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Bang Kwang Jail


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When i tell people i travel a lot to Thailand,some mention Thailands jails and about the famous aussies that use to be there.I dont recall the 3 guys who were there in the late 70 s as i was only a kid but one was apparently a famous sydney footballer. Anyway my point is i have been to see the infamous Bangkok hilton aka Bang Kwang from the outside and it doesnt seem to be bad looking.I noticed the sky TV aerial ,air conditioning units from the roofs etc.The prison officers all seem to have nice cars and are well dressed in their uniforms.

I dont think its as bad as the media make out.I think the jails in Indonesia would be a lot worser. I think this myth gives Thailand a bad name along with movies made such as "The Bangkok Hilton" and a few others.

Anyone seen that aussie movie "the bangkok Hilton"?

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When i tell people i travel a lot to Thailand,some mention Thailands jails and about the famous aussies that use to be there.I dont recall the 3 guys who were there in the late 70 s as i was only a kid but one was apparently a famous sydney footballer. Anyway my point is i have been to see the infamous Bangkok hilton aka Bang Kwang from the outside and it doesnt seem to be bad looking.I noticed the sky TV aerial ,air conditioning units from the roofs etc.The prison officers all seem to have nice cars and are well dressed in their uniforms.

I dont think its as bad as the media make out.I think the jails in Indonesia would be a lot worser. I think this myth gives Thailand a bad name along with movies made such as "The Bangkok Hilton" and a few others.

Anyone seen that aussie movie "the bangkok Hilton"?

You should read a book called the Damage Done. See if that changes your opinion. Did you go inside or were you just looking from the outside?

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From what ive heard through the grapevine. It really depends on the amount of cash the criminal has!

Got stacks-a cash! Thai prisons can be a great place!

Air-conditioned private cells.

TV, DVD player all the mods and cons.

Endless supply of alcohol and cigs.

And a couple-a randy stray-girls to keep you company.

Actually, doesnt read so differently from a couple of the nation's temples i could mention.

Suffering from the old lack-a cash syndrome whilst banged up? Then ................yer fcuked!

Edited by stevesuphan
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It is not that bad as prisons go. But there is no air-con or tv. Trust me on that.

Until last year it was 35 to a cell - that means you cannot even stretch your arms out to the side. However you could pay and get it reduced to 15 or so to a cell. Now a LOT of prisoners got moved out ahead of UN inspections, and it has remained much improved. Still 20 to a cell though, with a lot of corridors used as cells.

Prisoners get a lot of free time, and move about a fairly large compound where they can exercise and do Thai boxing and the like. But there are no entertainments. Boredom is one of the main complaints there. Thus prisoners appreciate old books that you can donate, especially educational ones. Be aware that printed material takes up to 6 months to pass through, and nothing with pictures of women will pass.

Food is the other big complaint. The prison food is only fish head stew. You have to buy your own food other than that. There is a prison shop but the prices are inflated, and if you deposit money to a prisoner the guards take 10%. You can take food in, most kinds pass through ok. Fresh fruit and veg is most appreciated. The prisoners can store food (they never used to be able) and can buy ice to run cooler bins to keep food fresher.

Medical treatment is almost zero inside.

Thai prisoners are forced into labour (unless they pay) which is hard on the body and without simple safety gear. The 'wage' is often the only money a prisoner will get if they do not have family to support them. Foreigners are exempt from labour.

The visitors area is very pleasant on the outside - air con and with twee lawns. It is not like that inside of course.

The womens prison is considerably worse. They must buy everything, even soap. The water is very bad. There are NO WALLS, only barred cages. The women get 'paid' almost nothing, and must buy everything for themselves. Many of them are there due to their husbands, and many hill tribe women who have been ousted from valuable land. Often the hill tribe women are not Thai citizens even though they are born here. They are offered cash to carry drugs, and then handed to the authorities, while the real drugs go through unhindered. They never stood a chance.

The prisons are however, very safe. If one is not stupid the guards are friendly and helpful (still taking a percentage tough). There is no male rape. Most prisoners from the US refuse transfer back home as the US prisons are far worse (though they vary between states). Such prisons are not safe, and do not allow such freedom inside. British prisoners also feel max security prisons are worse in the UK, but do not transfer due to the UK government insisting they serve half their sentence - often 40 years. All other government in the civilised world will re-sentence according to thier own yardsticks, and release quietly.

