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Jehovah'S Witnesses In Chiang Mai


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Would you equally find it arrogant of Thai Buddhists to visit European countries or the US to set up temples and places of worship, who might or might not disturb local believes? Does a shiny gold temple in middle of Sweden or Swiss perhaps "anger" and show "act of arrogance" towards entrenched believes, let alone the esthetics and established architecture of the local communities?

By the way.... the countries mentioned above have large Thai temples, with good number of worshipers and you won't find much in the news of people fretting about it. smile.png

you are diverting away from the point (on purpose? not sure) it has NOTHING to do with building churches or whatever. If a religion get's planning permission (to which people may object etc.) and they set up something I have no objection because they keep themselves to themselves and don't interfere with me - I go or not go my choice. Can we get back to the point of my thread?

This is to do with people disturbing me and wishing to convert me and point out my evil ways etc. To make it worse it's farangs, in a Buddhist country, doing it. I have pointed out, and you have ignored the point, that it is ONLY Christians who do it and who have the arrogance that they are right - and this spurs them to do it.

I repeat who else does it? why do they do it? what's the motivation? nothing to do with building churches in farang country's would you care to address those points?

edit: Buddhists don't 'worship' (to use your Christian wording) and I know nothing of any Swiss Gold temple but guess you mean a mosque? up to the residents to object at planning stage etc. but please let's not digress too much? as it's not relevant to the thread - thanks

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What does your point have to do with religious fanatics knocking at my door?

Your examples are TOTALLY different. These types of people are not religious fanatics.

And as you say 'You point your question at me', then you put a 'closed' smiley option up.

Lucky for you i think for myself so can choose to answer! Hilarious!!laugh.png

Alright, but how would you know who is at your door if a person is not permitted to knock on your door? Do you have a list on your door who can and can't knock?

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Alright, but how would you know who is at your door if a person is not permitted to knock on your door? Do you have a list on your door who can and can't knock?

Did I say anywhere that people are not permitted to knock on my door? Please read my posts again and let me know. The word 'annoying' is not yet a synonym for 'banned'.

Perhaps I should start a list. your name is..? tongue.png

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Plus it's worth reading this rule 30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.

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There are worse people in the world than Jehovah's Witnesses.

As zany as they are they take their place with the rest of us. Times have changed since Thais just saw certain types of farang. Now it's the complete spectrum of humanity. The whole banquet, everything from fruit to nuts.

They have made a lot of converts in the USA among blacks and poor whites, many of whom are receptive to their silly fables.

They are persistent because they have learned the age-old lesson that persistence pays.

My experience has been that if you tell them politely but firmly that you are not interested they will leave you alone. It's not necessary to appear naked at your door or invoke the ghost of Christopher Hitchens to scare them away.

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Christians have been coming to Thailand for hundreds of years. It is nothing new. Sharing one's faith is integreal to all faiths. And since all religions are accepted in this country it is not arrogant. It would be arrogant for them to come to one's house and not leave or keep coming back once you tell them that you are not interested. There are many Thai Christians and many become christians all the time. What is wrong with that if it makes them happy?

There are so many Christian schools in Thailand that give good education and also share their fath. I wouldn't say that it is converting but mandatory prayer is common at many of these schools. They all learn some Christian idealogy.

"The difference is that Buddhist's DON'T go around trying to convert people who just want to be left alone in peace in their dwelling place! for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant."

Perhaps most other religions might not go door to door but they do spread their message. I saw the Dali Lama do the same thing in Washington DC.

Just remember the bottom line is that they have faith in something. That faith tells them to help others. One way to help others is to have them have faith too.

It is not unique to Christianity. The majority of people follow a relgion or belief because they are born to it.

Though I agree with most posters and find them annoying and I don't like anyone preaching their faith. To me it is a private thing that I do not discuss. I still don't find it arrogant or wrong for missionaries to do what they feel is necessary.

