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Bill, Eldrige Pope, sold their brewery in Dorchester many years ago now, they seemed to be more interested in a property portfolio than brewing! Sold the Brewery off to a workers consortium but it did not last long, it was a prime site next to thr station and across the road from the Market. Some of the receipes do turn up from time to time, a brewery in the Honiton. Ottery St Mary area called O'Hallaghans or similar have brewed "Royal Oak" which was EP's Strong Ale.

Tetleys also used the monocled Hunstman as their logo and there are probably more around the country as well, neither of the brewer's did anything much to enhance the reputation of beers and alesin the recent past, .........pass.

The last time I was in the UK was 2005 and then I was down in Zummerset where the zider aaaples grow.

If you had lived in Hampshire yoi could have drunk "Brickwoods", the sunshine ale.

The only beer I have drunk was Cisk out of Maltaand at least that was made with pure donkeys p***.

Brickwoods was adulterated horse p***.

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Did you fly out of Heathrow Terminal 3 or 4? The Bar in Terminal 4 is a Wetherspoons, in 3 its bigger and better although at captive audience prices.............unless you are a shareholderbiggrin.png like mewai2.gif do I have to thank you for your contribution? I also get 25% discount, so my parting shots were a pint of Guinness and London Pride if I remember.

Tetleys aint what it was, hand pulled in Yorkshire was acceptable but the tinned stuff is not worth a glance.

As regarding the proposed visit ti N/S Immi not much chance of bunting for H/M's need to be of a higher position to get any response, like school odd job man might get a few flags, station master might get the across the road stuff. You could bring your own just for a laughbiggrin.png .

Good to have to you back anyway.

H/R 3 and no Weatherspoons crap service and lack of seat's well for the ordinary peep's, H/M of course didn't have a problem the deck's were cleared ready for action, signing of autographs became a bit of a pain but need's be I suppose it's just the sort of thing I should be used to by now but it's still a chore.

As you can see in Bill post they needed a new much younger version so H/M fitted the bill nicely. I think that Tetley must have bought out H/master breweries as it's been their logo for several year's anyway a new one featuring himself is in the offing so keep posted, modesty has always been H/M forte so I'll leave it to other's to tell you how great I look.

Bring my own bunting never been known, station master indeed, anyway it's a long way orrrf and there might be an alternative by then let's hope so as H/M is not looking forward to the trip, if all else fails there is of course Chang M. or even BKK but as that would entail going past N/S not really an option.

Weather a trite inclement today just the thing I could do without as Mrs H/M is having to move out of H/M mansions back to the stable's, she had it good while I was away and as they say all good thing must come to an end.




I think its called the Bridge Bar in terminal 3, the beers were pretty good I thought, quick turnover helps and the cost to a captive audience is the going rate, 2 good divis a year I should cocoa been very good to me, bought the shares at 40p and now over 350p. Thank you Fred for calling in, dir jer can!

Your right it is called the Bridge bar and the only bitter they sell is Bridge bitter and at £4 25 a pint. I was in there last year and it was very bizzy this time the price's have gone through the roof and believe it or not the place was just ticking over they have even put bar stall's out to make it easy for peep's to sit and order, over the 2 + hour's I was there prime time 7 till 9pm all you had to do was go to the bar and ask any of the several peep's behind the place for your order most of the time they were just kicking their heel's about, there were many peep's in there but no one was spending any cash lot's didn't even have a drink in front of them. Tip might be a good idea to flog your share's before they start to drop big time.




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Fred, the shares are at an all time high and have been roaring in the last few weeks, excellent purchase for me and super dividend to boot! I bought the shares in the Restaurant Group at 40p, last night 383p.

Todau we went to the Nakhon sawan Stadium to find out about the swimming pool, it opens at 4pm so will look to give it a go after our Grand Tour of the Kingdom and post my findings then.

For any UK members you might like to know, just as a matter of interest that Comet Electrical has gone into administration.

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Fred, the shares are at an all time high and have been roaring in the last few weeks, excellent purchase for me and super dividend to boot! I bought the shares in the Restaurant Group at 40p, last night 383p.

Todau we went to the Nakhon sawan Stadium to find out about the swimming pool, it opens at 4pm so will look to give it a go after our Grand Tour of the Kingdom and post my findings then.

For any UK members you might like to know, just as a matter of interest that Comet Electrical has gone into administration.

