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Thai Govt Put On The Ropes As Court Deliberates On Decrees' Legality


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But in the global picture that DEBT is still there and affects the rating...

So, the Constitution court will rule on this blatant banana republic accounting scheme.

Be careful with that "banana republic" label - Thailand's actual debt/spending profile has been *much* more responsible than the US and many EU members, so they aren't so close to the wall on that issue, have lots more wiggle room than many of our home countries.

If the government were to increase its levels of debt for money to actually be spent effectively on (for example) flood-prevention measures and improving the public education system, I'd be all for it. However since we know that public spending here is much less effective in actually solving such problems. . .

At least increased bank charges will be paid for a big more progressively than regular taxes - but not by much I imagine.

The point is UP TILL NOW.

This move they are trying throws that premise into the weeds.

Headline I'd like to see in the local press:

"The era of populism and delusion is over."

EC Finance Minister yesterday (Sat Feb. 11, 2012) on the latest bailout funding for Greece.

Snooze Alarm:

"...Thailand will continue on the road to self destruction." (emphasis added)

King Bhumiphol Adulyadet circa 2004

Worth Repeating:

Proxy Thai PM Yingluck Shinawatra has been given the nickname of 'The Parrot|' by the

Government House press pack because she usually just repeats what she's been taught to say.

Edited by GazR
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Shutting barn doors after horses have bolted works a treat. Where is the plan? How will the funds be expended? What is the system of accounting and accountability? Who will ensure there is no corruption in their use, etc., etc., etc., ? Or should we just dismiss these concerns with a blithe "don't you worry about all that. Trust me."

Looks like a change of mind from the Dems according to this tweet from Korns PR machine

RT: Abhisit: Democrat will withdraw case questioning executive decrees on debts submitted to court if govt shows plan to use money

Actually a very shrewd move.

Not sure about shrewd - it doesn't take a rocket scientist to ask the question what the money is for and of course the government should be held to account on how it is spent. As I said earlier, let them have the money and judge them on what they do with it rather than snarl up the process in political bickering which will give the current government the excuse to pass the buck because the Dems stopped them getting the money they needed in time.

Edited by Reasonableman
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