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PM Yingluck Expects Goods Prices To Fall Within Few Months


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Harry Truman bankrupt habadasher

Ronald Reagan was an actor.

Jack Kemp didn't do bad for a football player.

In your odious rebuttal I notice you didn't mention Blair. Is Miss Y better than Blair?

Please do not denigrate Harry Truman with a comparison to the PM of Thailand.

For all of his faults, Mr. Truman remained a man of the people and carried his own "grips".

You are of course correct she has not dropped an atomic bomb on anyone yet. But seriously my only comparison was in the area the other poster mentioned and that was did background prepare a person to be a politician. Truman was ill prepared if one looks only at his background.

No I bloody didn't. My post was about public service and achievements - and Truman served 10 years as a senator before becoming vice-president which qualifies him a dam_n sight more than this PM

Don't get all bloody on me. All I said is that Truman was a haberdasher before he was a politician. Everybody has to start somewhere. What about Blair? Thailand right now is in pretty good shape. If it is in spite of Miss Y they what are we talking about? This will probably go over most of your heads so don't feel bad not responding.

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No I bloody didn't. My post was about public service and achievements - and Truman served 10 years as a senator before becoming vice-president which qualifies him a dam_n sight more than this PM

Don't get all bloody on me. All I said is that Truman was a haberdasher before he was a politician. Everybody has to start somewhere. What about Blair? Thailand right now is in pretty good shape. If it is in spite of Miss Y they what are we talking about? This will probably go over most of your heads so don't feel bad not responding.

Don't misrepresent my posts. Everbody has to start somewhere, everybody else puts in the hard yards before getting to the top. Then they add to their past achievements - IF Yingluk manages a notable achievement it will be her first.

This might go over your head, but nepotism is not the ideal way to select a PM.

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No I bloody didn't. My post was about public service and achievements - and Truman served 10 years as a senator before becoming vice-president which qualifies him a dam_n sight more than this PM

Don't get all bloody on me. All I said is that Truman was a haberdasher before he was a politician. Everybody has to start somewhere. What about Blair? Thailand right now is in pretty good shape. If it is in spite of Miss Y they what are we talking about? This will probably go over most of your heads so don't feel bad not responding.

Don't misrepresent my posts. Everbody has to start somewhere, everybody else puts in the hard yards before getting to the top. Then they add to their past achievements - IF Yingluk manages a notable achievement it will be her first.

This might go over your head, but nepotism is not the ideal way to select a PM.

So you have faith in the Thai electorate? You want fair elections? They want the square faced guy back!

Don't be silly. You are an elitist who somehow thinks he knows what is good for Thailand.

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No I bloody didn't. My post was about public service and achievements - and Truman served 10 years as a senator before becoming vice-president which qualifies him a dam_n sight more than this PM

Don't get all bloody on me. All I said is that Truman was a haberdasher before he was a politician. Everybody has to start somewhere. What about Blair? Thailand right now is in pretty good shape. If it is in spite of Miss Y they what are we talking about? This will probably go over most of your heads so don't feel bad not responding.

Don't misrepresent my posts. Everbody has to start somewhere, everybody else puts in the hard yards before getting to the top. Then they add to their past achievements - IF Yingluk manages a notable achievement it will be her first.

This might go over your head, but nepotism is not the ideal way to select a PM.

So you have faith in the Thai electorate? You want fair elections? They want the square faced guy back!

Don't be silly. You are an elitist who somehow thinks he knows what is good for Thailand.

Quick, change the subject. Should we go back to off-topic and flaming? Sorry, I try not to respond to trolling.

Still no comment about Yingluk's biggest achievement - artificially inflating the price of the country's basic food? Does she expect THAT price to fall soon?

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Sorry to interupt your 2 ing and fro-ing, But this P.M. JOKE her left hand does not know what her right hand is doing. Her cabinet are the same. AND the worst crawlers and blood suckers. All happy to keep getting their perks, and yes maam no maam 3 bags full. Good Idea for them to agree to have all the government go to Kenya out the bleeding way before Thailand becomes bangkrupt.

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I read the original article and first of all the headline is a distortion of content of the article.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Wednesday that prices of several items have been rising due to numerous factors.

The prime minister also expects that certain goods, particularly farm products, will see their prices adjusted down by market mechanism.

She affirmed that not everything is more expensive as prices of some goods have come down or will likely fall soon.

