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Female Thai Student Claims Lecturer Gives Attractive Students Better Grades


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Good looking people get treated better. That has been shown time and again.

So should they give grades based on a quota system? How many women are going to sign up for the unattractive quota slots? As the stoy noted, the student who have received the favorable treatment and are being "harassed" are not the ones making the complaint.

Some objective measures of students' academic performance, and some minimum standards of professionalism among teaching staff, should figure in there somewhere, don't you think?

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I've been working at a university here for a bit over a year and can honestly say I haven't had any offers for happy endings or dangerous liasons so to speak. The students ask if they can be your facebook friend and there is often some humorous flirting ie "ajarn you soooo handsome" but no invitations for extra-curricular activities. To be honest if you're any sort of professional and actually value your position as a respected person in the lives of the students and the university community you would never even consider developing a relationship with one of them. A colleague of mine who works at another university did tell me that he once had a female student who hadn't shown up to any classes or submitted any work for an entire semester. She then turned up in week 13, sat in the front row, and put on a display that made Sharon Stone look like a shrinking violet! TiT

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"Chuangchote is hesitate to launch an official investigation into the sexual harassment allegation fearing it could hurt the university's image if it was proven to be groundless."

And what if it was NOT proven to be groundless?! This is precisely why it is so tragically dificult to believe ANYTHING anyone says in Thailand. Ever! This is third-world, bumpkin logic that has systematically and perniciously eaten away at Thailand's image at every turn since it was discovered as a beautiful vacation destination.

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Wow, I have worked in Education in the West and in Thailand for 15 years and I never worried about harassment charges and have never been accused. Sorry bro, makes me kinda wonder why you worry so much about it? Self control issues?

More that I'd hate to be accused of something which I didn't do, particularly when it would have the potential to cost me both my career and my reputation. Having my future outside of my control, is not a place which I'd like to be in. In NZ if a teacher is accused, it's the sort of thing which can sometimes make the national newspapers, even before it's proven. Having the risk of that, that your entire country might think that you're a bad guy, even when you haven't done anything wrong, is not something which I'd like to be a part of. I think it's a big part of the reason why, there are very few male primary school teachers in NZ (I think it's like 5:1 or 6:1 ratio of female : male teachers).

But yeah, here in Thailand I've never been worried, because it's a lot more relaxed here.

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It has been my experience as a teacher that attractive girls who take care of their appearance tend to be more mature and so apply themselves more diligently. Admittedly this was an English school and they would not be allowed to dress as sexily as Thai pupils. Nonetheless they still manage to modify their uniforms to display their assets to the best effect. A dowdy girl displays a dowdy mind.

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No place for this in any university anywhere in the world. Sadly, all too common.

You'd expect a university to be different from the real world?

Universities are the real world. I'm not sure why people often refer to them as otherwise. It takes all bits and pieces to make up the 'real world'. That of course is a much deeper discussion.

And yes, I expect educated University lecturers to behave.

My expectations are often not met.

Thank you for my first real laugh of the day......

I wonder why so many employers despair of the lack of worldliness they hire with new Graduate employees in too many cases...hmmmmm :)

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"The student claimed the professor has touched the students who wear short skirts and tight fitting uniform inappropriately."

Not possible. The rules say "short skirts and tight fitting uniform allowed".

are you living in reality?

Since when to Thai people really follow and keep to the law and rules!

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Got to be some truth in the girls complaint. The problem is men are human and when some little flirty girl in one of those tight fitting unforms smiles nicely that's it. Extra points no problem. So what? that's the way the cookie crumbles

So a few get a few extra points but that doesn't mean to say those with average ability and looks are affected by it. They get marked up as is, I would imagine.

If someone is way above average ability it wouldn't matter what they look like. In fact the geekier the better which probaly gets them even higher points as most geniuses are a bit odd to look at.

I don't meant to offend anyone it's just the way of the world and I ask myself would I give some sexy vixen extra points because she was a sexy vixen........too right I would :0)

The secret would seem to be don't be average if u want extra points

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"The student claimed the professor has touched the students who wear short skirts and tight fitting uniform inappropriately."

Not possible. The rules say "short skirts and tight fitting uniform allowed".

Not true, either, if you know so well, since last year the rules have changed, ladies should not be wearing Mini-Skirts according to new law

Is that according to the law that states they should be wearing cycle helmets when they mount? The day you'll see longer skirts being worn is the day after you'll see regular cycle helmets being worn. Would you like a time estimate? ;)


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"The student claimed the professor has touched the students who wear short skirts and tight fitting uniform inappropriately."

Not possible. The rules say "short skirts and tight fitting uniform allowed".

Not true, either, if you know so well, since last year the rules have changed, ladies should not be wearing Mini-Skirts according to new law

Is that according to the law that states they should be wearing cycle helmets when they mount? The day you'll see longer skirts being worn is the day after you'll see regular cycle helmets being worn. Would you like a time estimate? wink.png


My mrs always wears a helmet when she mounts. giggle.gif

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No place for this in any university anywhere in the world. Sadly, all too common.

You'd expect a university to be different from the real world?

Universities are the real world. I'm not sure why people often refer to them as otherwise. It takes all bits and pieces to make up the 'real world'. That of course is a much deeper discussion.

And yes, I expect educated University lecturers to behave.

My expectations are often not met.

Thank you for my first real laugh of the day......

