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Death Threat To Thaksin Remains: Defence Minister


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You predict his days are numbered, so it is you with the crystal ball and not Thaksin. Thaksin does give to charities in Thailand regulary, He donated lots of money to the poor during the flooding last year. You all have Thaksinphobea did any of you doubters live in Thailand when Thaksin was Prime Minister? I did and it was great, heads of western countries made visits often and everyone was so happy and proud to be Thai.

So just how much did he donate then? Got a link? Bet it wasn't as much as Honda donated (100 million baht), even though they production facilities were devastated during the floods.

He better watch his back if he ever returns. His mate Seh Daeng was taken out pretty easily when needed....

Same question asked, same zero response. Seems the troll likes to stir, but answering questions is not his/her forte.

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At any point in the debate where you appear to be getting your point of view across be prepared to be descended upon from high by the "usual suspects" - you've already met some of them.

Your points of view seem to always be anti-Abhisit or anti-Democrat party. How about staying on-topic, i.e. Thaksin, and sharing your pro-Thaksin views with us?

Baiting troll.

Respectfully suggest you read a few of Phiphidons posts.

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You predict his days are numbered, so it is you with the crystal ball and not Thaksin. Thaksin does give to charities in Thailand regulary, He donated lots of money to the poor during the flooding last year. You all have Thaksinphobea did any of you doubters live in Thailand when Thaksin was Prime Minister? I did and it was great, heads of western countries made visits often and everyone was so happy and proud to be Thai.

So just how much did he donate then? Got a link? Bet it wasn't as much as Honda donated (100 million baht), even though they production facilities were devastated during the floods.

He better watch his back if he ever returns. His mate Seh Daeng was taken out pretty easily when needed....

If he gets shot, it will be done by the ever so worthy of respect, Thai Army, acting as armies do, on instruction.

Not a pissed off voter of whatever colour.

Lines read between.

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You predict his days are numbered, so it is you with the crystal ball and not Thaksin. Thaksin does give to charities in Thailand regulary, He donated lots of money to the poor during the flooding last year. You all have Thaksinphobea did any of you doubters live in Thailand when Thaksin was Prime Minister? I did and it was great, heads of western countries made visits often and everyone was so happy and proud to be Thai.

So just how much did he donate then? Got a link? Bet it wasn't as much as Honda donated (100 million baht), even though they production facilities were devastated during the floods.

He better watch his back if he ever returns. His mate Seh Daeng was taken out pretty easily when needed....

If he gets shot, it will be done by the ever so worthy of respect, Thai Army, acting as armies do, on instruction.

Not a pissed off voter of whatever colour.

Lines read between.

You forgot the IMHO, dear philw

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The troll returneth, with news that the Thai web is indeed a censored maze developed by the last undemocratically elected government. Heres the link, tell us what you think. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDQQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.taipeitimes.com%2FNews%2Fworld%2Farchives%2F2008%2F01%2F03%2F2003395464&ei=OHqNT475IM3PrQeomMjECQ&usg=AFQjCNGhc2nWVVPuEmuyFndBSkgldpeOLw

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The troll returneth, with news that the Thai web is indeed a censored maze developed by the last undemocratically elected government. Heres the link, tell us what you think. http://www.google.co...yFndBSkgldpeOLw

Dear troll, you have to try to keep your 'facts' a bit straight at least. Also try to avoid to be seemingly incoherent or contradicting yourself.

The Taipei webpage from begin of Jauary 2008 doesn't say anything about a censored maze and just confirms k. Thaksin's desire to stay away from politics and play golf with Gen. Sonthi.

Anyway, still no relation with 'Death Threat to Thaksin Remains: Defence Minister ..."

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The troll returneth, with news that the Thai web is indeed a censored maze developed by the last undemocratically elected government. Heres the link, tell us what you think. http://www.google.co...yFndBSkgldpeOLw

The current government have been in power 8 months. Haven't they asked the ISPs to remove all the blocks yet? ... maybe they just don't want to.

