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Balloons On The Bts


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When I first saw the news concerning an irishman trying to take balloons on the skytrain I though "bloody idiot" but the continuous reporting of this inccident by channel 3 has started to piss me off. It's been on prime time news now at least 3 times and has lasted 20 minutes each time. (murder, rape, drugs, corruption,half the coverage time)

Why is it so important for ch 3 to show this repeatedly?

I don't feel the least bit sorry for him but I do feel sorry for his daughter. He said he didn't know the rules. I doubt that and ignorence in the law is no excuse. But all this coverage shows a deep dislike of westerners.

Example: We've been going to a restaurant for several years, always polite, always tip. The day I complained, my god, they turned into savage dogs. I have lived here a long time and Know there is a hatred hidden deep inside of most thais for westerners. Don't kid yourselves, it's there. You overstep the line and they attack.

several thais attacking one guy is the norm here but come on, he's not exactly the hulk! Both parties were to blame, this is not as one sided as ch 3 would like you to think.



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I watched the video and the guy was going apeshit and had to be restrained by another westerner. The one thing I learned living here and being married to a Thai is that the stick is the way they deal with things when it gets to a point. They do it with their kids, wives, husbands, dogs and whatever pisses them off. I've seen it with my own wife with her siblings and local Thai dogs (She only Muey Thais my arse LOL). A bop on the head is how they handle things here and in this case doesn't suprise me at all as the guy was getting pretty unruly. I actually thought the Thais there were keeping their cool pretty well for a while and trying to settle him down, but just like with a spoiled kid who won't stop whining, sometimes a good ear boxing is the only way to get their attention. I don't think it has to do with any inherent hatred for us as I have never really experienced any of that beyond just the scammers and taxi drivers. To the contrary, I've been accepted in my wife's village as one of the family when we are there visiting and I have never had a cross word with a Thai in all my years living and coming here. I do think that outside the city we can be viewed as a bit of a curiosity and we sometimes get looked at like we are from Mars. We also seem to scare the little kids sometimes upon first impression, but other than that its all good. As far as complaining, we all know the Thais don't like that and consider it impolite. Has nothing to do with us except when its us that are coming on too strong and creating a culture clash! Its their country folks and its us that need to assimilate, not the other way around.

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I watched the video and the guy was going apeshit and had to be restrained by another westerner. The one thing I learned living here and being married to a Thai is that the stick is the way they deal with things when it gets to a point. They do it with their kids, wives, husbands, dogs and whatever pisses them off. I've seen it with my own wife with her siblings and local Thai dogs (She only Muey Thais my arse LOL). A bop on the head is how they handle things here and in this case doesn't suprise me at all as the guy was getting pretty unruly. I actually thought the Thais there were keeping their cool pretty well for a while and trying to settle him down, but just like with a spoiled kid who won't stop whining, sometimes a good ear boxing is the only way to get their attention. I don't think it has to do with any inherent hatred for us as I have never really experienced any of that beyond just the scammers and taxi drivers. To the contrary, I've been accepted in my wife's village as one of the family when we are there visiting and I have never had a cross word with a Thai in all my years living and coming here. I do think that outside the city we can be viewed as a bit of a curiosity and we sometimes get looked at like we are from Mars. We also seem to scare the little kids sometimes upon first impression, but other than that its all good. As far as complaining, we all know the Thais don't like that and consider it impolite. Has nothing to do with us except when its us that are coming on too strong and creating a culture clash! Its their country folks and its us that need to assimilate, not the other way around.

Although I agree with most of what you said, to be fair the video shows the guy after he was struck. If I was hit on the head because of some ballons, especially in front of my daughter, I would be pissed off too. We don't how the guy was reacting before he got struck as it was't recorded, but although I'm sure he was being disresecptful and arrogant, to be hit over the head is extreme and shouldn't have happened.

I'm suprised this isn't being hushed up by Thailand, this is exactly the sort of thing that the British tabloids love, I can just imagine the headlines - 'Clubbed over the head because of childs ballons'. Yet another excuse for tabloids to show the bad side of Thailand and laugh at how backward it is in Asia.

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I watched the video and the guy was going apeshit and had to be restrained by another westerner.

I do not think that Thais have a "deep dislike of Westerners. They put up with a lot of crap from us. However, they must get awfully fed up with hostile, arrogant Westerners who think that rules do not apply to them.

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