Share's can go up and down dont you know, Take Panasonic now trading at a pittance down 20% yesterday alone. The way thing are going in the UK with pub's closing down in their thousand's with most of the open one's becoming pizza place's, just thought you might like to keep a eye out. Commet now there's a case in question several year's ago they were also riding high.

Enjoy your trip don't be away to long as by the time your back the pool could have Diesel oil floating on it. Oh will it be free like the fab one we have in K.P.Phet.




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Fred, the shares are at an all time high and have been roaring in the last few weeks, excellent purchase for me and super dividend to boot! I bought the shares in the Restaurant Group at 40p, last night 383p.

Todau we went to the Nakhon sawan Stadium to find out about the swimming pool, it opens at 4pm so will look to give it a go after our Grand Tour of the Kingdom and post my findings then.

For any UK members you might like to know, just as a matter of interest that Comet Electrical has gone into administration.

Share's can go up and down dont you know, Take Panasonic now trading at a pittance down 20% yesterday alone. The way thing are going in the UK with pub's closing down in their thousand's with most of the open one's becoming pizza place's, just thought you might like to keep a eye out. Commet now there's a case in question several year's ago they were also riding high.

Enjoy your trip don't be away to long as by the time your back the pool could have Diesel oil floating on it. Oh will it be free like the fab one we have in K.P.Phet.




Shares at a new high today, Only need 1000 shares to get 25% off, a sheet of vouchers are in the post waiting for me when I get home, well what used to be home anyway!

Frogman Fred obviously is a keen visitor to the pool but keeping it under his Huntmans hat, dont you know!

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Fred, the shares are at an all time high and have been roaring in the last few weeks, excellent purchase for me and super dividend to boot! I bought the shares in the Restaurant Group at 40p, last night 383p.

Todau we went to the Nakhon sawan Stadium to find out about the swimming pool, it opens at 4pm so will look to give it a go after our Grand Tour of the Kingdom and post my findings then.

For any UK members you might like to know, just as a matter of interest that Comet Electrical has gone into administration.

Share's can go up and down dont you know, Take Panasonic now trading at a pittance down 20% yesterday alone. The way thing are going in the UK with pub's closing down in their thousand's with most of the open one's becoming pizza place's, just thought you might like to keep a eye out. Commet now there's a case in question several year's ago they were also riding high.

Enjoy your trip don't be away to long as by the time your back the pool could have Diesel oil floating on it. Oh will it be free like the fab one we have in K.P.Phet.




Shares at a new high today, Only need 1000 shares to get 25% off, a sheet of vouchers are in the post waiting for me when I get home, well what used to be home anyway!

Frogman Fred obviously is a keen visitor to the pool but keeping it under his Huntmans hat, dont you know!

Dont go to the pool but Mrs H/M does with the sprog I usually sit in the local bar calling out encouragement whilst she flounder's in the deep end. That remind's me must get her some new water wing's.

Not away yet Dave or has the Thai railway service let you down again. Dash rum lot those Thai railway peep's.




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The trip north is on the 7th, 1138 from Nakhon Sawan station, I have asked for no special treatment, so no buntin or fly past, photos with different sponsors etc etc. Well wishers are welcome to wave hankies and doff their bowlers.

Waiting for my chums from the UK BA cancelled their flight yesterday, plane had engine trouble and no standby plane at Heathrow is a very poor show, I cant think why I dont use them! Anyway they have turned up in Bangkok today so await news now on how they travel to the Heavenly City which will be on monday, tuesday is a rest day and then off we pop on wednesday, apparently you can get good odds on the train being late leaving ( all stations)!

Shares ata new high last night, good nights sleep last night zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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The trip north is on the 7th, 1138 from Nakhon Sawan station, I have asked for no special treatment, so no buntin or fly past, photos with different sponsors etc etc. Well wishers are welcome to wave hankies and doff their bowlers.

Waiting for my chums from the UK BA cancelled their flight yesterday, plane had engine trouble and no standby plane at Heathrow is a very poor show, I cant think why I dont use them! Anyway they have turned up in Bangkok today so await news now on how they travel to the Heavenly City which will be on monday, tuesday is a rest day and then off we pop on wednesday, apparently you can get good odds on the train being late leaving ( all stations)!

Shares ata new high last night, good nights sleep last night zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Good job you don't want special treatment H/M has only used Thai train's once, and that was once to many dirty carrage's/seats and yes your right their time table what time table, that was on a trip down south many year's ago when I was seeing how the other half live's back packer style, not a thing that I would suggest even to my worst enemy. Let us know how you get on, Tip dont eat any food that is offered a good brekkie before hand a few bottle's of water and wait till you get to C/M some 20 hour later that's if your lucky for the next bit of repast.