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What proof do you have of him not doing charitable work for the last 6 years?

You want me to find proof of nothing?

Surely it would be easier for you to find proof of something.

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The troll returneth, with news that the Thai web is indeed a censored maze developed by the last undemocratically elected government. Heres the link, tell us what you think. http://www.google.co...yFndBSkgldpeOLw

OK so an article thats 4 years old, since then he has sponsored how many demonstrations that have killed how many Thais and cause how much destruction? So much for just wanting a peacefull life. The evidence shows the only charity Thakisn devotes his time to is himself.

PS: Its strange that you joined the forum just as Calgaryll disappeared

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What proof do you have of him not doing charitable work for the last 6 years?

You want me to find proof of nothing?

Surely it would be easier for you to find proof of something.

He said he would do charity work.

Ousted Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra says he will return to his native land and spend his time teaching and taking part in charity work.

In Japan to accept an invitation to become a guest lecturer at a Tokyo university, a haggard-looking Thaksin told a news conference on Thursday that he also expected political normalcy to return soon.

Thaksin declined to answer questions about politics at the news conference, which was held to announce his appointment as an occasional guest lecturer at Tokyo's Takushoku University, and said he wants to concentrate on education in the future.

He hoped that his lectures, the first of which is set for July 5, could eventually lead to the establishment of a research institute on Asian economies based in Japan.

"I would like to spend the rest of my life in education and charitable activities."

Source: Reuters - 07 June 2007

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The troll returneth, with news that the Thai web is indeed a censored maze developed by the last undemocratically elected government. Heres the link, tell us what you think. http://www.google.co...yFndBSkgldpeOLw

OK so an article thats 4 years old, since then he has sponsored how many demonstrations that have killed how many Thais and cause how much destruction? So much for just wanting a peacefull life. The evidence shows the only charity Thakisn devotes his time to is himself.

PS: Its strange that you joined the forum just as Calgaryll disappeared

tukky joined before calgary. But now that calgary's moved on, tukky's got time to post.

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Unneccessary stuff snipped

Since taking office, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s government has shown itself to be worse than its predecessor in terms of Web filtering. After assuming his position as Thailand’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology, Anudith Nakornthap ordered the blocking of 60,000 Web pages in less than three months, as opposed to 70,000 in the preceding three years.


The 70,000 referred to (actually 74,686) are url's that have been blocked by the use of court orders. The government also used other methods

Apart from court orders to stop the dissemination of information under the CCA, the researchers also found that state officials also block websites using other methods, such as sending official letters requesting cooperation to internet service providers at different levels.

Importantly, the Emergency Decree which has been imposed in many provinces from April 2010 until today, is also used to block websites. A reliable source from among internet service providers notes that the number of websites that have been blocked by order of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation(CRES) has run into tens of thousands.

The process of blocking websites by the CRES is also different from the procedures used by the MICT. The CCA limits the power of the MICT to block websites only when they are problematic and subject to a court order. However, the CRES can order an immediate blocking of websites under the Emergency Decree without any order from the courts. Preliminary information accessed by the researchers (but not presented in this report) reveals that although the government led by Abhisit Vejjajiva has used the power of the Emergency Decree for only eight months, the CRES has ordered the blocking of a huge number of websites (both reported and unreported)...........................................

........................................ But from considering the sketchy data and the number blocked by the MICT, no one can deny that the Thai people’s right to freedom of expression and opinion in the online world is in crisis.


Which accounts for the 277,610 websites (all verified from official sources as detailed in my previous post) blocked by abhisit.

You were saying............

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Unneccessary stuff snipped

Since taking office, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s government has shown itself to be worse than its predecessor in terms of Web filtering. After assuming his position as Thailand’s Minister of Information and Communications Technology, Anudith Nakornthap ordered the blocking of 60,000 Web pages in less than three months, as opposed to 70,000 in the preceding three years.


