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This will be the last month that I work in the Middle-East after spending almost a year a half over here, including Army time. I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up. Why? Because I have found out that money isn't everything...I know, a load of crap. But I have made all this money, had my ex-wife blow pretty much half of it. Since my divorce, I have visited thailand, fell in love with a beautiful Thai girl and decided to leave my current occupation. I have been offered some decent jobs in LOS and Taiwan that will pay well but nothing here. Some of my co-workers have called me crazy but I can't seem to see myself spend the rest of my life working in the shat holes of the world for the big bucks. Even my girlfriend said she doesn't want me to work over here because she thinks somebody will blow me up in the name of Allah or something. I say to her that I can make us more money over here but she justs comes back that will just mean that I will be away from her. That pretty much did it for me. My ex-wife was giddy when she found out how much I would be making over here an this little Thai doll who haggles over every taxi and shirt I buy just wants me to be there to hug before she falls asleep. Now, for the TV pros, am I brick and not thinking this through? What are your thoughts?

I hope that those rose tinted glasses have shatterproof lens.  :o

Rose tinted glasses don't work well in this part of the world. I find it interesting that people who call LOS their home are so cynical. Try living in a land there are people who will kill a child just so you will go check it out and then...BOOM! Here you DO need shatter-proof glasses.

Be carefull. :D

I'm always careful. That gets a little old after awhile.

Well you asked for thoughts..and you got it.If it's too old for you then fly into it at a hundred miles an hour.You'll be fine. :D

It's more fun at higher speeds, don't you think? :D That is true, I did ask for thoughts but consider how much money I have stashed (hidden from my ex-wife before she could suck the rest of it out of me) I have a nice cusion to crash and burn in to, if it comes to that.


I hope that those rose tinted glasses have shatterproof lens.   :o

Rose tinted glasses don't work well in this part of the world. I find it interesting that people who call LOS their home are so cynical. Try living in a land there are people who will kill a child just so you will go check it out and then...BOOM! Here you DO need shatter-proof glasses.

I have. And Thailand was always my R&R point. But I long ago accepted the fact that no place is perfect and what may appear to be sugar may actually be salt. Be just as careful here as you wish you had been there (the ex). Not all is as it may appear at first light.

I hope that those rose tinted glasses have shatterproof lens.   :o

Rose tinted glasses don't work well in this part of the world. I find it interesting that people who call LOS their home are so cynical. Try living in a land there are people who will kill a child just so you will go check it out and then...BOOM! Here you DO need shatter-proof glasses.

I have. And Thailand was always my R&R point. But I long ago accepted the fact that no place is perfect and what may appear to be sugar may actually be salt. Be just as careful here as you wish you had been there (the ex). Not all is as it may appear at first light.


the above post is from probably the most respected member on Thai Visa.It's good advice mate. :D


The reason why you are being told to be careful is the background to your dicision, recent divorce, visit Thailand, found new love.. These unfortunately are the all too common steps towards a hard landing.

As for giving up your income, that depends on your age and current savings/provisions for the future.

Look forward to retirement in Thailand (no matter how far ahead that is) and ask yourself, at retirement will you be able to meet the current minumum income requirements?

Living now when you are young is easy, making enough and saving enough for the future is not easy, and accept for a very few lucky individuals, I doubt you will find many foreigners in Thailand who are making enough in Thailand to live now and save for the future. Most of the younger guys who are in Thailand and have enough for the future have either made money outside of Thailand or are making money outside of Thailand.

Maybe not the news you want to hear, bu the news as it is.

Thailand is a great place to spend money, its not a good place to make money and life in Thailand turns to sh1t very quickly when the money runs out.

... I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up.  Why?  Because I have found out that money isn't everything...I have visited thailand, fell in love with a beautiful Thai girl and decided to leave my current occupation ...  Now, for the TV pros, am I brick and not thinking this through?  What are your thoughts?

... my thoughts are: Go for it! This life you'll only live once... And you won't be the only fool down here

I hope that those rose tinted glasses have shatterproof lens.   :o

Rose tinted glasses don't work well in this part of the world. I find it interesting that people who call LOS their home are so cynical. Try living in a land there are people who will kill a child just so you will go check it out and then...BOOM! Here you DO need shatter-proof glasses.

