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Cia Thwarts Al-Qaeda Plot To Bomb U.S.-Bound Airliner


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CIA thwarts al-Qaeda plot to bomb U.S.-bound airliner < br /> 2012-05-08 08:54:21 GMT+7 (ICT) WASHINGTON, D.C. (BNO NEWS) -- The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has thwarted a plot by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) to destroy a U.S.-bound airliner using an improved version of the so-called underwear bomb, U.S. officials confirmed on Monday.The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said it seized an improvised explosive device (IED) as a result of cooperation with security and intelligence partners overseas, although it gave no specific details. "The FBI currently has possession of the IED and is conducting technical and forensics analysis on it," the agency said.It is believed the explosive device was seized during a recent operation in Yemen after U.S. intelligence officials first learned of the plot in April. Officials described the bomb as similar to the one used by 23-year-old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab when he attempted to destroy Northwest Airlines Flight 253 as it approached Detroit in December 2009. But the latest device is believed to have a better detonation system, which failed in the 2009 attempt."Initial exploitation indicates that the device is very similar to IEDs that have been used previously by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in attempted terrorist attacks, including against aircraft and for targeted assassinations," the FBI said in its statement, giving no specific details. Some press reports described the new device as 'undetectable' by security technology currently used at airports.The announcement of the plot comes just a day after a U.S. drone strike killed senior al-Qaeda operative Fahd Mohammed Ahmed al-Quso in southeast Yemen. While it was not immediately clear if the airstrike was connected to the CIA operation to thwart the plot, al-Quso was also involved in the attempted plane bombing in 2009.Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council (NSC) at the White House, said President Barack Obama was first informed about the plot in April by his Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor John Brennan. "He has received regular updates and briefings as needed from his national security team," she said.Hayden said the disruption of the bomb plot underscores the necessity of remaining vigilant against terrorism in the United States and abroad. "While the President was assured that the device did not pose a threat to the public, he directed the Department of Homeland Security and law enforcement and intelligence agencies to take whatever steps necessary to guard against this type of attack," she added.Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which has orchestrated high-profile attacks since 2009, is based primarily in the tribal areas outside of the Yemeni capital city Sanaa, which remain outside the control of the Yemeni government. But the United States and Yemen have been cooperating to combat the militants. tvn.png

-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-05-08

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"Hayden said the disruption of the bomb plot underscores the necessity of remaining vigilant against terrorism in the United States and abroad. "

Yes.. and should be used to justify the HUGE budgets of all security agencies, especially the CIA. (Which was made irrelevant by the end of Cold War and "lucked into" the war on terrorism.)

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Airport checks are a good thing, although I absolutly hate them, going down in a plane would be a lot worse. If I was sitting on a plane with a bunch of Arabs I would feel a lot better knowing the security was tight.

A nessessary evil in this day and age

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Airport checks are a good thing, although I absolutly hate them, going down in a plane would be a lot worse. If I was sitting on a plane with a bunch of Arabs I would feel a lot better knowing the security was tight.

A nessessary evil in this day and age

Er, the intended victims are Americans and their allies so perhaps it's higher risk to have on board Americans, Aussies, Israelis and Brits?ermm.gif

Edited by doggie888888
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This story is complete and utter concocted crap. Funny how it is originating in the Yemen, and where do the CIA now need an unlimited budget to operate drones. The US has had a policy for many years of keeping it's population terrorized. In the 50's and 60's they got away with it, but in the electronic age it is utter sh*te, and most sensible people realize it. They take us all for bloody idiots. Perhaps a war with Iran is a mighty bit tricky at the moment (as they would fight back!!) so maybe as Obama needs a big crisis to get through the election , we will see an invasion of Yemen instead now. That would be a lot simpler and everyone can cheer rah rah rah!

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Well they did promise jobs wink.png

Who knew they would all be in the military or contractor firms serving the military & TSA type companies.

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This story is complete and utter concocted crap. Funny how it is originating in the Yemen, and where do the CIA now need an unlimited budget to operate drones. The US has had a policy for many years of keeping it's population terrorized. In the 50's and 60's they got away with it, but in the electronic age it is utter sh*te, and most sensible people realize it. They take us all for bloody idiots. Perhaps a war with Iran is a mighty bit tricky at the moment (as they would fight back!!) so maybe as Obama needs a big crisis to get through the election , we will see an invasion of Yemen instead now. That would be a lot simpler and everyone can cheer rah rah rah!

