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Se Asian Kids Are Loosing Their Eye Sight


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according to this story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-17942181 SE Asian kids are loosing their eye sight because they spend too much time in class rooms and not enough outside in the day light.

i think that's BS myself, my kid has about 1 hour outside at lunch time and outside time in the morning and evening too. i think she has far more exposure to sunlight than i ever did growing up in dreary england. i don't know how the authors of this article figured out '"They've gone from something like 20% myopia in the population to well over 80%, heading for 90% in young adults,'

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I have a few friends with teens and their eye sight is shit, the reason the optometrist gave was that they ride these motor bikes with no eye protection. Small particulate is constantly bombarding their eyes and slowly damaging them. My girlfriend actually has what she calls "air bubbles" under her eyes and sure enough on both eyes on the white are there 2 noticeable bumps, she says its from driving motor bikes at high speed constantly.

Lack of sun makes zero sense at all for damaging the eyes and saying that SEA kids study all day and night, what kids did they observe? I know many 6-15 year olds through their parents and I can say with almost certainty that unless all the times i visited little chinjung was in the bathroom cramming some chem textbook, ive never seen a SEA study any harder than I did when i was in school.

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