The 70,000 referred to (actually 74,686) are url's that have been blocked by the use of court orders. The government also used other methods

Apart from court orders to stop the dissemination of information under the CCA, the researchers also found that state officials also block websites using other methods, such as sending official letters requesting cooperation to internet service providers at different levels.

Importantly, the Emergency Decree which has been imposed in many provinces from April 2010 until today, is also used to block websites. A reliable source from among internet service providers notes that the number of websites that have been blocked by order of the Centre for the Resolution of the Emergency Situation(CRES) has run into tens of thousands.

The process of blocking websites by the CRES is also different from the procedures used by the MICT. The CCA limits the power of the MICT to block websites only when they are problematic and subject to a court order. However, the CRES can order an immediate blocking of websites under the Emergency Decree without any order from the courts. Preliminary information accessed by the researchers (but not presented in this report) reveals that although the government led by Abhisit Vejjajiva has used the power of the Emergency Decree for only eight months, the CRES has ordered the blocking of a huge number of websites (both reported and unreported)...........................................

........................................ But from considering the sketchy data and the number blocked by the MICT, no one can deny that the Thai people’s right to freedom of expression and opinion in the online world is in crisis.


Which accounts for the 277,610 websites (all verified from official sources as detailed in my previous post) blocked by abhisit.

You were saying............

It makes you wonder why the current government spent 400 million baht increasing their web filtering team.

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. Freedom of speech

Ah yes, Freedom of speech... which is why the Yingluck government blocked more websites in their first 4 months in office than the Democrats blocked in 2 years.

But don't let the facts get in the way of your agenda.whistling.gif

Thanks for that and yes, it is sad how much internet blockage and media control has increased.


If only it were true...............

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You were saying............

I'm saying nothing, I'm just being your friendly Dutch uncle pointing out a more recent article on Thailand Internet filtering. From "Reporters Without Borders". If you have a problem with their statistics, ask them

"The status of Thailand’s online freedom of expression began to deteriorate from the moment the new Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra assumed power in July 2011."


Edit: Add: so if you think it was bad under the Abhisit government, you most likely really despair now

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. Freedom of speech

Ah yes, Freedom of speech... which is why the Yingluck government blocked more websites in their first 4 months in office than the Democrats blocked in 2 years.

But don't let the facts get in the way of your agenda.whistling.gif

Thanks for that and yes, it is sad how much internet blockage and media control has increased.


If only it were true...............

Internet and media control have increased with this administration.

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The troll returneth, with news that the Thai web is indeed a censored maze developed by the last undemocratically elected government. Heres the link, tell us what you think. http://www.google.co...yFndBSkgldpeOLw

The current government have been in power 8 months. Haven't they asked the ISPs to remove all the blocks yet? ... maybe they just don't want to.

If you read the report (link provided in my post) there is a good chance that nobody knows what sites they are - there's a lot and the CRES probably hasn't handed any paperwork over..........

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The troll returneth, with news that the Thai web is indeed a censored maze developed by the last undemocratically elected government. Heres the link, tell us what you think. http://www.google.co...yFndBSkgldpeOLw

The current government have been in power 8 months. Haven't they asked the ISPs to remove all the blocks yet? ... maybe they just don't want to.

If you read the report (link provided in my post) there is a good chance that nobody knows what sites they are - there's a lot and the CRES probably hasn't handed any paperwork over..........

You're kidding aren't you?

Do you think there is a secret black box in a back room that the addresses get typed into which suddenly blocks them, and know one knows what gets put into it?

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Ah yes, Freedom of speech... which is why the Yingluck government blocked more websites in their first 4 months in office than the Democrats blocked in 2 years.

But don't let the facts get in the way of your agenda.whistling.gif

Thanks for that and yes, it is sad how much internet blockage and media control has increased.


If only it were true...............

Internet and media control have increased with this administration.

