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Organized crime in Mexico claims more than 47,000 lives in five years


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Organized crime in Mexico claims more than 47,000 lives in five years

2012-01-13 06:56:36 GMT+7 (ICT)

MEXICO CITY (BNO NEWS) -- More than 47,000 people have been killed during the past five years alone as a result of organized crime in Mexico, according to new figures released by the country's Attorney General office (PGR).

The figures released by the PGR on Wednesday show a constant increase in killings in relation to organized crime since President Felipe Calderón assumed office on December 1, 2006. Calderón has been a prominent leader of the 'war' against organized crime and drug cartels.

During the first month of his presidency (December 2006), a total of 62 drug-related homicides were registered throughout the country. The figure for the entire year of 2007 sharply increased to 2,867, followed by 6,838 killings in 2008, 9,614 in 2009 and 15,273 in 2010.

Figures for the entire year of 2011 are not yet available, but PGR said at least 12,903 drug-related killings were reported between January and September 2011. This will likely bring the total figure for 2011 to more than 17,000, the highest number yet.

From the partial figures for 2011, the northern state of Chihuahua reported the highest number of homicides with 2,276 deaths. Guerrero reported 1,533 homicides, Tamaulipas saw 1,153 homicides, Sinaloa saw 1,100 homicides and Veracruz 538.

The most violent city in terms of drug-related homicides was Juarez, which is located in Chihuahua and borders El Paso, Texas. According to the official figures, at least 1,206 people died as a result of drug-related violence in Juarez during the first nine months of 2011.

The number of documented homicides has increased rapidly in recent years, but critics say the figures would be even more alarming if those kidnapped and unaccounted murders would be included.

Presidential terms in Mexico last six years and, since the country's Revolutionary Constitution of 1917, presidents are not allowed to seek re-election or serve again as president. Calderón, whose campaign against organized crime and drug cartels was made public since taking office, is currently in the last year of his term.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-01-13

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