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U.S. drone strike kills 10 suspected militants in Pakistan


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U.S. drone strike kills 10 suspected militants in Pakistan

2012-02-08 20:46:58 GMT+7 (ICT)

MIRANSHAH, PAKISTAN (BNO NEWS) -- At least ten suspected Taliban-affiliated militants were killed on early Wednesday morning when a U.S. drone launched an airstrike in Pakistan's volatile tribal region, Pakistani intelligence officials said. Several others were injured.

The attack happened on early Wednesday morning when the unmanned aircraft fired two missiles at a house in the village of Tappi, approximately 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) southeast of Miranshah, the main town in Pakistan's North Waziristan near the border with Afghanistan.

Pakistani intelligence officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the house was allegedly used by fighters from the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani Network, which is one of the top terrorist organizations and threats to U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.

At least ten suspected militants were killed in the airstrike, which completely destroyed the compound, and there were no immediate reports of civilian casualties. The officials said both Afghan and Pakistani fighters were believed to be among those killed, while several others were believed to be injured.

Late last month, U.S. President Barack Obama, for the first time during his presidency, publicly acknowledged that U.S. drones regularly strike suspected militants along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. He confirmed that many of these strikes are carried out in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, targeting al-Qaeda and Taliban suspects in tough terrain.

Obama's statements were part of a web interview which was broadcast live on the video-sharing website YouTube and social networking website Google+. The interview was carried out just three weeks after the first U.S. drone strikes of the year, almost two months after its previous attack.

Few details about casualties from the strikes are usually available, but allegations of civilian casualties regularly spark protests in Pakistan. According to the Washington-based think tank New America Foundation, as many as 2,680 individuals were killed as a result of U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan between 2004 and early 2012.

And according to a report released by the Conflict Monitoring Center in January, at least 609 people were killed as a result of 75 drone strikes in Pakistan in 2011 alone. The group has documented 303 drone strikes since 2004, with a total death toll of at least 2,661.

The U.S. considers the Pakistan-Afghan border to be the most dangerous place on Earth. The area is known to be a stronghold of the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani Network, which is one of the top terrorist organizations and threats to U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.

But controversy has surrounded the drone strikes as local residents and officials have blamed them for killing innocent civilians and motivating young men to join the Taliban. Details about the alleged militants are usually not provided, and the U.S. government does not comment on the strikes.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-02-08

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Well done the drones it looks like they keep shooting up them hogs just as they did yesterday. cowboy.gif

Well Done? ....Really??

The group has documented 303 drone strikes since 2004, with a total death toll of at least 2,661.
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It probably did kill militants. If uncle sam's drone had killed innocents, then the Pakis would be demonstrating in the streets. Interesting, the Pakistanis don't demonstrate when nationalities other than Americans kill their brethren.

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It probably did kill militants. If uncle sam's drone had killed innocents, then the Pakis would be demonstrating in the streets. Interesting, the Pakistanis don't demonstrate when nationalities other than Americans kill their brethren.

It is not the demonstrations against death that I have a problem with....

It is the cheering of death by any country/citizens that I find in bad taste

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saai.gif As per the last thead on this subject can I point out that according to the Pakistani Tribune a poll carried out on the people of Waziristan found them to be in favour of drone strikes as they killed more militants whilst on the other hand causing less collateral damage than the Pakistani army did.

Indeed the kill ratio was 3:1 considering the 31 killed by Pakistani jets compared to the 10 killed by drones.


Why with that ratio even the militants should be in favour of drones. jap.gif

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Groundhog day revisited. Well done the drones it looks like they keep shooting up them hogs just as they did yesterday. cowboy.gif

Ahh showing some true colours there. Doesn't matter if innocents, just keep shooting up them hogs eh.

I don't share your joy in the death of people but I'm sure you will also rejoice when you see arabs dancing in the streets at the death of Americans.

If you think it is ok then it is also ok for them to be happy.

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Ahh showing some true colours there. Doesn't matter if innocents, just keep shooting up them hogs eh.

Who said anything about killing "innocents"?

"Pakistani intelligence officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the house was allegedly used by fighters from the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani Network, which is one of the top terrorist organizations and threats to U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan"

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Groundhog day revisited. Well done the drones it looks like they keep shooting up them hogs just as they did yesterday. cowboy.gif

Ahh showing some true colours there. Doesn't matter if innocents, just keep shooting up them hogs eh.

