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Swedish Man Arrested For Pedophilia In Thailand


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So, out of roughly 8% of foreigners visiting Thailand's 70 million people each year, and decreasing that 8% to probably 1% of sex tourists, the media always seems to find that one singular story about the white foreigner who committed sex crimes with children, and we all seem to ignore that Thailand's sex crimes among relatives is, and has been, steadily on the rise over the last several years; up to 30% according to some research. But that is based solely on those who come forward.

Sex crimes involving relatives on the rise: expert

"In certain cases, a victim had been violated by three brothers for three years since she was nine, and many cases involving violators who were victims' grandfathers, fathers, stepfathers, and brothers. Another 38 per cent of the cases reported to police are violations by neighbors, associates, acquaintances and colleagues."

"The youngest victim is reportedly at five months by a violator at 13, and the oldest is a 89yearold by a 14yearold, who said he was made aroused after watching a porn movie which are shocking,"

And even that story I just quoted is all bungled up since its main focus is aimed half-truthfully towards only the male (as usual) as the aggressor, and ignores the man (or boy) as the victim; which in 40% of all child abuse cases is the fact worldwide. Yes, regardless of how much it irritates one, it is a fact that 40% of women in most countries (including Thailand) commit sexual crimes against children that almost never get reported.

This story is drivel simply because it is redundant and revolves about an issue that will never change as long as half the victims (the females) are the ones shouting their grievances, and the other half remain silent. Thai women are chief contributors in developing the Thai male mindset, and adult Thai men grow up thinking it is alright to do the things they do, and then women complain about it.

It is allowed (allowed) to happen in the home before it happens on the streets! Concerned parents my arse!

Let's do the math: There is no gene for pedophilia. It is a learned behavior. Thailand is a matriarchal society. This is ignored, and instead the gauntlet is selectively dropped on the heads of the males, since the male is the aggressor and the female the one who needs the protecting.

The point of this article, I believe, is not to make issue with Thailand being a "hub" for sexual predators (hence the report about another foreigner fiddling with kids: the same kids who have probably learned what fiddling is all about from their relatives). Rather, in my opinion, it is another short documentary on how Thailand is suffering from a demented sickness that has no cure in the immediate future, and will continue to get worse as long as male issues are treated as laughable and enviable issues and female issues are given all the attention.

To the females as victims: I laud your grievances and support your aim to have better lives; but you are shooting yourselves in the feet by ignoring what 40% of your sisters are doing around you every day. You are treating it like it is some kind of illusion or non-truth. You ignore it and show rage when it is politely brought up as a legitimate subject to consider. Just because boys enjoy sex at a young age, and dream about their school teachers at a young age, does not mean that they are correct in these desires; and helping them along when they become exploratory, instead of firmly telling them, "NO" will certainly make the chickens come home to roost when those cute, loveable little boys (whom you let parade around proudly showing their penises to the world) are older, smellier, and not so cute.

Point: Foreign sexual predators (the maggots) are not the problem; they are the symptom of the society (the dead beast) that they live in (infest)!

The story to this thread is about a falang, arrested in Prague on the issue of an international arrest warrant by the Thai police after a 5 year investigation (to make sure they nail him properly).

The thread has nothing to do with what you are refering to. If you want figures and statistics, refer to your own country's history and current situation. I don't even know where you are from, but regardless I am sure that you will by surprised/ashamed/embarrassed or parts of the afore mentioned.

Your comments above only open the same thread again from where you have taken them.

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...and now you have another 10 years, to clean up the brothels where thai men...ah...never mind!

Could you provide some evidence to back up your claim that Thailand is rife with underage brothels visited by Thai men please?

Brothels or homes! Why go for take-out when you can have it at home?

I am not intentionally being sarcastic. You wanted a source. Here it is. It is a path to the veiled truth. Do the math and try to understand the behaviorism that spreads from facts like these.

I wanted a source pointing to the fact that there are brothels featuring underage kids aimed at Thai men.

What relevance an article about random child molestation at home has to do with this I have no idea, particularly as this is an issue which happens everywhere around the world including - but not only in - Thailand.

Pretty much all of us will know of a female friend who has been subjected to abuse my a relative - an uncle or a grandfather or brother. That doesnt prove that brothels for underage kids exist in Thailand.

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Could you provide some evidence to back up your claim that Thailand is rife with underage brothels visited by Thai men please?

First define underage. If you're talking about say under 18, it is a commonly known and mostly affected fact.

In fact that would be almost over the hill in the poor upcountry marriage market, and certainly past her prime for the brothels.

