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Thai Women And Cleanliness?


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You're joking right? He is talking about marrying a woman!!!
In general, do Thai women keep a clean house?

no I am not joking...

OK then,he should have said "Even though I'm marrying a Thai woman, do Thai men keep a clean house" :o

no...you can just say does thai people keep their house clean? so that you don´t imply that is a woman thing...

but anyway it was a remark ....

Yeeesh. Why turn this into a sexist thing? Did the guy say he was thinking of shacking up with Thai people?


why are then you posting comments on my remark?



I wont do it again :D

Are you gonna whip me now :D

Which remark btw :D

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I wont do it again 

Are you gonna whip me now 

Which remark btw :D

now I am confused too 

Is not to buy you a beer enough?

now you want me to whipe you? :o


As your signature says: All or nothing

oh my gosh

i need to change my signature

I am getting into too much trouble

well...because I also owe you an apology

you want me to whip you before or after the beer :D:D

back to topic

oldredeyes is your whip clean?

Edited by Glauka
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I find that my wife has to be coaxed into doing housework. She doesnt much like doing it. Since I work from home I tend to do most of it anyway. I am kind of a clean and neat freak though and no one does it good enough for me except me anyway so it works out ok for us.

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so 'ang on a second here... You whip and wipe too!!!!

By the way folks, we;ve increased the number to 25067 now, thanks to mememe....

Excuse me

I don´t know who you are...you have the same name as one of my fave thaivisa members...

but looking at the avatar...no you are not him...:D

so stop messing around with my spelling mistakes KAYO!!!! :o

(as a second though this annoying characteristic is common on you both)

Edited by Glauka
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so 'ang on a second here... You whip and wipe too!!!!

By the way folks, we;ve increased the number to 25067 now, thanks to mememe....

Excuse me

I don´t know who you are...you have the same name as one of my fave thaivisa members...

but looking at the avatar...no you are not him...:D

so stop messing around with my spelling mistakes KAYO!!!! :D

(as a second though this annoying characteristic is common on you both)

Glauka! How are you feeling today love?

D'ya want a hug and a cuddle?


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Sorry, maybe a strange question.

Yes, just to confirm, it is a strange question.

I am seriously considering marriage to a sweet Thai girl and although I would not change my mind if she did not keep a clean house, but I do want to know what to expect.

How well do you know this woman you are going to be marrying? In all the many minutes (or is it up to hours yet?) you've known her, you don't have any inkling of how she maintains her household? Have you been to her house? Have you watched her clean?

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so 'ang on a second here... You whip and wipe too!!!!

By the way folks, we;ve increased the number to 25067 now, thanks to mememe....

Excuse me

I don´t know who you are...you have the same name as one of my fave thaivisa members...

but looking at the avatar...no you are not him...:D

so stop messing around with my spelling mistakes KAYO!!!! :D

(as a second though this annoying characteristic is common on you both)

Glauka! How are you feeling today love?

D'ya want a hug and a cuddle?


yes you wish...impostor :D

i am a one klown woman...so no!! :o

Edited by Glauka
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Sorry, maybe a strange question.

Yes, just to confirm, it is a strange question.

I am seriously considering marriage to a sweet Thai girl and although I would not change my mind if she did not keep a clean house, but I do want to know what to expect.

How well do you know this woman you are going to be marrying? In all the many minutes (or is it up to hours yet?) you've known her, you don't have any inkling of how she maintains her household? Have you been to her house? Have you watched her clean?

I can only hope for the sake of other readers, in your 3400 posts, you have had something more inteligent to add?

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so it seems if she marry you...that´s gonna be her job...:o

are you plannig to do some housekeeping yourself?

Because if so you could teach her on how to clean...some people don´t know how to clean....

I just want to add (not insult involve) your topic is a bit sexist...

I think you should have involved both sexes male and female...

My experience is that thai people keep their house in middle standar of cleaning...they don´t have their houses desinfected but they are clean...

of course you can find dirty people and clean people like everywhere...

It was not meant to be sexist.

But it was.

If she wants to work then certainly we can share the household chores.

"That's mighty white of you," as the old American saying goes. How generous you are... but it sounds more like punishment in that way.

She will not have to work, for that matter to start she cannot work becuase she will not be permitted to while waiting for proper paperwork in the US.

So my feeling is, if she is not working and I am, then her job would be to take care of the home.

But if she can't work, "because she's not permitted"... how can she be expected to do your household cleaning as houework is DEFINITELY a lot of work??

Best thing you can do is to hire an American cleaning service to come and pick up after you, instead of shopping overseas for a mail-order bride.

The same is true if she worked and I stayed home.

Why do I have serious doubts about the honesty of that statement???

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so it seems if she marry you...that´s gonna be her job...:o

are you plannig to do some housekeeping yourself?

Because if so you could teach her on how to clean...some people don´t know how to clean....

I just want to add (not insult involve) your topic is a bit sexist...

I think you should have involved both sexes male and female...

My experience is that thai people keep their house in middle standar of cleaning...they don´t have their houses desinfected but they are clean...

of course you can find dirty people and clean people like everywhere...