I wonder why so many employers despair of the lack of worldliness they hire with new Graduate employees in too many cases...hmmmmm smile.png

What made me laugh were the final two sentences:

"And yes, I expect educated University lecturers to behave.

My expectations are often not met."

For I thought this sounded as it was written by a lonely lecturer. :)


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I think everybody should wait to the inquiry is completed.

But knowing a bit on this subject, from what others have told me

Teachers telling me they were back stabbed by other Teachers,

plus students back stabbing students is very common, sad but true.

I have also been told of students complaining to Parents about not getting good grades then teachers called and pressured to changing grades. Another sad but true.

I am not saying it didn't happen, just don't beleive all you hear until truth be known.

The more "pang pang" (expensive) the school the bigger the story I hear.

Sorry I would not want to be a Teacher in Thailand.

As the saying goes "it will get worse before it gets better" comes to mind.

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No place for this in any university anywhere in the world. Sadly, all too common.

You'd expect a university to be different from the real world?

Universities are the real world. I'm not sure why people often refer to them as otherwise. It takes all bits and pieces to make up the 'real world'. That of course is a much deeper discussion.

And yes, I expect educated University lecturers to behave.

My expectations are often not met.

Thank you for my first real laugh of the day......

I wonder why so many employers despair of the lack of worldliness they hire with new Graduate employees in too many cases...hmmmmm smile.png

No need to thank me for the laugh, my pleasure really. I'd prefer if you didn't highlight select sentences of my post though. A quote as written will suffice.

Perhaps It was poorly phrased by myself, or read out of context to the post i was replying to (read it as 'Universities are in the real world' or 'Universities are part of the real world'). Hence they are the real world.

Universities are not some fantasy place that exist only the edge of our dreams or on pages of books. Academics and students exist and function and create roles in society. They do not just vaporise at the end of each day and re-appear the next in the 'other world'.

Sure, undergraduates or teaching staff are often sheltered, lacking a far reaching practical life view, perhaps utopian and unrealistic with their ideals... however... This lack of 'worldliness' within a business environment is usually just a lack of experience and practicality. Very soon those kinks are hammered out to suit a particular environment.

The term 'real world' means different things to everyone. Is the real world how a middle class western world citizen views it? Or is the real world how an African refugee with nothing views it?

What does the real world mean to you Brewsta?

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What made me laugh were the final two sentences:

"And yes, I expect educated University lecturers to behave.

My expectations are often not met."

For I thought this sounded as it was written by a lonely lecturer. smile.png


It certainly could sound that way ;)

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Anyone ever see the movie "Oleanna"??? Author, David Mamet. If you want Thailand to follow the western female/equality route, take a look at this movie if you can.

I hope the inquiry is serious, cos many male careers have been destroyed as a result of false accusations in this area.

Also, I lost count in the 1990s of how many females were appointed to faculty posts cos someone in the government had decided there weren't enough female faculty. Don't know how these females can live with themselves, knowig that they got their jobs through their gender rather than merit.

Make merit.

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Good looking people (both men and women) earn more money and have better jobs than ugly people. True in USA and UK and probably almost everywhere else. Maybe the good looking ones are more intelligent, hence they get better grades.

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Good looking people (both men and women) earn more money and have better jobs than ugly people. True in USA and UK and probably almost everywhere else. Maybe the good looking ones are more intelligent, hence they get better grades.

Bitch! cheesy.gif


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Sounds like a thai lie from a vindictive, not too pretty girl, with bad grades. I sure this will come back on her by the way of other students shunning her and perhaps university expulsion. Definitely loss of face. Life is not fair but its easy to blame others.

... and "blaming others" is just another form of "self-pity!"

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Wow, talk about falling for the obvious. So many ready to give it the "hang 'em high" when even the way this is reported doesn't sound very convincing.

If he done the touching, boot him out. But let's see first if that's true or if this is just a girl with a jealousy problem and a hang up for not getting his attention. The evidence given here amounts to no more than her word against his, and I don't buy the 'others are too scared to come forward line'. Students are quick to "pile on" and if the lecturer was genuinely disliked they'd have been queing up to burn his sorry ass.

Where are this girl's crew? Thai students travel in packs. Is she a loner with a grudge? Sounds like it to me, but lets wait and see the facts before condmening anyone, aye?

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The student claimed the professor has touched the students who wear short skirts and tight fitting uniform inappropriately.

I guess that is the biggest issue..........that the teacher doesn't touch her inappropriately

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I'm shocked...that people are surprised!!

When I was doing undergraduate work, there were some young PhD professors who were dating students.

I found the same thing when I was in graduate school. One actually married one of his students.

And this occurred at not just the well respected Southern California Universities I attended, but other colleges, too.

However, to the best of my knowledge, the students and I also dated some of them, may well have benefitted grade wise.

I later worked for one professor as his TA (teacher's assistant). I administered and graded exams which the professor had

written. He reviewed the grades I gave and corrected them he deemed appropriate. Once I became the TA, suddenly gals and guys

I'd not know wanted to become my best friend. I had interesting offers from some gals...and a few guys who had jobs in

restaurants,etc.who offered free meals and other items...e.g. pot (remember this was in the '70's).

In hindsight, I missed some great opportunities by playing it straight!

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Me thinks this student would like to improve her grades like her better looking students, but lacks the pulling power of her pears. Sour grapes.

Noooooooooooo sour grapes, come on man, we are talking about kids trying to make their parents feel proud of their kids. We can joke but really it is no joke eh. coffee1.gif

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