None of the posts that follow specifically address any of what the PM said. I guess my challenge would be (I know this is odd on Thai Visa) to address the OP without involving the PM's personality in the discussion. Tough one eh? Ya I know. I feel for you fellows.

Edited by kerryk
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I read the original article and first of all the headline is a distortion of content of the article.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Wednesday that prices of several items have been rising due to numerous factors.

The prime minister also expects that certain goods, particularly farm products, will see their prices adjusted down by market mechanism.

She affirmed that not everything is more expensive as prices of some goods have come down or will likely fall soon.

None of the posts that follow specifically address any of what the PM said. I guess my challenge would be (I know this is odd on Thai Visa) to address the OP without involving the PM's personality in the discussion. Tough one eh? Ya I know. I feel for you fellows.

weasel: meaning and definitions — Infoplease.com

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weasel: Definition and Pronunciation. ... 1. to evade an obligation, duty, or the like; renege (often fol. by out): That's one invitation I'd like to weasel out of.

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I understand what you are saying. She is a pretty woman, in power, rich brother and you can't tell her what to do. She can do any darn dumb thing she likes and answers to no one except the Thai electorate who sell their votes to the highest bidder in this case her.

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i would love to hear her lecture on economics.

wages are up, cost of goods are up, petrol is up but prices will fallblink.png

what university did she attend?

She attended a second class university which caters to those not able to get into one of the top tier universities but still wanting an education and a future - perfect for someone that is coming up the ranks to build a future, but not really suitable for someone coming from a financially and politically influential tyrannical clan. This has caused some to question what the reason for this selection of university was made, rather than something like Harvard in terms of her degree (economics if I recall, which Harvard excels at).

The laws of economics state that price equals demand, and that as demand falls so shall price. This can be negated by supply, of which supply equals price, and as supply falls so shall prices increase. So, Yingluck (and therefore the whole government) are stating that they are expecting either supply increases, or demand decreases to influence price - or that they intend on enforcing a price maximum (the maximum price of which the government will allow its' citizens to pay for a product or service). Price maximums rarely work in the current world environment, as black markets are quickly established to cover the shortfall in supply, until demand is completely or nearly completely satisfied.

It is very unlikely in my opinion (I spend most of my days analyzing economic, commodity and currency markets) that prices will fall, and if so, they will for a very short period of time. Consider her statement null and void - and a show of her lack of understanding of the subject of her degree from her second tier university.

I totally agree with your theory of how economy works, HOWEVER in reality in Thailand it works little different.

When demand drops, prices rise to cover the losses. This practice is seen across all markets from street vendor to large retail chains.

Retail chains though seem to use slightly different tactic, they first put up the price and then reduce it by the amount they raised initially.

Perfect example, few years back i bought Samsung washing machine (small one, i think 5 kg) price back then was 4500(sale)

Now same machine for some reason is 7000 baht and on sale for 6000

Back to topic :), so this is how business in Thailand make up for drop in demand, HOWEVER you now need to consider wage hike, say HomePro has something like 100 staff (do not ask why, as most just stand around) prior their salary's were 6200(minimum wage) now its 7200, spread it across 100 people and all over sudden you have a huge jump in salary company pays out, naturally forcing them to put up prices.

Anyhow, her "dream" is just unrealistic, but i do feel it was aimed at low classes, the ones who vote for the "family" they just keep promising, not delivering so promise something more and so on, little like a circle, and remain in power

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Some fruits will be cheaper when the right season comes and that's about it.

Elsewhere the manufacturers are already making plans for price increases a few months form now because current prices simply can't be sustained. Some think they can keep domestic prices at the same level while increasing prices for export, like TUF, frozen shrimp and tuna company. Others don't have that option and govt price controls will eventually give in.

No one in this climate will reduce the prices, there's simply no reason - demand is high, cost of production rises everyday and everyone else is putting the prices up. There's simply no benefit in reducing the prices.

And then there's rice which the government WANTS to be expensive to help out the farmers.

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I read the original article and first of all the headline is a distortion of content of the article.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Wednesday that prices of several items have been rising due to numerous factors.

The prime minister also expects that certain goods, particularly farm products, will see their prices adjusted down by market mechanism.

She affirmed that not everything is more expensive as prices of some goods have come down or will likely fall soon.

None of the posts that follow specifically address any of what the PM said. I guess my challenge would be (I know this is odd on Thai Visa) to address the OP without involving the PM's personality in the discussion. Tough one eh? Ya I know. I feel for you fellows.

Does my post #14 count ?

