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Halliburton Gets Iraq Oil Contract

the gentleman

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Because Halliburton is following the american armies wherever they go: Afghanistan, Uzbekistan or Iraq.

Because all this is part of the same scheme: using America's military power to control some regions and their ressources.

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In the 80's you supported (with other countries) a dictator named Saddam. Twenty years later, you told the world that for he had to be removed because he was not a nice guy.

Today you are supporting a dictator named I. Karimov. In a few years from now you are going to tell the world that he has to be removed because he is not a nice guy.

And Halliburton will be granted a few juicy contracts.

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I am sure that adjan jb was protesting against Democracies. You types always do. What I can't figure out is why you light-weight lefties never seem to protest against dictators and regimes that are torturing and gassing their own citizens, invading other countries, etc., etc. That is something us brainless rednecks just never could figure out.

Furthermore, as far as I'm concerned, anyone who can't see that the world is much better off without Saddam Hussein deserves to be classified as a friend. :o

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Gentleman- Yes, you caught us with our pants down. Fact is that Haliburton has been the preeminent American company for handling war and post war rebuilding in the U.S. This dates back to the Vietnam war...when a yound Dick Cheney was working in the Johnson administration's mail room, and crossed out the correct contractor, and placed Halibrton's name in it's place.

I don't see any of us telling the Ausies how to spend their money, I don't know why you see it your place to tell us Americans how to spend ours.

PS- am glad you didn't go away.


Adjan, a little late, but Ramadan Mubarak. May you find peace at the end of your gun.


David M., a truly thoughtful post. Will point out however, that colonialism never really did end. It just changed forms, and is a little more inoquous, and none the less prevalent.

Another little dictator!, say what you will sir!

"I don't see any of us telling the Ausies how to spend their money, I don't know why you see it your place to tell us Americans how to spend ours."

What a comment, what ever is meant by it.

The point is I am not telling you how to spend your money, Bush is doing that quite well for you at the moment. The point of the thread was to point out that Halliburton got the contract! - what has your above comment got anything to with that?

Funny little man!

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What I can't figure out is why you light-weight lefties never seem to protest against dictators and regimes that are torturing and gassing their own citizens, invading other countries, etc., etc.

Give us all a lesson Born Again Poster. How many times have protested against dictators and war criminals ? How many times have tried to stop your government from selling weapons to the "bad guys" ? How many times have you asked your government not to train foreign killers and torturers at Fort Benning ?

All of you, far-right wingers, seem to very concerned NOW by the future and the well-being of the Iraqi people but what have you done BEFORE ? What have you done when America, like a new Dr Frankenstein, was creating the monster Saddam ? (to be fair, I have to admit that there were a lot of crazy scientists : Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, etc...)

What have you done, white knights ?

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We are not white knights. We are not black knights. We are common people. While you were "protesting against democracies", we were working for a living; Common people protest at the voting booth.

I can tell you that he was already protesting in the 80's against the western "democracies" (USA, England, France, Germany, ...)

However, on the other hand, we don't pretend to be saviors of the world. We don't think that we are superior because we spit at the civilization that has spawned us. We don't pretend to understand the motives of serial killers of women and children, and we certainly don't pretend to have any sympathy for their causes. We don't think that we are clever because we ignore murderous dictator's crimes in order to rail against the failings of Democracy.

We are not so pretentious. We are not so silly. :o

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Another little dictator!, say what you will sir!

"I don't see any of us telling the Ausies how to spend their money, I don't know why you see it your place to tell us Americans how to spend ours."

What a comment, what ever is meant by it.

The point is I am not telling you how to spend your money, Bush is doing that quite well for you at the moment. The point of the thread was to point out that Halliburton got the contract! - what has your above comment got anything to with that?

Funny little man!

Gentleman (?),

Is that what you call yourself, when someone treats you well, and you in turn so poorly. Have you lost your propriety? :D

I tell you that I am glad you didn't go away, and I am the little dictator? Substatiate this. :o

Listen Jack (you are no longer a gentleman), Haliburton has handled US war contracts for the last 30+ years. It is only an issue with you leftist since Cheney ran the company just prior to becomming VP.

