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What Were You In The Days Of Your Youth?


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All this talk of cliques in Gen got me thinking what people might have been when they were younger.

Do you sometimes after reading someones post you think, "I'll bet they were ( Blank ) in high school."?

So, what were you when you were young and awkward? Were you a jock, pop-tart, goth, punk, band geek, theater fairy, nerd, or boring? Were you a good kid, studied your school work and never missed anything? Were you a bad kid who skipped class to get fcked up or smoked in between classes outside a side door with one foot keeping the door from locking you out?

Or were you a nomad, a cliqueless being? If so, did other cliques like you to stop and visit or were you just a complete loser?

Or maybe you were some kind of combo? Anyway, tell what you were and if you can guess what I was I'll buy you drink.. :o ....if I ever meet you. :D

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I was one of the last hippies, then became a bum in a South-London squat, changed style to look quite respectable after visiting and living in Asia, 'alternative' looks don't seem to give you any street-cred here.

Jeez, this reminds me, should get a shave and a haircut soon...

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I was a bit of a designer hippy.... a trendsetter at the time. All my friends were odd-bods, none of us quite fit into any category. We had a fun little group but weren't bothered whether or not the real hip chicks liked us or not. And certainly didn't care for any daggy high school geek boyfriends- that's for sure.... far too unwordly. Afterwards, I moved around a bit looking for my Utopia. Twenty years on, am still looking but this one will do for the moment. Am still in touch with two of my high school group. It's been very cool sharing our journeys in life.

*Thaibebop, I think you were a surfer dude who played guitar and experimented with "alternative pathways". :o

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I was a mod and an all-nighter boy. Parka, desert boots, lambrettas, fights outisde the Skeggy Seaview, Dungeon, Beachcomber, Mojo, Twisted Wheel, Wigan Casino. Then I became respectable :o

Edited by endure
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All this talk of cliques in Gen got me thinking what people might have been when they were younger.

Do you sometimes after reading someones post you think, "I'll bet they were ( Blank ) in high school."?

So, what were you when you were young and awkward? Were you a jock, pop-tart, goth, punk, band geek, theater fairy, nerd, or boring? Were you a good kid, studied your school work and never missed anything? Were you a bad kid who skipped class to get fcked up or smoked in between classes outside a side door with one foot keeping the door from locking you out?

Or were you a nomad, a cliqueless being? If so, did other cliques like you to stop and visit or were you just a complete loser?

Or maybe you were some kind of combo? Anyway, tell what you were and if you can guess what I was I'll buy you drink.. :o ....if I ever meet you.  :D

I find the American 'clique' system fascinating. I've always wanted to go to an American school just to see what it was like. Here in England we have so few categories which we can put people in. We had the Chav's (Charvers, as they're known up north) geeks, goths (although many geeks were goths) then I guess you would have the American equivelant of the jocks.

I think American schools are based on popularity, whilst English schools are based on who is hardest. I remember when I first joined comprehensive from primary school there was a big debate about who was the hardest in our year. A typical conversation was "Nar, he's the harder than him daft c**t, he's a <deleted> freak" Not the most stimulating conversation you could ever have, but it did seem to be the most popular at the time.

I played sports for most of the school teams, played football for the district and did athletics for the county, I guess that would have made me a Jock in America. I was always quite bright, but I can imagine I was an absolute tosser to teach. I remember my Physics teacher going absolutely off it with me because, as he said you had so much "<deleted>" potential, but was too busy trying to act the class clown you couldn't realise it, other people have to work twice as hard as you to get the same results, they'd kill to be in your position, so "<deleted>" use it. And yes, the choice of language was all his. After that little motivation speech I did pull things together, thankfully

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Odd question.

In high school (not actually that long ago for me) I guess I was considered the heavy metal-punk rock type of person because I have been playing the guitar since I was 11 and in high shcool I was always in a band. I wasn't able to go so far to look the part though because I went to a Catholic High School and there was a strict dress code. I grew my hair as long as I possibly could without getting into trouble and that was about it. I have never been into piercing myself anywhere, not even my ears. I think it looks foolish.

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Odd question.

In high school (not actually that long ago for me) I guess I was considered the heavy metal-punk rock type of person because I have been playing the guitar since I was 11 and in high shcool I was always in a band.  I wasn't able to go so far to look the part though because I went to a Catholic High School and there was a strict dress code.  I grew my hair as long as I possibly could without getting into trouble and that was about it.  I have never been into piercing myself anywhere, not even my ears.  I think it looks foolish.