"Market Mechanism? That's why the government is pushing food fairs, price pledging, etc.?

Now tell me, who's confused here


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I read the original article and first of all the headline is a distortion of content of the article.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Wednesday that prices of several items have been rising due to numerous factors.

The prime minister also expects that certain goods, particularly farm products, will see their prices adjusted down by market mechanism.

She affirmed that not everything is more expensive as prices of some goods have come down or will likely fall soon.

None of the posts that follow specifically address any of what the PM said. I guess my challenge would be (I know this is odd on Thai Visa) to address the OP without involving the PM's personality in the discussion. Tough one eh? Ya I know. I feel for you fellows.

People aren't questioning the lovely Ms Yingluck's personality. She is charming.

It's her qualification to be a credible Prime Minister that's in question.

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I read the original article and first of all the headline is a distortion of content of the article.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Wednesday that prices of several items have been rising due to numerous factors.

The prime minister also expects that certain goods, particularly farm products, will see their prices adjusted down by market mechanism.

She affirmed that not everything is more expensive as prices of some goods have come down or will likely fall soon.

None of the posts that follow specifically address any of what the PM said. I guess my challenge would be (I know this is odd on Thai Visa) to address the OP without involving the PM's personality in the discussion. Tough one eh? Ya I know. I feel for you fellows.

People aren't questioning the lovely Ms Yingluck's personality. She is charming.

It's her qualification to be a credible Prime Minister that's in question.

i do not think its even her qualifications that is in question, its the statements that she makes. i wonder if she herself believes in it?!

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I read the original article and first of all the headline is a distortion of content of the article.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Wednesday that prices of several items have been rising due to numerous factors.

The prime minister also expects that certain goods, particularly farm products, will see their prices adjusted down by market mechanism.

She affirmed that not everything is more expensive as prices of some goods have come down or will likely fall soon.

None of the posts that follow specifically address any of what the PM said. I guess my challenge would be (I know this is odd on Thai Visa) to address the OP without involving the PM's personality in the discussion. Tough one eh? Ya I know. I feel for you fellows.

People aren't questioning the lovely Ms Yingluck's personality. She is charming.

It's her qualification to be a credible Prime Minister that's in question.

Did you read the posts on the first page comparing her to Miss Piggy? Do you really think people find Miss Piggy lovely and charming? And why pray tell would you be concerned about her qualifications to be a credible Prime Minister. She is the Prime Minister.

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I read the original article and first of all the headline is a distortion of content of the article.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Wednesday that prices of several items have been rising due to numerous factors.

The prime minister also expects that certain goods, particularly farm products, will see their prices adjusted down by market mechanism.

She affirmed that not everything is more expensive as prices of some goods have come down or will likely fall soon.

None of the posts that follow specifically address any of what the PM said. I guess my challenge would be (I know this is odd on Thai Visa) to address the OP without involving the PM's personality in the discussion. Tough one eh? Ya I know. I feel for you fellows.

People aren't questioning the lovely Ms Yingluck's personality. She is charming.

It's her qualification to be a credible Prime Minister that's in question.

i do not think its even her qualifications that is in question, its the statements that she makes. i wonder if she herself believes in it?!

You believe the drop out brokers posting in this thread? You really want me to start posting charts of commodities that have gone down in price? Tin, Rice,Palm oil, Copper, Cocoa, Oil. Not everyone is ill informed.

Edited by kerryk
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No I bloody didn't. My post was about public service and achievements - and Truman served 10 years as a senator before becoming vice-president which qualifies him a dam_n sight more than this PM

Don't get all bloody on me. All I said is that Truman was a haberdasher before he was a politician. Everybody has to start somewhere. What about Blair? Thailand right now is in pretty good shape. If it is in spite of Miss Y they what are we talking about? This will probably go over most of your heads so don't feel bad not responding.

Don't misrepresent my posts. Everbody has to start somewhere, everybody else puts in the hard yards before getting to the top. Then they add to their past achievements - IF Yingluk manages a notable achievement it will be her first.

This might go over your head, but nepotism is not the ideal way to select a PM.

So you have faith in the Thai electorate? You want fair elections? They want the square faced guy back!

Don't be silly. You are an elitist who somehow thinks he knows what is good for Thailand.

Cargaryll is it you are you back on TV?

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Don't get all bloody on me. All I said is that Truman was a haberdasher before he was a politician. Everybody has to start somewhere. What about Blair? Thailand right now is in pretty good shape. If it is in spite of Miss Y they what are we talking about? This will probably go over most of your heads so don't feel bad not responding.

