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Teaching Materials


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I'm going to try teaching english to kids in my back yard.

I need to get some lecture chairs,the ones with a small platform for writing.

Has anyone seen them in chiang rai,I hope I don'thave to go to chiang mai.

I also need a whiteboard and books by oxford university press.

I have to keep this chiang rai specific or the post will be moved,

so does anybody know where to buy.

1-lecture chairs in chiang rai/chiang mai

2-a white board in chiang rai/chiang mai

3-a good bookshop for ordering foreign made english teaching books.

Number 3 is hardly going to be chiang rai specific but I might get away with somebody sliping an address in bangkok in.I've tried kinokuniya and SE-ED books.

Thanks in advance

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Depending on the ages you may be hard pressed to keep the kids in those chairs. My wife is volunteering at a local school and they are quite wild. Before you invest in all the paraphernalia why not just give it a go and add things as the need arrises.

Though their school material isn’t the greatest, if you start with that you will help them to perform better in school and get better grades which is a good way to motivate them.

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Thanks every one,

I seem to have everything except some games.

Got the lecturere chairs in macro,on special offer, there is no

and ha d to sent home for the boooks.

What I really need now are large dice.I take it that there is no shop that speachalises

in teaching supplies.I might do best in the shoping plasa toy shops.

thanks again.

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