There is time if you would like the K.P.P red cross to send you a pre packed meal, they are the army type open the bag pore in some liquid plastic spoon and your away they tast like crap but as you mob down there are used to petrol pork and the like's should be home from home at least you wont starve.

We will all be thinking of you at 3pm on the 7th as the train pull's in ready for the orrrf 1 hour later. One good thing at least you wont miss it.

Bus's now there's a thought.

Have a good time.




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It has to be done even if its only once but I will take your tip and take supplies in case there is a war!

Well all ironed, packin tomorrow, much tears from neighbours and droll music from the marching bands, I expect its the same in KPP? Been handing out calenders so they can tick off the days till I return, make 100 bts a time, nice little earner, expect you do the same in KPP? Going to start charging 50 bts a cuppa in the new year just like KPP? Do you have a loyalty card up there or does the word not mean the same?

Hey Ho!

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It has to be done even if its only once but I will take your tip and take supplies in case there is a war!

Well all ironed, packin tomorrow, much tears from neighbours and droll music from the marching bands, I expect its the same in KPP? Been handing out calenders so they can tick off the days till I return, make 100 bts a time, nice little earner, expect you do the same in KPP? Going to start charging 50 bts a cuppa in the new year just like KPP? Do you have a loyalty card up there or does the word not mean the same?

Hey Ho!

H/M has got packing down to a fine art have got some of those suit zip up cover's and one small case with wheel's. Shirt's, short's, hanging in the suit cover, toiletries, pant's, kettle, mug, tea bag's, 1 dustbin liner to put the soiled bit's in for the return all in the case sorted, nothing creased ready to go I of course hang the bit's in the car but if your going by train just place the suit thingy over the handle of the case. Take's me about 10 min to sort out everything. Mrs H/M about 20 well she is female and packing for two so not bad, only difference she has two suit cover's but still only 1 small case.

I have friend's coming here on holiday soon I think they use a low loader with the stuff they bring but one is an English woman so say's it all really, thank Buddha I've got a big car.

Loyalty card's, dont get them in Fortnum & Mason or Harrods so why should I have them, only entice's the riff raff. You know the type that use public transport.




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What sort of visa do KPP folk have to get to travel by train? Only asking because you dont have a railway station, not important enough, is that why civilisation passed KPP by?

In the heavenly city, civilization is all around as well as the 3g all set to go.

I am starting to where my bowler hat now and accompanied by my rolled up brolley and pin strpped trousers I must say it feels almost like the old days. If things go well I will have to dust down the old brief cases ( one every day monday to friday) and make sandwiches, Sawanvittee could be the new Whitehall!

Expect a peel of bells as the train departs Nakhon sawan station at 1138, I will try and hold the fort until the Messiah returns.

Minister without portfolio, Exeter.

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What sort of visa do KPP folk have to get to travel by train? Only asking because you dont have a railway station, not important enough, is that why civilisation passed KPP by?

In the heavenly city, civilization is all around as well as the 3g all set to go.

I am starting to where my bowler hat now and accompanied by my rolled up brolley and pin strpped trousers I must say it feels almost like the old days. If things go well I will have to dust down the old brief cases ( one every day monday to friday) and make sandwiches, Sawanvittee could be the new Whitehall!

Expect a peel of bells as the train departs Nakhon sawan station at 1138, I will try and hold the fort until the Messiah returns.

Minister without portfolio, Exeter.

Visa Visa I have you know my diplomatic passport cover's all visa problem's.

Train station's have not been allowed here ever, don't want any of those steam/smoke belching things poluting the fine air arround K.P.P just wouldn't be cricket. I can assure you H/M would never travel by public transport anyway, beside's I have heard that they never run on time so poor old Dave will more than likely be standing at N/S station into the early hour's, that's if he's lucky, not long now and we will find out. He's orrrf to C/M don't you know should be home from home last time H/M was there early in the year it was just like N/S to-wit nothing but fume belching car's van's and the like, traffic jam's all over the place, as luck would have it H/M managed to get his bit's sorted in a matter of hour's and was back in W/H K.P.P. the same day it's called chauffeur driven Limo don't you know.

Good to see you back Exeter or is it your waiting for the 3g to get going don't hold your breath on that one this is Thailand and they have been talking about getting 3g set up for year's, I think as I tap they are still sorting out problem's re the who's got it all or any down to yet more back hander's not going to the right peep's more than likely.