Don't misrepresent my posts. Everbody has to start somewhere, everybody else puts in the hard yards before getting to the top. Then they add to their past achievements - IF Yingluk manages a notable achievement it will be her first.

This might go over your head, but nepotism is not the ideal way to select a PM.

So you have faith in the Thai electorate? You want fair elections? They want the square faced guy back!

Don't be silly. You are an elitist who somehow thinks he knows what is good for Thailand.

Cargaryll is it you are you back on TV?

Don't know who that is but if you check my profile you will find I have been here for about 7 years.

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I read the original article and first of all the headline is a distortion of content of the article.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Wednesday that prices of several items have been rising due to numerous factors.

The prime minister also expects that certain goods, particularly farm products, will see their prices adjusted down by market mechanism.

She affirmed that not everything is more expensive as prices of some goods have come down or will likely fall soon.

None of the posts that follow specifically address any of what the PM said. I guess my challenge would be (I know this is odd on Thai Visa) to address the OP without involving the PM's personality in the discussion. Tough one eh? Ya I know. I feel for you fellows.

Does my post #14 count ?

"Market Mechanism? That's why the government is pushing food fairs, price pledging, etc.?

Now tell me, who's confused here


I take it you don't know what a market mechanism is.

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Some fruits will be cheaper when the right season comes and that's about it.

Elsewhere the manufacturers are already making plans for price increases a few months form now because current prices simply can't be sustained. Some think they can keep domestic prices at the same level while increasing prices for export, like TUF, frozen shrimp and tuna company. Others don't have that option and govt price controls will eventually give in.

No one in this climate will reduce the prices, there's simply no reason - demand is high, cost of production rises everyday and everyone else is putting the prices up. There's simply no benefit in reducing the prices.

And then there's rice which the government WANTS to be expensive to help out the farmers.

You might want to check these to see how many are down and how many are up.

Energy: Coal, Australia | Crude oil, Brent | Crude oil, Dubai | Crude oil, avg, spot | Crude oil, West Texas Int. | Natural gas LNG, Japan | Natural gas, Europe | Natural gas Index | Natural gas, US


DAP | Phosphate rock | Pottasium chloride | TSP | Urea, E. Europe, bulk

Metals and Minerals

Aluminum | Copper | Gold | Iron ore | Iron ore (China) | Lead | Nickel | Silver | Steel cr coilsheet | Steel hr coilsheet | Steel products (8) index | Steel, rebar | Steel wire rod | Tin | Zinc

Non Energy Commodities / Agriculture / Beverages:

Cocoa | Coffee, Arabica | Coffee, robusta | Tea, auctions (3), average | Tea, Colombo auctions | Tea, Kolkata auctions | Tea, Mombasa auctions

Non Energy Commodities / Food / Fats and oils

Coconut oil | Copra | Groundnut oil | Palm oil | Palmkernel oil | Soybeans | Soybean meal | Soybean oil

Non Energy Commodities / Food / Grains

Barley | Maize | Rice, Thailand, 5% | Rice, Thailand, 25% | Rice, Thailand, 35% | Rice,Thai, A1.Special | Rice, Vietnam, 5% | Sorghum | Wheat, Canada | Wheat, US, HRW | Wheat US SRW

Non Energy Commodities / Food / Other food

Bananas EU | Bananas US | Beef | Chicken meat | Fishmeal | Lamb | Oranges | Shrimp, Mexico | Sugar EU domestic | Sugar US domestic | Sugar, world

Raw Materials / Other

Cotton Memphis | Cotton A Index | Rubber, Singapore | Rubber TSR20, Singapore | Rubber, US

Raw Materials / Timber

Logs, Cameroon | Logs, Malaysia | Plywood | Sawnwood, Cameroon | Sawnwood, Malaysia | Woodpulp

World Bank commodity price indices

Agriculture Index | Beverages Index | Non-energy Commodities Index | Energy Index | Fats and Oils Index | Fertilizers Index | Food Index | Grains Index | Metals Index | Other raw materials index | Other food index | Raw Materials Index | Timber Index |

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Does my post #14 count ?

"Market Mechanism? That's why the government is pushing food fairs, price pledging, etc.?

Now tell me, who's confused here


I take it you don't know what a market mechanism is.

