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Massage-girls-get-unionised, Accuse Foreign Owner

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icecubes, I think you suffer from an altered virtual ego. I'd love to discuss all your complains about me, face-to-face over coffee. And since I know you’re a cheap charlie, I'll even pick up the bill. I'm upstairs at the Starbucks on beach road most days...come on by and lets chat.

I promise, I'm not intimidating, and won’t beat the shit out of you.

How will i know who you are??? :o

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Massage-girls-get-unionised: Accuse foreign owners of exploitation

They explained that these paltry sums were totally inadequate to pay their rent, feed their husbands or look after their children. The general outcry was that Thai women were being financially exploited by greedy foreigners who seemed to be above the law as long as they kept warm to certain officials.

-Pattaya Today

2 Dec 2005

Maybe the husbands should start their own protest, if they have time that is. :o

icecubes, I think you suffer from an altered virtual ego. I'd love to discuss all your complains about me, face-to-face over coffee. And since I know you’re a cheap charlie, I'll even pick up the bill. I'm upstairs at the Starbucks on beach road most days...come on by and lets chat.

I promise, I'm not intimidating, and won’t beat the shit out of you.

How will i know who you are??? :D

He's the big angry bloke in the corner wielding a baseball bat! :o

Massage-girls-get-unionised: Accuse foreign owners of exploitation

They explained that these paltry sums were totally inadequate to pay their rent, feed their husbands or look after their children. The general outcry was that Thai women were being financially exploited by greedy foreigners who seemed to be above the law as long as they kept warm to certain officials.

-Pattaya Today

2 Dec 2005

Maybe the husbands should start their own protest, if they have time that is. :o

Maybe they should get jobs. :D


icecubes, I think you suffer from an altered virtual ego. I'd love to discuss all your complains about me, face-to-face over coffee. And since I know you’re a cheap charlie, I'll even pick up the bill. I'm upstairs at the Starbucks on beach road most days...come on by and lets chat.

I promise, I'm not intimidating, and won’t beat the shit out of you.

How will i know who you are??? :D

hes the one spoon feeding the masseurs in the corner , :o

hes the one spoon feeding the masseurs in the corner ,  :o


What's the matter, can't find a full-time housecleaner in pattaya for 2kbaht/mo? I just hope you pay your thai girlfriend more than 4kbaht/mo! Maybe after reading this thread, she'll get a raise.


hes the one spoon feeding the masseurs in the corner ,   :o


What's the matter, can't find a full-time housecleaner in pattaya for 2kbaht/mo? I just hope you pay your thai girlfriend more than 4kbaht/mo! Maybe after reading this thread, she'll get a raise.


sorry matt , i dont live with a prostitute so i do not pay her anything , in the west we have love and its no different for me out here



What's the matter, can't find a full-time housecleaner in pattaya for 2kbaht/mo? I just hope you pay your thai girlfriend more than 4kbaht/mo! Maybe after reading this thread, she'll get a raise.


sorry matt , i dont live with a prostitute so i do not pay her anything , in the west we have love and its no different for me out here


I didn't say you live with a prostitute or that your thai girlfriend was a prostitute. All I said is that I hope you pay your thai girlfriend more than 4k baht/mo.

But don't worry; I'm sure I and all the other members of this board believe your last statement. All the best and all in good humor,


... up-country where a rice farmer gets paid 150 baht/day (4,500 baht/mo).


Too often you hear farang (this isn't geared towards icecubes) gossiping about wage levels being under 4,000/month in Pattaya ...

Have you ever been up-country? :D

Didn't think so... :o Nobody works 30days/month, 15-20 is more realistic, if there is work, there isn't paid work every day all year round. :D

Your comparison is entirely fictional. :D

But renting and living in Pattaya is more expensive than staying with the family upcountry, sure. A maid for 2500? Possible, but live-in, part-time, meals provided, or what? Sure you can get someone to clean and cook for a couple of hours/day for even less. :D

Have you ever been up-country? :D

Didn't think so... :o Nobody works 30days/month, 15-20 is more realistic, if there is work, there isn't paid work every day all year round. :D

Your comparison is entirely fictional. :D

But renting and living in Pattaya is more expensive than staying with the family upcountry, sure. A maid for 2500? Possible, but live-in, part-time, meals provided, or what? Sure you can get someone to clean and cook for a couple of hours/day for even less. :D

Ah, ...finally some constructive feedback. I agree that most people upcountry have a difficult time finding jobs and that most only work 15-20 days/month. But yes, I have spent a significant amount of time upcountry, although I've never lived there. This puts an upcountry wage at 3,000 baht/mo with shelter included.

I think a full-time housecleaner in Pattaya, not living in, without meals will cost around 7-8,000 baht/mo. Varies depending on the person of course. Please correct me if I am wrong. This figure puts my information about the proper wage of Thai masseurs in Pattaya and tips on par...




