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Good Pub To Watch The Football With Baby


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You are right. When thinking of your child's best interest and your desire to watch a game then it only makes sense to take the child to a place (a bar in Bangkok) where adults are getting drunk and where it is not uncommon to see people over indulge, fight and using foul language... especially during a big game. I am sure the other patrons, who want to let loose with other adults, will be happy you brought the child too ...

But who knows, maybe there are some child friendly bars in Bangkok ... ones that don't cater to pedophiles that is.

This is not the UK, it is Bangkok ... but if you want to pretend it is then why not catch the game with your children at Soi Cowboy or Nana? Limiting your selfishness and/or lower your standards of parental responsibility doesn't make you a good parent. So, why not just go all out and take the kid to a strip show as it will teach them to act better when they are 5-years old in different places and as mentioned there is nothing bad going on there, just people looking to enjoy themselves. Surely there must be some child friendly strip clubs where dad can enjoy the afternoon with his child.

To each his own when it comes to parenting but me .. I draw and have drawn the line at not waning my children to go to bars or places designed for adults to go to want to be free to be adults while consuming alcohol to the point of intoxication. I've also not ever been keen on bring my child around a bunch of strangers (especially one drinking) as I pay attention to other things other than my child, such as the game on TV.

So he asks for a child friendly place and you're now on pedophiles and strip clubs, over dramatise much?

Like I said before, I've seen worse behavior at weddings than I have watching football, more drunken fights too!

And I have seen more fights at weddings and during games than at strip clubs. As I mentioned to the other poster ... We can agree to disagree as I don't advocate taking children to a bar in Bangkok but you are certainly welcome to take your own and rally for the cause for others to do so too.

As for pedophiles, I thought we all knew Thailand was one of the top places for child exploitation and that many tourists come here for that reason ... in my mind just another reason to not take your child to a bar in Bangkok filled with a bunch of drinking strangers while your attention (at least partially) is away from your child and on the game ... not to mention your judgement and reasoning will be affected by your own drinking. But again .. you have every right to advocate bring your child to such a place and pointing out the positives (or less negatives) of doing so.

Edited by Nisa
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You are right. When thinking of your child's best interest and your desire to watch a game then it only makes sense to take the child to a place (a bar in Bangkok) where adults are getting drunk and where it is not uncommon to see people over indulge, fight and using foul language... especially during a big game. I am sure the other patrons, who want to let loose with other adults, will be happy you brought the child too ...

But who knows, maybe there are some child friendly bars in Bangkok ... ones that don't cater to pedophiles that is.

This is not the UK, it is Bangkok ... but if you want to pretend it is then why not catch the game with your children at Soi Cowboy or Nana? Limiting your selfishness and/or lower your standards of parental responsibility doesn't make you a good parent. So, why not just go all out and take the kid to a strip show as it will teach them to act better when they are 5-years old in different places and as mentioned there is nothing bad going on there, just people looking to enjoy themselves. Surely there must be some child friendly strip clubs where dad can enjoy the afternoon with his child.

To each his own when it comes to parenting but me .. I draw and have drawn the line at not waning my children to go to bars or places designed for adults to go to want to be free to be adults while consuming alcohol to the point of intoxication. I've also not ever been keen on bring my child around a bunch of strangers (especially one drinking) as I pay attention to other things other than my child, such as the game on TV.

So he asks for a child friendly place and you're now on pedophiles and strip clubs, over dramatise much?

Like I said before, I've seen worse behavior at weddings than I have watching football, more drunken fights too!

And I have seen more fights at weddings and during games than at strip clubs. As I mentioned to the other poster ... We can agree to disagree as I don't advocate taking children to a bar in Bangkok but you are certainly welcome to take your own and rally for the cause for others to do so too.

As for pedophiles, I thought we all knew Thailand was one of the top places for child exploitation and that many tourists come here for that reason ... in my mind just another reason to not take your child to a bar in Bangkok filled with a bunch of drinking strangers while your attention (at least partially) is away from your child and on the game ... not to mention your judgement and reasoning will be affected by your own drinking. But again .. you have every right to advocate bring your child to such a place and pointing out the positives (or less negatives) of doing so.

