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Dog Eaters


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Hello all you people.

Dog meat is delicious.

In some countries very valued too.

Bet these countries don't have much stray dogs.

All of the soi dogs should be put to some use, meat.

I don't understand how can some one want to live close to these untrained/out of control dogs.

What comes to cats, they are noble creatures. What wrong have they done to anybody?

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I am an animal lover.  You can eat any animal you like, you can try human as well, I really wouldn't mind.  But please kill them in a split second and don't let them know.  Don't let them feel pain and fear.

The very reason why they hit the skulls.

In fact, in the abattoir, they normally "electrocute" the pigs, sheep and cattles at the forehead for instant death (can't say so for human on death row).

I'm not sure about Chicken, but many a times I've seen them slaughtered chickens in the market.What they do is to hold the chicken and slit the throat, draining some blood away, and then put the chicken in a bin closing the top. You could actually hear the chicken jumping and hitting against the bin, until it finally died.

I'm not sure about how they slaughter rabbits.

So although it may sound "cruel" killing a dog by hitting on its head, the instant death is by far less cruel than slaughtering chickens at least.

:o You want to see the chickens when they're not in the bucket!!! I was in canada on this farm where my friends were growing wheat and crap like that, anyway my buddy says to me lets eat some chicken. The next thing I know were in this broken down barn grabbing 2 chickens, then we go over to this wood block and grab an axe (sitting right there) and hack their little heads off!!! the first one put on a much better show running around with no head and blood squirting out, second one just did a couple of spins and dropped dead. So if it's dinner and a show you want this is the way to go....No bucket :D

I'll take note of that. :D

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I was in a small moo-baan when I saw two young thais guys in their twenties on a motorbike going about 25km/hr and dragging a dog on a leash. It was a medium size dog with a leather collar to which the leash was attached. The dog was yelping like a broken record as he was bouncing on his side the whole way on the asphalt. At first I didn't know what was making that awful noise although I saw the thais guys on the bike from 50m away. When I saw it was a dog, I was so shocked I couldn't do anything. By the time I ran out to the road, they were far off and still dragging the poor dog. There was a trail of blood and fur. Over two dozen Thais saw this but no one even blinked. When I asked why, they said maybe the dog offended the boys. And no one cared.

Sometimes I see Thai treating each other very callously as well. And I wondered if I were ever down on my luck or if I ever pissed one of them off, what would happen to me.

Well, in the bad ol' USA, people do the same thing to random black men:


I'd say doing it to a dog is a bit more civilized -- that much for something like this not happening in the west.

Don't see how you can use the word 'civilized' in this statement!!!

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For the people who enjoyed this type of disgusting behavior, you are absolutely sick.

Becareful someday as you are not expecting, the way you treat these animals with such cruelty will surely comes back to haunt you.  At which tiime, I will feel no pain nor sympathy for those people who act with such malicious intent to these animals.

Treat others (human or animals) as you would want to be treated.

We definitely don't want to be eaten, so how???

Like I said, its perspective. What you deem as "cruel" may not be so to others.

You think that we have not considered other options when we want to slaughter the dogs? Also those who slaughtered the chickens?

Maybe you have some better ideas or ways to do it. Do tell.

I would say cruelty is when you are doing it for fun, or to vent your anger or frustration, for example tying the dog or cats to a car of bike and things like that.

Edited by thaivisitor
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Normally I don´t dislike people...eventhough when I completely disagree with their opinion or behaviour...

But in cases like this...when people is so cruel against animals...I wish the worst for them..

I feel disgust...and surely IMO they are spare in this world...this world don´t need people like that....

I know this a strong thing  to say and some people will completely dissagree...but I will not change my mind because is not something rational...

An animal won´t do something so terrible as to inflict suffering for the sake of it...

Any time I look into the eyes of any animal I have never seen any maliciousness... (however you can see that in some people eyes) that´s tell  lots about them...

The best friend I ever had it was my dog Nanook...He would have done anything for me without questioning...

he LOVE me...because he love me, full stop. ...because he loved me unconditionally...no resenment, no angriness...he just gave his friendship without expecting anything in return ....

I don´t think many people do that...

There are people who have pigs, sheeps, fishes and even tortioses for pets..

I find it funny when people kill animals for food and others find that cruel. At the same time there are people who feels drug traffickers who were caught should be spared.

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it's one thing to kill an animal for meat in a relatively humane manner in order that you should live. it is quite another to beat and torture an animal for amusement. it is the latter that is despicable. i think that someone should do the same to those men.

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it's one thing to kill an animal for meat in a relatively humane manner in order that you should live.  it is quite another to beat and torture an animal for amusement.  it is the latter that is despicable.  i think that someone should do the same to those men.

Hey Girlx.....I agree with you...for a change :o

No matter what the animal is, if it is to be slaughtered then it should be done in a humane way.

Hurting or killing of animals for amusement is not funny.

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If it was a rat they killed and BBQ'd would you also be offended?

I own a dog, but many street dogs are just pests and I'd welcome it if they were taken care of.

Remember in the West they're just taken away and put down, then incinerated. All that meat going to waste..

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I am an animal lover.  You can eat any animal you like, you can try human as well, I really wouldn't mind.  But please kill them in a split second and don't let them know.  Don't let them feel pain and fear.

The very reason why they hit the skulls.

I think you misunderstood me. It's the beating of the mamma dog and her

3 YOUNG PUPS(hard to imagine how people do that, although I could understand the mentality), not the killing. And I don't think the way they have chosen to kill was of any consideration of causing less sufferings but rather for their own convenience.

There are probably quite a few different types of people here:

Some may be vegetarians and simply killing(any animals) is wrong.