Haliburton got the contract because they are the most capable US company. Why should a US company get the bid? Because it's our f*cking money.

Bonne Journee Jacque, :D


PS- Membrane & G.P., leaving for JFk on business. Tow the line.

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Sorry, plachon, but those are what we call prison cells, but you knew that already. They are an uncomfortable place to keep worthless scum-bags who train to kill innocent people.

As for your other lie, we have seen that you will claim just about anything. For once, how about some proof!

"Prison cells", eh? As used by all prisons in the US right? And you know the answer to that one, fascist sympathiser. You guys, with your feigned love of democracy and freedom, just crack me right up with your self-defeating arguments. You ruin your case, every time you open your mouths or tap on your keyboards, because every time you claim to speak for the "world", you know in your heart of hearts you're talking about that little fraction of humanity called the people of USA, and even then, you know it's mostly the white, European stock with right-wing, "libertarian" views who you're really concerned about.

And by the way, the British government (along with Israel, your bestest "friends" in the whole, wide world), is now starting to ask awkward questions about those "prison cells" and "justice system"of yours on Cuba, as well as IRC, Amnesty International and a whole host of other concerned organisations and individuals, without and within the US. You're looking more isolated and deperate every day dudes. How about you providing some proof about what crime the inmates actually committed? How about a trial even? Come on G-P.......

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You guys, with your feigned love of democracy and freedom, just crack me right up with your self-defeating arguments. You ruin your case, every time you open your mouths or tap on your keyboards, because every time you claim to speak for the "world", you know in your heart of hearts you're talking about that little fraction of humanity called the people of USA, and even then, you know it's mostly the white, European stock with right-wing, "libertarian" views who you're really concerned about.
Sorry, once again, but to me, your arguments make you look like a pretentious imbecile (who thinks that he is psychic), but, on the other hand, I've already made up my mind about your pinko rhetoric. I think you will agree that it is up to the public what they think about what is said here.
"Prison cells", eh? As used by all prisons in the US right?

You sure are worried about how those child-killing Terrorists sleep at night. Strange sense of values..., anyway, many prisoners in America sleep on the floor, or in filthy isolation cells, or in holding cells crammed with other prisoners and no beds, so I would say that the cells in Cuba are more comfortable than many in the US, and, if they are not? Frankly, who gives a sh1t?

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anyway, many prisoners in America sleep on the floor, or in filthy isolation cells, or in holding cells crammed with other prisoners and no beds, so I would say that the cells in Cuba are more comfortable


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So Cal, you have stated that Halliburton has had all the oil contacts for over 30 years - it is only because they lobby and bribe every government that has been in, in the last 30 years, not because they are the most capable company! How much money did they give to 'endorse" the Bush election? - its scratching backs as it is in all business - dont be so naive.

you wrote -"Why should a US company get the bid? Because it's our f*cking money."

You keep saying it is our f... money - you guys dont have any money - do your homework. The debt the USA has is in the trillions, you have outstanding loans to everyone, but allowed to not pay/slow pay, due to corporations/countries fear of reprisals.

Also since Bush has been in office, the USA has lost there credibility with nearly every country on this planet - this is a fact, there are not many countries that like you guys - but as usual the arrogance of your leaders, which filters down to your people are blind/stupid to this fact.

Why is it the whole world is wrong and you guys are right - you are a minority!

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You sure are worried about how those child-killing Terrorists sleep at night. Strange sense of values..., anyway, many prisoners in America sleep on the floor, or in filthy isolation cells, or in holding cells crammed with other prisoners and no beds, so I would say that the cells in Cuba are more comfortable than many in the US, and, if they are not? Frankly, who gives a sh1t?

Georgie, they are not all terrorists you are holding, I watched the BBC last night and there were parents lobbying the English and American Goverments, do have there children released from Guantomono. there is one british kid that is only 13 years old, that has served 2 1/2 years in this ###### hole, with no charges layed against him. I forget the figures, but it was around 500 prisoners, with only a handfull of charges on a few people - basically if you looked like you were islamic, they locked you up for being a "suspected terrorist" - yes paranoia is something we must have in these times, but this is a little ridiculous. There parents give a shit as you would if it was your kid...