It was not meant to be sexist.

But it was.

If she wants to work then certainly we can share the household chores.

"That's mighty white of you," as the old American saying goes. How generous you are... but it sounds more like punishment in that way.

She will not have to work, for that matter to start she cannot work becuase she will not be permitted to while waiting for proper paperwork in the US.

So my feeling is, if she is not working and I am, then her job would be to take care of the home.

But if she can't work, "because she's not permitted"... how can she be expected to do your household cleaning as houework is DEFINITELY a lot of work??

Best thing you can do is to hire an American cleaning service to come and pick up after you, instead of shopping overseas for a mail-order bride.

The same is true if she worked and I stayed home.

Why do I have serious doubts about the honesty of that statement???

Becuase you are an idiot!

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Back to the topic

My ex hardly cleaned a thing while she was here, just did the dishes and made the bed, occasionally she would do a load of washing, for that 5 months I did most of the housework. She came from a village in Buriram where her house had dirt floors and her sister did most of the cleaning. She didnt want to know about housework, it wasnt her job at home.

My current girl, who was here for 2 months, cleans non stop, Vacuumed at least 3 times a week, cleaned every benchtop and all the spice jars :o , did all the washing and ironing, I never had to do a thing :D She comes from BKK and lives in a house with her sisters, although it was untidy when I was there it was still clean. She sent me an SMS the other day saying that she cleaned the house from top to bottom before her parents arrive, a real cleaning machine. And you know, she is proud of her housekeeping abilities.

So....it does depend on the individual, their upbringing, status in the family and also what they want or expect out of life.

And you know what...this is not unlike a lot of western women I know...Some are good housekeepers and some are not.

"Just for the record, my current girl, did all this off her own bat, it wasnt expected of her and certainly I gave her a hand when I could. I would give her time out from cooking and either cook for us or take her out for a meal."

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My current girl, who was here for 2 months, cleans non stop, Vacuumed at least 3 times a week, cleaned every benchtop and all the spice jars  :o , did all the washing and ironing, I never had to do a thing  :D

I bet there is something that you now have to do......and that's to keep the toilet lid down. :D

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My current girl, who was here for 2 months, cleans non stop, Vacuumed at least 3 times a week, cleaned every benchtop and all the spice jars  :D , did all the washing and ironing, I never had to do a thing  :D

I bet there is something that you now have to do......and that's to keep the toilet lid down. :D

She is back in Thailand now....so it and the seat stay mostly up... :D

will need re training when she visits next.... :D:o

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I bet there is something that you now have to do......and that's to keep the toilet lid down.  :D

The easy solution for me is that I have my own bathroom and she has hers. Lid problem solved. :o

Regarding the topic I also believe it is highly individual and not cultural. My first Thai GF was obsessive about keeping things clean and no matter how hard I tried to help she wouldn't let me. My wife is somewhere in the middle. Keeps the house tidy but not emaculate (I don't like seeing cobwebs in the corner, so I'm picky) and I share in the house cleaning.

However her sister is at the other end of the spectrum and is as useless as tits on a boar. Even my wife gets frustrated with her. My wife uses two terms to discribe the condition of the house - mai rip roi (clean but not tidy), and mai saaht (dirty - referring to her sister's room). Fortunately after three years I managed to kick her sister out and the house is back to being rip roi and saaht.

Edited by tywais
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My wife personal hygiene is incredible, she takes a minimum two showers per day normally three. Brushes teeth as many times if not more.

Has become very americanized with her washer and dryer so towels get used once and then a clean is put in its place. She doesn't mind doing the laundry because in her mind its not really a chore anymore, just put them in and out of appliances and I can carry the baskets up and down the stairs in house.

As soon as she arises from bed, she makes the darn thing, even if its her intention to return to it on an off day from work.

I do make breakfast for the two of us and she makes the dinner, we each do the dishes for the meal we prepare (rinse and toss into the dishwasher) Its mostly my chore to put them in the cabinets. I do household repairs, and the lawn she cleans the house. (dusting vac etc)

Bathrooms are cleaned almost daily as she thinks a quick scrub with a brush doesn't hurt, although I keep a chlorine tablet in the water tank.

She understands bacteria growth but at times is a bit reticent to utilize the antibacterial spray on the kitchen countertops, as noted by a previoys poster in his situation.

All this being said, she allows my computer room the luxury of her staying out of it, doing no cleaning there. I can find things, it can be a bit disorderly to look at, but I know where all is kept.

Sadly to say, anything not in the garage or my room is now a mystery to me. I can find nothing, its all been moved and relocated several times over the past 4 years. when I get adjusted to looking in one spot for something, expecting it to be there, its not, and for good reasons to her. But I'm lost, out in the cold, adrft in the sea of my home. Knowing its there, but not Knowing where.

