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Metro Technology School


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I put my stepson in Metro Technology School three years ago. He is suppose to be in their electronics program. According to my wife, this was a six year program. My stepson is now 20 years old, but from what I can figure out he has essentially just completed the equivalent of high school. Now he is suppose to take more schooling that will lead him to ..... I don't know where?

Using my wife as a translator and trying to get accurate information about the school, the school's programs, and her son's progress is difficult if not impossible. She really either doesn't want to talk about it or she doesn't understand it, or both. So why do I care? I'm paying for the kid's education, and I'd like to see the education result in him eventually getting employed. But the school, the programs, and his progress is a mystery to me. All I can get out of my wife is that he is an average student (she actually said he's not too smart).

I really want to know where he is at in his studies right now, and what he will be studying in the next three years. I also would like to know what types of job his training is preparing him for, what the school does to assist these kids in obtaining jobs, and what internships are available -- are these students even counseled?

This kid has not worked a day in his life (which I blame on his mother), shows little of no motivation, and I can't really see what he has learned applied anywhere. He's three years into an electronic programs, and he's never tried to fix electronics that have broke around the house (I don't think he can). If this is computer electronics, he doesn't seem to know anything about operating systems or the maintenance of computers (which is my area of expertise for the last 25 years).

I want to get my questions answered from the school, but I'm going to run into a language barrier. I don't want my wife translating -- she shows more interest in keeping me in the dark than getting my questions answered.

So, does anyone know any of the directors or managers of this school or any educational institution that is associated with Metro Tech. I need to get information, and I can't speak Thai well enough to get into a technical discussion with a school administrator -- and I want to get into a technical discussion regarding what my step son is learning. I want to talk to someone that can speak with authority about the programs, and before I shell out any more money, I wan to know how the kid is doing in school. Anyone got any suggestions?

Edited by connda
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