I have. And Thailand was always my R&R point. But I long ago accepted the fact that no place is perfect and what may appear to be sugar may actually be salt. Be just as careful here as you wish you had been there (the ex). Not all is as it may appear at first light.


the above post is from probably the most respected member on Thai Visa.It's good advice mate. :D

You are all right, of course, Heaven and hel_l at the drop of a hat. But I will try to make it a go of it-not throw much money into it and always have enough to fall back on or make a break it (my fiance said she will go wherever I will go). I also have read enought of the TV threads to realize of how much of the sugar can turn to crap. But you know, if you screw up over here it can mean your life (which might me the same at the Day/Night Hotel in Pattaya, too). I can deal with a broken heart and an empty wallet-but I have a few more wallets tied up in the states if you know what I mean. My dream was always to travel and now that I've "done" the middle-east thing I want to give the Asia experience a go. Believe me, I will keep reading all your threads for the best advice. One question though, BambinaA-her avatar kinda' reminds me of climbing that rope in gym class, exciting but watch out for rope burns... :D

This will be the last month that I work in the Middle-East after spending almost a year a half over here, including Army time.  I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up. 

In itself $8000 a month is good money but not enough to get killed for.

There's guys working with me here in Saudi on 8000/month which is not that high a salary but a lot less risk.

This will be the last month that I work in the Middle-East after spending almost a year a half over here, including Army time.  I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up. 

In itself $8000 a month is good money but not enough to get killed for.

There's guys working with me here in Saudi on 8000/month which is not that high a salary but a lot less risk.

Man, I AM getting hosed. :o If I am going to bite it, I want it to be in a place with a lot of moisture and trees so...

This will be the last month that I work in the Middle-East after spending almost a year a half over here, including Army time.  I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up. 

In itself $8000 a month is good money but not enough to get killed for.

There's guys working with me here in Saudi on 8000/month which is not that high a salary but a lot less risk.

Been offered double that to go back and play at infrastructure improvements programmes in Saddis old back yard (incl.free beer)but prefere "Carlings"

Read the book,been in the plot but prefer a happy ending...aint worth it.... :D

On the other hand the subject of Pattis 5 bt buses/song Tails pricing policy..thats a real conflict zone.... :o


Did you not learn anything from the first wife.

I'll use an old saying to sum it up.

Young Dumb full of cum.

You should know now, that take care of work and everything worth having will still be there. Burn your bridges and you can be an ex officer that fell in the Thailand trap just the same as many before you. Thailand is not so nice and your not as well liked when living on a budget or broke.

I have been in the area almost 10 times longer than you and my income on investments make as much as you do if not more.

Only because when I gave up the thai ex and put my priorities straight did I not

end up a failure for the second time on two ten year relationships, both times children involved. Both ex's, which I will not talk to try to contact me and they have no idea how well I ended up. Sure the children and family would like me to go back with the home town sweetheart first wife or the thai wife who begged me to forgive her. No chance.

Sure money is not everything when you have a bit of it, but I can assure you of one thing it will be when you don't have it.

I can go on and on about everything even how you feel, been there done that.

Be a man stick it out and really put yourself 10 years or more ahead of the game in a few years. 3 years at your wages with the tax benefits would be ten years of a decent state side job.

Well need to go and get some mail off for the holidays, sending the children more than you make in a month this year. Had a 50K month in the market for November.

Good Luck and hope you don't end up a mess like it sounds like you want to do.

Use the right head when thinking


Until you are one of these below don't even think about giving up a good paying job. I know foreigners living on retirements where one of your years earnings are almost ten of theirs. Yes they are happy miserable ######.

Executives & Wives Take Blocks Of Egat Shares

This will be the last month that I work in the Middle-East after spending almost a year a half over here, including Army time.  I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up.  Why?  Because I have found out that money isn't everything...I know, a load of crap.  But I have made all this money, had my ex-wife blow pretty much half of it.  Since my divorce, I have visited thailand, fell in love with a beautiful Thai girl and decided to leave my current occupation.  I have been offered some decent jobs in LOS and Taiwan that will pay well but nothing here.  Some of my co-workers have called me crazy but I can't seem to see myself spend the rest of my life working in  the shat holes of the world for the big bucks.  Even my girlfriend said she doesn't want me to work over here because she thinks somebody will blow me up in the name of Allah or something.  I say to her that I can make us more money over here but she justs comes back that will just mean that I will be away from her.  That pretty much did it for me.  My ex-wife was giddy when she found out how much I would be making over here an this little Thai doll who haggles over every taxi and shirt I buy just wants me to be there to hug before she falls asleep.  Now, for the TV pros, am I brick and not thinking this through?  What are your thoughts?

paradise can't be for ever. to live and to enjoy for two weeks are not simular things.

for my opinion. from another side, sometime you need more than 2 week to relax



yeah you are probably right. It might be better to work a just get by job until your 65 than work a few hard years when your young.

the guy has only been there a short time outside the military making decent wages. We always called it p*ssy whipped.

