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Election Time Again ?

Gonzo the Face

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Been meaning to ask this for some time now, but stalled, hoping to see some other candidates.

The sound trucks have been blasting for about 2 weeks now but only one party seems to have any representation. Candidates are 6 to a truck, numbers 1 thru 6, or 7 thru 12.

Only one party though.

Can someone clear up for an old man what election this is and/or what is going on???


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IIRC it's DJ Aum (Rak Chiang Mai 51) V the Mayor's crowd. Same Same but different?

Elections next Sunday I believe. With that and the royal funeral we are in fro a few dry days! Guess everyone's gotta build up a thirst before Songkran?

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Yeah, bars are supposed to be closed on April 8-10 for the funeral.

I'm guessing Sat April 7th will be a dry day before the election. Are the elections only one day, or will Friday night be dry as well?

Pretty clever of the Chiang Mai Jamboree organizers to have the party at the lake on Saturday night. Looks like it will be the only place to party!


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Help me a bit here, What is the election for, what office or position.

It seems to me , unless I don't understand, that there is only one party running 12 of their people for how many and what offices. There are no other posters, or sound trucks at all.

Bit confusing..... one party running against themselves?????

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I'm not 100% clear, Gonzo, but I think they're Tambon/Tessabahn elections. The faces in Dave2's pictures are for T. Changklan, there are different faces for other Tambons. Political parties are not allowed to overtly stand- so everyone wears red as that's the political slant in Chiang Mai. We think there'll be a booze ban on Saturday night, which will be lifted on Sunday evening, but you can never tell until the day. Just what we need as we enter the low season!

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I'm not 100% clear, Gonzo, but I think they're Tambon/Tessabahn elections. The faces in Dave2's pictures are for T. Changklan, there are different faces for other Tambons. Political parties are not allowed to overtly stand- so everyone wears red as that's the political slant in Chiang Mai. We think there'll be a booze ban on Saturday night, which will be lifted on Sunday evening, but you can never tell until the day. Just what we need as we enter the low season!

From what I understand, bars are supposed to be closed Sun, Mon, and Tues to pay respect to the princess. The funeral is Mon and has been declared a public holiday for a lot of companies, including Bank of Thailand.


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