I don't share your joy in the death of people but I'm sure you will also rejoice when you see arabs dancing in the streets at the death of Americans.

If you think it is ok then it is also ok for them to be happy.

The word 'suspected' is just a sop for the tinfoil hatters amongst us, for the rest of us we simply rejoice that ten more militants have met their maker before they can murder, torture or maim innocent civilians themselves, who also happen to be Pakistani, unlike some of the aforementioned militants.

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Ahh showing some true colours there. Doesn't matter if innocents, just keep shooting up them hogs eh.

Who said anything about killing "innocents"?

"Pakistani intelligence officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said the house was allegedly used by fighters from the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani Network, which is one of the top terrorist organizations and threats to U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan"


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The word 'suspected' is just a sop for the tinfoil hatters amongst us, for the rest of us we simply rejoice that ten more militants have met their maker before they can murder, torture or maim innocent civilians themselves, who also happen to be Pakistani, unlike some of the aforementioned militants.

That goes double for "allegedly."

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Oh geez, and I suppose another moron will try to make a comparison to the helicopter attack that killed the journalists in Iraq.

The word "suspected" terrorists is probably a legal requirement by the news media, I hope no innocent people were killed, but no sympathy for the real militants.

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Groundhog day revisited. Well done the drones it looks like they keep shooting up them hogs just as they did yesterday. cowboy.gif

Ahh showing some true colours there. Doesn't matter if innocents, just keep shooting up them hogs eh.

I don't share your joy in the death of people but I'm sure you will also rejoice when you see arabs dancing in the streets at the death of Americans.

If you think it is ok then it is also ok for them to be happy.

The word 'suspected' is just a sop for the tinfoil hatters amongst us, for the rest of us we simply rejoice that ten more militants have met their maker before they can murder, torture or maim innocent civilians themselves, who also happen to be Pakistani, unlike some of the aforementioned militants.

And one day some guy who had nothing to do with this all will be so full of hate, for the US has killed his family/wife/kids, and he will go looking for ways to blow himself to smithereens in the midst of a crowd of the ones he has learned to hate.

Nothing will be achieved in this war, just like in all the other wars lost, nothing has been or will be gained. It will only create more "hog" days, to use your nice way of expressing contempt for innocent human life.

They are just hogs, just like they were only gooks some wars back. It doesn't matter, we feel superior and think to know it all.... but we lose every time and we just cannot figure out why.

What you can be sure of that yet again another foundation is laid for the next generations to pluck the fruits of our earlier "hog" days.

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Groundhog day revisited. Well done the drones it looks like they keep shooting up them hogs just as they did yesterday. cowboy.gif

Ahh showing some true colours there. Doesn't matter if innocents, just keep shooting up them hogs eh.

I don't share your joy in the death of people but I'm sure you will also rejoice when you see arabs dancing in the streets at the death of Americans.

If you think it is ok then it is also ok for them to be happy.

The word 'suspected' is just a sop for the tinfoil hatters amongst us, for the rest of us we simply rejoice that ten more militants have met their maker before they can murder, torture or maim innocent civilians themselves, who also happen to be Pakistani, unlike some of the aforementioned militants.

And one day some guy who had nothing to do with this all will be so full of hate, for the US has killed his family/wife/kids, and he will go looking for ways to blow himself to smithereens in the midst of a crowd of the ones he has learned to hate.

Nothing will be achieved in this war, just like in all the other wars lost, nothing has been or will be gained. It will only create more "hog" days, to use your nice way of expressing contempt for innocent human life.

They are just hogs, just like they were only gooks some wars back. It doesn't matter, we feel superior and think to know it all.... but we lose every time and we just cannot figure out why.

What you can be sure of that yet again another foundation is laid for the next generations to pluck the fruits of our earlier "hog" days.

Nonsense, most likely they will hate because of what they are taught, and if they go so far as to blow themselves up, it will most likely be in a crowded market place with their fellow countrymen.

Edited by beechguy
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Groundhog day revisited. Well done the drones it looks like they keep shooting up them hogs just as they did yesterday. cowboy.gif

Ahh showing some true colours there. Doesn't matter if innocents, just keep shooting up them hogs eh.

I don't share your joy in the death of people but I'm sure you will also rejoice when you see arabs dancing in the streets at the death of Americans.

