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Letter To Bangkok Post


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This boring old fart 'John Arnone from Yasothon' regularly writes drivel to the letters pages of the Bangkok Post.

I daresay that the clause I have put in bold in the last paragraph is quite possibly some frisson of unresolved homoerotic angst. A therapist would have a field day with the Freudian repression evident in this letter.

A spade's a spade, and correctness be damned

I have a few questions for Matthew Hunt (Postbag, Dec 14), regarding his views on homophobia. Matthew, why should newspapers "draw the line at printing homophobic ranting"? And why should we all "disregard Xavier's letter (Postbag, Dec 12) because he is a homophobic"?

Is the answer because it is politically incorrect to do so?

I remember watching the movie American Beauty Rose, which was obviously written by a homosexual, and marvelling that absolutely no one noticed that the only "stable" couple in the movie was the homosexual couple living next door to the married couple that was the central focus of the movie.

Homosexuals would surreptitiously or blatantly have us believe this, despite what we see happening in the Catholic church, despite what we read about paedophiles (the overwhelming majority of whom are homosexuals), and despite the ladyboys we see congregating on the streets either attempting to rob or harass people.

Although it is certainly wrong to suggest that it is acceptable to harass or attack homosexuals simply because they are homosexual, I see nothing wrong with feeling the need to avoid them.

No matter how the "politically correct" of the world may try to make me feel otherwise, the hairs on my neck still stand up when I see two men kissing, and I will always feel that it is deviant behaviour. I guess if that labels me as a "homophobic" and "politically incorrect", then so be it.


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Although it is certainly wrong to suggest that it is acceptable to harass or attack homosexuals simply because they are homosexual, I see nothing wrong with feeling the need to avoid them.

The feeling's mutual :D:o

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Let's tell the truth...

Alomost ALL of the problems on this planet and throughout history have been caused by STRAIGHT PEOPLE.

I can't seem to get away from them! They're everywhere!

<deleted>' straight people. This world would be a much better place without so many of them.


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American Beauty Rose movie? Is that where the father almost seduces the sexy girl, and there's a murder at the end of the movie, involving the homophobe? I don't notice if the only stable couple in a movie or book is a same-sex couple. I'm just amazed when they depict a functional family.

Most sex offenders who molest children are men who molest girls. Also, some men who molest boys are straight, but they're screwed up and on a power trip. The whole "Sodom" story in Genesis is about straight men from age 13 to 103 trying to gang-rape any stranger that was left out on the street, and as shown in the parallel story around Judges 17 or 19, they weren't gender specific as to who they'd gang rape.

Maybe when I'm 103 years old, I'll stop rising to the bait and ignoring accusations that most pedophiles are gay men. Until then, I'll keep responding to the bait.

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I also find this kind of drivel very irritating.

I have the impression, presently there is a backlash of 'conservative' squareheads who throw terms like "PC" at anybody who doesn't conform to the highly guarded square-inch of territory their lives occupy... :o:D

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Then, if it was "American Beauty," take note that the homophobe was a closet homosexual, and was involved in the murder. A gay, stable family in the neighborhood? Never noticed. Main story line was that the underage girl was trying to seduce her friend's father. Second story line was the son's drug habits. Not much homosexuality until the end, with a bang.

People with their heads screwed on correctly wouldn't have gotten excited about the neighbors. Methinks it was the ending that upsets the guy who wrote the letter.

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Let's tell the truth...

Alomost ALL of the problems on this planet and throughout history have been caused by STRAIGHT PEOPLE.

I can't seem to get away from them! They're everywhere!

<deleted>' straight people. This world would be a much better place without so many of them.


"...those breeders really have intellectual shortcomings..."

OK, OK, all you heterophobes! Calm down! :o

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Let's tell the truth...

Alomost ALL of the problems on this planet and throughout history have been caused by STRAIGHT PEOPLE.

I can't seem to get away from them! They're everywhere!

<deleted>' straight people. This world would be a much better place without so many of them.


Alexander the Great was gay. He did a whole lot of killing. The Turks had an elite infantary unit, whose name escapes me right now, but they were all gay, and they invaded eastern Europe killing, stealing and everything else but raping women. Look a little deeper into history and you will find that humans are humans and there is not one trait that makes one human better than another. We all have blood on our hands.

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ThaiBebop, I could be wrong, but I took AjarnTrade's comments as humorous hyperbole to make the point that the same basic fears about "the other guys" could just as easily be expressed from any side. He's saying the same thing you are, but tongue-in-cheek.

Nevertheless, I couldn't agree better with your last two statements. Gosh, even CHRISTIANS might have been guilty of some of this stuff (*gasp*).

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Let's tell the truth...

Alomost ALL of the problems on this planet and throughout history have been caused by STRAIGHT PEOPLE.

I can't seem to get away from them! They're everywhere!

<deleted>' straight people. This world would be a much better place without so many of them.


Alexander the Great was gay. He did a whole lot of killing. The Turks had an elite infantary unit, whose name escapes me right now, but they were all gay, and they invaded eastern Europe killing, stealing and everything else but raping women. Look a little deeper into history and you will find that humans are humans and there is not one trait that makes one human better than another. We all have blood on our hands.

Bisexual is more like it.