This will be the last month that I work in the Middle-East after spending almost a year a half over here, including Army time.  I average about $8,000 a month and I have decided to give it all up.  Why?  Because I have found out that money isn't everything...I know, a load of crap.  But I have made all this money, had my ex-wife blow pretty much half of it.  Since my divorce, I have visited thailand, fell in love with a beautiful Thai girl and decided to leave my current occupation.  I have been offered some decent jobs in LOS and Taiwan that will pay well but nothing here.  Some of my co-workers have called me crazy but I can't seem to see myself spend the rest of my life working in  the shat holes of the world for the big bucks.  Even my girlfriend said she doesn't want me to work over here because she thinks somebody will blow me up in the name of Allah or something.  I say to her that I can make us more money over here but she justs comes back that will just mean that I will be away from her.  That pretty much did it for me.  My ex-wife was giddy when she found out how much I would be making over here an this little Thai doll who haggles over every taxi and shirt I buy just wants me to be there to hug before she falls asleep.  Now, for the TV pros, am I brick and not thinking this through?  What are your thoughts?

As long as you have some investments or a pension behind you I would say go for it.

I chucked in a high paying job in Saudi over a year ago (I had been there for over 8 years) and don't regret it at all. When I left I intended to retire to LOS and haven't looked for a job at all (one found me instead but thats irrelevant).

As well as earning the big bucks in the middle east you will find that you also spend big bucks as well.

I have some great friends that are still living there and some great memories of the experience. I don't regret for one minute ever going there in the first place, but when its time to leave then its time to leave.

We had the 2 buckets theory:

There are things in Saudi which will anoy the shit out of anyone (the same goes for any country I guess), anyway you put these things in your crap bucket. The big bucks that you manage to save go into your money bucket.

As soon as one of your buckets is full, then its time to leave.



You don't provide much info for us to go on !

How old are you ?

You say you were there for a year and a half including military time. So were you

on 8 k a month for 17 months or for 1 month.

You don't say if you had any capital prior to this job, If you have been in the military

for any length of time then probably not.



You don't provide much info for us to go on !

How old are you ?

You say you were there for a year and a half including military time. So were you

on 8 k a month for 17 months or for 1 month.

You don't say if you had any capital prior to this job, If you have been in the military

for any length of time then probably not.


I'm a young 34. Actually, I was here with the military for about a year and a half (2 tours) and now a year with my company. Yes, you are right, it is really hard to save any money in the military. I have an interview with an energy company in Bangkok in January and have been offered a teacing position at an International school in Taiwan. Of course, the energy company pays more. I'm glad I did this thread because a lot of it is being put into perspective for me. I will have to think this more thoroughly. I think my problem was that I left the military and came right over to work here (I probably should have taken more time off but they wanted me over here ASAP).



As long as you have some investments or a pension behind you I would say go for it.

I chucked in a high paying job in Saudi over a year ago (I had been there for over 8 years) and don't regret it at all. When I left I intended to retire to LOS and haven't looked for a job at all (one found me instead but thats irrelevant).

As well as earning the big bucks in the middle east you will find that you also spend big bucks as well.

I have some great friends that are still living there and some great memories of the experience. I don't regret for one minute ever going there in the first place, but when its time to leave then its time to leave.

We had the 2 buckets theory:

There are things in Saudi which will anoy the shit out of anyone (the same goes for any country I guess), anyway you put these things in your crap bucket. The big bucks that you manage to save go into your money bucket.

As soon as one of your buckets is full, then its time to leave.

I have order everything on line (such as Amazon) and that includes just daily stuff. That does add up a bit. Then it has to take a MIL convoy just to get to where I am at.

Did you not learn anything from the first wife.

I'll use an old saying to sum it up.

Young Dumb full of cum.

You should know now, that take care of work and everything worth having will still be there. Burn your bridges and you can be an ex officer that fell in the Thailand trap just the same as many before you. Thailand is not so nice and your not as well liked when living on a budget or broke.