I think we should start an Atheist door to door campaign! We should all wear white shirts ,ties and black trousers to confuse the morons out there! Let's preach humanity, without the rest of the stuff.

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Christians have been coming to Thailand for hundreds of years. It is nothing new. Sharing one's faith is integreal to all faiths. And since all religions are accepted in this country it is not arrogant. It would be arrogant for them to come to one's house and not leave or keep coming back once you tell them that you are not interested. There are many Thai Christians and many become christians all the time. What is wrong with that if it makes them happy?

There are so many Christian schools in Thailand that give good education and also share their fath. I wouldn't say that it is converting but mandatory prayer is common at many of these schools. They all learn some Christian idealogy.

"The difference is that Buddhist's DON'T go around trying to convert people who just want to be left alone in peace in their dwelling place! for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant."

Perhaps most other religions might not go door to door but they do spread their message. I saw the Dali Lama do the same thing in Washington DC.

Just remember the bottom line is that they have faith in something. That faith tells them to help others. One way to help others is to have them have faith too.

It is not unique to Christianity. The majority of people follow a relgion or belief because they are born to it.

Though I agree with most posters and find them annoying and I don't like anyone preaching their faith. To me it is a private thing that I do not discuss. I still don't find it arrogant or wrong for missionaries to do what they feel is necessary.

I think we should start an Atheist door to door campaign! We should all wear white shirts ,ties and black trousers to confuse the morons out there! Let's preach humanity, without the rest of the stuff.

Good idea. What sort of atheism? On similar notes as in the USSR, Khmer Rouge in Cambodia? Enver Hoxha's worlds first Atheist state, Albania?

Very humble and stellar attitude to start your "humanity" campaign by referring to the public, as morons.


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They are not allowed by their own rules to enter people's homes on the first visit.

Vampires have a similar rule. They can't & won't enter your home without invitation. But nonetheless, vampire are the 3rd leading killer in Louisiana.

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Read post 44 the point is only they do it which underlies the arrogance as most posters agree and they were farang not Thai (which I could slightly underrstand more).

So could you read post #52 and give us sort of guidelines on who can and cannot knock on your door?

Where does it say in post #1 those Jo'Jo's were farangs? I think I am pretty sure majority of JW's walking the streets here are Thais. Does that change the degree of arrogance? wacko.png

I believe ANY religious group knocking on doors proclaiming they hold the truth and are right are arrogant. I would have said the same of any religious group but these JW's are the ONLY ones that do it - that's my point!

Is your our point that you hate people of faith knocking on your door or does that go for anyone? My Thai wife similarly hates it when her tattoo guy "ning nongs" the doorbell at 7'oclock in the morning. You come off as a guy festering in his own hatred, I don't believe for a second the problem is the Witnesses. In every neighborhood there's a grumpy old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn, you're him.

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I think this gentleman sides with the folks who think "Arrogance."

Well found.


Totally agree as well.

Personally, I find the obtrusive and ugly yellow signs nailed to trees all over the north extremely offensive.

I don't know what bunch or even what sort of christians put them there, but they should be jailed for littering or despoiling the country side with their evangelical, ugly, christian religious propaganda.

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Bigots, for daring to give an opinion? sad.png

Oh well never mind, as Hitch once said, "my own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone who disagrees with this can pick a number, get in line and kiss my ass."


No, bigots for condemning anyone of Western faith while hypocritically claiming to be tolerant of the ever present religion of their adopted country.

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Bigots, for daring to give an opinion? sad.png

Oh well never mind, as Hitch once said, "my own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone who disagrees with this can pick a number, get in line and kiss my ass."


Not bigots for condemning anyone of Western faith while hypocritically claiming to be tolerant of the ever present religion of their adopted country.

I'm equally tolerant of all religions.

They all suck.

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I think this gentleman sides with the folks who think "Arrogance."

I LOVE this guy (although I am fine with missionaries who are not pushy about it).

It's a rare event that I agree with you UG.