We can certainly agree to disagree but don't be disingenuous and put words in my mouth, I'm not rallying for the cause and previously posted for you again not to read, personally I wouldn't inflict my child on other's enjoyment, I do however respect his decision to do so in as safe an environment as possible and to make a go/no go call based upon research.Your points have merit but perhaps starting a new thread on practical parenting and child safety in Bangkok that encompasses travel, bars, crossing cowboy etc would be a better outlet for discussion

Edited by 2unique
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You are right. When thinking of your child's best interest and your desire to watch a game then it only makes sense to take the child to a place (a bar in Bangkok) where adults are getting drunk and where it is not uncommon to see people over indulge, fight and using foul language... especially during a big game. I am sure the other patrons, who want to let loose with other adults, will be happy you brought the child too ...

But who knows, maybe there are some child friendly bars in Bangkok ... ones that don't cater to pedophiles that is.

This is not the UK, it is Bangkok ... but if you want to pretend it is then why not catch the game with your children at Soi Cowboy or Nana? Limiting your selfishness and/or lower your standards of parental responsibility doesn't make you a good parent. So, why not just go all out and take the kid to a strip show as it will teach them to act better when they are 5-years old in different places and as mentioned there is nothing bad going on there, just people looking to enjoy themselves. Surely there must be some child friendly strip clubs where dad can enjoy the afternoon with his child.

To each his own when it comes to parenting but me .. I draw and have drawn the line at not waning my children to go to bars or places designed for adults to go to want to be free to be adults while consuming alcohol to the point of intoxication. I've also not ever been keen on bring my child around a bunch of strangers (especially one drinking) as I pay attention to other things other than my child, such as the game on TV.

So he asks for a child friendly place and you're now on pedophiles and strip clubs, over dramatise much?

Like I said before, I've seen worse behavior at weddings than I have watching football, more drunken fights too!

And I have seen more fights at weddings and during games than at strip clubs. As I mentioned to the other poster ... We can agree to disagree as I don't advocate taking children to a bar in Bangkok but you are certainly welcome to take your own and rally for the cause for others to do so too.

As for pedophiles, I thought we all knew Thailand was one of the top places for child exploitation and that many tourists come here for that reason ... in my mind just another reason to not take your child to a bar in Bangkok filled with a bunch of drinking strangers while your attention (at least partially) is away from your child and on the game ... not to mention your judgement and reasoning will be affected by your own drinking. But again .. you have every right to advocate bring your child to such a place and pointing out the positives (or less negatives) of doing so.

We can certainly agree to disagree but don't be disingenuous and put words in my mouth, I'm not rallying for the cause and previously posted for you again not to read, personally I wouldn't inflict my child on other's enjoyment, I do however respect his decision to do so in as safe an environment as possible and to make a go/no go call based upon research.Your points have merit but perhaps starting a new thread on practical parenting and child safety in Bangkok that encompasses travel, bars, crossing cowboy etc would be a better outlet for discussion

I apologize if I misunderstood your comments as they appeared to indicate an avocation of taking a child to a bar in Bangkok but I guess you are saying now you don't approve because it could bother other adults?

As for starting another topic as to this guy bringing his child to a bar in Bangkok .. the topic appears to cover just that. In fact, I only clicked on the topic because I thought it was a joke.

I can only give the OP the benefit of the doubt that when he uses the word "pub" that maybe he doesn't mean bar and is talking more about an eating establishment that also has a bar.

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I was under the impression that many countries alcohol laws make provisions for minors being accompanied by a legal guardian to be allowed access to a "pub".

I think it depends on what you define as a pub. If you mean a bar then I think you are wrong. If you are talking about a place that has a kitchen and serves food then that is a different story.

Well my impression of the OP comes across as a "nice" Pub with a kitchen that serves food, not some raucous, ruffian redneck/chav/bogun bar with beer and chip wrappers all over the floor, sporting coyote dancers with missing teeth wearing 1" high boob tubes. :rolleyes:
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Wow! this thread went seriously tits up! FYI in the end I took him to watch the football in Woodstock on Tong Lor, it was quiet, smoke free and there was a couple of other expat dads with young children. Perfect.