Yes was in Whitehall a few week's ago and it some what reminded H/M of N/S dead at night with only a few homeless peep's & drunkards about.

Take care your sandwiches don't leak last thing you'll want is strawberry jam staining the inside of you brief case.




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  • 2 weeks later...

What has happened to all of the wisdom and advice from the royal family in KKP? It's been very quite recently! Pleasant but eerie!

H/M has been very Bizzy got a few peep's from Blighty staying. What with organising the staff, out for the early morning gallop, then there's the lack of post's asking for tip's, Exeter said he would be holding the fort in Dave's absence but he seem's to have had problem's with his strawberry sandwiches.

Don't know if I should tell you this but H/M will be orrrf to Pattaya tomorrow (via the N/Smog by-pass of course) Dave will be there Pat's that is and has asked me to pop in to his hotel to sign a few snap's of his lordship update's as and when, Back on Monday with yet more Lord's and Ladies from the UK for the old L/K on the 28th, then to BKK on the 1st bugger me it's all go. Look's like thing's will be back to normal as of the 3rd. We will then have the Chrissy bit to arrange the usual barbie pig, dry old bird (turkey) +++

Sorry about the lack of post's but need's be as you will ascertain.




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One does not put strawberry jam sandwiches in one's brief case as any toff would know! Roast beef and a dash of h/r or onion(red) gravy ( monday), tuesday tuna/salad ( might consider salmon), wednesday is ploughmans. thursday is bacon and friday is toasted double gloucester, ham( old York ) and onion. Thats how the well to do live in the HUB of Thailand!Nakhon Sawan will soon be the HUB on the Asean, after a few English lessons and I mean English old chap not Cockerney!

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I have now returned to the Heavenly City after my tour of Chiang Mai and Pattaya ( where I had a bout of food poisoning but have now just about recovered- thank you for your good wishes in advance ). Weather was terrible and will think twice about leaving this haven of peace called Nakhon Sawan.

Pattaya, as I am sure you all know, is a wash with condo.s, I was offered some at 13.8m bts, overlooking Walking Street and would no doubt have Russian neighbours! The place has so many that they having to build more and more further away from "TALAY" so the view is going to be dubious esp when they build a new one in the way!

Now you are no doubt wondering why I bring this news up country well its very simple, the beach front condo is finished in Pattaya and similar! Soon beach front condos will be going up in Nakhon Sawan ( Hub of Thailand-all we need is decent airport or seaplanes at Bung Boraphet ) along the beaches of the Chao Phraya with names like "view mae nam" I get in before the big money rolls into town and the cheapskates from KPP arrive by Tuk Tuk!

As we speak I have lookouts scouring the waterfront looking for property developers and runners in the blocks waiting to bring news to the house of Nong under the cover of Loy Krathong, naturally and what does the H/M do? twiddles his thumbs.

One my way back from Bangkok at about 1130am and approaching Don Mueang we passed a special train heading north hauled by 2 very snartly turned out steam engines, well done to the state railways it looked really really good, pity the ordinary Thais on the stations did not seem to see it or maybe thought it was a dream. Great memory for me and the mrs.

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The central bridge over the great river is getting some tlc, no doubt in prepartion for the new skyline soon to hit the horizon.

I was happy to leave La La Land after the OLympics, the land flowing with bills and taxes of ever greater proportions! No wonder they swapped sterling for the GIRO.

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Is there any Nakhon Sawan news, as in topic should have? Pinned, oh my oh my

Local football, 400b trip to go see NSRU in Rayong next weekend. Week after that, last game NSRU-Roi Et at Nakhon Sawan stadium. About next year, nobody know, might be some chances. More divisions in RL, who knows.

Can we change this topic title for something else( expat rant) and have new, real Nakhon Sawan news topic? Someone might follow topics here and get email for new message in followed topics, this has been absolut bs for long time

I mean, I check new content and after that I click topics I participate, fuc_king great to see new messages in Nakhon Sawan NEWS topic and all new messages all bullshit. Like to know what other thaivisa readers think if they want to find something about Nakhon Sawan and they open this PINNED topic, <deleted>?

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Loy Krathong went off big time down on the riverside yesterday, big crowds( estimated by the police to be in the region of 500,000-give or take 300,000 to 400,000) flocked to see the lanterns heading north to KPP whilst floating memorabliafailed to leave the river bank.

How long will the riverside look so tranquil if the proposed new building takes places along the waterfront, rumours have it that it will make Manhattan look like KPP bus station!