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HHHhhhmmm, I think your research is somewhat lacking.

I can't think of of an analogy so I won't bother but, do you really think looking at a jail from the outside gives an informed impression of the interior.!

Read Forget you had a Daughter by Sandra Gregory. Her account of the female part of The Bangkok Hilton, "Lard Yao" from the inside.

If that doesn't change your mind then perhaps a spot of bother in town may see you get some quality time weighing up how bad it isn't....!


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It is not that bad as prisons go. But there is no air-con or tv. Trust me on that.

Until last year it was 35 to a cell - that means you cannot even stretch your arms out to the side. However you could pay and get it reduced to 15 or so to a cell. Now a LOT of prisoners got moved out ahead of UN inspections, and it has remained much improved. Still 20 to a cell though, with a lot of corridors used as cells.

Prisoners get a lot of free time, and move about a fairly large compound where they can exercise and do Thai boxing and the like. But there are no entertainments. Boredom is one of the main complaints there. Thus prisoners appreciate old books that you can donate, especially educational ones. Be aware that printed material takes up to 6 months to pass through, and nothing with pictures of women will pass.

Food is the other big complaint. The prison food is only fish head stew. You have to buy your own food other than that. There is a prison shop but the prices are inflated, and if you deposit money to a prisoner the guards take 10%.  You can take food in, most kinds pass through ok. Fresh fruit and veg is most appreciated. The prisoners can store food (they never used to be able) and can buy ice to run cooler bins to keep food fresher.

Medical treatment is almost zero inside.

Thai prisoners are forced into labour (unless they pay) which is hard on the body and without simple safety gear. The 'wage' is often the only money a prisoner will get if they do not have family to support them. Foreigners are exempt from labour.

The visitors area is very pleasant on the outside - air con and with twee lawns. It is not like that inside of course.

The womens prison is considerably worse. They must buy everything, even soap. The water is very bad. There are NO WALLS, only barred cages. The women get 'paid' almost nothing, and must buy everything for themselves. Many of them are there due to their husbands, and many hill tribe women who have been ousted from valuable land. Often the hill tribe women are not Thai citizens even though they are born here. They are offered cash to carry drugs, and then handed to the authorities, while the real drugs go through unhindered. They never stood a chance.

The prisons are however, very safe. If one is not stupid the guards are friendly and helpful (still taking a percentage tough). There is no male rape. Most prisoners from the US refuse transfer back home as the US prisons are far worse (though they vary between states). Such prisons are not safe, and do not allow such freedom inside. British prisoners also feel max security prisons are worse in the UK, but do not transfer due to the UK government insisting they serve half their sentence - often 40 years. All other government in the civilised world will re-sentence according to thier own yardsticks, and release quietly.

Abandon, Great post, very accurate and certainly more informed than the OP. :o

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I must disagree with most here and agree with the OP. I did a search for "Bangkok Hilton" and upon viewing photos of the prison dining hall and the prison recreation area, it seems like a very nice place, actually.



Does anyone know if they have high and low season rates?

Edited by sriracha john
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I was gonna give you an extract from thr book. The Damage Done. But there is so many. READ the book. Thats all i can say.No one deserves the things that happened in that prison.

Don't read that book - Fellows deserved everything he got. He was scum and is now making heaps off that book. I can think of many other people who could do with the money more.

I saw Bangkok Hilton movie - it was very good but a bit far-fetched.

I've been in the Hilton and it is terrible, as it should be.

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When i tell people i travel a lot to Thailand,some mention Thailands jails and about the famous aussies that use to be there.I dont recall the 3 guys who were there in the late 70 s as i was only a kid but one was apparently a famous sydney footballer. Anyway my point is i have been to see the infamous Bangkok hilton aka Bang Kwang from the outside and it doesnt seem to be bad looking.I noticed the sky TV aerial ,air conditioning units from the roofs etc.The prison officers all seem to have nice cars and are well dressed in their uniforms.

I dont think its as bad as the media make out.I think the jails in Indonesia would be a lot worser. I think this myth gives Thailand a bad name along with movies made such as "The Bangkok Hilton" and a few others.