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Don't worry Gent, people like G-P only see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear. If he wants to defend Guantannamo Bay, let him and we can all have a good laugh at his pathetic mumblings. It's nice to see just how much the Bush babies love to defend democracy, justice and human rights that they hold so dearly. But do they ever stop to ask themselves, why is it that people from around the world who've never bothered to attack (verbally, not physically) an American regime in the past, are now jamming Forums like this in their millions to put across their disgust? I've certainly never felt the need pre-Bush's decision to invade Iraq. So, why now? Is it us, or is it the US junta wot's changed?

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Mr. Gentleman, you are about to get back on my sh1t-list!

I don't care how young the terrorists are; They are training to kill women and children, and don't worry too much about anything that the BBC says; They are just looking for any way to boost ratings against Fox News.

Why would we arrest "anyone who looks Islamic" and undergo the tremendous costs of holding them for all this time? It makes no sense, my friend, and therefore it is bullshit, be assured.

But do they ever stop to ask themselves, why is it that people from around the world who've never bothered to attack (verbally, not physically) an American regime in the past, are now jamming Forums like this.

About plachin's moronic statement above. For your information, there weren't "forums like this" in the past. The Internet is relatively new. Duh! :o

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I wasnt having a direct go at you, I was giving another side of the argument, why is it if we dont agree with you guys, we get put on shit lists? I thought it could be that bush was a minority in the thoughts of most Americans - you gun ho prick!

I hope now that gets me on your shit list! I will now crusade on this forum to show facts regarding the USA - I thought you had a little bit more of an open mind. Your nothing more than a little Bush clone.

You also think everyone in that jail is a terrorist, your naive idiot.

The good ole US of A - if your not with us, your on our shit list and we are coming after you! There will be a day, when you guys have no allies, broke and humble, that will be the day when we rejoice. Do not fool yourself into thinking, that without money, you are safe - once the money is gone (my prediction big crash 2006), so is your military force and without that you are just obese, uneducated and boring.

I have you also seen your current figures on eductation, you basically are the dumbest people in a first world country - that says a lot for all of you gun ho yankees here.

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Sir, you are no Gentleman. They should strip you of the nick. I don't like to pick on the mentally deficient, but, from now on, in your case I will be happy to make an exception.


I have you also seen your current figures on eductation, you basically are the dumbest people in a first world country - that says a lot for all of you gun ho yankees here.

Why don't you explain to us, why you say that you are an Aussie, but don't have the education to write like a native speaker of English? Just look at the mistakes that you made in the quote above, and all of your posts are this way. Have you ever heard the saying that "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? It certainly applies to you, my ignorant friend! :o

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I wasnt having a direct go at you, I was giving another side of the argument, why is it if we dont agree with you guys, we get put on shit lists? I thought it could be that bush was a minority in the thoughts of most Americans - you gun ho prick!

I hope now that gets me on your shit list! I will now crusade on this forum to show facts regarding the USA - I thought you had a little bit more of an open mind. Your nothing more than a little Bush clone.

You also think everyone in that jail is a terrorist, your naive idiot.

The good ole US of A - if your not with us, your on our shit list and we are coming after you! There will be a day, when you guys have no allies, broke and humble, that will be the day when we rejoice. Do not fool yourself into thinking, that without money, you are safe - once the money is gone (my prediction big crash 2006), so is your military force and without that you are just obese, uneducated and boring.

I have you also seen your current figures on eductation, you basically are the dumbest people in a first world country - that says a lot for all of you gun ho yankees here.



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Mr. Gentleman, you are about to get back on my sh1t-list!

I don't care how young the terrorists are; They are training to kill women and children, and don't worry too much about anything that the BBC says; They are just looking for any way to boost ratings against Fox News.

Why would we arrest "anyone who looks Islamic" and undergo the tremendous costs of holding them for all this time? It makes no sense, my friend, and therefore it is bullshit, be assured.

But do they ever stop to ask themselves, why is it that people from around the world who've never bothered to attack (verbally, not physically) an American regime in the past, are now jamming Forums like this.