Odd thinking - punk rockers don't give a shi*e!!!! :o

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Odd question.

In high school (not actually that long ago for me) I guess I was considered the heavy metal-punk rock type of person because I have been playing the guitar since I was 11 and in high shcool I was always in a band.  I wasn't able to go so far to look the part though because I went to a Catholic High School and there was a strict dress code.  I grew my hair as long as I possibly could without getting into trouble and that was about it.  I have never been into piercing myself anywhere, not even my ears.  I think it looks foolish.

Odd thinking - punk rockers don't give a shi*e!!!! :o

I wouldn't classify myself as a punk rocker but thought others might so I included that.

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I was a punky gothy rocker type sort of weirdo. IN the early to mid 90's when it was NOT cool to be. I was the only one in my little town. I used to go to raves with my mate with my hair standing on end in a trech coat and knee high boots. While they were all in floresant coats with white gloves and whistels. Still think i was right.

Edited by tripperj
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I was a punky gothy rocker type sort of weirdo. IN the  early to mid 90's when it was NOT cool to be. I was the only one in my little town. I used to go to raves with my mate with my hair standing on end in a trech coat and knee high boots. While they were all in floresant coats with white gloves and whistels. Still think i was right.

Oops.... I left you off the Tripper Of the Year nominations. Sorry Tripperj!!! :o

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All this talk of cliques in Gen got me thinking what people might have been when they were younger.

Do you sometimes after reading someones post you think, "I'll bet they were ( Blank ) in high school."?

So, what were you when you were young and awkward? Were you a jock, pop-tart, goth, punk, band geek, theater fairy, nerd, or boring? Were you a good kid, studied your school work and never missed anything? Were you a bad kid who skipped class to get fcked up or smoked in between classes outside a side door with one foot keeping the door from locking you out?

Or were you a nomad, a cliqueless being? If so, did other cliques like you to stop and visit or were you just a complete loser?

Or maybe you were some kind of combo? Anyway, tell what you were and if you can guess what I was I'll buy you drink.. :D ....if I ever meet you.  :D

I was in different schools almost every year. Somtimes American international, sometimes English international, one boarding school (didn't last long), and a variety of small local community schools in belgium, france, england, holland, italy, all over the place really.

I don't really know if I can categorize myself. I wasn't much of a trend follower.

There were the always the grunge heads, the dope heads, the "lookatmeI'm really hard" small heads, etc etc...

I generally just tried to make people laugh, would act in plays and sing in musicals, almost never did any homework, but most often managed to skim through my classes cos my answers were good, my questions in class good.

It was often said that I could be a great student if I would just put work into it, but of course I never fulfilled my potential. Where's the fun in that. Finally dropped out at 15, I was tetering on the edge of either falling into the drugpartysewer trap or maintaining some dignity. Thankfully I managed to do the latter, which is where I'm at now. Love partying etc.. but I contorl myself.

A lot of folk don't like me, cos I don't talk all that much so they don't know shit about me.

I'm the guy who's dependable, generally the dancing center of a party, but always keeping an eye on the security too.

I don't know ... Lot's of words.... I've got a head ache.


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Maybe that answer was a bit rambly... sorry. Basically I didn't like cliques much, but was accepted by most others as say a "visitor" .

As for you TBB, I wouldn't dare to reveal all your sordid secrets.

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I had an athelete image to keep in school as I was the basketball team captain. That goes well with my rock music clique.

Then Gary Clail (sp?) and Sasha/ John Digweed came in late 80s/ early 90s, and I converted massively into the X culture. Dropped basketball so it fits into my raver clique.

I still listen to the occasional Rage Against the Machine and had just partied my brains out in Nation V gay rave in Karon beach.

I'm still not sure, I may be just a loser! :o

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In my late teens in the mid 70's I was a biker. Dirty jeans and greasy hair. Had to be different and have a suede jacket like Billy's in Easy Rider instead of a leather. Boy! did I look cool or what? Also looked soaking wet alot of the time too because suede ain't waterproof. :o

Eventually got myself a leather jacket and plastered it with badges, pins, patches and studs. I wanted everyone to know that I was a biker and proud of it. I still looked wet most of the time though, because of all the holes in the leather made by the patches, badges, pins and studs. I wasn't rebellious in anyway at all or anything, unless me mum tried to make me eat my brussel sprouts.

I was the nice kind of biker.