Anyone seen that aussie movie "the bangkok Hilton"?

:o So this is what you noticed huh........

If you have some spare money you could bribe one of the guards "with the nice cars" to let you spend a few nights.....

One question: Where do you think they got the money for the nice cars on a salary that's less than 10,000 Baht a month????? :D

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When i tell people i travel a lot to Thailand,some mention Thailands jails and about the famous aussies that use to be there.I dont recall the 3 guys who were there in the late 70 s as i was only a kid but one was apparently a famous sydney footballer. Anyway my point is i have been to see the infamous Bangkok hilton aka Bang Kwang from the outside and it doesnt seem to be bad looking.I noticed the sky TV aerial ,air conditioning units from the roofs etc.The prison officers all seem to have nice cars and are well dressed in their uniforms.

I dont think its as bad as the media make out.I think the jails in Indonesia would be a lot worser. I think this myth gives Thailand a bad name along with movies made such as "The Bangkok Hilton" and a few others.

Anyone seen that aussie movie "the bangkok Hilton"?

Billy is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He has a notoriety here for articulating crap ideas. :o

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When i tell people i travel a lot to Thailand,some mention Thailands jails and about the famous aussies that use to be there.I dont recall the 3 guys who were there in the late 70 s as i was only a kid but one was apparently a famous sydney footballer. Anyway my point is i have been to see the infamous Bangkok hilton aka Bang Kwang from the outside and it doesnt seem to be bad looking.I noticed the sky TV aerial ,air conditioning units from the roofs etc.The prison officers all seem to have nice cars and are well dressed in their uniforms.

I dont think its as bad as the media make out.I think the jails in Indonesia would be a lot worser. I think this myth gives Thailand a bad name along with movies made such as "The Bangkok Hilton" and a few others.

Anyone seen that aussie movie "the bangkok Hilton"?

Billy is not the sharpest tool in the shed. He has a notoriety here for articulating crap ideas. :D

:o Doc,

I think Ol Billy needs a trip to the Bang Kwang or better yet he should go visit the jails in Colombia....Average weekend murder rate of about 35-50 poor souls.

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I've got a copy of the BBC documentery on the place and it certainly dosn't look too appealing. Bear in mind that this will almost definitely have been heavily censored and sanitised for viewing.

An aquaintance has just finished his third or fourth year of a 99 year stretch. Judging by some of his letters, I don't think the stay is proving beneficial for his mental health.

The OP must be on a wind up.

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I have read Fellow's book and I must say that it sounded like a "Living hel_l" in there.

They have probably improved conditions somewhat, but I certainly agree that there must have been a big "Clean up" for the BBC Documentary. It was a "Chalk and Cheese" difference.

I suspect those interviewed in the documentary had been prommissed "special treatment" if they said only good things. Why should things (the system) in prison than in any other political arena?

Thailand would obviously want to put on a "Good Show" for the outside world, yet the country's human rights record is appalling from what I have been led to believe.

I saw the prison from the outside......it looked forboding.. and there did not seem to be any dickie birds around... strage that!


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I must disagree with most here and agree with the OP. I did a search for "Bangkok Hilton" and upon viewing photos of the prison dining hall and the prison recreation area, it seems like a very nice place, actually.



Does anyone know if they have high and low season rates?


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The original post is a typical troll post.  Trolls often post something which contains an obvious miscalculation or obvious oversite or error.....then they get to watch people get all upset over it....strange but true.

You may be right Chonwah, but I think that Abandon's post gave us an insight into what it's like in Thai Prisons that we can actually beleive as factual.

I thought his post was excellent

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The original post is a typical troll post.  Trolls often post something which contains an obvious miscalculation or obvious oversite or error.....then they get to watch people get all upset over it....strange but true.

You may be right Chonwah, but I think that Abandon's post gave us an insight into what it's like in Thai Prisons that we can actually beleive as factual.

I thought his post was excellent

I agree. I think its an interesting topic....troll posts do not always create bad discussions. I'm not nearly as judgemental about trollism as some TV members seem to be. I guess I made my comment in the hopes that it would reduce overall flaming of trolls since its the flame that comes after a troll post that is really the problem. I had good intentions but probably accomplished nothing....life as usual!!!

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