Talking of utter shiite, an invasion of the Yemen by the US is a likely as Steely Dan converting to Islam!!

If you take a look at the recent history of Yemen (North, South and "united") it makes Afghanistan look almost doable. Heavily armed, fractious and fractured tribes, a mix of Sunni & Shia, with plenty of recent combat experience, is likely to put off even the most gung-ho.

Drones make far more sense, especially in the late afternoon when the players are zonked out after a busy after-lunch session of chewing qat!

Edited by folium
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This story is complete and utter concocted crap. Funny how it is originating in the Yemen, and where do the CIA now need an unlimited budget to operate drones. The US has had a policy for many years of keeping it's population terrorized. In the 50's and 60's they got away with it, but in the electronic age it is utter sh*te, and most sensible people realize it. They take us all for bloody idiots. Perhaps a war with Iran is a mighty bit tricky at the moment (as they would fight back!!) so maybe as Obama needs a big crisis to get through the election , we will see an invasion of Yemen instead now. That would be a lot simpler and everyone can cheer rah rah rah!

Talking of utter shiite, an invasion of the Yemen by the US is a likely as Steely Dan converting to Islam!!

If you take a look at the recent history of Yemen (North, South and "united") it makes Afghanistan look almost doable. Heavily armed, fractious and fractured tribes, a mix of Sunni & Shia, with plenty of recent combat experience, is likely to put off even the most gung-ho.

Drones make far more sense, especially in the late afternoon when the players are zonked out after a busy after-lunch session of chewing qat!


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likely as Steely Dan converting to Islam!!

Would you take a Cat Stevens as a replacement? laugh.png

It's almost worth doing to shut you lot up, but would they take an atheist Jew, I believe even Islam has some standards.

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likely as Steely Dan converting to Islam!!

Would you take a Cat Stevens as a replacement? laugh.png

It's almost worth doing to shut you lot up, but would they take an atheist Jew, I believe even Islam has some standards.

Bismillah, he is the most merciful even for you Cat. So the day the US invade Yemen you become Yusuf Islam to emulate your new role model/handle!! Is that a deal?

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This story is complete and utter concocted crap. Funny how it is originating in the Yemen, and where do the CIA now need an unlimited budget to operate drones. The US has had a policy for many years of keeping it's population terrorized. In the 50's and 60's they got away with it, but in the electronic age it is utter sh*te, and most sensible people realize it. They take us all for bloody idiots. Perhaps a war with Iran is a mighty bit tricky at the moment (as they would fight back!!) so maybe as Obama needs a big crisis to get through the election , we will see an invasion of Yemen instead now. That would be a lot simpler and everyone can cheer rah rah rah!

Unlike the location of other recent invasions, Yemen is nicely situated at the mouth of the Red Sea, the northern part of the Gulf of Aden with oil-rich Saudi Arabia to the north. Yemen would make a great base for dealing with the Somlia pirates and location for a new pipeline for Saudi Oil.

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This story is complete and utter concocted crap. Funny how it is originating in the Yemen, and where do the CIA now need an unlimited budget to operate drones. The US has had a policy for many years of keeping it's population terrorized. In the 50's and 60's they got away with it, but in the electronic age it is utter sh*te, and most sensible people realize it. They take us all for bloody idiots. Perhaps a war with Iran is a mighty bit tricky at the moment (as they would fight back!!) so maybe as Obama needs a big crisis to get through the election , we will see an invasion of Yemen instead now. That would be a lot simpler and everyone can cheer rah rah rah!

Unlike the location of other recent invasions, Yemen is nicely situated at the mouth of the Red Sea, the northern part of the Gulf of Aden with oil-rich Saudi Arabia to the north. Yemen would make a great base for dealing with the Somlia pirates and location for a new pipeline for Saudi Oil.

Check out the map below. Yemen is on the wrong side of the Arabian peninsula for access to the Saudi oilfields. Yemen's strategic value peaked in the 19th century when the Brits seized Aden to act as a base against local pirates (!!) and later as a coaling station for India-bound ships.

