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Thai Overseas Students Abusing Rights: Tax Evasion


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Also, not to be anal about your use of English, but 'Oz' refers to the country and not the people, so next time please use the phrase 'Australian people'.

Have a nice day!

or Ozzies.

There is NO "O" or "Z" in AUSSIE. (Ouztralia????) I guess you are American.giggle.gif Not American bashing just saying that you are way off the mark. Just a tip from an actual Aussie. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Life is unfair, so what.

You want same same both ways.

Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

You still want same same both ways?

Yes true Australians can have a month holiday in Thailand without visa's

But they can't get citizenship or even stay without renewing visa's annually

Yes life is unfair both sides

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Thai ideology. What can you say? The purpose of imposing a 200% tax is to discourage people from wasting money on luxury goods. The tax in which of course is part of roads and highways revenue. The problem is they cannot rely on this kind of money if they need to fix the roads. They need to kill all the corrupt police and collect from reasonable fines (rather than confiscating licence- I still don't understand the logic behind that).

If these rich people have their mind set on buying a luxury or sports car, they will buy it anyway. So let them! It will be cheap enough so it's price will drop quicker, and everyone else can have a chance to own a cool vehicle. We can then see less bombs on the streets.

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Life is unfair, so what.

You want same same both ways.

Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

You still want same same both ways?

Yes true Australians can have a month holiday in Thailand without visa's

But they can't get citizenship or even stay without renewing visa's annually

Yes life is unfair both sides

Both countries are infested with crocs. You can't trust either it's smile or it's tears.

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So let me get this straight . When the missus(Thai) and i move back from the uk next year she'll be able to import her 7 year old Lexus RX 300. Any idea of how much it'll cost in import tax and registering?? Is it a viable option, or is it better just to flog it before we leave and buy when we arrive??

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Bring it!! and quick before they change the rules. The vehicles we drive here are crap. Even the ones they say are assembles overseas, they may be right, but they meant China. The panels, if sanded down to bare metal and measured with a veneer gauge, it's about 20% thinner than it's EU counterparts. I wouldn't trust any Audi or Volkswagen that's made in China either. Might as well just buy a thai-made Camry.

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Thai ideology. What can you say? The purpose of imposing a 200% tax is to discourage people from wasting money on luxury goods. The tax in which of course is part of roads and highways revenue. The problem is they cannot rely on this kind of money if they need to fix the roads. They need to kill all the corrupt police and collect from reasonable fines (rather than confiscating licence- I still don't understand the logic behind that).

If these rich people have their mind set on buying a luxury or sports car, they will buy it anyway. So let them! It will be cheap enough so it's price will drop quicker, and everyone else can have a chance to own a cool vehicle. We can then see less bombs on the streets.

I am guessing, the elite never pay the tax

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Also, not to be anal about your use of English, but 'Oz' refers to the country and not the people, so next time please use the phrase 'Australian people'.

Have a nice day!

or Ozzies.

There is NO "O" or "Z" in AUSSIE. (Ouztralia????) I guess you are American.giggle.gif Not American bashing just saying that you are way off the mark. Just a tip from an actual Aussie. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Oi Moit, you from Echuca? Me from Woodonga. How about we go for a walkabout up to Wagga Wagga.. Catch us some critters now makin their way up Mudjimba..

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Australia still has alot of natural resources to exploit. Thais have nothing, only their people to rip off from.

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Thai ideology. What can you say? The purpose of imposing a 200% tax is to discourage people from wasting money on luxury goods. The tax in which of course is part of roads and highways revenue. The problem is they cannot rely on this kind of money if they need to fix the roads. They need to kill all the corrupt police and collect from reasonable fines (rather than confiscating licence- I still don't understand the logic behind that).

If these rich people have their mind set on buying a luxury or sports car, they will buy it anyway. So let them! It will be cheap enough so it's price will drop quicker, and everyone else can have a chance to own a cool vehicle. We can then see less bombs on the streets.

I am guessing, the elite never pay the tax

Contrary to what people think, the elite DO pay tax. and they SHOW that they pay tax. (But they have other ways to get it back). It's the little ones who complain about the little bit of tax they are paying, because to them this little bit means alot.

