know others.

Share this with other women and men (just so they know)...

You'll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another

woman prepare.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to


them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.

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