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Martin Luther King Jr


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The point of my post and many other's posts just flies right by your arrogant red-necked head nearly every time. If you can't get it into that grey matter that there has to be some irrefutable proof presented in a reliable court of law before you can just write off hundreds of human beings as "terrorists" (whatever that means?), then we're all just wasting our time talking to a couple of imbeciles. Provide the proof mate, of those guys connections with some terrorist event and you'll make your hare-brained prejudices a little bit more credible. As it is, most people have got totally bored of your drivel and I'm fast reaching that point too.

By the way, "Darkie" toothpaste was a minor classic bit of not-so-subtle racism, which is best confined to the realms of history along with slavery, segregation and public displays of racist attitudes. Get over it, man, and just brush your pearls with Darlie instead.

Irrefutable Proof my a##! If it walks, talks and smells like a foking duck, it's a foking Terrorist!

Mass Denial - just what poor little Mohamad Atta's old man and the rest of that shower are in... and, sorry to say, a few "Jane Fonda" / "Ramsey Clark" types as well.

From overlooking the latest missive by the ###### don't think this thread has much more life in it... :o

Boon Mee

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The point of my post and many other's posts just flies right by your arrogant red-necked head nearly every time. If you can't get it into that grey matter that there has to be some irrefutable proof presented in a reliable court of law before you can just write off hundreds of human beings as "terrorists" (whatever that means?), then we're all just wasting our time talking to a couple of imbeciles. Provide the proof mate, of those guys connections with some terrorist event and you'll make your hare-brained prejudices a little bit more credible. As it is, most people have got totally bored of your drivel and I'm fast reaching that point too.

By the way, "Darkie" toothpaste was a minor classic bit of not-so-subtle racism, which is best confined to the realms of history along with slavery, segregation and public displays of racist attitudes. Get over it, man, and just brush your pearls with Darlie instead.

Irrefutable Proof my a##! If it walks, talks and smells like a foking duck, it's a foking Terrorist!

Mass Denial - just what poor little Mohamad Atta's old man and the rest of that shower are in... and, sorry to say, a few "Jane Fonda" / "Ramsey Clark" types as well.

From overlooking the latest missive by the ###### don't think this thread has much more life in it... :o

Boon Mee

Proof of the pudding, pie and 'mee is in their postings............I'm afraid I've had my fill of your fare. ######'s right - some people are beyond the pale and it ceases to have much point, arguing with morons to the nth degree. Bye-bye G-P and Boonmee, may the pox be incurable.

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At the end of this day, as you kids whinge about being PC and who has the legs to do the most damage, I can't help thinking of a 13 year old child,cut down with a sword or a machete, as he walked barefoot along the road, likely following an older man in similar orange robes, and I suspect his life is worth somewhere between 3 and 5 times as much as yours George et al.

Life is full of intrigues. That boys' life was full of what? Prayer, meditation, poverty.

Sad thing is neither of you has even thought about him, his life or more importantly, his death and its' uselessness. A pox on you both. Keep this up and I will slap you for your trouble.

Mr. ######, I know that I really should just ignore this, but that is not my way.

I admire you for the identity that you have adopted to play your role as administrator. You mostly stick to what a great administrator should be - sort of an intelligent narrator with no firm opinion of his own. However, you are human, and it is difficult to always stay firmly in your role. You want to get your thoughts in there; You feel certain that your beliefs are right. Sometimes you just don't care about staying in the back-ground.

However, ###### is just a role. You put it on everyday, while I'm donning my Georgie-Porgie suit.

We both know that in real life, you are a completely different guy. You have some good qualities, you have some bad. In fact, there are a lot of people out there who despise you as much as many people on here hate Georgie-Porgie.

What I'm trying to say is, for one thing, I have no idea who the boy in your little allegory is. If he is supposed to be real, or not. Whatever you were trying to say there is lost on me, and, I suspect, most other readers. However, I do understand that you put down in print that his life is "worth more" than mine.

That is completely out of line, and that is not for you to judge. You were not the great ###### looking down on the board with omniscient eyes, when you wrote that, you were the other guy, the real life guy; the guy with a good number of his own detractors.

Yesterday, someone said that you were "mentally ill" for trying to gather up Farangs and telling them to take chance on destroying their futures by mounting a protest in someone else's country: Thailand.

You need to be more careful with what you say here. He was right that your advice was totally off-the-wall and irresponsible, and I'm right that, from now on, you should stick to your ######, good-guy role, on-line.

If you have a problem with me. If you think that you can out-think me, if you want to be your real self, no problem, call yourself anything else you like and come looking for Georgie on-line. I'm always ready for a showdown, with anybody, except on-duty administration guys.

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The point of my post and many other's posts just flies right by your arrogant red-necked head nearly every time. If you can't get it into that grey matter that there has to be some irrefutable proof presented in a reliable court of law before you can just write off hundreds of human beings as "terrorists" (whatever that means?), then we're all just wasting our time talking to a couple of imbeciles. Provide the proof mate, of those guys connections with some terrorist event and you'll make your hare-brained prejudices a little bit more credible. As it is, most people have got totally bored of your drivel and I'm fast reaching that point too.

By the way, "Darkie" toothpaste was a minor classic bit of not-so-subtle racism, which is best confined to the realms of history along with slavery, segregation and public displays of racist attitudes. Get over it, man, and just brush your pearls with Darlie instead.

Irrefutable Proof my a##! If it walks, talks and smells like a foking duck, it's a foking Terrorist!

Mass Denial - just what poor little Mohamad Atta's old man and the rest of that shower are in... and, sorry to say, a few "Jane Fonda" / "Ramsey Clark" types as well.

From overlooking the latest missive by the ###### don't think this thread has much more life in it... :D

Boon Mee

Proof of the pudding, pie and 'mee is in their postings............I'm afraid I've had my fill of your fare. ######'s right - some people are beyond the pale and it ceases to have much point, arguing with morons to the nth degree. Bye-bye G-P and Boonmee, may the pox be incurable.

Bye Bye Plachon - don't let the door and your posterior have a collision :o

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Bye Bye Plachon - don't let the door and your posterior have a collision :o

Now, didn't I hear a similar sentence just a few days ago?

Some guy who wants to win the election and kindly asked Mr. GWB to leave? :D

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