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Police Seize 880 Dogs From Suspected Smugglers

Lite Beer

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If they are lucky enough to find the low life people responsible for this, they should put them in cages too...say 10 persons in each cage, and record their howls.

I think Thai people usually take these dogs when they are puppies and cute. As the dogs mature, it finally dawns on Thai people there comes

the responsibility of ownership and its just too much for them to handle. They then dump them somewhere and wash their hands of everything.

Unfortunately most of these dogs have never had any Rabbies shots or Distemper shots etc and end up running wild.


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Sakhon Nakorn province in NE Thailand (isan) is well known as a place where dogs are farmed and eaten. Thais eat dogs. Nothing to do with Buddha. Make cheap guard dogs too.

My wife is from Sakon Nakon, and it is a common practice, when there is a dog, stray or pet, that barks all the time, especially at night, keeping everyone up, he is eaten, regardless of the situation, for the betterment of the neighborhood.

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I have a neighbor who has a dog that isn't fixed, and he lets her roam the neighborhood doesn't keep it in his yard. He has bragged about the fact that she has delivered 54 pups to date ! I would bet 90% of them are roaming the streets of Pattaya, as we speak, so I have NO PROBLEM, with shipping some of them to other countries to eat..... I just wish I could ship my neignbor to some other country !! 555555

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I have a neighbor who has a dog that isn't fixed, and he lets her roam the neighborhood doesn't keep it in his yard. He has bragged about the fact that she has delivered 54 pups to date ! I would bet 90% of them are roaming the streets of Pattaya, as we speak, so I have NO PROBLEM, with shipping some of them to other countries to eat..... I just wish I could ship my neignbor to some other country !! 555555

How do you say 'sit down, Shep' in Russian? giggle.gif


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Right so these dogs are taken, kills and eaten and their soul, or whatever you want to call it, is reborn...

Maybe it was just there time to move along... up or down the in the rebirth stakes.

Some of the dogs have horrible lives and not just soi dogs, some owner treat their dogs very bad...

So maybe their desmise and food for people table is the chance at a better (re)life!

I would love to know WHAT creature on this planet could possibly have a brighter future to look forward to in the next life...have you been paying attention at all to what we have done to this planet. No plant or animal has been spared from the plague of humanity, we have destroyed the soil, the seas, and the air. What few animals remain are endlessly hunted, imprisoned, or abused. Perhaps they will be reborn as the 1% who control all the wealth in the world...but they are most despicable of all of earth's creatures.

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800++++ less stray dogs would have been a bonus.

Noticed more dtrays on Jomtien beach yesterday being 'encouraged' by a well meaning, if slightly deranged, woman. She was stopping every 50M or so dumping chicken/rice on the sidewalk for the strays......... and encouraging vermin such as rats..... the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Some of those dogs may well have been stolen pets. There was one such case on the Thai TV last month I believe.

And over 90% were almost certainly feral.

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I have no problem with animals being killed for food but I have a problem with the method of killing and farming!

I would not want to eat the meat of a carnivore, I can't imagine it would taste nice..

Do you eat pork....... Pigs are classified as omnivores meaning they are very flexible in what they can eat, and are known to eat literally anything, from carrion to grass. A pig will naturally dig for roots but would also eat small mammals.....

Still pork tastes nice.... No??

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