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Pheu Thai MPs Want Nutt To Quit Over Girlie Photos


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Thai parliament reminds me of the ancient roman senate during antiquity except the ancient Roman senate was more competent and educated but the basic venal behavior is about the same. Anything goes as long as you can spin it in a capable way with your rhetoric and propaganda skills. This young buck slipped up though and publicized his "morality" and that's just a big no no under any hypocritical political system. Now the old corrupt/moneyed windbags are going to gang up on him.

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Nutt was caught viewing smut in parliament.bah.gif ..and tons of this forum members are saying nothing is wrong.crazy.gif ...i think next meeting they can bring in some massage girls to do body-massage for them...drunk.gif

Perhaps sending in the elite-corps of massage-girls might also help prevent MPs from appearing to fall asleep in their chairs during debates ? laugh.png

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Nutt was caught viewing smut in parliament.bah.gif ..and tons of this forum members are saying nothing is wrong.crazy.gif ...i think next meeting they can bring in some massage girls to do body-massage for them...drunk.gif

Perhaps sending in the elite-corps of massage-girls might also help prevent MPs from appearing to fall asleep in their chairs during debates ? laugh.png

perhaps they did and after they left, that is why the House Speaker dozed off... biggrin.png

It's the role model House Speaker and his fellow Pheu Thai MP Somsak Kiatsuranon.


Edited by Buchholz
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The fact that there might have been worse misconduct in Parliement is no escuse for not going thru a proper investigation of this issue and penalize the culprit accordingly.

The fact that some MPs are suggesting that the phone might have interfere with the closed circuit video system is ridiculous. Not only these people are incompetent to make such claim but it worries me that people in power have such poor understanding of basic technology. I hope these are not the same selecting the specifications for the kid's tablets.

S0, le'st see you are sitting at your desk and someone sends you an SMS with attachment, you open the message, only to find it is a picture of a barely clad girl, you do a double take, before closing it, but the camera looking over your shoulder shows it to the world. Your enemies leak it to the press and moan about your morals.

Oh darn... lose your job for answering a message sent by another, that is inappropriate.

I think not. He just needs to pick better friends.

And yes, the complaining MPs apparently are technical ludites,

who seem to get their expertise from BAD spy movies.

But it's more important to make an enemy lose face,

and maybe increase the political advantage in the house a notch,

than MAKE ANY SENSE with your public statements.

Unless there was a specific 'FTP link' set up on his phone

AND the Laptop used for the show and tell

AND an external powerful WiFi device on a 3rd computer,

then this is just absurd.

Or there was someone with lots of money and computer savvy hackers with very good skills

trying to make the Dems look bad, and distract from other things... like the Charter re-write.

We of course know people CAN be bought here at all levels to allow access to their masters tools.

On the other hand there are MUCH more incriminating things than half nude women to put on someones computer to distract or blame enemies with.

The iphone (the phone that Nutt was using) messaging programme works in a 'conversation' mode: If you open a message from someone, it's shown as a series of messages to and from that person, and any photos received are shown as 'thumbs' in that window. In order to get the full screen photo that Nutt was caught viewing, you have to click on the thumb.

I don't understand why Nutt didn't just admit, apologise, accept a ticking off fro a party whip and move on (well, I suppose I do). His stupid behaviour has given the Pheu Thai attack dogs a sniff of blood. He only has himself to blame.

Nice try.

Not always they can be set for non-thumbs mode.

And thumbs can be set to DIFFERENT images, that are innocuous.

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I dont get it! how did he get caught? he was looking at xxx photos with someone standing behind him? (not so smart on his part).

so,, how did he get caught?

and whats this about 'interfering' with the TV monitors? even if he wasnt looking at photos, a mobile phone makes interference when an SMS is received too.

and ALL phones can interfere with TV monitors (smartphone or old style stick phones)

Unless someone sent it,

and someone else conveniently KNEW to be standing behind him

ready to take the pic of him with a pic he was surprised by...

Remember, this is Land Of Dirty Tricks too.

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Pheu Thai MP Prasit Chaisrisa said Nutt should hang himself to escape the shame he has brought on Parliament and the Democrat Party.

How people can defend this kind of behavior is deplorable.

And the deplorable being the call for suicide by the PTP idiot.

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The fact that there might have been worse misconduct in Parliement is no escuse for not going thru a proper investigation of this issue and penalize the culprit accordingly.

The fact that some MPs are suggesting that the phone might have interfere with the closed circuit video system is ridiculous. Not only these people are incompetent to make such claim but it worries me that people in power have such poor understanding of basic technology. I hope these are not the same selecting the specifications for the kid's tablets.

S0, le'st see you are sitting at your desk and someone sends you an SMS with attachment, you open the message, only to find it is a picture of a barely clad girl, you do a double take, before closing it, but the camera looking over your shoulder shows it to the world. Your enemies leak it to the press and moan about your morals.