Djibouti, being quietly French controlled, makes a great base for the area, a secure place to fly drones out of and for coordination of anti-piracy patrols.

Yemen has only scraps of oil and some gas, is dirt poor and is basically one seriously messed-up place.

Dan/Cat and Colin will convert to Islam before the US invades Yemen!!


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This story is complete and utter concocted crap. Funny how it is originating in the Yemen, and where do the CIA now need an unlimited budget to operate drones. The US has had a policy for many years of keeping it's population terrorized. In the 50's and 60's they got away with it, but in the electronic age it is utter sh*te, and most sensible people realize it. They take us all for bloody idiots. Perhaps a war with Iran is a mighty bit tricky at the moment (as they would fight back!!) so maybe as Obama needs a big crisis to get through the election , we will see an invasion of Yemen instead now. That would be a lot simpler and everyone can cheer rah rah rah!

Unlike the location of other recent invasions, Yemen is nicely situated at the mouth of the Red Sea, the northern part of the Gulf of Aden with oil-rich Saudi Arabia to the north. Yemen would make a great base for dealing with the Somlia pirates and location for a new pipeline for Saudi Oil.

Check out the map below. Yemen is on the wrong side of the Arabian peninsula for access to the Saudi oilfields. Yemen's strategic value peaked in the 19th century when the Brits seized Aden to act as a base against local pirates (!!) and later as a coaling station for India-bound ships.

Djibouti, being quietly French controlled, makes a great base for the area, a secure place to fly drones out of and for coordination of anti-piracy patrols.

Yemen has only scraps of oil and some gas, is dirt poor and is basically one seriously messed-up place.

Dan/Cat and Colin will convert to Islam before the US invades Yemen!!


And is and always be the asshol_e of the world...........Aden a horrible place.

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Quick update, on an EU national newspaper, the bomber real ID has been revealed as a CIA agent....surprise surprise! laugh.png

weren't they all? :lol:

I remember reading about the underwear guy seen by folks being escorted past security onto the plane.

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Quick update, on an EU national newspaper, the bomber real ID has been revealed as a CIA agent....surprise surprise! laugh.png

weren't they all? laugh.png

I remember reading about the underwear guy seen by folks being escorted past security onto the plane.

And I remember reading Hans Christian Anderson.

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"With a few exceptions the only public figures who have had the courage to speak honestly about the threat Islam now poses to European society seem to be fascists, this does not bode well for the future of civilization. - Sam Harris"

Your quote here Steely Dan, not one of the best i have seen around.

The country that made of terrorism and war a way to dominate other countries for sure can't be defined as an Islam follower

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Actually had a look back & must admit....looking at dates & claims of Yemen etc....

Does make one say hmmmmmm


These eye witnesses are clearly Al Qaida agents, or self hating Americans! Are there any lengths the CIA and their Government won't go to in their attempts to keep people in a state of fear? Will be interesting to see their explanation for this one.
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So a CIA double agent is the 'son of the Underpant Bomber' (no Hollywood, that is my title for him, you can't use it for the movie). It is funny how people are arrested in the USA for disclosing the identities of undercover CIA agents (as their families are at risk as well), yet here we have the Government themselves issuing the story. Why? Why expose the double agent? Why expose to the rest of the world even the most generic details of the alleged underwear bomb? Why not do what the CIA and FBI and NSA do with every other bit of info they have and call it a state secret, a matter of national security? Why????..Because it is all complete and utter bolleux!

Is this the best they can come up with? If they want to smuggle a bomb on board they are not going to use an underpant bomb are they? If a drug smuggler can swallow 100 condoms filled with heroin, then he can swallow 100 condoms full of PE and stick a det packed with 8 more inches of PE up his ass. This is ALL done to keep the population terrorized, like the other underpant bomber, the liquids bomber (that was impossible) and the shoe bomber rolleyes.gif Why try and set light to PE in your shoes, which the average terrorist will know does not burn (and you certainly cannot get a primary reaction) when you can empty 1 liter or two of duty free vodka on your seat and light that no problem at all. They treat us like fools and sadly for the most part we not only welcome them in doing so, we actually play along. BS!!

