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Bumrungrad Report - Urologist, Gynocologist, Etc

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My Thai wife and I came from the US to get medical done at Bumrungrad:

Me, USA-

Urologist, Dr Chodchoy. Excellent. Knew quickly what had stumped my US Dr's and urologist. I'll be fine

GP, Dr Phillipe, Very good. Knew quickly what was wrong with my scalp. US Dr's were stumped, Dermatologist said it was excema. Nizoral shampoo resolved it.

My 10 months aching elbow more difficult - but I didn't go to ultrasound treatments as we visited family all over LOS. Went to 3 Dr's and a physical therapist there - all fine- but not resolved.

Bumrungrad A- (Would be A+ but the Rx got pissy when I wanted to get my prescriptions outside the hospital. Medicine very expensive at the hospital)

Wife, Thai-

Gyno, Dr Suvit. Dr found an issue, polyp, that was not known. Also known fibroid. Dr was 2 1/2 hours late due to surgery. Seemed proficient from exit discussion after exam. I stayed out of her business (a mistake).

Recommended polyp removal. Quoted 40,000B and 6 hours stay.

Different counters said different things. Islamic petite nurse, can't recall name, misinformed my wife - wife says.

BUT! Cashier said it would be 90,000B and overnight stay.

(not sure what was said to my wife, it was in Thai. But HUGE confusion ensued)

  • Dr 2 1/2 hours late to exam
  • Cost more than doubled.
  • Lost records upon admission.
  • Nobody told her the correct counter to report(?).
  • Shuffled from one counter to another until it was time for proceedure.

We cancelled. Will get the proceedure done in the US.

Bumrungrad C+ to D-


It is a mistake (on both counts) to give the hospital a rating for the medical aspect based on a specific doctor.. You could easily have had as bad an experience as your wife had you seen different doctors and she might have done better with a different doctor.

Always research doctors before consulting them. Bumrungrad's website makes it very easy to do that.

BTW the "polyp" need be removed only for purpose of biopsy to ensure it is benign. You don't mention its location but regardless, can be done as a day surgery if not an office procedure.


Thanks, you're right. The Dr and hospital reviews were intended to be seperate - in my mind anyway.

I thought the 6 hour stay was reasonable but when the cashier said it needed to be longer, I began to have doubts.

I researched the Dr's here on ThaiVisa and on Bumrungrad's site as well. Her Dr was recommended and checked out on Bumrungrad's site as well. He was probably fine and he said 5-6 hours stay would be sufficient.

Just trying to add the the knowledge base here for future fellow searchers.


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