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Australia still has alot of natural resources to exploit. Thais have nothing, only their people to rip off from.

I notice they are creating a USA base there to help protect Australia from China and their desire to rip off your resources.

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It's one way of paying to study for a degree that's actually worth something outside of Thailand. But the 200 per cent import tax does serve one purpose. No honest person would buy an imported car in Thailand so owning one helps the police spot the crims (if they're interested)

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It's one way of paying to study for a degree that's actually worth something outside of Thailand. But the 200 per cent import tax does serve one purpose. No honest person would buy an imported car in Thailand so owning one helps the police spot the crims (if they're interested)

So they know who to get a kickback from.

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Life is unfair, so what.

You want same same both ways.

Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

You still want same same both ways?

No life can be fair, though 200 % import duties make it less fair.

We do need a visa which can be obtained on arrival.

Thais can become Australians.

Most people need a visa to get into Australia including most commonwealth countries, why should Thai's be so special.

I think the visas granted in most western countries are far fairer, longer and useful than those granted by Thailand.

Having it both ways would be fine by me. Last time I was back in the UK there were more than a few Thai companies under 100% ownership that even owned property. Try that in Thailand!

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I was thinking of importing my Corvette from the US into Thailand until I saw the import duty was 350% and 7% VAT on the shipping cost. Apparently there is a penalty tax also imposed if the engine of the vehicle is over 3.0 liters and even more if the engine is over 5 liters. I liked that car but not that much.

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So let me get this straight . When the missus(Thai) and i move back from the uk next year she'll be able to import her 7 year old Lexus RX 300. Any idea of how much it'll cost in import tax and registering?? Is it a viable option, or is it better just to flog it before we leave and buy when we arrive??

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Bring it!! and quick before they change the rules. The vehicles we drive here are crap. Even the ones they say are assembles overseas, they may be right, but they meant China. The panels, if sanded down to bare metal and measured with a veneer gauge, it's about 20% thinner than it's EU counterparts. I wouldn't trust any Audi or Volkswagen that's made in China either. Might as well just buy a thai-made Camry.

They are all built to specification for the countries they are to be sold in. I think the australian ones are the highest spec you can get. I know that the ones exported from Thailand to the UK are a higher spec because they do not meet safety standards there as sold in Thailand.

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Life is unfair, so what.

You want same same both ways.

Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

You still want same same both ways?

Yes true Australians can have a month holiday in Thailand without visa's

But they can't get citizenship or even stay without renewing visa's annually

Yes life is unfair both sides

Both countries are infested with crocs. You can't trust either it's smile or it's tears.

Nothingwrong with a good croc steak

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Australia still has alot of natural resources to exploit. Thais have nothing, only their people to rip off from.

I notice they are creating a USA base there to help protect Australia from China and their desire to rip off your resources.

Yeh help out of the kindness of thier heartsclap2.gifcheesy.gif

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So let me get this straight . When the missus(Thai) and i move back from the uk next year she'll be able to import her 7 year old Lexus RX 300. Any idea of how much it'll cost in import tax and registering?? Is it a viable option, or is it better just to flog it before we leave and buy when we arrive??

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

Bring it!! and quick before they change the rules. The vehicles we drive here are crap. Even the ones they say are assembles overseas, they may be right, but they meant China. The panels, if sanded down to bare metal and measured with a veneer gauge, it's about 20% thinner than it's EU counterparts. I wouldn't trust any Audi or Volkswagen that's made in China either. Might as well just buy a thai-made Camry.

They are all built to specification for the countries they are to be sold in. I think the australian ones are the highest spec you can get. I know that the ones exported from Thailand to the UK are a higher spec because they do not meet safety standards there as sold in Thailand.

Now thats a very good argument.! What makes thai saftey standards lower? Life is cheaper in Thailand? Not only Uk.. Manufacturers in Thailand, we got a list of the A grade and the B grade and they are clearly allocated to specific countries. Ask yourself, Are the Thais paying any less for a more fragile vehicle..? NO. It's all politics! They are foolishly paying more!! I can buy myself a camry in Thailand, standard, or bring the same amount of money and buy the same camy with all options and safety Australian Saftey assurance.. why..? Politics.. Unfair Trade. Fair Trade agreement.? nahhh... don't believe them..

