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FDA Warns Of 5 Dangerous Substances Often Found In Chinese New Year Delicacies


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FDA Warns of 5 Dangerous Substances Often Found in Chinese New Year Delicacies

On the heels of the New Year, we're soon approaching Chinese New Year which will take place this weekend. Those of you not participating in the event will have to tolerate especially congested traffic on Saturday, January 21 as Thais of Chinese decent hit the markets to shop for all the items needed for their rituals on Sunday. Monday is the official Chinese New Year's Day. As the holiday is quickly approaching, the Food and Drug Administration is warning of five substances we should be looking out for when purchasing or eating food for Chinese New Year.

First is formaldehyde. Unfortunately, it is most commonly found in seafood, fruits, and vegetables. If consumed in significant amounts, it will affect your liver, kidneys, heart and brain. Extremely high levels of formaldehyde can result in death.

Second is borax. Everyone already knows that it is found in various types of meatballs and sausages, but it is also commonly found in Chinese sweets called “khanom ee”, which are small, rounded jelly balls served with sweetener. Borax can cause food poisoning, vomiting, bloody stool, and low blood pressure.

Third comes salicylic acid which is commonly used to prevent molding and is found in preserved fruits and vegetables. The acid will damage the lining of your stomach and intestines.

Bleaching chemicals are often found in bean sprouts, tofu, bamboo shoots, and noodles. It can cause irritations to areas it comes into contact with such as your mouth and stomach and can cause chest and stomach pains.

Pesticide can be found in fresh fruits and vegetables. During the Chinese New Year, dried squid has been found to contain the substance. Substantial amounts can cause seizures, difficultly in breathing and blackouts.

The Food and Drug Administration advises shoppers (and eaters) to select their fruits and vegetables very carefully. They should look natural as opposed to being “spotless”. They should not smell especially tantalizing. Shoppers should chose fruit that is in season. Chinese sweets used particularly during the festival should not seem too colorful. They should not have particularly strong odors.

Officials warn that consumers often keep left overs from the ritual offerings to eat over a duration. They warn that food should be kept in proper containers to ensure freshness and should not be kept for too long. Cooked foods such as chicken and duck used in the rituals should be refrigerated within two hours. Reheating should be done carefully.



-- Tan Network 2012-01-18


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Am I suprised? No. Pet food tainted with melamine that killed thousands of pets in the US before it was discovered. Toys containing lead paint. Fake eyeball filled with kerosene. Antifreeze chemical used in tooth pase that killed over 100 people in Panama. Truck tires that come apart and cause fatal accidents. Flip-Flops that cause chemical burns. On and on.


Edited by pimay11
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So why don't the FDA ban these foods? Completely ridiculous that they are allowed on sale and we are then advised to be careful about what we eat. Anyone who puts these substances in food products should be locked up for a very long time.

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The article seems to indicate that much of the 'denatured food' is used for ritual offerings, meant to have a 'very long visible shelf life' in the open, and shouldn't be eaten except by 'the spirits'. Many seem to eat these decorative food like products, to their acute gastric distress and sometimes risk of fatality.

Edited by animatic
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So why don't the FDA ban these foods? Completely ridiculous that they are allowed on sale and we are then advised to be careful about what we eat. Anyone who puts these substances in food products should be locked up for a very long time.

90% of food in the supermartket are full of harmful chemecals. toothpaste G M O food has cancer causing shit in it. best to only eat home growern or organic if you can.
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Food and Drug Administration is warning of five substances we should be looking out for when purchasing or eating food for Chinese New Year.

So what is the FDA for if they not are able to prohibit production, import and sale of this lethal yaba food? Oh I forgot “taxes and fees”

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Unfortunately the FDA here can only do so much but I'm wondering why they announced in the first place. the list of hazard chemicals could be ongoing but the fact remains the same that in todays world, we accept that our food gets dunked in all kinds of chemicals helping to preserve food. We know that all snack foods are either loaded with salt or sugar, which too much of any is bad enough to trigger an onset of any kind of diseases and illneses.

Here as well as in the USA or Europe you can get all kinds of pesticides to spray on your crop and well, if you overuse then itll contaminate of course. The reason a farmer would overuse is to make his ends meet as his sole intention would be to get the most yielding crop possible by ensuring that no bugs will attack and other sprays ie. hormones to boost growth and richness. I'm not sure if the growers and manufacturers are unaware, stupid, ignorant or plain greedy.

I saw an article a few months back mentioning something along the lines that the EU has currently 400 food-related chemicals approved and running...I can't cite the source but I'm sure you folks can google it up. Its not a crime to be handling these substances it's just hard for the general public know about the inside industry which is rather grim to be honest.

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The article seems to indicate that much of the 'denatured food' is used for ritual offerings, meant to have a 'very long visible shelf life' in the open, and shouldn't be eaten except by 'the spirits'. Many seem to eat these decorative food like products, to their acute gastric distress and sometimes risk of fatality.

Where I live, if the spirits don'y eat it fast, it's fair game!

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