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Tomatoe Prices


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Hello Scoop1, if your talking hydro, I think irrigator(sp?) in one of the hydro

threads was growing for sale toms, somewhere's up in the NE. Had a very nice

pic of his set up. Had a rotating crop of Det's. under shade cloth in a run to

waste system.

As a hobby grower, I'm enjoying the fruits of my labor. I just to them out of

the refrig to take a pic. You can't even see the sunscald, very good flavor and

good producer for an O-P tom.


I'll @ you a pic/s late this afternoon on what's for sale for up/low market toms.




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Hello Scoop1, I checked retail prices today at The Mall Korat's Hypermart and

they ran Bt. 89-109@kg for red western type toms, most come from CM

and I've shown pictures of their toms in the hydro threads. You can look at

http://www.datt.co.th/ and it shows what they grow, they also sell seed.

I have no idea what farm produce markup(%) is, but most Thais don't spend

Bt.89-109@kg for toms.

Yes I got your @, and am very sorry for not replying.

Nutes, I've just used pre-mesured kits from ACK and later weigh your own

WESCO formula, from bulk chems.

My understanding is that from basic A-B nutes is that to find out where you

are on the growing highway, you need a map, 'tissue culture' to see what

your plants are lacking or over in. That be me then, the timing must of been

right tho, I had the best crop of toms even with plants falling over. More fruit

and better size with the WESCO formula. Yes, it may need to be tweaked, but

I only know how to follow the formula, not how to change it, and know that

it's preforming better. Does the water you use, also what growing your plant/s

in(rice hulls/coir/rockwool/sand/gravel/hydrotron) also have an effect to the

plants requirement, not just pH?

After the 7th, and the masa corn is in, might be able to get my head around

what I can't see now.


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