The people who instantly jumped in here with their 'holier than thou' attitude need to seriously get a life. The reason I asked this question was to get some recommendations for a place that was suitable for watching football because I did not want to go to somewhere too feral, loud and smoky etc.

For the record; my kid often comes out with me whilst his mother and I have a glass of wine with a meal etc. There is NOTHING wrong with it, if I thought that he was uncomfortable or in anyway not happy or if we were disturbing other patrons then I would not take him out with me. So keep your wanky opinions to yourselves and stick to the topic.

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Wow! this thread went seriously tits up! FYI in the end I took him to watch the football in Woodstock on Tong Lor, it was quiet, smoke free and there was a couple of other expat dads with young children. Perfect.

The people who instantly jumped in here with their 'holier than thou' attitude need to seriously get a life. The reason I asked this question was to get some recommendations for a place that was suitable for watching football because I did not want to go to somewhere too feral, loud and smoky etc.

For the record; my kid often comes out with me whilst his mother and I have a glass of wine with a meal etc. There is NOTHING wrong with it, if I thought that he was uncomfortable or in anyway not happy or if we were disturbing other patrons then I would not take him out with me. So keep your wanky opinions to yourselves and stick to the topic.

Woodstock is a restaurant with a bar or Bar Restaurant (Woodstock Bar & Grill). You would do yourself much better if you were more clear in what you were looking for. This is a forum with people from many different parts of the world where "pub' can take on different meanings. In most of the US when you say "Pub" people will typically think of a bar only and if you say "local pub" it often can mean the seedy bar in your neighborhood. I am guessing you are from the UK or similar place where Pubs are also eateries. Although I have never been to a UK Pub, my UK friends in the US used to always refer to the local bars as Pubs even though they served only alcohol. Had one UK friend who used to refer to a topless bar as the "T@tty Pub"

When I saw the title of this thread it seemed somebody was looking for a bar to take their child in Bangkok. After seeing it was a serious post, I considered (as I stated a number of times) you might mean a Restaurant that served alcohol or with a Bar.

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I was under the impression that many countries alcohol laws make provisions for minors being accompanied by a legal guardian to be allowed access to a "pub".

I think it depends on what you define as a pub. If you mean a bar then I think you are wrong. If you are talking about a place that has a kitchen and serves food then that is a different story.

Well my impression of the OP comes across as a "nice" Pub with a kitchen that serves food, not some raucous, ruffian redneck/chav/bogun bar with beer and chip wrappers all over the floor, sporting coyote dancers with missing teeth wearing 1" high boob tubes. rolleyes.gif

Correct and he seems to have confirmed this now. Because pub has always been synonymous with bar where I come from but also knowing in the UK they use Pub for about anywhere that people gather and drink alcohol, I actually looked up the meaning ... and it can either a straight up bar or an eatery that also serves alcohol/has a bar.

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Wow! this thread went seriously tits up! FYI in the end I took him to watch the football in Woodstock on Tong Lor, it was quiet, smoke free and there was a couple of other expat dads with young children. Perfect.

Woodstock Thonglor, huh..!? Thanks, I'll keep this in mind (you're not alone..!)


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In most of the US when you say "Pub" people will typically think of a bar only and if you say "local pub" it often can mean the seedy bar in your neighborhood.

Well guess what...... YOU ARE NOT IN THE US. And a pub is a British/Irish thing so we all know just what it is regardless of what it may be elsewhere. A pub means somewhere to drink. A place to have a drink. Somewhere to drink and a kitchen may or may be present. What's more is that all along the OP was asking for a CHILD FRIENDLY pub. A Pub SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN

And peado's, strip clubs, fights? What on are are you nattering on about? I don't know what kind of establishment you frequent but in all my years I recall seeing a fight ONCE. That was in a pub that the local Hells Angels used as their local (yes, it was unsuitable for children). And throughout the thread you have continually chosen to ignore the OP was requesting a CHILD FRIENDLY pub. I find it very hard to believe any responsible parent would consider a strip club, for example, to be SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN

Don't know why I'm bothering, you'll just ignore this as you have through the rest of the thread. At least the OP has approval from you now, which must make him feel so much better, so I suppose that's the end of that.