Go to any upcountry village and get to know the locals, and they will point out the procuring agents that periodically come around. Also every extended family has an older "auntie" with experience that knows where to take a girl to be put into service.

If you are male and want to investigate for yourself:

Step 1 - make friends with any Thai male, or just pay a moto dop

Step 2 - visit the brothel with him

Step 3 - open your eyes

Note that the places with the much lower than average age girls won't let a farang near the place because the western governments through their embassies, law enforcement agencies and mix-funded NGOs, have made it not worth the risk to allow farang customers.

Of course those with enough money can just make friends with a local police chief and enjoy their protection. This will be pretty expensive though.

The western governments efforts to clean up the situation will not be allowed to extend to interfere with the local customs. There are some local NGOs and prominent activists that do some good, but they can only chip away at the edges of something as systemic to the local cultures as corruption itself.

Perhaps decent sex education so that it is no longer normal for 13-15 year-old girls to have babies in the upcountry villages would be a start. And law enforcement efforts against rapists (true rapists not talking about consensual statutory) and incest issues, rather than letting civll penalties where the rapist just pays off the girl's family and everything is OK. Sometimes the rapist is given the option of marrying the girl, so his fine isn't wasted.

All of this has nothing to do with foreigners.

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There is a proper nasty streak through all of these threads. The Thai police investigated his crimes and issued and international arrest warrant which was enacted in Prague. I say

Well done to the Royal Thai Police!!

I hope this case gets plenty of publicity as the word has to get out to Paedophiles worldwide, your time abusing Thai kids is up.

I agree! I hope this story will be a message to all these sick Paedophiles that they aren't welcome here anymore! The Thai police will hunt your ass down and beat it!!
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good job I hope he rot in bangkok hilton ....


... I hope that happens, I really do, but unless he voluntarily returns to face charges, there is limited hope he will be successfully extradicted.

... foreigners extradicted for trial by Thai judiciaries rarely happens.

... the Thai legal and judicial corruption is so globally well-known, countries are reluctant to give-up their citizens to Thai extradition ... proving the Thai judiciary is corrupt is a pretty low hurdle for defense attorneys fighting extradition.

... I believe international mechanisms might be in place for him to be tried in Sweden, maybe other international courts, but he will probably not see the inside of a Thai court, or prison.

... if we do see him return voluntarily, it will probably only be to 'clear his good name' and onlyafter he has pre-purchased his innocence from the families of these poor children and has properly paid the local handling by the Royal Thai [fill in the blank] to assure he gets away with decimating no telling how many young Thais lives and futures.

... whatever happened to the Russian concert pianist/conductor charged last year in Pattaya for raping young Thai children? ... he returned to Thailand voluntarily to 'clear his good name', and I've heard nothing since ... the Swede knows exactly where to find this scum's attorney.

... yes, yes, if you are a crook, pedophile, liar, cheat, thief, mafiosa, extortionist, murderer, whatever, Thailand is the place for you ... you'll fit right in.

... congratulations Thailand! ... you have created the kind of nation you deserve ... where foreigners can come and rape young Thai children with impunity.

... (I am so sick of this place).

Edited by swillowbee
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It's a reasonable request - government reports, police reports, NGO type research etc.

Everytime a westerner is caught fiddling with kids in Thailand, the usual malcontents mumble about the fact that kiddie brothels for local men seem to be on every street corner. In my view it's yet another of those urban myths spewed up by Thaivisa.

It's almost as if they are suggesting that the Thai police are focusing only on western paedos, and letting the Thai offenders get away with it.

So, I repeat, what is this assertion based on?

Oh, so you are so naieve to think that the Thai Government would actually put a report out about this? What in "Amazing Thailand"! Jesus - Wake up! (They cannot even clean up the Jet ski scams, ripping off tourists, terrorism - do you seriously think they give a shit about kids getting fiddled with?

Police Reports - again - wake up! The police are probably taking a cut!

NGO's - since when have any of these organisations actually helped anyone in the real sense - they are a bunch of spongers, sort of like missionaries allowed to stay here on a long term visa providing they don't rock the boat or get caught kiddy fiddling! - It always amazes me why any government would welcome these NONCES! - Think about it, Thailand is a Bhuddist country ( allegedly) why on earth would they issue visa to people to come here and preach Christianity.......maybe money has something to do with it!

It shows your intelligence and idea of the real world just by the avatar you pick, a true open minded visionary!

Like I say, WAKE UP, and I expect someone like yourself would be the first one up in arms if someone came on here and dared to use an Avatar of Hitler!

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