About plachin's moronic statement above. For your information, there weren't "forums like this" in the past. The Internet is relatively new. Duh! :D

Wonder why we all tremble when we get on G-P's shitlist? I thought only the B52s and Patti Smith (?) had those! :o Nevermind, we can learn to live with it I'm sure.

But back to G-P's little comprehension problem. Again, you want to condemn anyone who happens to be in US custody, no matter how barbarous the conditions may be, before they've even had a chance to legal defence and a fair trial (isn't that in your Constitution, or doesn't it apply when it suits you?), just because the prisoners happen to be a different nationality, faith and quite likely, skin colour than yourself. If one needs further proof, then just look how John Walker Lindh got seperated out for preferential treatment from his comrades. But of course, all this is irrelevant to you G-P isn't it, cos you're convinced "we're" the good guys, "they're" the bad guys and it'll all end happily ever after like a good Hollywood movie. All we need is Arnie for Prez now (after GWB Jr gets shown up for the fraud he is) and he'll sort out their sorry <deleted>, eh?

And as for my statement which you chose to quote, ridicule and ignore the underlying rhetorical question, I'll let the reader judge which is the more moronic out of the two. Were forums really only invented with the Internet G-P? you do surprise me with your outstanding knowledge.

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Spin, Spin, Spin, lie, lie, lie, but you are still a Dim Bulb. You said forums like this, mentioned millions of people using them, but there weren't any forums that millions of people could use back then. There were very small forums, sure, but that has nothing to do with your question. Too much Angel Dust back when you were protesting against intervening against Nazi Germany perhaps? :o

But do they ever stop to ask themselves, why is it that people from around the world who've never bothered to attack (verbally, not physically) an American regime in the past, are now jamming Forums like this...
About plachin's moronic statement above. For your information, there weren't "forums like this" in the past. The Internet is relatively new.  :D Duh! 
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Forums have been around for millenia Sparkie, it's only the technology for discussion that has changed. I was making a general point, but you chose to turn it around and try to score a mini-point. It's only a pedant who would pick up on one little area of possible misconception, while still ignoring the underlying question posed. Why are people going on the streets to protest, picking up their pens, sending emails and generally talking about the current illegal, dangerous and incompetent US administration in their millions around the world, now more than before at any time in history? Please answer the question and avoid evasion any further. If you do think it's just a matter of technology dimwit, then just forget the Net and take the letters page of the Nation or B. Post (relatively free press in a relatively neutral country) as the yardstick. :o

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Freedom my a-s-s.... this whole thing was and still is about money... And now the whole world will have to feel the burn now that the yanks put more oil on the extremist's fire. Just wait and see what kind of threats are next ... :D

How wonderful it must be to wake up and get the weather forecast followed by the nation's terror threat level, all the colors of the rainboowww.

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It is funny, that you keep on harping on this point if it is so unimportant. You know how foolish it made you look to say something so obviously stupid, so you can't drop it. :o

Anyway, I have answered your original question (over and over), before you started twisting, dodging, changing: Yes, the reason that there is such a LARGE number of complaints is because of technology. There are actually many FEWER activists now than during the Vietnam era, but the Internet, 24 hour cable news, etc. gives these few wackos, such as yourself, many more places to air their views.

Does that answer your question satisfactorily dim one? :D

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Sir, you are no Gentleman. They should strip you of the nick. I don't like to pick on the mentally deficient, but, from now on, in your case I will be happy to make an exception.

I have you also seen your current figures on eductation, you basically are the dumbest people in a first world country - that says a lot for all of you gun ho yankees here.

Why don't you explain to us, why you say that you are an Aussie, but don't have the education to write like a native speaker of English? Just look at the mistakes that you made in the quote above, and all of your posts are this way. Have you ever heard the saying that "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? It certainly applies to you, my ignorant friend! :o

Sir you are a nursery rhyme - not meant to be taken seriously and very easy to forget.

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Why don't you answer the question? You called Americans stupid in your post, but it is obvious that you are uneducated yourself. Are you claiming to have the education of a typical adult Australian? Do you claim to have finished high school in Australia? Sorry, but you could not write like you do and have made it through high school in the U.S.!

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