Edited by Moonrakers
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It's just a pub for crying out loud, what do you think people do in pubs that is so dangerous? People mostly just sit and drink/eat and have a chat.

Yes, some are too rowdy/smoky and therefore unsuitable but that is the exact reason this thread has been started. The OP is looking for a place that is suitable for children. The operative word here is suitable.

UK law clearly states that there is no law against it, no matter how much you might want there to be. Again, here's another link for you to ignore: http://webarchive.na...out/dg_10026210 It is perfectly legal in the UK and in many other countries. Thailand included (I think)

A pub is not some kind of den of inequity that is nasty and evil, it's is just a place where people socialise and relax. Provided the parent is responsible then there's no harm in it whatsoever. Stop being so judgmental.

You are right. When thinking of your child's best interest and your desire to watch a game then it only makes sense to take the child to a place (a bar in Bangkok) where adults are getting drunk and where it is not uncommon to see people over indulge, fight and using foul language... especially during a big game.

Been watching football for 12 years in Bangkok and never seen a fight in any of the regular bars I go to.... especially during a big game. 11 years ago I left a touristy bar in Samui as it had that English about to kick off feel. Most guys have spider sense that kicks in when you see the wrong crowd that has brought their tribalism all the way to thailand.

I applaud the father for asking in advance as it's every man's right to have beer and football and as long as they don't abuse it who are we to deny them such.

As for foul language I heard more wahs and woys at my daughter's sports day than expected, so she's been taught these are big people's words not for small people and not to be said to grandma again ever!

Fair enough .. you are an advocate for taking your child to a bar in Bangkok, Thailand and I am not. We can agree to disagree.


Not BAR!

There is a difference!

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I'm guessing it's all lost in the culture a bit actually. (I'm guessing Nisa is American)

In Britain, Oz and Ireland the pub is a place to meet, a place to socialise and we spend a lot of time there. Doesn't make us drunken alcoholics, it's just a place to relax. In other countries, however, I suppose it takes in more sinister connotations. In other countries a pub (bar) may be a house of ill repute serving the devils juice. A place where drugs, debauchery and criminal acts are common place (I'm speculating here)

I've found pubs throughout Thailand to be pretty much as they are back home, where the patrons usually act in a civil manner toward each other and others, livening up toward the end of the evening. But then that's not really surprising considering that even in Thailand the clientele are made up largely British/Oz/Irish etc.

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Woodstock is a restaurant with a bar or Bar Restaurant (Woodstock Bar & Grill). You would do yourself much better if you were more clear in what you were looking for. This is a forum with people from many different parts of the world where "pub' can take on different meanings. In most of the US when you say

Backpaddle..backpaddle.. LOL.. In addition, the game is football (which in many different parts of the world takes on a different meaning :rolleyes: ) but in this case was between Manchester Utd and Liverpool FC. Now you're all surprised the OP isn't from Kansas.

Anyway, you got to rant about strippers and paedophiles, hope it made you feel better.

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In most of the US when you say "Pub" people will typically think of a bar only and if you say "local pub" it often can mean the seedy bar in your neighborhood.

Well guess what...... YOU ARE NOT IN THE US. And a pub is a British/Irish thing ...

And I thought we were in Bangkok, Thailand speaking on a forum were folks come from all over the world.

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A pub is as much of a pub in Thailand as it is in Britain, it is an international thing, that is the point. It was only Nisa that wanted to suggest it meant something else. Quite how a child friendly pub was interpreted as somewhere that could have peado's, strippers and fights is beyond me. If that's what makes a pub wherever Nisa is from then so be it but in the rest of the world, as far as I know, a pub is a place to drink.

The OP was absolutely clear in his request.

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as far as I know, a pub is a place to drink.

The OP was absolutely clear in his request.

In other words it is a bar? With your definition I will stick to my words that this would not be a place you want to bring a child.

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In most of the US when you say "Pub" people will typically think of a bar only and if you say "local pub" it often can mean the seedy bar in your neighborhood.

a pub is a British/Irish thing so we all know just what it is regardless of what it may be elsewhere.

Like in Thailand??

Or a forum with people from all over the world .. not just the UK or Ireland?

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