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Relocate To Thailand


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Three bedrooms worth of stuff? My advise is to sell all of your items that you don't REALLY need.

If I were to move to Thailand, which I plan to do in the future, I would bring my laptop and a small napsack.

But you live with your parents and don't actually have any 'stuff' do you?

And also were planning to sleep in the back of some seedy girly bar, I think the OP has slightly higher expectations.

What are you talking about 'were planing to'? you think i've given up on my dreams so soon? I think not, sir.
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Three bedrooms worth of stuff? My advise is to sell all of your items that you don't REALLY need.

If I were to move to Thailand, which I plan to do in the future, I would bring my laptop and a small napsack.

But you live with your parents and don't actually have any 'stuff' do you?

REALLY need...

I went three months with what I could hold at arms' length, and I reckon I could have gone indefinitely. If I'd have had half of that, I might have missed some if it. "Need" is pretty subjective, and also dependent on your current circumstances.


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not in bangkok, lol. take a look at prakard.com 45k is a 60m2 condo in some areas/buildings.

Pay attention - I'm not talking about these IMO overpriced luxury condos, but houses. My five-story shophouse - within ten minutes of the BTS and five from the river ferry stop - rents for B12,000, and every one of my neighbors says I'm overpaying. In the small sub-soi's one sees many large walled plots with multiple houses set in beautiful yards and gardens. To the extent they come on the rental market, I imagine they would deliver much more value for money (to me anyway) than a condo. It is quite possible that one of these, perhaps one needing a bit of work, not necessarily costing much, would be available in this price range. The rental usually also includes the servants, so perhaps it would be worth going a bit over, being a bit out of pocket, since the OP would have to usually pay (overpay) out of his net salary anyway.

Of course, he may prefer to live in a condo - just pointing out additional options to consider since he has such a generous allowance to work with.

yes in thong lo area they rent for 150k+


Edited by farang000999
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