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Also, not to be anal about your use of English, but 'Oz' refers to the country and not the people, so next time please use the phrase 'Australian people'.

Have a nice day!

or Ozzies.

There is NO "O" or "Z" in AUSSIE. (Ouztralia????) I guess you are American.giggle.gif Not American bashing just saying that you are way off the mark. Just a tip from an actual Aussie. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I'm English, and asked the Thai poster to use the word 'Australian people', and the Thai poster (the clue was his saying in his avatar 'I'm not a Farang') commented 'Oz' as being the person/people.

The point I was making was that many people refer to Australia as Oz, and so he/she should use that for the country, not the people.

In terms of my use of the word to reference him/her, my apologies, my Aussie mate.

Edited by bedu
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In places like the UK, the fuel carries a huge amount of duty/tax/Vat.. whatever the vendors are told to collect from the motorist that increases the price you pay for a tankful to, say £150, which is an £120 increase from the actual fuel cost of £30 (guesstimate)

In Thailand if you want to drive a car and pay the real price of the actual cost of the tankful of fuel, say £30, you can do that . If however you would like to spend some of your money and drive an imported "Luxury Goods" car and still pay the real cost of fuel you can, but the government still need the tax revenue and unlike the UK they don't collect the £120 tax from you at the gas station. Therefore those that can afford the "Luxury" can also pay the Luxury tax up front when they purchase the car. This way those that can't afford the luxury goods aren't having to pay the £120 at the gas station every time they fill their low cost (non luxury) vehicle.

IMHO, It's a very fair system.

Fair enough , and that is one way of looking at it.

What i do not get though, is how this tax seems to follow all the cars through the second hand market , making depreciation of a vehicle in Tailand almost zero if you buy a new car and on the other hand making second hand purchases very expensive.

In this world we live in today of limited resources , would it not be more prudent to stop every idiot under the sun driving because they think they have a god given right to, though they have rarely the driving skills to drive a toy car even, and mostly come from poor backgrounds where, they have had to borrow to the hilt to get a car that gives them false esteem,

By making new cars cheap in comparison to second hand cars without the tax carried on them , just increases the number of cars on the roads and uses more global resources to build new stock, rather than making it more attractive to buy second hand. Maintaining low price fuel also increases faster use of dwindling resources and increases pollution levels.

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Also, not to be anal about your use of English, but 'Oz' refers to the country and not the people, so next time please use the phrase 'Australian people'.

Have a nice day!

or Ozzies.

There is NO "O" or "Z" in AUSSIE. (Ouztralia????) I guess you are American.giggle.gif Not American bashing just saying that you are way off the mark. Just a tip from an actual Aussie. Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

I'm English, and asked the Thai poster to use the word 'Australian people', and the Thai poster (the clue was his saying in his avatar 'I'm not a Farang') commented 'Oz' as being the person/people.

The point I was making was that many people refer to Australia as Oz, and so he/she should use that for the country, not the people.

In terms of my use of the word to reference him/her, my apologies, my Aussie mate.

Sorry my English friend, but I was refering to sparebox.

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How many vehicles are they talking about? There almost certainly is a double standard being applied here for certain individuals.

Must be a few, In Chiangmai there are a lot of Merc's, BMW, Audi's and a few porches getting around. The c/park at my son's school is full of luxury vehicles, I feel embarrassed parking the toyota next to them.

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How many vehicles are they talking about? There almost certainly is a double standard being applied here for certain individuals.

Must be a few, In Chiangmai there are a lot of Merc's, BMW, Audi's and a few porches getting around. The c/park at my son's school is full of luxury vehicles, I feel embarrassed parking the toyota next to them.

They don't call it the Golden Triangle for nothing.

Edited by z12
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Instead of protesting the students right to bring their cars home at lower tax-rate, how about protesting the tax-rate to import 'luxury' products here?

Steady chap, that would require use of the grey matter and taking on a few vested interest groups who make a tidy some from it no doubt. smile.png

Edited by makavelithedon
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