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There was the Sacred Band of Thebes, 150 pairs of male lovers, defeated by Alexander at the battle of Chaeronea. Then there were the Spartans, 300 of who were said to have saved western civlisation at Thermopylae. So watch the boys with handbags, we're harder than you think :D:o

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I notice that there 2 or 3 letters of rebuttal in yesterday's Post. I don't think there's any way to get to previous day's Postbags is there?

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ThaiBebop, I could be wrong, but I took AjarnTrade's comments as humorous hyperbole to make the point that the same basic fears about "the other guys" could just as easily be expressed from any side.    He's saying the same thing you are, but tongue-in-cheek.

Nevertheless, I couldn't agree better with your last two statements.  Gosh, even CHRISTIANS might have been guilty of some of this stuff (*gasp*).

I didn't mean anything by it either, I am just a history nut and like to share. :o

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Regarding the course of history, given that the sexual preferences of so many people is unknown, and given that for much of history is has not been acceptable to be gay (and hence heros might have been 'dressed up a bit', er, dressed down dressed down), and given that as a percentage of the population, that the pavilion enders are in the minority, we could expect anyway to see at least some sort of bias towards the heteros.

Same sort of argument frequently used - 'if a woman was running the world, there would be no war, 'cause Hitler, Stalin, Mao, The Kaiser, Cliff Richard, dem be all men innit'.

Well, for the most part since few women have ever been running the world there isn't really much of a track record to comment on what would happen if they did. Well, you've got Maggie, but since she went to the Falklands, and stuff, well that isn't convenient to include is it.

I think though, that you get a bunch of steers and queers from Soi 2:P running things and at least there would be some nicer dressed politicians; there would be more flowers and decoration around and maybe if there was a war... well it could be decided with a lip sync contest or maybe some sort of celebrity makeover.


Edited by PeaceBlondie
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Ok guys...

Trust The Moog to get us there.. but let's TRY and get our intellects OFF the animal sex topics, if we can..... First, we don't have a ThaiVisa Animal Forum.. and second... well, you KNOW it's guaranteed to get trashed - eventually....



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Ok guys...

Trust The Moog to get us there.. but let's TRY and get our intellects OFF the animal sex topics, if we can.....  First, we don't have a ThaiVisa Animal Forum.. and second... well, you KNOW it's guaranteed to get trashed - eventually....

Are we ok with fruit & veg?


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There was a gay couple in American Beauty, and it was a scene that revealed info for later in the film.

Script extract follows:-

The Colonel opens the front door to reveal the two JIMS.

JIM #1


JIM #2

Welcome to the neighborhood.

Jim #1 holds out a basket filled with flowers, vegetables and a small white cardboard box tied with raffia.

JIM #1

Just a little something from our garden.

JIM #2

Except for the pasta, we got that at Fallaci's.

JIM #1

It's unbelievably fresh. You just drop it in the water and it's done.

The Colonel stares at them, suspicious.

JIM #1 (cont'd)

(offers his hand)

Jim Olmeyer. Two doors down. Welcome to the neighborhood.



Colonel Frank Fitts, U.S. Marine Corps.

JIM #1

Nice to meet you. And this is my partner...

JIM #2

(offers his hand)

Jim Berkley, but people call me J.B.


Let's cut to the chase, okay? What are you guys selling?

JIM #2

(after a beat)

Nothing. We just wanted to say hi to our new neighbors--


Yeah, yeah, yeah. But you said you're partners. So what's your business?

The Jims look at each other, then back at the Colonel.

JIM #1

Well, he's a tax attorney.

JIM #2

And he's an anesthesiologist.

The Colonel looks at them, confused. Then it dawns on him.


The Colonel drives, staring darkly at the road ahead. In the passenger seat, Ricky is using a CALCULATOR and jotting numbers down in a NOTEBOOK.


How come these faggots always have to rub it in your face? How can they be so shameless?


That's the whole thing, Dad. They don't feel like it's anything to be ashamed of.

The Colonel looks at Ricky sharply.


Well, it is.

A beat, as Ricky continues his calculations, before he realizes a response is expected from him. Then:


Yeah, you're right.

The Colonel's eyes flash angrily.


Don't placate me like I'm your mother, boy.

Ricky sighs, then looks at his father.


Forgive me, sir, for speaking so bluntly, but those fags make me want to puke my ######ing guts out.

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Only part of my post was off topic, the rest I thought was very much a point but so be it. Grateful for a little direction here.. will all posts that incorporate to a lesser degree an off topic subject but still remain overall on topic be deleted in this forum? If so, then presumably entire threads elsewhere should equally disappear.

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I have found another scene containing the American Beauty happy gay family....


That's our next-door neighbor Jim.

A second MAN in a conservative suit (JIM #2) comes out of the house.

LESTER (V.O.) (cont'd)

And that's his lover, Jim.

JIM #2

(re: barking dog)

What in the world is wrong with her? She had a walk this morning.

JIM #1

And a jerky treat.

JIM #2

You spoil her.


Bitsy. No bark. Come inside. Now.


Lester watches all this from the window.


Good morning, Jim!

Jim #1 walks toward the fence to greet Carolyn.

JIM #1

Morning, Carolyn.


(overly friendly)

I just love your tie! That color!

JIM #1

I just love your roses. How do you get them to flourish like this?


Well, I'll tell you. Egg shells and Miracle Grow.

Jim #1 and Carolyn continue to chat, unaware that Lester is watching them.


Man. I get exhausted just watching her.


Lester, do you know you look just like that dishy heterosexualist Kevin Spacey?

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