Oh darn... lose your job for answering a message sent by another, that is inappropriate.

I think not. He just needs to pick better friends.

And yes, the complaining MPs apparently are technical ludites,

who seem to get their expertise from BAD spy movies.

But it's more important to make an enemy lose face,

and maybe increase the political advantage in the house a notch,

than MAKE ANY SENSE with your public statements.

Unless there was a specific 'FTP link' set up on his phone

AND the Laptop used for the show and tell

AND an external powerful WiFi device on a 3rd computer,

then this is just absurd.

Or there was someone with lots of money and computer savvy hackers with very good skills

trying to make the Dems look bad, and distract from other things... like the Charter re-write.

We of course know people CAN be bought here at all levels to allow access to their masters tools.

On the other hand there are MUCH more incriminating things than half nude women to put on someones computer to distract or blame enemies with.

The iphone (the phone that Nutt was using) messaging programme works in a 'conversation' mode: If you open a message from someone, it's shown as a series of messages to and from that person, and any photos received are shown as 'thumbs' in that window. In order to get the full screen photo that Nutt was caught viewing, you have to click on the thumb.

I don't understand why Nutt didn't just admit, apologise, accept a ticking off fro a party whip and move on (well, I suppose I do). His stupid behaviour has given the Pheu Thai attack dogs a sniff of blood. He only has himself to blame.

Nice try.

Not always they can be set for non-thumbs mode.

And thumbs can be set to DIFFERENT images, that are innocuous.

Non thumb mode? Seems like it would take forever.
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That a member of the government should actively condone, and in fact propose, that anyone should commit the act of suicide is totally innappropriate, and I feel that the person concerned should be disciplined.

Keel-Hauled through the Parliament basement sounds good too.

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quote name='LaurentPerche' timestamp='1334995947' post='5238142'

The fact that there might have been worse misconduct in Parliement is no escuse for not going thru a proper investigation of this issue and penalize the culprit accordingly.

The fact that some MPs are suggesting that the phone might have interfere with the closed circuit video system is ridiculous. Not only these people are incompetent to make such claim but it worries me that people in power have such poor understanding of basic technology. I hope these are not the same selecting the specifications for the kid's tablets.

S0, le'st see you are sitting at your desk and someone sends you an SMS with attachment, you open the message, only to find it is a picture of a barely clad girl, you do a double take, before closing it, but the camera looking over your shoulder shows it to the world. Your enemies leak it to the press and moan about your morals.

Oh darn... lose your job for answering a message sent by another, that is inappropriate.

I think not. He just needs to pick better friends.

And yes, the complaining MPs apparently are technical ludites,

who seem to get their expertise from BAD spy movies.

But it's more important to make an enemy lose face,

and maybe increase the political advantage in the house a notch,

than MAKE ANY SENSE with your public statements.

Unless there was a specific 'FTP link' set up on his phone

AND the Laptop used for the show and tell

AND an external powerful WiFi device on a 3rd computer,

then this is just absurd.

Or there was someone with lots of money and computer savvy hackers with very good skills

trying to make the Dems look bad, and distract from other things... like the Charter re-write.

We of course know people CAN be bought here at all levels to allow access to their masters tools.

On the other hand there are MUCH more incriminating things than half nude women to put on someones computer to distract or blame enemies with.

The iphone (the phone that Nutt was using) messaging programme works in a 'conversation' mode: If you open a message from someone, it's shown as a series of messages to and from that person, and any photos received are shown as 'thumbs' in that window. In order to get the full screen photo that Nutt was caught viewing, you have to click on the thumb.

I don't understand why Nutt didn't just admit, apologise, accept a ticking off fro a party whip and move on (well, I suppose I do). His stupid behaviour has given the Pheu Thai attack dogs a sniff of blood. He only has himself to blame.

Nice try.

Not always they can be set for non-thumbs mode.

And thumbs can be set to DIFFERENT images, that are innocuous.

Non thumb mode? Seems like it would take forever.

Faster to get the messages, and only use more bandwidth when you CHOOSE to see pictures.

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That a member of the government should actively condone, and in fact propose, that anyone should commit the act of suicide is totally inappropriate, and I feel that the person concerned should be disciplined.

Absolutely. In many places around the world, encouraging suicide is illegal. That a Member of Parliament would do so is unconscionable.

Looking at a "girlie photo" pales in comparison.


Indeed in most parts of the world political parties wouldn't have MP's who have been accused of premeditated murder coming into parliament each day either, but when they are protected by political immunity under the constitution, what can you do? Well the democrats could set an example and at least suspend Kunchit Tubsuwan from their party........

On the other hand I would be more impressed if the PTP hounded the democrats over Kunchit than this guy any day.

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That a member of the government should actively condone, and in fact propose, that anyone should commit the act of suicide is totally inappropriate, and I feel that the person concerned should be disciplined.