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My current girl, who was here for 2 months, cleans non stop, Vacuumed at least 3 times a week, cleaned every benchtop and all the spice jars  :D , did all the washing and ironing, I never had to do a thing  :D

I bet there is something that you now have to do......and that's to keep the toilet lid down. :D

She is back in Thailand now....so it and the seat stay mostly up... :D

will need re training when she visits next.... :D:o

Never saw the need for this argument. I don't put the seat up for a man, why should he put it down for me? I just object to guys who DON'T put the seat up :D

As for the idea that Thai women are cleaner than their farang counterparts. Well, I guess that depends on the girl, doesn't it? So, lets quit with the broad generalizations, and why don't you learn more about your future wife instead?

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Never saw the need for this argument. I don't put the seat up for a man, why should he put it down for me? I just object to guys who DON'T put the seat up  :D

It's not so much the seat as the lid.

Allow me to explain as discreetly as I possibly can:

There is nothing more enjoyable for a man than to go into the sanctum of the crapper with his daily newspaper, sit on the seat of learning and remove last nights hot Thai curry from his system.

(If you stand outside in the hallway with your ear on the door, you may hear gentle moaning sounds coming from inside. These are sounds of pleasure intermingled with sounds of discomfort as the passage of last nights chillies bite again for the second time.)

By the time he has finished reading the sports section and done the crossword, it is time to finish his paper work, (not the newspaper work) wash his hands and get to the refrigerator for the day's first beer.

If he grew up as a child with his mothers cake cooking, he would be used to licking the chocolate icing from her mixing bowl.

Such a cake eater would now be well trained to brush clean the crapper bowl after his morning constitutional..................

..................but you see, a lot of men aren't so well trained. They leave the lid in the open position thus giving the next person who enters his domain, a full view of the sticky residue that a full flush has failed to dislodge.

Not all households have nice scented bowl cleaners hanging on the rim of their toilet bowl, so .............

............if your man is the type who can't or won't clean up after himself, then the next best thing is to hide the mess.

........and another thing that you girls need to consider, have you ever tried to put your make up kit and/or your hairdryer on top of the toilet lid only to discover that it wasn't closed? Nothing worse than to have to fish them out of the murky water.

I'm a man...er...mouse. I shouldn't need to explain this to you gals. :o

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As for the idea that Thai women are cleaner than their farang counterparts. Well, I guess that depends on the girl, doesn't it? So, lets quit with the broad generalizations, and why don't you learn more about your future wife instead?

Where did this comment come from??? :o:D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I say a "yes" and a "no" on the cultural aspect of cleanliness. Yes, as a fellow asian myself and living in this kind of temperature, it is but understandable that I take a bath before going out the house and even take a bath before retiring to bed. The polution and heat makes me sweaty. And parents, special asian mothers, also strictly taught us to be clean always, nagged about making our beds, brushing our hairs and all those stuff. In my home country, it was rather rude for anyone to come to work or school, not taken a bath and it is very embarrasing. I hear complains from locals about farangs that smells and talked about not taking a bath. But I guess that needs a cultural answer too.

The NO part, is about individuality. There are many factors where person can be clean and not so clean. Priorities, if it is more importatnt than earning or is earning important than keeping a clean house. It depends. I know some people who didnt have the time or will to keep their place clean because of many reasons, valid or invalid.

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My current girl, who was here for 2 months, cleans non stop, Vacuumed at least 3 times a week, cleaned every benchtop and all the spice jars  :D , did all the washing and ironing, I never had to do a thing  :D

I bet there is something that you now have to do......and that's to keep the toilet lid down. :D

She is back in Thailand now....so it and the seat stay mostly up... :D

will need re training when she visits next.... :D:o

First thing my wife decided to do as soon as we married was redecorate the house.


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As for the idea that Thai women are cleaner than their farang counterparts. Well, I guess that depends on the girl, doesn't it? So, lets quit with the broad generalizations, and why don't you learn more about your future wife instead?

Where did this comment come from??? :o:D

If you get a maid it might be alot cheaper in the long run . No divorce , sick buffalo, family or dowry .

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so it seems if she marry you...that´s gonna be her job...:o

are you plannig to do some housekeeping yourself?

Because if so you could teach her on how to clean...some people don´t know how to clean....

I just want to add (don´t mean to offence) your topic is a bit sexist...

I think you should have involved both sexes male and female...

My experience is that thai people keep their house in middle standar of cleaning...they don´t have their houses desinfected but they are clean...

of course you can find dirty people and clean people like everywhere...

Watch out, Feminist Police about. Apparently wanting to marry a lady who cleans up after herself is sexist.

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so it seems if she marry you...that´s gonna be her job...:D

are you plannig to do some housekeeping yourself?

Because if so you could teach her on how to clean...some people don´t know how to clean....

I just want to add (don´t mean to offence) your topic is a bit sexist...

I think you should have involved both sexes male and female...

My experience is that thai people keep their house in middle standar of cleaning...they don´t have their houses desinfected but they are clean...

of course you can find dirty people and clean people like everywhere...

Watch out, Feminist Police about. Apparently wanting to marry a lady who cleans up after herself is sexist.


My Thai wife bugs me......because she cleans too much! I keep telling her....you don't have to mop the <deleted> floors every 3 days!! LOL

She cleans, cooks, washes and irons, waters plants/yard, does the shopping. And keeps herself looking foxy at all times! I think I like it here......... :o

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