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Well now I'm sober and want clarify myself smile.png Rant rant how much you want, but can we have real Nakhon Sawan news topic? If there is news in this topic full of nonsense, it will be lost middle of that. No benefit to anyone.

Sorry about the rubbish if you are wanting a Real N/S news section start a new one. You will see that other than football not that that's a bad thing there will be nothing posted, reason there are only three peep's that live in N/S that post Exeter, Nong38, and yourself. Exeter post's at best every two week's Dave nong38 lost the plot several year's ago now to be seen three or four time's a week outside Big C muttering to himself, then there's yourself who will know what's going on locally anyway. If you read back at Dave's N38 post he did mention the work going on on the bridge about the best thing to have happened in N/S other that the latest bout of smog or the traffic in some month's.

You could of course lighten up a bit, and don't read the crap that's posted.

I see that you think peep's might want to come to N/S and can get ideas of what it's like via the post's, well you live there can you think of a reason to even venture into the place sorry but I cant, why do you think they built a By-Pass.

H/M ++++

There you go Nong has just put a bit in about L/K how much up to date news do you want.

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Loy Krathong went off big time down on the riverside yesterday, big crowds( estimated by the police to be in the region of 500,000-give or take 300,000 to 400,000) flocked to see the lanterns heading north to KPP whilst floating memorabliafailed to leave the river bank.

How long will the riverside look so tranquil if the proposed new building takes places along the waterfront, rumours have it that it will make Manhattan look like KPP bus station!

Loy Krathong went off big time down on the riverside yesterday, big crowds( estimated by the police to be in the region of 500,000-give or take 300,000 to 400,000) flocked to see the lanterns heading north to KPP whilst floating memorabliafailed to leave the river bank.

How long will the riverside look so tranquil if the proposed new building takes places along the waterfront, rumours have it that it will make Manhattan look like KPP bus station!

Went passed the river front two days ago and my recollection was that it was lined with thousand's of sand bag's.

I see that your fitting your lantons with motor's so they can now go up hill Dave very inventive of you, our's all seemed to heading south.

Sat H/M will be passing N/S via the B-pass and later will try and put some news bit's in to cheer up H/Pallop, I think that living in N/S has made him quite depressed cant say that I'm surprised one jot.




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I expect the sand bags have arrived for the impending (alleged) new developments, more and more chappies from over the horizon are finding that Nakhon Sawan is a haven in the middle of a mad world. A 2nd Big C is about to open under Buddhas Hill in the very near future ( no bullshit) this is to help cope with the roaring local trade, the big question is will there be a Big Macs inside and who will open the new superstore?

Marco where is your sense of humour? If our local rivalry brings a smile to someones face then I consider it a good day, how about you?

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My wife knows everything, or at least she thinks she does. She said that it was gping to be a Big C, that was after she told me that it was going to be a Home Pro. With her track record it'll most likely be Macro! Funny that there are no banners outside announcing what it is going to be.

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The new Big C was to be a Carrefour but then Carrefour left town shaprish and BIG C got the pitch. If you Drive past it the Big BIG C logo is on show. If you are coming from Pitsanoluk turn left at the crossroads ( traffic lights ) and into Matula Road its about 1 km along there on the left.

Does not look long to opening.

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The new Big C was to be a Carrefour but then Carrefour left town shaprish and BIG C got the pitch. If you Drive past it the Big BIG C logo is on show. If you are coming from Pitsanoluk turn left at the crossroads ( traffic lights ) and into Matula Road its about 1 km along there on the left.

Does not look long to opening.

It may even be possible to cross the road there.

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And do they say here, MK open 24 Dec in Big C 2 Nakhon Sawan?


In this topic, there is some pictures of Nakhon Sawan. From building new mall too


H/M as you will all know has just been to BKK via the by-pass, after yet more repairs last week it is now up and running without any hold up's. I came back via the so called town and Nothing has changed vast traffic jams diesel fume's ect, Point of order H/Pllo where was the N/S road in the picture with only two car's ???

I did notice the new Big C if it's one of the ex Carrefour one's it will be a Big C extra lot's of French goodies at a price of course but could be worth a look.

Note to self must send one of the staff down later to check.

Just a thought if the price is right H/M might even condescend to lower himself and pop along to do the honours re the opening, now I know that that will cheer you all up.




H/M Will be away at the end of the week orrrf back to Blighty illness in the family don't you know, not to sure how long, so there might be a short pause in the post's, don't panic he will return.

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