What's the matter, can't find a full-time housecleaner in pattaya for 2kbaht/mo? I just hope you pay your thai girlfriend more than 4kbaht/mo! Maybe after reading this thread, she'll get a raise.


sorry matt , i dont live with a prostitute so i do not pay her anything , in the west we have love and its no different for me out here


I didn't say you live with a prostitute or that your thai girlfriend was a prostitute. All I said is that I hope you pay your thai girlfriend more than 4k baht/mo.

But don't worry; I'm sure I and all the other members of this board believe your last statement. All the best and all in good humor,


maybe off-topic, but now I'm really keen on knowing what the point is paying any monthly salary (or whatever you want to call it) to a Thai g/f? Really, really curious...or was it just an ironic remark? Then I haven't said anything.... :o

Have you ever been up-country? :D

Didn't think so... :o Nobody works 30days/month, 15-20 is more realistic, if there is work, there isn't paid work every day all year round. :D

Your comparison is entirely fictional. :D

But renting and living in Pattaya is more expensive than staying with the family upcountry, sure. A maid for 2500? Possible, but live-in, part-time, meals provided, or what? Sure you can get someone to clean and cook for a couple of hours/day for even less. :D

Ah, ...finally some constructive feedback. I agree that most people upcountry have a difficult time finding jobs and that most only work 15-20 days/month. But yes, I have spent a significant amount of time upcountry, although I've never lived there. This puts an upcountry wage at 3,000 baht/mo with shelter included.

I think a full-time housecleaner in Pattaya, not living in, without meals will cost around 7-8,000 baht/mo. Varies depending on the person of course. Please correct me if I am wrong. This figure puts my information about the proper wage of Thai masseurs in Pattaya and tips on par...


Sorry, I still think you misjudge the situation.

A) I suspect upcountry folks come to Pattaya because they find it hard to even find the 3000 at home. For a 'normal' cleaning job, I'd guess 7-8000 is what they dream about, and no doubt some guys will pay it.

B ) They can live off much less money than you seem to think.

But then, I am guessing from an upcountry perspective, I've never lived in Pattaya. But I can tell you that a lot of guys will happily travel to a temporary job in Bangkok, if offered 200 Baht/day. That's a long way short of your proposed 7-8000/month.

Sorry, I still think you misjudge the situation.

A) I suspect upcountry folks come to Pattaya because they find it hard to even find the 3000 at home. For a 'normal' cleaning job, I'd guess 7-8000 is what they dream about, and no doubt some guys will pay it.

B ) They can live off much less money than you seem to think.

But then, I am guessing from an upcountry perspective, I've never lived in Pattaya. But I can tell you that a lot of guys will happily travel to a temporary job in Bangkok, if offered 200 Baht/day. That's a long way short of your proposed 7-8000/month.

Fair enough, I appreciate and respect your perspective from the upcountry. I agree that it's pretty hard to find a decent job in rural Thailand. I also agree that 200 baht/day (or 5400 baht/mo) will get many from upcountry to work labor intensive jobs in Bangkok.

Temporary however is a keyword, I'm pretty sure if I looked hard enough I can find a non-english speaking full-time housecleaner, fresh from Isan to work for 5500 baht/mo. But if I wish to keep her for any length of time over 6-12 months, I think its reasonable to add 1-k/mo for a total of 6500 baht/mo (basic English understanding, another 500/mo baht, with experience, another 500 baht/mo)

It's one thing to move the whole family down from Isan to work on a building site for 5-8 months with a plan to eventually move back to Isan...it’s another to live detached from family and Isan for an extended period of time. I suppose it would be possible to move the whole family down to Pattaya but then the costs grow exponentially. To give you a perspective of costs in Pattaya, I've made this brief chart outlining various costs.

1750 baht/mo Housing (includes electric and water, assuming two people sharing a single studio room, probably old and definitely only with a fan)

600 baht/mo Songtheow transportation (10 baht there, 10 baht back, assuming s/he will need to transfer twice [lets not get into a 5 vs 10 baht discussion]

1800 baht/mo three 20 baht meals a day (possibly a low ball figure because I can only find noodle soup for 25 baht/meal) or two 30 baht meals/day

300 baht/mo mobile bill for calling home

With just the necessities, and living independent from any offspring, a worker needs to make over 4450 baht/mo to send any money home at all.

Of course there's also a slight premium for being away from home, and also a general disgust of living in Pattaya. It's also slightly different in Chonburi because of the large number of industrial estates who undoubtedly raise the price of labor.