Any idea who he is ??

I guess a Brit by the accent.

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Isn't it strange that JW's don't start their patter off with ''their'' downside,

''If you become one of us and your kid needs a blood transfusion for an operation, sorry no can do, you must let them die.''

This would save a lot of door step time as near all will tell them to bugger off. annoyed.gif

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Isn't it strange that JW's don't start their patter off with ''their'' downside,

''If you become one of us and your kid needs a blood transfusion for an operation, sorry no can do, you must let them die.''

This would save a lot of door step time as near all will tell them to bugger off. annoyed.gif

Yes, and it's strange that Chiang Mai "expats" don't start their story with "if your become one of us, you'll drink beer until you weigh 300 pounds and come to think that having herpes & warts is no reason to not go shagging on Loy Kroh road".

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Yes, and it's strange that Chiang Mai "expats" don't start their story with "if your become one of us, you'll drink beer until you weigh 300 pounds and come to think that having herpes & warts is no reason to not go shagging on Loy Kroh road".

True to form, now on page 5 and the topic is going way off track. Watching ... ready with that mfr_closed1.gif button.

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Yes, and it's strange that Chiang Mai "expats" don't start their story with "if your become one of us, you'll drink beer until you weigh 300 pounds and come to think that having herpes & warts is no reason to not go shagging on Loy Kroh road".

True to form, now on page 5 and the topic is going way off track. Watching ... ready with that mfr_closed1.gif button.

Sorry, from here on I will stick the the proper topic of "why I hate Jesuits".

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JWs are bad news, I did some research into thier origins, the bible they use has been altered from the original by thier founder, they call themselves christians but some of the basic tennets are very different, they don't evangelise, they pester and bother, I have heard of a person having to use force to get them out of the house back in Australia after they gained entry, the person's wife didn't speak good english.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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JWs are bad news, I did some research into thier origins, the bible they use has been altered from the original by thier founder, they call themselves christians but some of the basic tennets are very different, they don't evangelise, they pester and bother, I have heard of a person having to use force to get them out of the house back in Australia after they gained entry, the person's wife didn't speak good english.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

It doesn't matter if they are JW, Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians, Catholics, or any other denomination of Christians. If they are even arrogant enough to go to church on Sunday's, the ThaiVisa faithful are going to pile on to bitch & moan about them.

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The Buddha taught that human beings arrive at their beliefs about what is true in three ways. First and least reliable is received wisdom: one believes based on what others have told him or what he has read in a book. Second and more rational is belief derived from deductive reasoning. Third-- and highest in the Pali epistemology-- is belief based on direct physical and sensory experience.

It's interesting to apply this framework to other human behaviors, like shopping. We can go on what the salesman and advertisements say; we can gather information and try to make our best educated decision; but ultimately we'll come to know the truth from our own experience. Happy New Year.

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I think this gentleman sides with the folks who think "Arrogance."

I LOVE this guy (although I am fine with missionaries who are not pushy about it).

Well spoken, and right to the point on many things. The final part of his video I think is spot on, in regards of the "naked money grabbing" and "constant intrusive demand for privilege", but it would hardly apply to Jehovah's Witnesses.

They don't pass collection plates at their meeting places, they don tithe and all their literature and bibles are free of charge to anyone. None of their representatives or members receive salaries. Its a 100% volunteer organization.

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JWs are bad news, I did some research into thier origins, the bible they use has been altered from the original by thier founder, they call themselves christians but some of the basic tennets are very different, they don't evangelise, they pester and bother, I have heard of a person having to use force to get them out of the house back in Australia after they gained entry, the person's wife didn't speak good english.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

You might perhaps dig a little deeper in your research. In most countries JW's use other bibles then their own, simply because its not available in all the 500 or so language territories they operate. In many countries they use the King James version. In others, they use what ever bibles are available. The 3000 or so Thai Jehovah's Witnesses use a bible from the Thai bible society, which has no affiliation with JWs. .

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