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So a CIA double agent is the 'son of the Underpant Bomber' (no Hollywood, that is my title for him, you can't use it for the movie). It is funny how people are arrested in the USA for disclosing the identities of undercover CIA agents (as their families are at risk as well), yet here we have the Government themselves issuing the story. Why? Why expose the double agent? Why expose to the rest of the world even the most generic details of the alleged underwear bomb? Why not do what the CIA and FBI and NSA do with every other bit of info they have and call it a state secret, a matter of national security? Why????..Because it is all complete and utter bolleux!

Is this the best they can come up with? If they want to smuggle a bomb on board they are not going to use an underpant bomb are they? If a drug smuggler can swallow 100 condoms filled with heroin, then he can swallow 100 condoms full of PE and stick a det packed with 8 more inches of PE up his ass. This is ALL done to keep the population terrorized, like the other underpant bomber, the liquids bomber (that was impossible) and the shoe bomber rolleyes.gif Why try and set light to PE in your shoes, which the average terrorist will know does not burn (and you certainly cannot get a primary reaction) when you can empty 1 liter or two of duty free vodka on your seat and light that no problem at all. They treat us like fools and sadly for the most part we not only welcome them in doing so, we actually play along. BS!!

You must remember we have an incumbent President desperately running for reelection.

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So a CIA double agent is the 'son of the Underpant Bomber' (no Hollywood, that is my title for him, you can't use it for the movie). It is funny how people are arrested in the USA for disclosing the identities of undercover CIA agents (as their families are at risk as well), yet here we have the Government themselves issuing the story. Why? Why expose the double agent? Why expose to the rest of the world even the most generic details of the alleged underwear bomb? Why not do what the CIA and FBI and NSA do with every other bit of info they have and call it a state secret, a matter of national security? Why????..Because it is all complete and utter bolleux!

Is this the best they can come up with? If they want to smuggle a bomb on board they are not going to use an underpant bomb are they? If a drug smuggler can swallow 100 condoms filled with heroin, then he can swallow 100 condoms full of PE and stick a det packed with 8 more inches of PE up his ass. This is ALL done to keep the population terrorized, like the other underpant bomber, the liquids bomber (that was impossible) and the shoe bomber rolleyes.gif Why try and set light to PE in your shoes, which the average terrorist will know does not burn (and you certainly cannot get a primary reaction) when you can empty 1 liter or two of duty free vodka on your seat and light that no problem at all. They treat us like fools and sadly for the most part we not only welcome them in doing so, we actually play along. BS!!

You must remember we have an incumbent President desperately running for reelection.

I know chukd. These oxygen thieves will stop at nothing nor can they stoop low enough to secure a vote. A pox on them all!

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This is getting very weird indeed. Two days ago we had Obama hailing 'our incredible security services', for foiling a dastardly Al Qaida plot to blow up an aeroplane with an underpants bomb. Now it turns out that the bomber is an employee of the US government. Whisked aboard the plane, bypassing passport and immigration checks, by these same CIA / FBI 'incredible security services', then arrested in a fanfare of publicity. The whole thing planned and carried out by the CIA, in order to justify their existence, and their budget, not to mention their desire to step up operations in Yemen. Why on earth would any right minded person believe anything they say anymore? I mean, really, fabricating terrorist threats and expecting us all to be frightened. In an earlier post Steely Dan suggested it was a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale to believe that the 'incredible security services' could be capable of this kind of thing. Well, it might be wise for the CIA, FBI, Obama and the rest of them to educate themselves by reading some Hans Christian Anderson themselves, paying particular attention to the moral of the story about the boy who cried wolf! American tax payers must be really thrilled that their hard earned dollars are being spent so wisely! Just as an afterthought, maybe this could all be a plot by the CIA to humiliate air travellers even more than they do already by making us stand in line at immigration and passport control with our underpants outside our trousers, like Batman and Superman!

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There was actually a time when an intelligence agent working for the main agencies had to actually "be intelligent" to perform the duties assigned to them. Today's agent seems to have been dumbed down to a point that none of us ever imagined. We are hiring people who are not all that smart and some very dumb ideas have surfaced that are actually quite sad. This process seems to be well into a second generation of these people who are now performing the management process with a bunch of second rate agents trying to keep step in the formation.

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