Some may think eating pigs and cows is ok but dogs and cats is unacceptable.(me being one of those before)

Some may think meat is meat, they are all just food.

I used to hate people for eating dogs and cats and even rabbits, but as I grew older I find it hard to argue why it's unacceptable when pigs and cows are ok. So I have now accepted it.

But please, everyone, may I beg you to try to see, try to understand, that animals have feelings too, they have fear too, no matter how annoying they can be.(they didn't choose to be so, it's SIMPLY their nature) And they really do know what love is. Please don't make them suffer just for the fun of it or for something you don't really need.

Eat them but don't torture them.

I try to hide away from the awareness of the amount of cruelty that happens worldwide daily in order to keep my sanity. Sorry to have sounded sentimental but they are true feelings. You can be cruel to me but if you are kind to animals, you have all my respect.


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I am an animal lover.  You can eat any animal you like, you can try human as well, I really wouldn't mind.  But please kill them in a split second and don't let them know.  Don't let them feel pain and fear.

The very reason why they hit the skulls.

I think you misunderstood me. It's the beating of the mamma dog and her

3 YOUNG PUPS(hard to imagine how people do that, although I could understand the mentality), not the killing. And I don't think the way they have chosen to kill was of any consideration of causing less sufferings but rather for their own convenience.

There are probably quite a few different types of people here:

Some may be vegetarians and simply killing(any animals) is wrong.

Some may think eating pigs and cows is ok but dogs and cats is unacceptable.(me being one of those before)

Some may think meat is meat, they are all just food.

I used to hate people for eating dogs and cats and even rabbits, but as I grew older I find it hard to argue why it's unacceptable when pigs and cows are ok. So I have now accepted it.

But please, everyone, may I beg you to try to see, try to understand, that animals have feelings too, they have fear too, no matter how annoying they can be.(they didn't choose to be so, it's SIMPLY their nature) And they really do know what love is. Please don't make them suffer just for the fun of it or for something you don't really need.

Eat them but don't torture them.

I try to hide away from the awareness of the amount of cruelty that happens worldwide daily in order to keep my sanity. Sorry to have sounded sentimental but they are true feelings. You can be cruel to me but if you are kind to animals, you have all my respect.Please. my sentiments exactly


Edited by Glauka
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Normally I don´t dislike people...eventhough when I completely disagree with their opinion or behaviour...

But in cases like this...when people is so cruel against animals...I wish the worst for them..

I feel disgust...and surely IMO they are spare in this world...this world don´t need people like that....

I know this a strong thing  to say and some people will completely dissagree...but I will not change my mind because is not something rational...

An animal won´t do something so terrible as to inflict suffering for the sake of it...

Any time I look into the eyes of any animal I have never seen any maliciousness... (however you can see that in some people eyes) that´s tell  lots about them...

The best friend I ever had it was my dog Nanook...He would have done anything for me without questioning...

he LOVE me...because he love me, full stop. ...because he loved me unconditionally...no resenment, no angriness...he just gave his friendship without expecting anything in return ....

I don´t think many people do that...

There are people who have pigs, sheeps, fishes and even tortioses for pets..

I find it funny when people kill animals for food and others find that cruel. At the same time there are people who feels drug traffickers who were caught should be spared.

hi thivisitor

when I talked about my dog i didn´t mean that I am against people who eat dogs...actually i don´t care what people eat...I am not sentimental about that...is part of nature to eat one another...you want to eat dog o.k...you want to eat cat ok...and so on...(even humans if there is not moral/personal feelings involve)

when I talked about my dog I just wanted to show what are my feelings for animals...

Well I have strong feelings against people who tourtured animals and people who use children for prostitution bussiness...as I said is not rational...

I am not going to kill any one or do anything agressive to them...but if something terrible- happen to this kind of people I will think "they deserve it". I know how I feel about this subject that´s why I don´t normally get involve in this kind of debate.

different people have different dislikes...and people have strong feelings against different horrible behaviours. What horrible behaviours you dislike most thaivisitor?

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I think you misunderstood me.  It's the beating of the mamma dog and her

3 YOUNG PUPS(hard to imagine how people do that, although I could understand the mentality), not the killing.  And I don't think the way they have chosen to kill was of any consideration of causing less sufferings but rather for their own convenience.

But please, everyone, may I beg you to try to see, try to understand, that animals have feelings too, they have fear too, no matter how annoying they can be.(they didn't choose to be so, it's SIMPLY their nature) And they really do know what love is.  Please don't make them suffer just for the fun of it or for something you don't really need.

Eat them but don't torture them.

hi thivisitor

Well I have strong feelings against people who tourtured animals and people who use children for prostitution bussiness...as I said is not rational...

but if something terrible- happen to this kind of people I will think "they deserve it".

different people have different dislikes...and people have strong feelings against different horrible behaviours. What horrible behaviours you dislike most thaivisitor?

Based on the situations you have put out, I fully agree and also have the same stand. I don't agree to torturing of animals, not even birds for the fun of it.

In fact, back in my home country, I also reported a neighbour who has rubber bands round his own pet which was a cat. The rubber band was already eating into the flesh of the cat and he did nothing about it. Of course the cat was taken away (to the SPCA I think) and my neighbour paid a fine. I made no secret that I was the one who reported.

As to what horrible behaviours I dislike most? We're not taking about crimes here like murder or rape, etc so, I seriously do not know where to start but probably as you put it, any irrational behaviour. I am afterall, a rational guy.

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I was in a city eating house in Saigon once and a guy came in with a sack of obviously live animals, some discussion took place and the scales were brought out, when the sack was placed on the scales a series of meows came from the sack....funny but cat wasnt on the menu as far as I could see... :D

Perhaps it went on the "Today's Specials" board after you left? :o

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