"Market mechanism is a term from economics referring to the use of money exchanged by buyers and sellers with an open and understood system of value and time trade offs to produce the best distribution of goods and services. The use of the market mechanism imply in a free market; there can be captive or controlled markets which seek to use supply and demand, or some other form of charging for scarcity, both in social situations and in engineering. This is a main term when it comes to marketing in economics.In this we have three types of economy free market economy,command or planned economy and mixed economy.In free market economy all the resources are allocated by private sector(Individuals,households and group of individuals), in planned economy all the resources are owned by the public sector(local and central govt) and in mixed economy the resources are owned by both private and public sector."


"The process by which a market solves a problem allocating resources, especially that of deciding how much of a good or service should be produced, but other such problems as well. The market mechanism is an alternative, for example, to having such decisions made by government."


"Means by which the forces of demand and supply determine prices and quantities of goods and services offered for sale in a free market."


More info on "Supply and Demand: The Market Mechanism"


Anything else I can help you with?

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Does my post #14 count ?

"Market Mechanism? That's why the government is pushing food fairs, price pledging, etc.?

Now tell me, who's confused here


I take it you don't know what a market mechanism is.

"Market mechanism is a term from economics referring to the use of money exchanged by buyers and sellers with an open and understood system of value and time trade offs to produce the best distribution of goods and services. The use of the market mechanism imply in a free market; there can be captive or controlled markets which seek to use supply and demand, or some other form of charging for scarcity, both in social situations and in engineering. This is a main term when it comes to marketing in economics.In this we have three types of economy free market economy,command or planned economy and mixed economy.In free market economy all the resources are allocated by private sector(Individuals,households and group of individuals), in planned economy all the resources are owned by the public sector(local and central govt) and in mixed economy the resources are owned by both private and public sector."


"The process by which a market solves a problem allocating resources, especially that of deciding how much of a good or service should be produced, but other such problems as well. The market mechanism is an alternative, for example, to having such decisions made by government."


"Means by which the forces of demand and supply determine prices and quantities of goods and services offered for sale in a free market."


More info on "Supply and Demand: The Market Mechanism"


Anything else I can help you with?

I take it then that you agree with the PM that rice will go up in price and some other commodities will come back down.

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Just for the fun of it, Market Distortion:

"In neoclassical economics, a market distortion is any event in which a market reaches a market clearing price for an item that is substantially different from the price that a market would achieve while operating under conditions of perfect competition and state enforcement of legal contracts and the ownership of private property."


"Market Distortion Meaning:

Where government regulation causes a price or prices in a market to be different from those that would otherwise be freely agreed upon.

Market Distortion Example:

Many governments subsidize agriculture. The idea is to protect farmers from the risks normally inherent in farming and thereby ensure that there is a strong farming sector that can provide plenty of cheap food. However, the subsidies distort the market and cause undesirable effects. For example, poorer countries generally find it very difficult to compete with the heavily subsidized crops of richer countries on the international market, and suffer as a result."


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I take it then that you agree with the PM that rice will go up in price and some other commodities will come back down.

I agree with the PM that it's just a misconception tongue.png

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I clicked several, including palm oil, fertilizers and some indexes at the bottom and I don't see your point - yes, commodities on the world market are lower than a couple of years ago but on all charts I've seen there's undeniable trend up since the end of last year - why would they drive Thailand's consumer prices down in the next couple of months?

Even if commodities themselves do drop down it would take a while for consumer goods to reflect that and there would be price increase first reflecting the current commodities surge, so what were you trying to say?

Do you read those charts alternatively? Do you see prices trending up on the right side of the charts but only compare current prices to 2008?

I think only today I've read that Saha and Siam Cement are going to increase prices in the next quarter - there goes your Mama and construction materials.

You might want to check these to see how many are down and how many are up.

Energy: Coal, Australia | Crude oil, Brent | Crude oil, Dubai | Crude oil, avg, spot | Crude oil, West Texas Int. | Natural gas LNG, Japan | Natural gas, Europe | Natural gas Index | Natural gas, US


DAP | Phosphate rock | Pottasium chloride | TSP | Urea, E. Europe, bulk

Metals and Minerals

Aluminum | Copper | Gold | Iron ore | Iron ore (China) | Lead | Nickel | Silver | Steel cr coilsheet | Steel hr coilsheet | Steel products (8) index | Steel, rebar | Steel wire rod | Tin | Zinc

Non Energy Commodities / Agriculture / Beverages:

Cocoa | Coffee, Arabica | Coffee, robusta | Tea, auctions (3), average | Tea, Colombo auctions | Tea, Kolkata auctions | Tea, Mombasa auctions

