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I would suggest going into the settings and look for a mail account... If they set up email you can find out thier email address and email them....

If it is a model that is 3G then look for what carrier it is - Then go the provider office (True or AIS...)... they may have a name and address on account...

Edited by sfokevin
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That's if it isn't locked like mine is with the four digit pin code.

Fair play though for trying to return it.Plus the Owner my have used the find my iPad app also

Sent from stoney's iPad using ThaiVisa app

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good on you for trying to find the owner.

Good ideas about looking for email and other account stuff. Hunt around in there.

I freakin love my Ipad so can really relate to your honesty. A lot of people own the galaxy tablets. Oh the humanity.

Yes nice of the OP....

As for Galaxy's & Oh the Humanity.......:lol:

We own both....Galaxy is better IMHO ;)

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ipad is locked with a password and at the apple store they said acc. to the sial number it's not bought in Thailand

If the owner registered it with Apple which is likely, Apple will have their name and email address in their computer identified by the serial number. It is a world wide system so Apple should be helpful but you may not get their top service from the CM branch. Suggest you provide the serial number and ask Apple to contact the registered owner or to give you the contact information. If Apple CM is not responsive, try Singapore or the US by email.

You are doing the right thing by trying to find the owner.

Edited by Dante99
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Something occurred to me: Apple thinks it's importnat enough to allow picture browsing while locked, but NOT to show the owner's name and e-mail address in case someone wants to give it back when it gets lost? What are those Cupertinian Fruit Fetishists thinking?!

Actually a smart owner could take note of this situation & snap a pic of their information printed on a card.

Add it to their gallery & there you go..............

It will make its rounds in the screen saver slide show ;)

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If it's a non Roman language you can type the text into Google translate too. wink.png

Not if he can't read what's there in the first place. If he understands the characters then it's possible but if not then it's not really going to work.

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There is a flaw in the security of the iPad2 that will allow you to get past the lock screen...


I saw that & tried it a number of times on my wife's Ipad2 never worked for me

Worked for me, but the latest OS update fixed it. Also I remember I'd only get to the last app used - it wasn't like you got a completely unlocked iPad. I couldn't get to the email app, for example. It was really a very minor security issue.

Apparently you could call Apple and give them the S/N and they would then find the iTunes account associated with it and send an email to the owner. For security reasons they won't give you the email though - I guess they figure you could be a bad person who somehow got hold of people's serial numbers...

I'd also try 1234, 1111, 2222, etc. 4321. The problem is the iPad locks for 1 minute after 3 failed attempts so that will take some time. Maybe it'll lock even longer if there are more failed attempts too...

Maybe you can jailbreak it, ssh into it, get file system access, get to the email inbox, figure out the guy's email, and send one to him. After that he better kiss your feet....

I guess

What ever you do, leave it on - the guy might have "Find my iPhone" enabled and could use that to track down its GPS location.

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There is a flaw in the security of the iPad2 that will allow you to get past the lock screen...


I saw that & tried it a number of times on my wife's Ipad2 never worked for me

Worked for me, but the latest OS update fixed it. Also I remember I'd only get to the last app used - it wasn't like you got a completely unlocked iPad. I couldn't get to the email app, for example. It was really a very minor security issue.

Apparently you could call Apple and give them the S/N and they would then find the iTunes account associated with it and send an email to the owner. For security reasons they won't give you the email though - I guess they figure you could be a bad person who somehow got hold of people's serial numbers...

I'd also try 1234, 1111, 2222, etc. 4321. The problem is the iPad locks for 1 minute after 3 failed attempts so that will take some time. Maybe it'll lock even longer if there are more failed attempts too...

Maybe you can jailbreak it, ssh into it, get file system access, get to the email inbox, figure out the guy's email, and send one to him. After that he better kiss your feet....

I guess

What ever you do, leave it on - the guy might have "Find my iPhone" enabled and could use that to track down its GPS location.

If you ever get into his e-mail and can't find his e-mail you can always send a message to the people in his address bok.

Good Luck to the finder.

And thank you for doing the right thing. I am quite sure the person who owns it is not in a good state of mind.

Edited by hellodolly
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