7-8k baht/mo for a full-time housecleaner in pattaya is pretty close to fair.


and seeing as you brought it up how much for your girl friend , i estimate if your cleaner is on 8 K a month , your girl friend must be on at least 40 K a month and that's without new house for parents , the buffalo etc, but theres another thing , what does your G/F do all day whilst the cleaner is doing all the work ,

and seeing as you brought it up how much for your girl friend , i estimate if your cleaner is on 8 K a month , your girl friend must be on at least 40 K a month and that's without new house for parents , the buffalo etc, but theres another thing , what does your G/F do all day whilst the cleaner is doing all the work ,


Actually, I don't recall ever saying I had a Thai girlfriend...so I don't know where you are getting this information from. I do however have several friends who work at a traditional thai massage parlor that I frequent often. So the answer is no, I don't pay a non-existent Thai girlfriend 40k/month. I have however taken two of them to Ko Chang for a week and I paid them each 2,500 baht but only because their children and families in the country need the money more than I (but it helps being 23 years old, and a friend rather than a "customer").

I also do not have a housekeeper, because I do not own a house in Pattaya. But like I said, find out for yourself and find a person in Pattaya who hires a full-time housekeeper (food and shelter not included) on a consistent basis and ask em their wage.

At the hotel I used to work at in Pattaya, maid's made 4-5k/mo but had housing, food, and transportation included...they were mostly young females fresh from the country.

This is way off topic, but poppa, you should probably be paying your TG about 10-15k baht/mo if there aren't any other incentives for her to be with you. Of course there are some who pay nothing, and even more who pay 30+k/baht mo, but please start another topic if you wish to continue this discussion.




What's the matter, can't find a full-time housecleaner in pattaya for 2kbaht/mo? I just hope you pay your thai girlfriend more than 4kbaht/mo! Maybe after reading this thread, she'll get a raise.


sorry matt , i dont live with a prostitute so i do not pay her anything , in the west we have love and its no different for me out here


I didn't say you live with a prostitute or that your thai girlfriend was a prostitute. All I said is that I hope you pay your thai girlfriend more than 4k baht/mo.

But don't worry; I'm sure I and all the other members of this board believe your last statement. All the best and all in good humor,


maybe off-topic, but now I'm really keen on knowing what the point is paying any monthly salary (or whatever you want to call it) to a Thai g/f? Really, really curious...or was it just an ironic remark? Then I haven't said anything.... :o

I agree Raro, why pay a g/f anything? Paying even 1 baht changes the relationship, she's no longer a g/f but doing some kind of work or performing some kind of service for you.

I love the comment Poppa!


matt , now your saying you take girls on holiday and pay them , whats wrong havent you got any friends ? and i cannot pay my G/F any money as i have told you for the last time she is not a hooker and would not accept payment from me or any other man , some thing is wrong with you , if you think all ladies will except money from men , now do your self a favor get a forking life , and how the fork can you YOU talk about house keepers when you havent even got a house , some mothers have them , others give up

matt , now your saying you take girls on holiday and pay them , whats wrong havent you got any friends ? and i cannot pay my G/F any money as i have told you for the last time she is not a hooker and would not accept payment from me or any other man , some thing is wrong with you , if you think all ladies will except money from men , now do your self a favor get a forking life , and how the fork can you YOU talk about house keepers when you havent even got a house , some mothers have them , others give up


You're so clever, you've out witted and outsmarted me. Enjoy your life.


Yah, I know, I?m a disgrace to all foreigners who live in Pattaya?

I think your right !!!!!

Been reading some of your old posts,

I got a bit board last week at work.

My we do have a colorful life don?t we, you left quite a trail across the Forum

Do I need to say any more Matt ?????

Yo Ho Ho Merry Christmas


Matt don't be to hard on yourself , your opinions are your opinions ,who's right or wrong , who gives a sh#t , just have a good life regards poppa

Matt don't be to hard on yourself , your opinions are your opinions ,who's right or wrong , who gives a sh#t , just have a good life regards poppa

Oh...lets not fool anyone to thinking you're taking the higher moral grounds. See the mud throwing in prior posts by poppa and icecubes and decide for yourself...lack of Pattaya and thai cultural knowledge? Inability to express and backup their opinions? Maybe.


Oh...lets not fool anyone to thinking you're taking the higher moral grounds. See the mud throwing in prior posts by poppa and icecubes and decide for yourself...lack of Pattaya and thai cultural knowledge? Inability to express and backup their opinions? Maybe.


MattFS218 2005-12-04 21:22:31

I've worked an administrative job on the industrial estates along with some brief experience at a top hotel in Pattaya. I've talked to and know HR managers and have a pretty good idea of what a practical wage is in Pattaya. It's not 4,000 baht/mo.

Matt. more Bs or what!!!!!

Sorry more sticky fingers for you Matt or is it Mike..


Must be my Inability to express and backup my opinions




Oh...lets not fool anyone to thinking you're taking the higher moral grounds. See the mud throwing in prior posts by poppa and icecubes and decide for yourself...lack of Pattaya and thai cultural knowledge? Inability to express and backup their opinions? Maybe.


Sorry that was very rude of me last night.

I apologize for calling you a wanrek.

Very bad of me, to much Chang


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