I have been in the area almost 10 times longer than you and my income on investments make as much as you do if not more.

Only because when I gave up the thai ex and put my priorities straight did I not

end up a failure for the second time on two ten year relationships, both times children involved. Both ex's, which I will not talk to try to contact me and they have no idea how well I ended up. Sure the children and family would like me to go back with the home town sweetheart first wife or the thai wife who begged me to forgive her.  No chance.

Sure money is not everything when you have a bit of it, but I can assure you of one thing it will be when you don't have it.

I can go on and on about everything even how you feel, been there done that.

Be a man stick it out and really put yourself 10 years or more ahead of the game in a few years. 3 years at your wages with the tax benefits would be ten years of a decent state side job.

Well need to go and get some mail off for the holidays, sending the children more than you make in a month this year. Had a 50K month in the market for November.

Good Luck and hope you don't end up a mess like it sounds like you want to do.

Use the right head when thinking

My ex-wife cashed in all my investments when I was over here, about $17,000 worth...a top five reason why she is now ex.

Good advise given here. If you have the stash to take the jump - then go for it - life is too short to stay in a job one hates (or that risks ones life). Cheers!


Some don't know the situation but for most over here there is no cost.

Food and housing is paid along with the normal 5 weeks a year off and a couple plane tickets a year.

You are older than I thought you would be. You don't have time to mess around

at your age and if the girl cares for you she will be around to.

Now having a good offer to replace your work in another better country is a different story. Go for the better life as long as the pay and all will provide you a

decent future. That is what it is all about getting to the comfort zone the quickest

route possible using some measures such as living standards and pay.

I have known several people who have been in and out of this area several times

thinking they had enough each time but never keep their priorities straight.

8K tax free jobs don't come to often and when they do you would expect a few

stinkers with it. I know many making as much as you that don't have to bad of living conditions and have girlfriends that live with them or on the side.

You should be able to find a decent job in the area with either more pay or better living conditions, if not you are doing great and don't let it get to you. We can be our own worst enemies at times.

You get to empty the shit bucket a couple times a year so the money bucket should look quite good.

You could be walking away from there never having to work again with enough cash to provide you 4K or more a month for the rest of your life.

When you have money and invest it wisely and safely you have unlimited potential

just hanging in front of your nose.

Can you imagine being free from a worry of work and cash. You are on a good path to do such a thing. I'll leave it at that and I can tell you when your savings is making you a decent amount that is when it is time to pack it in.


I'm going to reply as I see the situation. I think you are in lust and that you are certainly too young to stop working. I have seen many guys come over here trying to beg, steal, borrow or scam enough baht to be able to stay here. SELDOM does it work out for them. To get a retirement visa you have to be fifty years old and have a monthly income of 65,000 baht per month or have 800,000 baht in a Thai bank that has to be topped back up every year. Those requirements are a good guideline if you are going to be able to stay or not. No one is sure what the future will bring so having a lifetime income of 65,000 baht per month should be the minimum. I'll probably get flamed for generalizing but NOTE that I did say SELDOM.


I don't know anyone working in this area that does not get food and housing allowances or it supplied. Also free flights out a couple times a year. Normal is about 20 days every 6 months. Many take about 10 days every 4 months with a 3 weeker at the end of year ( which is one of the 3 trips per year). If you think it is hard now wait until you are hitting 50 and saying to yourself I hope I can retire by the time a hit 60.

Maybe I was a little more hardcore but I would align my vacations to my savings goal. When I hit a certain amount more of savings I would take me one a long vacation and put the cash of a saved plane ticket towards my vacation spending.

I am a bit older than you, that may be a big bit, but my savings makes enough

for me to retire without touching it, for ever I hope. I can spend $200 a day for the rest of my life now and not run out of money. This is because I didn't throw in the towel when I made up my own dilusions of how bad I had it and what I was missing out on.

Change your thinking to instead of what fun you are missing out on, to what fun you will have if you reach a certain long term goal.

You got out of your first one cheap at 17K ( I hope you didn't expect her to spend on more than bread and butter when you were gone). Giving up a $100K job for this thai bird sounds stupid. Yeah let that little $300 a month girl advise you on how to be successful......

( Quote from Tiz)

As well as earning the big bucks in the middle east you will find that you also spend big bucks as well.

I have some great friends that are still living there and some great memories of the experience. I don't regret for one minute ever going there in the first place, but when its time to leave then its time to leave.

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