Still a biker to this day. But now I don't feel the need anymore to let people know what I am or how much of a biker I am, you hear what I'm saying? :D

Edited by Gazza
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High school nerd here, skateboarder, weekend sandlot football player. U.S. Army at 18, stationed in Brooklyn, NY then Bangkok at 19. Worked at the U.S. Army Thailand Finance Office on Soi Asoke as an Accounting Specialist and lived at the Windsor Hotel until 21. :o

Edited by ronz28
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I was a bit of a designer hippy.... a trendsetter at the time. All my friends were  odd-bods, none of us quite fit into any category. We had a fun little group but weren't bothered whether or not the real hip chicks liked us or not. And certainly didn't care for any daggy high school geek boyfriends- that's for sure.... far too unwordly. Afterwards, I moved around a bit looking for my Utopia. Twenty years on, am still looking  but this one will do for the moment. Am still in touch with two of my high school group. It's been very cool sharing our journeys in life.

*Thaibebop, I think you were a surfer dude who played guitar and experimented with "alternative pathways".  :D

OH, you are so far off! :o But I will still buy you a drink, just cause I like you. :D

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Odd question.

In high school (not actually that long ago for me) I guess I was considered the heavy metal-punk rock type of person because I have been playing the guitar since I was 11 and in high shcool I was always in a band.  I wasn't able to go so far to look the part though because I went to a Catholic High School and there was a strict dress code.  I grew my hair as long as I possibly could without getting into trouble and that was about it.  I have never been into piercing myself anywhere, not even my ears.  I think it looks foolish.

I knew some people in your position. Poor guys were Cure fans so they had a real hard time at their Catholic school. The nuns don't dig on the Lipstick. :o

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I was a punky gothy rocker type sort of weirdo. IN the  early to mid 90's when it was NOT cool to be. I was the only one in my little town. I used to go to raves with my mate with my hair standing on end in a trech coat and knee high boots. While they were all in floresant coats with white gloves and whistels. Still think i was right.

That sucks doesn't it. When people start doing what you did, when they made fun it before. Just wanna smack the sh1t outta them. :o

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but being a biatch in popular group while nerd are cool u know

when study wear thick glasses..after that i can be a hotty bitchy ..

sort of manage time(i do it well ,methinks)

till now.. no one thinks im a doctor ..but why i have to make fussy hair with glasses.. :D:o

life is short...ehhh?

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High school nerd here, skateboarder, weekend sandlot football player.  U.S. Army at 18, stationed in Brooklyn, NY then Bangkok at 19. Worked at the U.S. Army Thailand Finance Office on Soi Asoke as an Accounting Specialist and lived at the Windsor Hotel until 21.  :D

Here's one for NY! :o

I got family in Queens and on the Island, I love that place what a great city. I havn't visited in very long time though.

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I was a bit of a designer hippy.... a trendsetter at the time. All my friends were  odd-bods, none of us quite fit into any category. We had a fun little group but weren't bothered whether or not the real hip chicks liked us or not. And certainly didn't care for any daggy high school geek boyfriends- that's for sure.... far too unwordly. Afterwards, I moved around a bit looking for my Utopia. Twenty years on, am still looking  but this one will do for the moment. Am still in touch with two of my high school group. It's been very cool sharing our journeys in life.

*Thaibebop, I think you were a surfer dude who played guitar and experimented with "alternative pathways".  :D

OH, you are so far off! :o But I will still buy you a drink, just cause I like you. :D

Hmmmmmmm.... captain of your hockey team and King of your high school prom? :D C'mon give us a hint!! :D

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I was a bit of a designer hippy.... a trendsetter at the time. All my friends were  odd-bods, none of us quite fit into any category. We had a fun little group but weren't bothered whether or not the real hip chicks liked us or not. And certainly didn't care for any daggy high school geek boyfriends- that's for sure.... far too unwordly. Afterwards, I moved around a bit looking for my Utopia. Twenty years on, am still looking  but this one will do for the moment. Am still in touch with two of my high school group. It's been very cool sharing our journeys in life.

*Thaibebop, I think you were a surfer dude who played guitar and experimented with "alternative pathways".  :D

OH, you are so far off! :o But I will still buy you a drink, just cause I like you. :D

Hmmmmmmm.... captain of your hockey team and King of your high school prom? :D C'mon give us a hint!! :D

Hockey?! :D

I am a Yankee, they only thing that we do with ice is put it in our drinks. :D

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