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Curious Bumper Stickers


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Around town, I occasionally see Thai bumper stickers that read "This car is pink" or "this car is black." (รถคันนี้สีชมพู/สีดำ) But the cars to which they are affixed are usually of a different color entirely. Can someone explain to me what these are about? Are they a political statement of some kind?

- HeyNow

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I like the one a friend gave me many years ago " My other car is a Porsche as well" very appropriate........ well at least till I divorced the first wife and then it was history

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When a monk blesses a car and the car colour is considered inauspicious, instead of changing the car colour, a sticker is placed on.

This is also my undertanding. Generally when the owner can not afford a new paint job, a Bhuddist loophole allows you to just write that statement on the outside. Sometimes you'll see an extra small digit written on the license plate too.

I had a t-shirt made up at the walking street market once, it says "This t-shirt is blue" (written in Thai) on a white t-shirt. If you like messing with Thai people's heads, make one for yourself. Some of the reactions I get from Thais are hillarious.

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I used to like buying American bumper stickers every time I went there and stick them on my rear bumpers in England, where stickers until the 80's were always quite conservative. I particularly liked the one which said 'Gas or ass...nobody rides free ' I used to get blokes asking me to get one for them next trip.

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