Non Energy Commodities / Food / Fats and oils

Coconut oil | Copra | Groundnut oil | Palm oil | Palmkernel oil | Soybeans | Soybean meal | Soybean oil

Non Energy Commodities / Food / Grains

Barley | Maize | Rice, Thailand, 5% | Rice, Thailand, 25% | Rice, Thailand, 35% | Rice,Thai, A1.Special | Rice, Vietnam, 5% | Sorghum | Wheat, Canada | Wheat, US, HRW | Wheat US SRW

Non Energy Commodities / Food / Other food

Bananas EU | Bananas US | Beef | Chicken meat | Fishmeal | Lamb | Oranges | Shrimp, Mexico | Sugar EU domestic | Sugar US domestic | Sugar, world

Raw Materials / Other

Cotton Memphis | Cotton A Index | Rubber, Singapore | Rubber TSR20, Singapore | Rubber, US

Raw Materials / Timber

Logs, Cameroon | Logs, Malaysia | Plywood | Sawnwood, Cameroon | Sawnwood, Malaysia | Woodpulp

World Bank commodity price indices

Agriculture Index | Beverages Index | Non-energy Commodities Index | Energy Index | Fats and Oils Index | Fertilizers Index | Food Index | Grains Index | Metals Index | Other raw materials index | Other food index | Raw Materials Index | Timber Index |

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Does my post #14 count ?

"Market Mechanism? That's why the government is pushing food fairs, price pledging, etc.?

Now tell me, who's confused here


I take it you don't know what a market mechanism is.

"Market mechanism is a term from economics referring to the use of money exchanged by buyers and sellers with an open and understood system of value and time trade offs to produce the best distribution of goods and services. The use of the market mechanism imply in a free market; there can be captive or controlled markets which seek to use supply and demand, or some other form of charging for scarcity, both in social situations and in engineering. This is a main term when it comes to marketing in economics.In this we have three types of economy free market economy,command or planned economy and mixed economy.In free market economy all the resources are allocated by private sector(Individuals,households and group of individuals), in planned economy all the resources are owned by the public sector(local and central govt) and in mixed economy the resources are owned by both private and public sector."


"The process by which a market solves a problem allocating resources, especially that of deciding how much of a good or service should be produced, but other such problems as well. The market mechanism is an alternative, for example, to having such decisions made by government."


"Means by which the forces of demand and supply determine prices and quantities of goods and services offered for sale in a free market."


More info on "Supply and Demand: The Market Mechanism"


Anything else I can help you with?

Good post, rubl. Thanksthumbsup.gif

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I take it then that you agree with the PM that rice will go up in price and some other commodities will come back down.

I agree with the PM that it's just a misconception tongue.png


You wrote in #75:

""You believe the drop out brokers posting in this thread? You really want me to start posting charts of commodities that have gone down in price? Tin, Rice,Palm oil, Copper, Cocoa, Oil. Not everyone is ill informed.""

So you don't believe the PM that rice will go up in price, or are you just confused about the 'market mechanism' ?

Edited by rubl
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I read the original article and first of all the headline is a distortion of content of the article.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra said on Wednesday that prices of several items have been rising due to numerous factors.

The prime minister also expects that certain goods, particularly farm products, will see their prices adjusted down by market mechanism.

She affirmed that not everything is more expensive as prices of some goods have come down or will likely fall soon.

None of the posts that follow specifically address any of what the PM said. I guess my challenge would be (I know this is odd on Thai Visa) to address the OP without involving the PM's personality in the discussion. Tough one eh? Ya I know. I feel for you fellows.

People aren't questioning the lovely Ms Yingluck's personality. She is charming.

It's her qualification to be a credible Prime Minister that's in question.

i do not think its even her qualifications that is in question, its the statements that she makes. i wonder if she herself believes in it?!

You believe the drop out brokers posting in this thread? You really want me to start posting charts of commodities that have gone down in price? Tin, Rice,Palm oil, Copper, Cocoa, Oil. Not everyone is ill informed.

Are you having some sort of brain spasm? The price of rice may have fallen in the rest of the world but NOT in Thailand where it has risen markedly as a direct result of the policies of the PM whose qualifications we are not fit to criticise.

As I remember it the PTP subsidy was intended to be max B15000 until she made an off the cuff statement at an election rally and increased it to B20000.

Get over your senile fetish for 40yo rich women, and consider a man in the job - he would be considered a failure in the making.

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