If you think it is ok then it is also ok for them to be happy.

The word 'suspected' is just a sop for the tinfoil hatters amongst us, for the rest of us we simply rejoice that ten more militants have met their maker before they can murder, torture or maim innocent civilians themselves, who also happen to be Pakistani, unlike some of the aforementioned militants.

And one day some guy who had nothing to do with this all will be so full of hate, for the US has killed his family/wife/kids, and he will go looking for ways to blow himself to smithereens in the midst of a crowd of the ones he has learned to hate.

Nothing will be achieved in this war, just like in all the other wars lost, nothing has been or will be gained. It will only create more "hog" days, to use your nice way of expressing contempt for innocent human life.

They are just hogs, just like they were only gooks some wars back. It doesn't matter, we feel superior and think to know it all.... but we lose every time and we just cannot figure out why.

What you can be sure of that yet again another foundation is laid for the next generations to pluck the fruits of our earlier "hog" days.


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Nothing will be achieved in this war, just like in all the other wars lost, nothing has been or will be gained.

That might have to do with how one defines goals or measures success. Modern day conflicts rarely get that Hollywood epic ending. One can also ask what are the alternatives available in each situation and whether different choices would be better at the bottom line (which is, again, a matter of definition).

Doesn't make war a good thing at all, of course.

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75x in 2011 alone

288 drone strikes in Pakistan since 2004 number killed range from 1745 to 2710

Then again it is all unconfirmed.....

As it is a exclusively CIA run program it is neither denied nor confirmed.

Yet the CIA is a branch of the US Government

The Supreme Law Of The Land in the USA is the Constitution

The Constitution is based on checks & balances.

Yet none exists in these actions....Thereby making them quite unconstitutional

in every sense of the word. We The People are handed a bill to pay with tax dollars

of which there is no accounting.....Without even mentioning the human rights violations

of those affected ( collateral damages ) because again we have no checks & balances

in these actions against a country we are not at war with

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I was not aware that the Constitution of the United States was enforced in Pakistan.

I was not aware that the rules of engagement are covered specifically by the constitution.

The advantage to drone strikes is that they can be controlled. They can be based on the best information available. Unlike ground troops who may have to shoot their way in and out, causing massive loss of life, these strikes. They can wait until the right time and place and take out the people they want to take out. The fact that militants take sanctuary in civilian homes and bring their multiple wives and kids to the battle ground says more about them than the people implementing drone strikes.

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I was not aware that the Constitution of the United States was enforced in Pakistan.

Sorry you have misunderstood my post

If you look again I said we the people are handed the bill not the Pakistani's

Also I am surprised you did not understand the part about checks & balances either?

They did not pertain to anyone but us again as in we the people of the United States

If we are to pay for ....I do not really know what to call this as it is undeclared/unconfirmed form of war?

But in any case if it is to continue it should be declared & let Congress find the funding if it is so important.

This other version that is not cast upon us is as I said unconstitutional

Does not matter if it is drones or troops.

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I didn't misunderstand your post. The CIA, and it's operations are overseen by the Congress. The Congress represents you "the people."

The power over the use of drones was given to the CIA. The existence of the CIA is subject to oversight, including the Supreme Court.

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I didn't misunderstand your post. The CIA, and it's operations are overseen by the Congress. The Congress represents you "the people."

The power over the use of drones was given to the CIA. The existence of the CIA is subject to oversight, including the Supreme Court.

Not really.......If it is not acknowledged to even exist then we the people are not privy to it.

Congress has not budgeted for it either as it is what is called an unfunded action.

It is the responsibility of Congress to know exactly what & why they are funding/appropriating funding.

Today & never before Congress is expected to pay for funding actions against an enemy yet its location remains vague & pervasive.

In funded wars the enemy is known & defined. As such in this case of Pakistan it cannot be clearly defined nor destroyed.

I am not even going into what may be morally right or wrong....We have been over it ad nauseum

It is understood some support it here some do not.

I do not disagree when you say it is better to risk machines than humans. Albeit a machine controlled from thousands

of miles away may not be able to discern excessive risks to others....We can leave it at that.

What I am saying is over a decade of action that has cost the USA well over 4 trillion should be looked at with fresh eyes.

If it is to be a war then declare it & fight it with a goal clearly defined. Otherwise what is the point? What is the cost?

Ultimately if it helps collapse the US financially who has won in reality?

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