Absolutely. In many places around the world, encouraging suicide is illegal. That a Member of Parliament would do so is unconscionable.

Looking at a "girlie photo" pales in comparison.

Indeed in most parts of the world political parties wouldn't have MP's who have been accused of premeditated murder coming into parliament each day either, but when they are protected by political immunity under the constitution, what can you do? Well the democrats could set an example and at least suspend Kunchit Tubsuwan from their party........

Indeed, most countries wouldn't have indicted terrorists free on bail in their House of Representatives, either, but when they are protected by political immunity.... blah blah blah.

What can you do? Well the Pheu Thai could set... blah blah blah

At the end of the day, Red Shirt Leader cum Pheu Thai MP Prasit's words are indefensible.... try as you may to divert from them.


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Pheu Thai MP Prasit Chaisrisa said Nutt should hang himself to escape the shame he has brought on Parliament and the Democrat Party.

How people can defend this kind of behavior is deplorable.

It shows how deep the hatred is amongst the PTP and Democrats.

reconsiliation, forget it.

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I dont get it! how did he get caught? he was looking at xxx photos with someone standing behind him? (not so smart on his part).

so,, how did he get caught?

and whats this about 'interfering' with the TV monitors? even if he wasnt looking at photos, a mobile phone makes interference when an SMS is received too.

and ALL phones can interfere with TV monitors (smartphone or old style stick phones)

Unless someone sent it,

and someone else conveniently KNEW to be standing behind him

ready to take the pic of him with a pic he was surprised by...

Remember, this is Land Of Dirty Tricks too.

Could the reporter sent it?

To get the scoop.

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I dont get it! how did he get caught? he was looking at xxx photos with someone standing behind him? (not so smart on his part).

so,, how did he get caught?

and whats this about 'interfering' with the TV monitors? even if he wasnt looking at photos, a mobile phone makes interference when an SMS is received too.

and ALL phones can interfere with TV monitors (smartphone or old style stick phones)

Unless someone sent it,

and someone else conveniently KNEW to be standing behind him

ready to take the pic of him with a pic he was surprised by...

Remember, this is Land Of Dirty Tricks too.

Could the reporter sent it?

To get the scoop.


Indeed a reporter 'could have',

but reporters don't typically have the deep hatred needed for something like this in such a open public environment.

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I dont get it! how did he get caught? he was looking at xxx photos with someone standing behind him? (not so smart on his part).

so,, how did he get caught?

and whats this about 'interfering' with the TV monitors? even if he wasnt looking at photos, a mobile phone makes interference when an SMS is received too.

and ALL phones can interfere with TV monitors (smartphone or old style stick phones)

Unless someone sent it,

and someone else conveniently KNEW to be standing behind him

ready to take the pic of him with a pic he was surprised by...

Remember, this is Land Of Dirty Tricks too.

Could the reporter sent it?

To get the scoop.


Indeed a reporter 'could have',

but reporters don't typically have the deep hatred needed for something like this in such a open public environment.

He has already said that it was sent by a friend.

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quote name='easybullet3' timestamp='1335053634' post='5239551'

I dont get it! how did he get caught? he was looking at xxx photos with someone standing behind him? (not so smart on his part).

so,, how did he get caught?

and whats this about 'interfering' with the TV monitors? even if he wasnt looking at photos, a mobile phone makes interference when an SMS is received too.

and ALL phones can interfere with TV monitors (smartphone or old style stick phones)

Unless someone sent it,

and someone else conveniently KNEW to be standing behind him

ready to take the pic of him with a pic he was surprised by...

Remember, this is Land Of Dirty Tricks too.

Could the reporter sent it?

To get the scoop.


Indeed a reporter 'could have',

but reporters don't typically have the deep hatred needed for something like this in such a open public environment.

He has already said that it was sent by a friend.

Or from the friends pirated account.

What I meant was a friend might do it, as a favor, a lark, a drunken stupidity, etc.

But to do it with harm intended a reporter doesn't fit the bill, at least not in Thailand.

If the worked for Rupert Murdock maybe.

Edited by animatic
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Could the reporter sent it?

To get the scoop.


Indeed a reporter 'could have',

but reporters don't typically have the deep hatred needed for something like this in such a open public environment.

He has already said that it was sent by a friend.

Or from the friends pirated account.

What I meant was a friend might do it, as a favor, a lark, a drunken stupidity, etc.

But to do it with harm intended a reporter doesn't fit the bill, at least not in Thailand.

If the worked for Rupert Murdock maybe.

Seems a bit elaborate to me - going to the trouble of pirating one of his friends accounts so as to send a questionable picture so that a reporter who was in on it could snap a picture. Also, surely he would have had words with this friend as well by now and found that out - if it was a set up it would be fairly easy to expose.

Seems the straight forward answer is the obvious one, he was looking at some pictures on his phone and a reporter caught him out - hardly the crime of the century.

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