Some like to dwell in the past even if that past was just 1-1/2 years ago wink.png

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I'm saying nothing, I'm just being your friendly Dutch uncle pointing out a more recent article on Thailand Internet filtering. From "Reporters Without Borders". If you have a problem with their statistics, ask them

"The status of Thailand’s online freedom of expression began to deteriorate from the moment the new Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra assumed power in July 2011."


Edit: Add: so if you think it was bad under the Abhisit government, you most likely really despair now

The online freedom of expression they are talking about is with regard to Lese Majeste cases. All of the cases mentioned were actioned in Abhisits reign.

The PTP are hardly likely to mess about with the Lese Majeste Law are they? They're not as stupid as most of you think. At least any Lese Majeste cases that arise from now on will not be used as a political tool.

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The PTP are hardly likely to mess about with the Lese Majeste Law are they? They're not as stupid as most of you think. At least any Lese Majeste cases that arise from now on will not be used as a political tool.

Another of their promises down the drain?

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The troll returneth, with news that the Thai web is indeed a censored maze developed by the last undemocratically elected government. Heres the link, tell us what you think. http://www.google.co...yFndBSkgldpeOLw

The current government have been in power 8 months. Haven't they asked the ISPs to remove all the blocks yet? ... maybe they just don't want to.

If you read the report (link provided in my post) there is a good chance that nobody knows what sites they are - there's a lot and the CRES probably hasn't handed any paperwork over..........

You're kidding aren't you?

Do you think there is a secret black box in a back room that the addresses get typed into which suddenly blocks them, and know one knows what gets put into it?

Read the report or at least the extract I provided. All the info you need is there. Amongst other methods the CRES were blocking blocks of IP addresses, 300, 600 at a time. Do you think the CRES are going to hand over any paperwork to the PTP?

The current staff at the new "blocking centre is about 12 I believe, how long do you think they are going to spend unblocking sites when they're being told to block new Lese Majeste violating sites? Who do they want to please most? Be realistic.

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Well, I only went out for 30 minutes to do some shopping! You all absolutely hate this man to death no wonder theres reports of assasination attempts. Whats the point to these threads if your all batting for the same team? I have my point of view and you have yours. Freedom of speech and all that is a part of democracy.

I hope you went shopping for a biography of BB!

It's a bit embarrassing when you know less about your hero than johnny farang.

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I'm saying nothing, I'm just being your friendly Dutch uncle pointing out a more recent article on Thailand Internet filtering. From "Reporters Without Borders". If you have a problem with their statistics, ask them

"The status of Thailand’s online freedom of expression began to deteriorate from the moment the new Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra assumed power in July 2011."


Edit: Add: so if you think it was bad under the Abhisit government, you most likely really despair now

The online freedom of expression they are talking about is with regard to Lese Majeste cases. All of the cases mentioned were actioned in Abhisits reign.

The PTP are hardly likely to mess about with the Lese Majeste Law are they? They're not as stupid as most of you think. At least any Lese Majeste cases that arise from now on will not be used as a political tool.

You start to sound a wee bit desperate, dear PPD. Maybe not a self-imposed exile, but a short sabbatical leave may benefit you and recharge your batteries.

I'm not talking about PTP neither is the RSF article. It's 'the government' which in this case may be Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm who's in charge of a 'clean internet' campaign if I remember correctly. Maybe you should tell him he has the wrong priorities?

The reference to LM cases is probably related to what we discuss, internet filtering, with you condoning as you suggest it might be done without being a political tool. Maybe I should ask RSF what they think of that?

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Read the report or at least the extract I provided. All the info you need is there. Amongst other methods the CRES were blocking blocks of IP addresses, 300, 600 at a time. Do you think the CRES are going to hand over any paperwork to the PTP?

The current staff at the new "blocking centre is about 12 I believe, how long do you think they are going to spend unblocking sites when they're being told to block new Lese Majeste violating sites? Who do they want to please most? Be realistic.

OK. I'll just put it down to you not being IT literate.

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